1458 lines
64 KiB
1458 lines
64 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from enum import Enum, unique
import logging
import json
import functools
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter, deque
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Set, Iterable, Union, Any, Tuple, TypedDict, Callable
import secrets
import random
import Options
import Utils
import NetUtils
class Group(TypedDict, total=False):
name: str
game: str
world: auto_world
players: Set[int]
item_pool: Set[str]
replacement_items: Dict[int, Optional[str]]
class MultiWorld():
debug_types = False
player_name: Dict[int, str]
_region_cache: Dict[int, Dict[str, Region]]
difficulty_requirements: dict
required_medallions: dict
dark_room_logic: Dict[int, str]
restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss: Dict[int, bool]
plando_texts: List[Dict[str, str]]
plando_items: List[List[Dict[str, Any]]]
plando_connections: List
worlds: Dict[int, Any]
groups: Dict[int, Group]
itempool: List[Item]
is_race: bool = False
precollected_items: Dict[int, List[Item]]
state: CollectionState
accessibility: Dict[int, Options.Accessibility]
local_items: Dict[int, Options.LocalItems]
non_local_items: Dict[int, Options.NonLocalItems]
progression_balancing: Dict[int, Options.ProgressionBalancing]
completion_condition: Dict[int, Callable[[CollectionState], bool]]
class AttributeProxy():
def __init__(self, rule):
self.rule = rule
def __getitem__(self, player) -> bool:
return self.rule(player)
def __init__(self, players: int):
self.random = random.Random() # world-local random state is saved for multiple generations running concurrently
self.players = players
self.player_types = {player: NetUtils.SlotType.player for player in self.player_ids}
self.glitch_triforce = False
self.algorithm = 'balanced'
self.dungeons: Dict[Tuple[str, int], Dungeon] = {}
self.groups = {}
self.regions = []
self.shops = []
self.itempool = []
self.seed = None
self.seed_name: str = "Unavailable"
self.precollected_items = {player: [] for player in self.player_ids}
self._cached_entrances = None
self._cached_locations = None
self._entrance_cache = {}
self._location_cache: Dict[Tuple[str, int], Location] = {}
self.required_locations = []
self.light_world_light_cone = False
self.dark_world_light_cone = False
self.rupoor_cost = 10
self.aga_randomness = True
self.lock_aga_door_in_escape = False
self.save_and_quit_from_boss = True
self.custom = False
self.customitemarray = []
self.shuffle_ganon = True
self.spoiler = Spoiler(self)
self.fix_trock_doors = self.AttributeProxy(
lambda player: self.shuffle[player] != 'vanilla' or self.mode[player] == 'inverted')
self.fix_skullwoods_exit = self.AttributeProxy(
lambda player: self.shuffle[player] not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple'])
self.fix_palaceofdarkness_exit = self.AttributeProxy(
lambda player: self.shuffle[player] not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple'])
self.fix_trock_exit = self.AttributeProxy(
lambda player: self.shuffle[player] not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple'])
for player in range(1, players + 1):
def set_player_attr(attr, val):
self.__dict__.setdefault(attr, {})[player] = val
set_player_attr('tech_tree_layout_prerequisites', {})
set_player_attr('_region_cache', {})
set_player_attr('shuffle', "vanilla")
set_player_attr('logic', "noglitches")
set_player_attr('mode', 'open')
set_player_attr('difficulty', 'normal')
set_player_attr('item_functionality', 'normal')
set_player_attr('timer', False)
set_player_attr('goal', 'ganon')
set_player_attr('required_medallions', ['Ether', 'Quake'])
set_player_attr('swamp_patch_required', False)
set_player_attr('powder_patch_required', False)
set_player_attr('ganon_at_pyramid', True)
set_player_attr('ganonstower_vanilla', True)
set_player_attr('can_access_trock_eyebridge', None)
set_player_attr('can_access_trock_front', None)
set_player_attr('can_access_trock_big_chest', None)
set_player_attr('can_access_trock_middle', None)
set_player_attr('fix_fake_world', True)
set_player_attr('difficulty_requirements', None)
set_player_attr('boss_shuffle', 'none')
set_player_attr('enemy_health', 'default')
set_player_attr('enemy_damage', 'default')
set_player_attr('beemizer_total_chance', 0)
set_player_attr('beemizer_trap_chance', 0)
set_player_attr('escape_assist', [])
set_player_attr('open_pyramid', False)
set_player_attr('treasure_hunt_icon', 'Triforce Piece')
set_player_attr('treasure_hunt_count', 0)
set_player_attr('clock_mode', False)
set_player_attr('countdown_start_time', 10)
set_player_attr('red_clock_time', -2)
set_player_attr('blue_clock_time', 2)
set_player_attr('green_clock_time', 4)
set_player_attr('can_take_damage', True)
set_player_attr('triforce_pieces_available', 30)
set_player_attr('triforce_pieces_required', 20)
set_player_attr('shop_shuffle', 'off')
set_player_attr('shuffle_prizes', "g")
set_player_attr('sprite_pool', [])
set_player_attr('dark_room_logic', "lamp")
set_player_attr('plando_items', [])
set_player_attr('plando_texts', {})
set_player_attr('plando_connections', [])
set_player_attr('game', "A Link to the Past")
set_player_attr('completion_condition', lambda state: True)
self.custom_data = {}
self.worlds = {}
self.slot_seeds = {}
def get_all_ids(self):
return self.player_ids + tuple(self.groups)
def add_group(self, name: str, game: str, players: Set[int] = frozenset()) -> Tuple[int, Group]:
"""Create a group with name and return the assigned player ID and group.
If a group of this name already exists, the set of players is extended instead of creating a new one."""
for group_id, group in self.groups.items():
if group["name"] == name:
group["players"] |= players
return group_id, group
new_id: int = self.players + len(self.groups) + 1
self.game[new_id] = game
self.custom_data[new_id] = {}
self.player_types[new_id] = NetUtils.SlotType.group
self._region_cache[new_id] = {}
world_type = AutoWorld.AutoWorldRegister.world_types[game]
for option_key, option in world_type.options.items():
getattr(self, option_key)[new_id] = option(option.default)
for option_key, option in Options.common_options.items():
getattr(self, option_key)[new_id] = option(option.default)
for option_key, option in Options.per_game_common_options.items():
getattr(self, option_key)[new_id] = option(option.default)
self.worlds[new_id] = world_type(self, new_id)
self.worlds[new_id].collect_item = classmethod(AutoWorld.World.collect_item).__get__(self.worlds[new_id])
self.player_name[new_id] = name
new_group = self.groups[new_id] = Group(name=name, game=game, players=players,
return new_id, new_group
def get_player_groups(self, player) -> Set[int]:
return {group_id for group_id, group in self.groups.items() if player in group["players"]}
def set_seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None, secure: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None):
self.seed = get_seed(seed)
if secure:
self.seed_name = name if name else str(self.seed)
self.slot_seeds = {player: random.Random(self.random.getrandbits(64)) for player in
range(1, self.players + 1)}
def set_options(self, args):
for option_key in Options.common_options:
setattr(self, option_key, getattr(args, option_key, {}))
for option_key in Options.per_game_common_options:
setattr(self, option_key, getattr(args, option_key, {}))
for player in self.player_ids:
self.custom_data[player] = {}
world_type = AutoWorld.AutoWorldRegister.world_types[self.game[player]]
for option_key in world_type.options:
setattr(self, option_key, getattr(args, option_key, {}))
self.worlds[player] = world_type(self, player)
def set_item_links(self):
item_links = {}
for player in self.player_ids:
for item_link in self.item_links[player].value:
if item_link["name"] in item_links:
if item_links[item_link["name"]]["game"] != self.game[player]:
raise Exception(f"Cannot ItemLink across games. Link: {item_link['name']}")
item_links[item_link["name"]]["players"][player] = item_link["replacement_item"]
item_links[item_link["name"]]["item_pool"] &= set(item_link["item_pool"])
if item_link["name"] in self.player_name.values():
raise Exception(f"Cannot name a ItemLink group the same as a player ({item_link['name']}) ({self.get_player_name(player)}).")
item_links[item_link["name"]] = {
"players": {player: item_link["replacement_item"]},
"item_pool": set(item_link["item_pool"]),
"game": self.game[player]
for name, item_link in item_links.items():
current_item_name_groups = AutoWorld.AutoWorldRegister.world_types[item_link["game"]].item_name_groups
pool = set()
for item in item_link["item_pool"]:
pool |= current_item_name_groups.get(item, {item})
item_link["item_pool"] = pool
for group_name, item_link in item_links.items():
game = item_link["game"]
group_id, group = self.add_group(group_name, game, set(item_link["players"]))
group["item_pool"] = item_link["item_pool"]
group["replacement_items"] = item_link["players"]
# intended for unittests
def set_default_common_options(self):
for option_key, option in Options.common_options.items():
setattr(self, option_key, {player_id: option(option.default) for player_id in self.player_ids})
for option_key, option in Options.per_game_common_options.items():
setattr(self, option_key, {player_id: option(option.default) for player_id in self.player_ids})
self.state = CollectionState(self)
def secure(self):
self.random = secrets.SystemRandom()
self.is_race = True
def player_ids(self):
return tuple(range(1, self.players + 1))
def get_game_players(self, game_name: str):
return tuple(player for player in self.player_ids if self.game[player] == game_name)
def get_game_worlds(self, game_name: str):
return tuple(world for player, world in self.worlds.items() if
player not in self.groups and self.game[player] == game_name)
def get_name_string_for_object(self, obj) -> str:
return obj.name if self.players == 1 else f'{obj.name} ({self.get_player_name(obj.player)})'
def get_player_name(self, player: int) -> str:
return self.player_name[player]
def get_file_safe_player_name(self, player: int) -> str:
return ''.join(c for c in self.get_player_name(player) if c not in '<>:"/\\|?*')
def initialize_regions(self, regions=None):
for region in regions if regions else self.regions:
region.world = self
self._region_cache[region.player][region.name] = region
def world_name_lookup(self):
return {self.player_name[player_id]: player_id for player_id in self.player_ids}
def _recache(self):
"""Rebuild world cache"""
self._cached_locations = None
for region in self.regions:
player = region.player
self._region_cache[player][region.name] = region
for exit in region.exits:
self._entrance_cache[exit.name, player] = exit
for r_location in region.locations:
self._location_cache[r_location.name, player] = r_location
def get_regions(self, player=None):
return self.regions if player is None else self._region_cache[player].values()
def get_region(self, regionname: str, player: int) -> Region:
return self._region_cache[player][regionname]
except KeyError:
return self._region_cache[player][regionname]
def get_entrance(self, entrance: str, player: int) -> Entrance:
return self._entrance_cache[entrance, player]
except KeyError:
return self._entrance_cache[entrance, player]
def get_location(self, location: str, player: int) -> Location:
return self._location_cache[location, player]
except KeyError:
return self._location_cache[location, player]
def get_dungeon(self, dungeonname: str, player: int) -> Dungeon:
return self.dungeons[dungeonname, player]
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('No such dungeon %s for player %d' % (dungeonname, player)) from e
def get_all_state(self, use_cache: bool) -> CollectionState:
cached = getattr(self, "_all_state", None)
if use_cache and cached:
return cached.copy()
ret = CollectionState(self)
for item in self.itempool:
self.worlds[item.player].collect(ret, item)
for player in self.player_ids:
subworld = self.worlds[player]
for item in subworld.get_pre_fill_items():
subworld.collect(ret, item)
if use_cache:
self._all_state = ret
return ret
def get_items(self) -> List[Item]:
return [loc.item for loc in self.get_filled_locations()] + self.itempool
def find_item_locations(self, item, player: int) -> List[Location]:
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if
location.item and location.item.name == item and location.item.player == player]
def find_item(self, item, player: int) -> Location:
return next(location for location in self.get_locations() if
location.item and location.item.name == item and location.item.player == player)
def find_items_in_locations(self, items: Set[str], player: int) -> List[Location]:
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if
location.item and location.item.name in items and location.item.player == player]
def create_item(self, item_name: str, player: int) -> Item:
return self.worlds[player].create_item(item_name)
def push_precollected(self, item: Item):
item.world = self
self.state.collect(item, True)
def push_item(self, location: Location, item: Item, collect: bool = True):
if not isinstance(location, Location):
raise RuntimeError(
'Cannot assign item %s to invalid location %s (player %d).' % (item, location, item.player))
if location.can_fill(self.state, item, False):
location.item = item
item.location = location
item.world = self # try to not have this here anymore
if collect:
self.state.collect(item, location.event, location)
logging.debug('Placed %s at %s', item, location)
raise RuntimeError('Cannot assign item %s to location %s.' % (item, location))
def get_entrances(self) -> List[Entrance]:
if self._cached_entrances is None:
self._cached_entrances = [entrance for region in self.regions for entrance in region.entrances]
return self._cached_entrances
def clear_entrance_cache(self):
self._cached_entrances = None
def get_locations(self) -> List[Location]:
if self._cached_locations is None:
self._cached_locations = [location for region in self.regions for location in region.locations]
return self._cached_locations
def clear_location_cache(self):
self._cached_locations = None
def get_unfilled_locations(self, player: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Location]:
if player is not None:
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if
location.player == player and not location.item]
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if not location.item]
def get_unfilled_dungeon_locations(self):
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if not location.item and location.parent_region.dungeon]
def get_filled_locations(self, player: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Location]:
if player is not None:
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if
location.player == player and location.item is not None]
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is not None]
def get_reachable_locations(self, state: Optional[CollectionState] = None, player: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Location]:
if state is None:
state = self.state
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if
(player is None or location.player == player) and location.can_reach(state)]
def get_placeable_locations(self, state=None, player=None) -> List[Location]:
if state is None:
state = self.state
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if
(player is None or location.player == player) and location.item is None and location.can_reach(state)]
def get_unfilled_locations_for_players(self, locations: List[str], players: Iterable[int]):
for player in players:
if len(locations) == 0:
locations = [location.name for location in self.get_unfilled_locations(player)]
for location_name in locations:
location = self._location_cache.get((location_name, player), None)
if location is not None and location.item is None:
yield location
def unlocks_new_location(self, item: Item) -> bool:
temp_state = self.state.copy()
temp_state.collect(item, True)
for location in self.get_unfilled_locations():
if temp_state.can_reach(location) and not self.state.can_reach(location):
return True
return False
def has_beaten_game(self, state: CollectionState, player: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
if player:
return self.completion_condition[player](state)
return all((self.has_beaten_game(state, p) for p in range(1, self.players + 1)))
def can_beat_game(self, starting_state: Optional[CollectionState] = None):
if starting_state:
if self.has_beaten_game(starting_state):
return True
state = starting_state.copy()
if self.has_beaten_game(self.state):
return True
state = CollectionState(self)
prog_locations = {location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item
and location.item.advancement and location not in state.locations_checked}
while prog_locations:
sphere = set()
# build up spheres of collection radius.
# Everything in each sphere is independent from each other in dependencies and only depends on lower spheres
for location in prog_locations:
if location.can_reach(state):
if not sphere:
# ran out of places and did not finish yet, quit
return False
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
prog_locations -= sphere
if self.has_beaten_game(state):
return True
return False
def get_spheres(self):
state = CollectionState(self)
locations = set(self.get_filled_locations())
while locations:
sphere = set()
for location in locations:
if location.can_reach(state):
yield sphere
if not sphere:
if locations:
yield locations # unreachable locations
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
locations -= sphere
def fulfills_accessibility(self, state: Optional[CollectionState] = None):
"""Check if accessibility rules are fulfilled with current or supplied state."""
if not state:
state = CollectionState(self)
players = {"minimal": set(),
"items": set(),
"locations": set()}
for player, access in self.accessibility.items():
beatable_fulfilled = False
def location_conditition(location: Location):
"""Determine if this location has to be accessible, location is already filtered by location_relevant"""
if location.player in players["minimal"]:
return False
return True
def location_relevant(location: Location):
"""Determine if this location is relevant to sweep."""
if location.progress_type != LocationProgressType.EXCLUDED \
and (location.player in players["locations"] or location.event
or (location.item and location.item.advancement)):
return True
return False
def all_done():
"""Check if all access rules are fulfilled"""
if beatable_fulfilled:
if any(location_conditition(location) for location in locations):
return False # still locations required to be collected
return True
locations = {location for location in self.get_locations() if location_relevant(location)}
while locations:
sphere = set()
for location in locations:
if location.can_reach(state):
if not sphere:
# ran out of places and did not finish yet, quit
logging.warning(f"Could not access required locations for accessibility check."
f" Missing: {locations}")
return False
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
if self.has_beaten_game(state):
beatable_fulfilled = True
if all_done():
return True
return False
class CollectionState():
additional_init_functions: List[Callable] = []
additional_copy_functions: List[Callable] = []
def __init__(self, parent: MultiWorld):
self.prog_items = Counter()
self.world = parent
self.reachable_regions = {player: set() for player in parent.get_all_ids()}
self.blocked_connections = {player: set() for player in parent.get_all_ids()}
self.events = set()
self.path = {}
self.locations_checked = set()
self.stale = {player: True for player in parent.get_all_ids()}
for function in self.additional_init_functions:
function(self, parent)
for items in parent.precollected_items.values():
for item in items:
self.collect(item, True)
def update_reachable_regions(self, player: int):
from worlds.alttp.EntranceShuffle import indirect_connections
self.stale[player] = False
rrp = self.reachable_regions[player]
bc = self.blocked_connections[player]
queue = deque(self.blocked_connections[player])
start = self.world.get_region('Menu', player)
# init on first call - this can't be done on construction since the regions don't exist yet
if not start in rrp:
# run BFS on all connections, and keep track of those blocked by missing items
while queue:
connection = queue.popleft()
new_region = connection.connected_region
if new_region in rrp:
elif connection.can_reach(self):
self.path[new_region] = (new_region.name, self.path.get(connection, None))
# Retry connections if the new region can unblock them
if new_region.name in indirect_connections:
new_entrance = self.world.get_entrance(indirect_connections[new_region.name], player)
if new_entrance in bc and new_entrance not in queue:
def copy(self) -> CollectionState:
ret = CollectionState(self.world)
ret.prog_items = self.prog_items.copy()
ret.reachable_regions = {player: copy.copy(self.reachable_regions[player]) for player in
ret.blocked_connections = {player: copy.copy(self.blocked_connections[player]) for player in
ret.events = copy.copy(self.events)
ret.path = copy.copy(self.path)
ret.locations_checked = copy.copy(self.locations_checked)
for function in self.additional_copy_functions:
ret = function(self, ret)
return ret
def can_reach(self,
spot: Union[Location, Entrance, Region, str],
resolution_hint: Optional[str] = None,
player: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
if not hasattr(spot, "can_reach"):
# try to resolve a name
if resolution_hint == 'Location':
spot = self.world.get_location(spot, player)
elif resolution_hint == 'Entrance':
spot = self.world.get_entrance(spot, player)
# default to Region
spot = self.world.get_region(spot, player)
return spot.can_reach(self)
def sweep_for_events(self, key_only: bool = False, locations: Set[Location] = None):
if locations is None:
locations = self.world.get_filled_locations()
new_locations = True
# since the loop has a good chance to run more than once, only filter the events once
locations = {location for location in locations if location.event and
not key_only or getattr(location.item, "locked_dungeon_item", False)}
while new_locations:
reachable_events = {location for location in locations if location.can_reach(self)}
new_locations = reachable_events - self.events
for event in new_locations:
self.collect(event.item, True, event)
def has(self, item: str, player: int, count: int = 1) -> bool:
return self.prog_items[item, player] >= count
def has_all(self, items: Set[str], player: int) -> bool:
return all(self.prog_items[item, player] for item in items)
def has_any(self, items: Set[str], player: int) -> bool:
return any(self.prog_items[item, player] for item in items)
def count(self, item: str, player: int) -> int:
return self.prog_items[item, player]
def has_group(self, item_name_group: str, player: int, count: int = 1):
found: int = 0
for item_name in self.world.worlds[player].item_name_groups[item_name_group]:
found += self.prog_items[item_name, player]
if found >= count:
return True
return False
def count_group(self, item_name_group: str, player: int):
found: int = 0
for item_name in self.world.worlds[player].item_name_groups[item_name_group]:
found += self.prog_items[item_name, player]
return found
def can_buy_unlimited(self, item: str, player: int) -> bool:
return any(shop.region.player == player and shop.has_unlimited(item) and shop.region.can_reach(self) for
shop in self.world.shops)
def can_buy(self, item: str, player: int) -> bool:
return any(shop.region.player == player and shop.has(item) and shop.region.can_reach(self) for
shop in self.world.shops)
def item_count(self, item: str, player: int) -> int:
return self.prog_items[item, player]
def has_triforce_pieces(self, count: int, player: int) -> bool:
return self.item_count('Triforce Piece', player) + self.item_count('Power Star', player) >= count
def has_crystals(self, count: int, player: int) -> bool:
found: int = 0
for crystalnumber in range(1, 8):
found += self.prog_items[f"Crystal {crystalnumber}", player]
if found >= count:
return True
return False
def can_lift_rocks(self, player: int):
return self.has('Power Glove', player) or self.has('Titans Mitts', player)
def bottle_count(self, player: int) -> int:
return min(self.world.difficulty_requirements[player].progressive_bottle_limit,
self.count_group("Bottles", player))
def has_hearts(self, player: int, count: int) -> int:
# Warning: This only considers items that are marked as advancement items
return self.heart_count(player) >= count
def heart_count(self, player: int) -> int:
# Warning: This only considers items that are marked as advancement items
diff = self.world.difficulty_requirements[player]
return min(self.item_count('Boss Heart Container', player), diff.boss_heart_container_limit) \
+ self.item_count('Sanctuary Heart Container', player) \
+ min(self.item_count('Piece of Heart', player), diff.heart_piece_limit) // 4 \
+ 3 # starting hearts
def can_lift_heavy_rocks(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Titans Mitts', player)
def can_extend_magic(self, player: int, smallmagic: int = 16,
fullrefill: bool = False): # This reflects the total magic Link has, not the total extra he has.
basemagic = 8
if self.has('Magic Upgrade (1/4)', player):
basemagic = 32
elif self.has('Magic Upgrade (1/2)', player):
basemagic = 16
if self.can_buy_unlimited('Green Potion', player) or self.can_buy_unlimited('Blue Potion', player):
if self.world.item_functionality[player] == 'hard' and not fullrefill:
basemagic = basemagic + int(basemagic * 0.5 * self.bottle_count(player))
elif self.world.item_functionality[player] == 'expert' and not fullrefill:
basemagic = basemagic + int(basemagic * 0.25 * self.bottle_count(player))
basemagic = basemagic + basemagic * self.bottle_count(player)
return basemagic >= smallmagic
def can_kill_most_things(self, player: int, enemies: int = 5) -> bool:
return (self.has_melee_weapon(player)
or self.has('Cane of Somaria', player)
or (self.has('Cane of Byrna', player) and (enemies < 6 or self.can_extend_magic(player)))
or self.can_shoot_arrows(player)
or self.has('Fire Rod', player)
or (self.has('Bombs (10)', player) and enemies < 6))
def can_shoot_arrows(self, player: int) -> bool:
if self.world.retro[player]:
return (self.has('Bow', player) or self.has('Silver Bow', player)) and self.can_buy('Single Arrow', player)
return self.has('Bow', player) or self.has('Silver Bow', player)
def can_get_good_bee(self, player: int) -> bool:
cave = self.world.get_region('Good Bee Cave', player)
return (
self.has_group("Bottles", player) and
self.has('Bug Catching Net', player) and
(self.has('Pegasus Boots', player) or (self.has_sword(player) and self.has('Quake', player))) and
cave.can_reach(self) and
self.is_not_bunny(cave, player)
def can_retrieve_tablet(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Book of Mudora', player) and (self.has_beam_sword(player) or
(self.world.swordless[player] and
self.has("Hammer", player)))
def has_sword(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Fighter Sword', player) \
or self.has('Master Sword', player) \
or self.has('Tempered Sword', player) \
or self.has('Golden Sword', player)
def has_beam_sword(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Master Sword', player) or self.has('Tempered Sword', player) or self.has('Golden Sword',
def has_melee_weapon(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has_sword(player) or self.has('Hammer', player)
def has_fire_source(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Fire Rod', player) or self.has('Lamp', player)
def can_melt_things(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Fire Rod', player) or \
(self.has('Bombos', player) and
(self.world.swordless[player] or
def can_avoid_lasers(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Mirror Shield', player) or self.has('Cane of Byrna', player) or self.has('Cape', player)
def is_not_bunny(self, region: Region, player: int) -> bool:
if self.has('Moon Pearl', player):
return True
return region.is_light_world if self.world.mode[player] != 'inverted' else region.is_dark_world
def can_reach_light_world(self, player: int) -> bool:
if True in [i.is_light_world for i in self.reachable_regions[player]]:
return True
return False
def can_reach_dark_world(self, player: int) -> bool:
if True in [i.is_dark_world for i in self.reachable_regions[player]]:
return True
return False
def has_misery_mire_medallion(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has(self.world.required_medallions[player][0], player)
def has_turtle_rock_medallion(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has(self.world.required_medallions[player][1], player)
def can_boots_clip_lw(self, player: int) -> bool:
if self.world.mode[player] == 'inverted':
return self.has('Pegasus Boots', player) and self.has('Moon Pearl', player)
return self.has('Pegasus Boots', player)
def can_boots_clip_dw(self, player: int) -> bool:
if self.world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
return self.has('Pegasus Boots', player) and self.has('Moon Pearl', player)
return self.has('Pegasus Boots', player)
def can_get_glitched_speed_lw(self, player: int) -> bool:
rules = [self.has('Pegasus Boots', player), any([self.has('Hookshot', player), self.has_sword(player)])]
if self.world.mode[player] == 'inverted':
rules.append(self.has('Moon Pearl', player))
return all(rules)
def can_superbunny_mirror_with_sword(self, player: int) -> bool:
return self.has('Magic Mirror', player) and self.has_sword(player)
def can_get_glitched_speed_dw(self, player: int) -> bool:
rules = [self.has('Pegasus Boots', player), any([self.has('Hookshot', player), self.has_sword(player)])]
if self.world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
rules.append(self.has('Moon Pearl', player))
return all(rules)
def can_bomb_clip(self, region: Region, player: int) -> bool:
return self.is_not_bunny(region, player) and self.has('Pegasus Boots', player)
def collect(self, item: Item, event: bool = False, location: Optional[Location] = None) -> bool:
if location:
changed = self.world.worlds[item.player].collect(self, item)
if not changed and event:
self.prog_items[item.name, item.player] += 1
changed = True
self.stale[item.player] = True
if changed and not event:
return changed
def remove(self, item: Item):
changed = self.world.worlds[item.player].remove(self, item)
if changed:
# invalidate caches, nothing can be trusted anymore now
self.reachable_regions[item.player] = set()
self.blocked_connections[item.player] = set()
self.stale[item.player] = True
class RegionType(int, Enum):
Generic = 0
LightWorld = 1
DarkWorld = 2
Cave = 3 # Also includes Houses
Dungeon = 4
def is_indoors(self) -> bool:
"""Shorthand for checking if Cave or Dungeon"""
return self in (RegionType.Cave, RegionType.Dungeon)
class Region:
name: str
type: RegionType
hint_text: str
player: int
world: Optional[MultiWorld]
entrances: List[Entrance]
exits: List[Entrance]
locations: List[Location]
dungeon: Optional[Dungeon] = None
shop: Optional = None
# LttP specific. TODO: move to a LttPRegion
# will be set after making connections.
is_light_world: bool = False
is_dark_world: bool = False
def __init__(self, name: str, type_: RegionType, hint: str, player: int, world: Optional[MultiWorld] = None):
self.name = name
self.type = type_
self.entrances = []
self.exits = []
self.locations = []
self.world = world
self.hint_text = hint
self.player = player
def can_reach(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
if state.stale[self.player]:
return self in state.reachable_regions[self.player]
def can_reach_private(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
for entrance in self.entrances:
if entrance.can_reach(state):
if not self in state.path:
state.path[self] = (self.name, state.path.get(entrance, None))
return True
return False
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return self.world.get_name_string_for_object(self) if self.world else f'{self.name} (Player {self.player})'
class Entrance:
access_rule: Callable[[CollectionState], bool] = staticmethod(lambda state: True)
hide_path: bool = False
player: int
name: str
parent_region: Optional[Region]
connected_region: Optional[Region] = None
# LttP specific, TODO: should make a LttPEntrance
addresses = None
target = None
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str = '', parent: Region = None):
self.name = name
self.parent_region = parent
self.player = player
def can_reach(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
if self.parent_region.can_reach(state) and self.access_rule(state):
if not self.hide_path and not self in state.path:
state.path[self] = (self.name, state.path.get(self.parent_region, (self.parent_region.name, None)))
return True
return False
def connect(self, region: Region, addresses=None, target=None):
self.connected_region = region
self.target = target
self.addresses = addresses
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
world = self.parent_region.world if self.parent_region else None
return world.get_name_string_for_object(self) if world else f'{self.name} (Player {self.player})'
class Dungeon(object):
def __init__(self, name: str, regions: List[Region], big_key: Item, small_keys: List[Item],
dungeon_items: List[Item], player: int):
self.name = name
self.regions = regions
self.big_key = big_key
self.small_keys = small_keys
self.dungeon_items = dungeon_items
self.bosses = dict()
self.player = player
self.world = None
def boss(self) -> Optional[Boss]:
return self.bosses.get(None, None)
def boss(self, value: Optional[Boss]):
self.bosses[None] = value
def keys(self) -> List[Item]:
return self.small_keys + ([self.big_key] if self.big_key else [])
def all_items(self) -> List[Item]:
return self.dungeon_items + self.keys
def is_dungeon_item(self, item: Item) -> bool:
return item.player == self.player and item.name in (dungeon_item.name for dungeon_item in self.all_items)
def __eq__(self, other: Dungeon) -> bool:
if not other:
return False
return self.name == other.name and self.player == other.player
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return self.world.get_name_string_for_object(self) if self.world else f'{self.name} (Player {self.player})'
class Boss():
def __init__(self, name: str, enemizer_name: str, defeat_rule: Callable, player: int):
self.name = name
self.enemizer_name = enemizer_name
self.defeat_rule = defeat_rule
self.player = player
def can_defeat(self, state) -> bool:
return self.defeat_rule(state, self.player)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Boss({self.name})"
class LocationProgressType(Enum):
class Location:
# If given as integer, then this is the shop's inventory index
shop_slot: Optional[int] = None
shop_slot_disabled: bool = False
event: bool = False
locked: bool = False
game: str = "Generic"
show_in_spoiler: bool = True
crystal: bool = False
progress_type: LocationProgressType = LocationProgressType.DEFAULT
always_allow = staticmethod(lambda item, state: False)
access_rule = staticmethod(lambda state: True)
item_rule = staticmethod(lambda item: True)
item: Optional[Item] = None
parent_region: Optional[Region]
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str = '', address: int = None, parent=None):
self.name: str = name
self.address: Optional[int] = address
self.parent_region = parent
self.player: int = player
def can_fill(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item, check_access=True) -> bool:
return self.always_allow(state, item) or (self.item_rule(item) and (not check_access or self.can_reach(state)))
def can_reach(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
# self.access_rule computes faster on average, so placing it first for faster abort
if self.access_rule(state) and self.parent_region.can_reach(state):
return True
return False
def place_locked_item(self, item: Item):
if self.item:
raise Exception(f"Location {self} already filled.")
self.item = item
item.location = self
self.event = item.advancement
self.item.world = self.parent_region.world
self.locked = True
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
world = self.parent_region.world if self.parent_region and self.parent_region.world else None
return world.get_name_string_for_object(self) if world else f'{self.name} (Player {self.player})'
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.name, self.player))
def __lt__(self, other: Location):
return (self.player, self.name) < (other.player, other.name)
def native_item(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the item in this location matches game."""
return self.item and self.item.game == self.game
def hint_text(self) -> str:
hint_text = getattr(self, "_hint_text", None)
if hint_text:
return hint_text
return "at " + self.name.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ")
class Item():
location: Optional[Location] = None
world: Optional[MultiWorld] = None
code: Optional[int] = None # an item with ID None is called an Event, and does not get written to multidata
name: str
game: str = "Generic"
type: str = None
# indicates if this is a negative impact item. Causes these to be handled differently by various games.
trap: bool = False
# change manually to ensure that a specific non-progression item never goes on an excluded location
never_exclude = False
# item is not considered by progression balancing despite being progression
skip_in_prog_balancing: bool = False
# need to find a decent place for these to live and to allow other games to register texts if they want.
pedestal_credit_text: str = "and the Unknown Item"
sickkid_credit_text: Optional[str] = None
magicshop_credit_text: Optional[str] = None
zora_credit_text: Optional[str] = None
fluteboy_credit_text: Optional[str] = None
# hopefully temporary attributes to satisfy legacy LttP code, proper implementation in subclass ALttPItem
smallkey: bool = False
bigkey: bool = False
map: bool = False
compass: bool = False
def __init__(self, name: str, advancement: bool, code: Optional[int], player: int):
self.name = name
self.advancement = advancement
self.player = player
self.code = code
def hint_text(self):
return getattr(self, "_hint_text", self.name.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " "))
def pedestal_hint_text(self):
return getattr(self, "_pedestal_hint_text", self.name.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " "))
def flags(self) -> int:
return self.advancement + (self.never_exclude << 1) + (self.trap << 2)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name and self.player == other.player
def __lt__(self, other: Item):
if other.player != self.player:
return other.player < self.player
return self.name < other.name
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.name, self.player))
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return self.world.get_name_string_for_object(self) if self.world else f'{self.name} (Player {self.player})'
class Spoiler():
world: MultiWorld
unreachables: Set[Location]
def __init__(self, world):
self.world = world
self.hashes = {}
self.entrances = OrderedDict()
self.medallions = {}
self.playthrough = {}
self.unreachables = set()
self.locations = {}
self.paths = {}
self.shops = []
self.bosses = OrderedDict()
def set_entrance(self, entrance: str, exit_: str, direction: str, player: int):
if self.world.players == 1:
self.entrances[(entrance, direction, player)] = OrderedDict(
[('entrance', entrance), ('exit', exit_), ('direction', direction)])
self.entrances[(entrance, direction, player)] = OrderedDict(
[('player', player), ('entrance', entrance), ('exit', exit_), ('direction', direction)])
def parse_data(self):
self.medallions = OrderedDict()
for player in self.world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past"):
self.medallions[f'Misery Mire ({self.world.get_player_name(player)})'] = \
self.medallions[f'Turtle Rock ({self.world.get_player_name(player)})'] = \
self.locations = OrderedDict()
listed_locations = set()
lw_locations = [loc for loc in self.world.get_locations() if
loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.type == RegionType.LightWorld and loc.show_in_spoiler]
self.locations['Light World'] = OrderedDict(
[(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in
dw_locations = [loc for loc in self.world.get_locations() if
loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.type == RegionType.DarkWorld and loc.show_in_spoiler]
self.locations['Dark World'] = OrderedDict(
[(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in
cave_locations = [loc for loc in self.world.get_locations() if
loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.type == RegionType.Cave and loc.show_in_spoiler]
self.locations['Caves'] = OrderedDict(
[(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in
for dungeon in self.world.dungeons.values():
dungeon_locations = [loc for loc in self.world.get_locations() if
loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.dungeon == dungeon and loc.show_in_spoiler]
self.locations[str(dungeon)] = OrderedDict(
[(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in
other_locations = [loc for loc in self.world.get_locations() if
loc not in listed_locations and loc.show_in_spoiler]
if other_locations:
self.locations['Other Locations'] = OrderedDict(
[(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in
self.shops = []
from worlds.alttp.Shops import ShopType, price_type_display_name, price_rate_display
for shop in self.world.shops:
if not shop.custom:
shopdata = {
'location': str(shop.region),
'type': 'Take Any' if shop.type == ShopType.TakeAny else 'Shop'
for index, item in enumerate(shop.inventory):
if item is None:
my_price = item['price'] // price_rate_display.get(item['price_type'], 1)
index)] = f"{item['item']} — {my_price} {price_type_display_name[item['price_type']]}"
if item['player'] > 0:
shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)] = shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)].replace('—',
'(Player {}) — '.format(
if item['max'] == 0:
shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)] += " x {}".format(item['max'])
if item['replacement'] is None:
index)] += f", {item['replacement']} - {item['replacement_price']} {price_type_display_name[item['replacement_price_type']]}"
for player in self.world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past"):
self.bosses[str(player)] = OrderedDict()
self.bosses[str(player)]["Eastern Palace"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Eastern Palace", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Desert Palace"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Desert Palace", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Tower Of Hera"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Tower of Hera", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Hyrule Castle"] = "Agahnim"
self.bosses[str(player)]["Palace Of Darkness"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Palace of Darkness",
self.bosses[str(player)]["Swamp Palace"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Swamp Palace", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Skull Woods"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Skull Woods", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Thieves Town"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Thieves Town", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ice Palace"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Ice Palace", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Misery Mire"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Misery Mire", player).boss.name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Turtle Rock"] = self.world.get_dungeon("Turtle Rock", player).boss.name
if self.world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganons Tower Basement"] = \
self.world.get_dungeon('Ganons Tower', player).bosses['bottom'].name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganons Tower Middle"] = self.world.get_dungeon('Ganons Tower', player).bosses[
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganons Tower Top"] = self.world.get_dungeon('Ganons Tower', player).bosses[
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganons Tower Basement"] = \
self.world.get_dungeon('Inverted Ganons Tower', player).bosses['bottom'].name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganons Tower Middle"] = \
self.world.get_dungeon('Inverted Ganons Tower', player).bosses['middle'].name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganons Tower Top"] = \
self.world.get_dungeon('Inverted Ganons Tower', player).bosses['top'].name
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganons Tower"] = "Agahnim 2"
self.bosses[str(player)]["Ganon"] = "Ganon"
def to_json(self):
out = OrderedDict()
out['Entrances'] = list(self.entrances.values())
out['Special'] = self.medallions
if self.hashes:
out['Hashes'] = self.hashes
if self.shops:
out['Shops'] = self.shops
out['playthrough'] = self.playthrough
out['paths'] = self.paths
out['Bosses'] = self.bosses
return json.dumps(out)
def to_file(self, filename: str):
def bool_to_text(variable: Union[bool, str]) -> str:
if type(variable) == str:
return variable
return 'Yes' if variable else 'No'
def write_option(option_key: str, option_obj: type(Options.Option)):
res = getattr(self.world, option_key)[player]
display_name = getattr(option_obj, "display_name", option_key)
outfile.write(f'{display_name + ":":33}{res.get_current_option_name()}\n')
raise Exception
with open(filename, 'w', encoding="utf-8-sig") as outfile:
'Archipelago Version %s - Seed: %s\n\n' % (
Utils.__version__, self.world.seed))
outfile.write('Filling Algorithm: %s\n' % self.world.algorithm)
outfile.write('Players: %d\n' % self.world.players)
AutoWorld.call_stage(self.world, "write_spoiler_header", outfile)
for player in range(1, self.world.players + 1):
if self.world.players > 1:
outfile.write('\nPlayer %d: %s\n' % (player, self.world.get_player_name(player)))
outfile.write('Game: %s\n' % self.world.game[player])
for f_option, option in Options.per_game_common_options.items():
write_option(f_option, option)
options = self.world.worlds[player].options
if options:
for f_option, option in options.items():
write_option(f_option, option)
AutoWorld.call_single(self.world, "write_spoiler_header", player, outfile)
if player in self.world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past"):
outfile.write('%s%s\n' % ('Hash: ', self.hashes[player]))
outfile.write('Logic: %s\n' % self.world.logic[player])
outfile.write('Dark Room Logic: %s\n' % self.world.dark_room_logic[player])
outfile.write('Mode: %s\n' % self.world.mode[player])
outfile.write('Goal: %s\n' % self.world.goal[player])
if "triforce" in self.world.goal[player]: # triforce hunt
outfile.write("Pieces available for Triforce: %s\n" %
outfile.write("Pieces required for Triforce: %s\n" %
outfile.write('Difficulty: %s\n' % self.world.difficulty[player])
outfile.write('Item Functionality: %s\n' % self.world.item_functionality[player])
outfile.write('Entrance Shuffle: %s\n' % self.world.shuffle[player])
if self.world.shuffle[player] != "vanilla":
outfile.write('Entrance Shuffle Seed %s\n' % self.world.worlds[player].er_seed)
outfile.write('Pyramid hole pre-opened: %s\n' % (
'Yes' if self.world.open_pyramid[player] else 'No'))
outfile.write('Shop inventory shuffle: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("i" in self.world.shop_shuffle[player]))
outfile.write('Shop price shuffle: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("p" in self.world.shop_shuffle[player]))
outfile.write('Shop upgrade shuffle: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("u" in self.world.shop_shuffle[player]))
outfile.write('New Shop inventory: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("g" in self.world.shop_shuffle[player] or
"f" in self.world.shop_shuffle[player]))
outfile.write('Custom Potion Shop: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("w" in self.world.shop_shuffle[player]))
outfile.write('Boss shuffle: %s\n' % self.world.boss_shuffle[player])
outfile.write('Enemy health: %s\n' % self.world.enemy_health[player])
outfile.write('Enemy damage: %s\n' % self.world.enemy_damage[player])
outfile.write('Prize shuffle %s\n' %
if self.entrances:
outfile.write('\n'.join(['%s%s %s %s' % (f'{self.world.get_player_name(entry["player"])}: '
if self.world.players > 1 else '', entry['entrance'],
'<=>' if entry['direction'] == 'both' else
'<=' if entry['direction'] == 'exit' else '=>',
entry['exit']) for entry in self.entrances.values()]))
if self.medallions:
for dungeon, medallion in self.medallions.items():
outfile.write(f'\n{dungeon}: {medallion}')
AutoWorld.call_all(self.world, "write_spoiler", outfile)
['%s: %s' % (location, item) for grouping in self.locations.values() for (location, item) in
if self.shops:
outfile.write('\n'.join("{} [{}]\n {}".format(shop['location'], shop['type'], "\n ".join(
item for item in [shop.get('item_0', None), shop.get('item_1', None), shop.get('item_2', None)] if
item)) for shop in self.shops))
for player in self.world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past"):
if self.world.boss_shuffle[player] != 'none':
bossmap = self.bosses[str(player)] if self.world.players > 1 else self.bosses
f'\n\nBosses{(f" ({self.world.get_player_name(player)})" if self.world.players > 1 else "")}:\n')
outfile.write(' ' + '\n '.join([f'{x}: {y}' for x, y in bossmap.items()]))
outfile.write('\n'.join(['%s: {\n%s\n}' % (sphere_nr, '\n'.join(
[' %s: %s' % (location, item) for (location, item) in sphere.items()] if sphere_nr != '0' else [
f' {item}' for item in sphere])) for (sphere_nr, sphere) in self.playthrough.items()]))
if self.unreachables:
outfile.write('\n\nUnreachable Items:\n\n')
'\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (unreachable.item, unreachable) for unreachable in self.unreachables]))
if self.paths:
path_listings = []
for location, path in sorted(self.paths.items()):
path_lines = []
for region, exit in path:
if exit is not None:
path_lines.append("{} -> {}".format(region, exit))
path_listings.append("{}\n {}".format(location, "\n => ".join(path_lines)))
AutoWorld.call_all(self.world, "write_spoiler_end", outfile)
seeddigits = 20
def get_seed(seed=None) -> int:
if seed is None:
return random.randint(0, pow(10, seeddigits) - 1)
return seed
from worlds import AutoWorld
auto_world = AutoWorld.World |