
1037 lines
58 KiB

import json
import Utils
from BaseClasses import Location
from worlds.Files import APProcedurePatch, APTokenMixin, APTokenTypes, APPatchExtension
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Iterable, Collection, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import hashlib
import os
import pkgutil
from . import lzkn64
from .data import patches
from .stages import get_stage_info
from .text import cv64_string_to_bytearray, cv64_text_truncate, cv64_text_wrap
from .aesthetics import renon_item_dialogue, get_item_text_color
from .locations import get_location_info
from .options import CharacterStages, VincentFightCondition, RenonFightCondition, PostBehemothBoss, RoomOfClocksBoss, \
BadEndingCondition, DeathLink, DraculasCondition, InvisibleItems, Countdown, PantherDash
from settings import get_settings
from . import CV64World
CV64_US_10_HASH = "1cc5cf3b4d29d8c3ade957648b529dc1"
warp_map_offsets = [0xADF67, 0xADF77, 0xADF87, 0xADF97, 0xADFA7, 0xADFBB, 0xADFCB, 0xADFDF]
class RomData:
orig_buffer: None
buffer: bytearray
def __init__(self, file: bytes, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
self.file = bytearray(file) = name
def read_bit(self, address: int, bit_number: int) -> bool:
bitflag = (1 << bit_number)
return (self.buffer[address] & bitflag) != 0
def read_byte(self, address: int) -> int:
return self.file[address]
def read_bytes(self, start_address: int, length: int) -> bytearray:
return self.file[start_address:start_address + length]
def write_byte(self, address: int, value: int) -> None:
self.file[address] = value
def write_bytes(self, start_address: int, values: Collection[int]) -> None:
self.file[start_address:start_address + len(values)] = values
def write_int16(self, address: int, value: int) -> None:
value = value & 0xFFFF
self.write_bytes(address, [(value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF])
def write_int16s(self, start_address: int, values: List[int]) -> None:
for i, value in enumerate(values):
self.write_int16(start_address + (i * 2), value)
def write_int24(self, address: int, value: int) -> None:
value = value & 0xFFFFFF
self.write_bytes(address, [(value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF])
def write_int24s(self, start_address: int, values: List[int]) -> None:
for i, value in enumerate(values):
self.write_int24(start_address + (i * 3), value)
def write_int32(self, address, value: int) -> None:
value = value & 0xFFFFFFFF
self.write_bytes(address, [(value >> 24) & 0xFF, (value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF])
def write_int32s(self, start_address: int, values: list) -> None:
for i, value in enumerate(values):
self.write_int32(start_address + (i * 4), value)
def get_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return bytes(self.file)
class CV64PatchExtensions(APPatchExtension):
game = "Castlevania 64"
def apply_patches(caller: APProcedurePatch, rom: bytes, options_file: str) -> bytes:
rom_data = RomData(rom)
options = json.loads(caller.get_file(options_file).decode("utf-8"))
# NOP out the CRC BNEs
rom_data.write_int32(0x66C, 0x00000000)
rom_data.write_int32(0x678, 0x00000000)
# Always offer Hard Mode on file creation
rom_data.write_int32(0xC8810, 0x240A0100) # ADDIU T2, R0, 0x0100
# Disable the Easy Mode cutoff point at Castle Center's elevator.
rom_data.write_int32(0xD9E18, 0x240D0000) # ADDIU T5, R0, 0x0000
# Disable the Forest, Castle Wall, and Villa intro cutscenes and make it possible to change the starting level
rom_data.write_byte(0xB73308, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB7331A, 0x40)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB7332B, 0x4C)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB6302B, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x109F8F, 0x00)
# Prevent Forest end cutscene flag from setting so it can be triggered infinitely.
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEA51, 0x01)
# Hack to make the Forest, CW and Villa intro cutscenes play at the start of their levels no matter what map
# came before them.
rom_data.write_int32(0x97244, 0x803FDD60)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDD60, patches.forest_cw_villa_intro_cs_player)
# Make changing the map ID to 0xFF reset the map. Helpful to work around a bug wherein the camera gets stuck
# when entering a loading zone that doesn't change the map.
rom_data.write_int32s(0x197B0, [0x0C0FF7E6, # JAL 0x803FDF98
0x24840008]) # ADDIU A0, A0, 0x0008
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDF98, patches.map_id_refresher)
# Enable swapping characters when loading into a map by holding L.
rom_data.write_int32(0x97294, 0x803FDFC4)
rom_data.write_int32(0x19710, 0x080FF80E) # J 0x803FE038
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDFC4, patches.character_changer)
# Villa coffin time-of-day hack
rom_data.write_byte(0xD9D83, 0x74)
rom_data.write_int32(0xD9D84, 0x080FF14D) # J 0x803FC534
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC534, patches.coffin_time_checker)
# Fix both Castle Center elevator bridges for both characters unless enabling only one character's stages.
# At which point one bridge will be always broken and one always repaired instead.
if options["character_stages"] == CharacterStages.option_reinhardt_only:
rom_data.write_int32(0x6CEAA0, 0x240B0000) # ADDIU T3, R0, 0x0000
elif options["character_stages"] == CharacterStages.option_carrie_only:
rom_data.write_int32(0x6CEAA0, 0x240B0001) # ADDIU T3, R0, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0x6CEAA0, 0x240B0001) # ADDIU T3, R0, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0x6CEAA4, 0x240D0001) # ADDIU T5, R0, 0x0001
# Were-bull arena flag hack
rom_data.write_int32(0x6E38F0, 0x0C0FF157) # JAL 0x803FC55C
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC55C, patches.werebull_flag_unsetter)
rom_data.write_int32(0xA949C, 0x0C0FF380) # JAL 0x803FCE00
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCE00, patches.werebull_flag_pickup_setter)
# Enable being able to carry multiple Special jewels, Nitros, and Mandragoras simultaneously
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF1F4, 0x3C038039) # LUI V1, 0x8039
# Special1
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF210, 0x80659C4B) # LB A1, 0x9C4B (V1)
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF214, 0x24A50001) # ADDIU A1, A1, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF21C, 0xA0659C4B) # SB A1, 0x9C4B (V1)
# Special2
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF230, 0x80659C4C) # LB A1, 0x9C4C (V1)
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF234, 0x24A50001) # ADDIU A1, A1, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0xbf23C, 0xA0659C4C) # SB A1, 0x9C4C (V1)
# Magical Nitro
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF360, 0x10000004) # B 0x8013C184
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF378, 0x25E50001) # ADDIU A1, T7, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF37C, 0x10000003) # B 0x8013C19C
# Mandragora
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF3A8, 0x10000004) # B 0x8013C1CC
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF3C0, 0x25050001) # ADDIU A1, T0, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF3C4, 0x10000003) # B 0x8013C1E4
# Give PowerUps their Legacy of Darkness behavior when attempting to pick up more than two
rom_data.write_int16(0xA9624, 0x1000)
rom_data.write_int32(0xA9730, 0x24090000) # ADDIU T1, R0, 0x0000
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF2FC, 0x080FF16D) # J 0x803FC5B4
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF300, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC5B4, patches.give_powerup_stopper)
# Rename the Wooden Stake and Rose to "You are a FOOL!"
bytearray([0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA2, 0x0B]) + cv64_string_to_bytearray("You are a FOOL!",
# Capitalize the "k" in "Archives key" to be consistent with...literally every other key name!
rom_data.write_byte(0xEFF21, 0x2D)
# Skip the "There is a white jewel" text so checking one saves the game instantly.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xEFC72, [0x00020002 for _ in range(37)])
rom_data.write_int32(0xA8FC0, 0x24020001) # ADDIU V0, R0, 0x0001
# Skip the yes/no prompts when activating things.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDACC, patches.map_text_redirector)
rom_data.write_int32(0xA9084, 0x24020001) # ADDIU V0, R0, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0xBEBE8, 0x0C0FF6B4) # JAL 0x803FDAD0
# Skip Vincent and Heinrich's mandatory-for-a-check dialogue
rom_data.write_int32(0xBED9C, 0x0C0FF6DA) # JAL 0x803FDB68
# Skip the long yes/no prompt in the CC planetarium to set the pieces.
rom_data.write_int32(0xB5C5DF, 0x24030001) # ADDIU V1, R0, 0x0001
# Skip the yes/no prompt to activate the CC elevator.
rom_data.write_int32(0xB5E3FB, 0x24020001) # ADDIU V0, R0, 0x0001
# Skip the yes/no prompts to set Nitro/Mandragora at both walls.
rom_data.write_int32(0xB5DF3E, 0x24030001) # ADDIU V1, R0, 0x0001
# Custom message if you try checking the downstairs CC crack before removing the seal.
rom_data.write_bytes(0xBFDBAC, cv64_string_to_bytearray("The Furious Nerd Curse\n"
"prevents you from setting\n"
"anything until the seal\n"
"is removed!", True))
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDD20, patches.special_descriptions_redirector)
# Change the Stage Select menu options
rom_data.write_int32s(0xADF64, patches.warp_menu_rewrite)
rom_data.write_int32s(0x10E0C8, patches.warp_pointer_table)
# Play the "teleportation" sound effect when teleporting
rom_data.write_int32s(0xAE088, [0x08004FAB, # J 0x80013EAC
0x2404019E]) # ADDIU A0, R0, 0x019E
# Lizard-man save proofing
rom_data.write_int32(0xA99AC, 0x080FF0B8) # J 0x803FC2E0
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC2E0, patches.boss_save_stopper)
# Disable or guarantee vampire Vincent's fight
if options["vincent_fight_condition"] == VincentFightCondition.option_never:
rom_data.write_int32(0xAACC0, 0x24010001) # ADDIU AT, R0, 0x0001
rom_data.write_int32(0xAACE0, 0x24180000) # ADDIU T8, R0, 0x0000
elif options["vincent_fight_condition"] == VincentFightCondition.option_always:
rom_data.write_int32(0xAACE0, 0x24180010) # ADDIU T8, R0, 0x0010
rom_data.write_int32(0xAACE0, 0x24180000) # ADDIU T8, R0, 0x0000
# Disable or guarantee Renon's fight
rom_data.write_int32(0xAACB4, 0x080FF1A4) # J 0x803FC690
if options["renon_fight_condition"] == RenonFightCondition.option_never:
rom_data.write_byte(0xB804F0, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB80632, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB807E3, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB80988, 0xB8)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB816BD, 0xB8)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB817CF, 0x00)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC690, patches.renon_cutscene_checker_jr)
elif options["renon_fight_condition"] == RenonFightCondition.option_always:
rom_data.write_byte(0xB804F0, 0x0C)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB80632, 0x0C)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB807E3, 0x0C)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB80988, 0xC4)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB816BD, 0xC4)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB817CF, 0x0C)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC690, patches.renon_cutscene_checker_jr)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC690, patches.renon_cutscene_checker)
# NOP the Easy Mode check when buying a thing from Renon, so his fight can be triggered even on this mode.
rom_data.write_int32(0xBD8B4, 0x00000000)
# Disable or guarantee the Bad Ending
if options["bad_ending_condition"] == BadEndingCondition.option_never:
rom_data.write_int32(0xAEE5C6, 0x3C0A0000) # LUI T2, 0x0000
elif options["bad_ending_condition"] == BadEndingCondition.option_always:
rom_data.write_int32(0xAEE5C6, 0x3C0A0040) # LUI T2, 0x0040
# Play Castle Keep's song if teleporting in front of Dracula's door outside the escape sequence
rom_data.write_int32(0x6E937C, 0x080FF12E) # J 0x803FC4B8
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC4B8, patches.ck_door_music_player)
# Increase item capacity to 100 if "Increase Item Limit" is turned on
if options["increase_item_limit"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF30B, 0x63) # Most items
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF3F7, 0x63) # Sun/Moon cards
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF353, 0x64) # Keys (increase regardless)
# Change the item healing values if "Nerf Healing" is turned on
if options["nerf_healing_items"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0xB56371, 0x50) # Healing kit (100 -> 80)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB56374, 0x32) # Roast beef ( 80 -> 50)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB56377, 0x19) # Roast chicken ( 50 -> 25)
# Disable loading zone healing if turned off
if not options["loading_zone_heals"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0xD99A5, 0x00) # Skip all loading zone checks
0x40) # Disable free heal from King Skeleton by reading the unused magic meter value
# Disable spinning on the Special1 and 2 pickup models so colorblind people can more easily identify them
rom_data.write_byte(0xEE4F5, 0x00) # Special1
rom_data.write_byte(0xEE505, 0x00) # Special2
# Make the Special2 the same size as a Red jewel(L) to further distinguish them
rom_data.write_int32(0xEE4FC, 0x3FA66666)
# Prevent the vanilla Magical Nitro transport's "can explode" flag from setting
rom_data.write_int32(0xB5D7AA, 0x00000000) # NOP
# Ensure the vampire Nitro check will always pass, so they'll never not spawn and crash the Villa cutscenes
rom_data.write_byte(0xA6253D, 0x03)
# Enable the Game Over's "Continue" menu starting the cursor on whichever checkpoint is most recent
rom_data.write_int32(0xB4DDC, 0x0C060D58) # JAL 0x80183560
rom_data.write_int32s(0x106750, patches.continue_cursor_start_checker)
rom_data.write_int32(0x1C444, 0x080FF08A) # J 0x803FC228
rom_data.write_int32(0x1C2A0, 0x080FF08A) # J 0x803FC228
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC228, patches.savepoint_cursor_updater)
rom_data.write_int32(0x1C2D0, 0x080FF094) # J 0x803FC250
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC250, patches.stage_start_cursor_updater)
rom_data.write_byte(0xB585C8, 0xFF)
# Make the Special1 and 2 play sounds when you reach milestones with them.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDA50, patches.special_sound_notifs)
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF240, 0x080FF694) # J 0x803FDA50
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF220, 0x080FF69E) # J 0x803FDA78
# Add data for White Jewel #22 (the new Duel Tower savepoint) at the end of the White Jewel ID data list
rom_data.write_int16s(0x104AC8, [0x0000, 0x0006,
0x0013, 0x0015])
# Take the contract in Waterway off of its 00400000 bitflag.
rom_data.write_byte(0x87E3DA, 0x00)
# Spawn coordinates list extension
rom_data.write_int32(0xD5BF4, 0x080FF103) # J 0x803FC40C
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC40C, patches.spawn_coordinates_extension)
rom_data.write_int32s(0x108A5E, patches.waterway_end_coordinates)
# Fix a vanilla issue wherein saving in a character-exclusive stage as the other character would incorrectly
# display the name of that character's equivalent stage on the save file instead of the one they're actually in.
rom_data.write_byte(0xC9FE3, 0xD4)
rom_data.write_byte(0xCA055, 0x08)
rom_data.write_byte(0xCA066, 0x40)
rom_data.write_int32(0xCA068, 0x860C17D0) # LH T4, 0x17D0 (S0)
rom_data.write_byte(0xCA06D, 0x08)
rom_data.write_byte(0x104A31, 0x01)
rom_data.write_byte(0x104A39, 0x01)
rom_data.write_byte(0x104A89, 0x01)
rom_data.write_byte(0x104A91, 0x01)
rom_data.write_byte(0x104A99, 0x01)
rom_data.write_byte(0x104AA1, 0x01)
# CC top elevator switch check
rom_data.write_int32(0x6CF0A0, 0x0C0FF0B0) # JAL 0x803FC2C0
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC2C0, patches.elevator_flag_checker)
# Disable time restrictions
if options["disable_time_restrictions"]:
# Fountain
rom_data.write_int32(0x6C2340, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32(0x6C257C, 0x10000023) # B [forward 0x23]
# Rosa
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEAAB, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEAAD, 0x18)
# Moon doors
rom_data.write_int32(0xDC3E0, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32(0xDC3E8, 0x00000000) # NOP
# Sun doors
rom_data.write_int32(0xDC410, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32(0xDC418, 0x00000000) # NOP
# Custom data-loading code
rom_data.write_int32(0x6B5028, 0x08060D70) # J 0x801835D0
rom_data.write_int32s(0x1067B0, patches.custom_code_loader)
# Custom remote item rewarding and DeathLink receiving code
rom_data.write_int32(0x19B98, 0x080FF000) # J 0x803FC000
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC000, patches.remote_item_giver)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE190, patches.subweapon_surface_checker)
# Make received DeathLinks blow you to smithereens instead of kill you normally.
if options["death_link"] == DeathLink.option_explosive:
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC0D0, patches.deathlink_nitro_edition)
rom_data.write_int32(0x27A70, 0x10000008) # B [forward 0x08]
rom_data.write_int32(0x27AA0, 0x0C0FFA78) # JAL 0x803FE9E0
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE9E0, patches.deathlink_nitro_state_checker)
# NOP the function call to subtract Nitro from the inventory after exploding, just in case.
rom_data.write_int32(0x32DBC, 0x00000000)
# Set the DeathLink ROM flag if it's on at all.
if options["death_link"] != DeathLink.option_off:
rom_data.write_byte(0xBFBFDE, 0x01)
# DeathLink counter decrementer code
rom_data.write_int32(0x1C340, 0x080FF8F0) # J 0x803FE3C0
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE3C0, patches.deathlink_counter_decrementer)
rom_data.write_int32(0x25B6C, 0x080FFA5E) # J 0x803FE978
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE978, patches.launch_fall_killer)
# Death flag un-setter on "Beginning of stage" state overwrite code
rom_data.write_int32(0x1C2B0, 0x080FF047) # J 0x803FC11C
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC11C, patches.death_flag_unsetter)
# Warp menu-opening code
rom_data.write_int32(0xB9BA8, 0x080FF099) # J 0x803FC264
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC264, patches.warp_menu_opener)
# NPC item textbox hack
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF1DC, 0x080FF904) # J 0x803FE410
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF1E0, 0x27BDFFE0) # ADDIU SP, SP, -0x20
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE410, patches.npc_item_hack)
# Sub-weapon check function hook
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF32C, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF330, 0x080FF05E) # J 0x803FC178
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC178, patches.give_subweapon_stopper)
# Warp menu Special1 restriction
rom_data.write_int32(0xADD68, 0x0C04AB12) # JAL 0x8012AC48
rom_data.write_int32s(0xADE28, patches.stage_select_overwrite)
rom_data.write_byte(0xADE47, options["s1s_per_warp"])
# Dracula's door text pointer hijack
rom_data.write_int32(0xD69F0, 0x080FF141) # J 0x803FC504
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC504, patches.dracula_door_text_redirector)
# Dracula's chamber condition
rom_data.write_int32(0xE2FDC, 0x0804AB25) # J 0x8012AC78
rom_data.write_int32s(0xADE84, patches.special_goal_checker)
[0xA0, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x02, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x03, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xA0, 0x04, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x05, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x06, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x07,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x08, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x09])
if options["draculas_condition"] == DraculasCondition.option_crystal:
rom_data.write_int32(0x6C8A54, 0x0C0FF0C1) # JAL 0x803FC304
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC304, patches.crystal_special2_giver)
rom_data.write_bytes(0xBFCC6E, cv64_string_to_bytearray(f"It won't budge!\n"
f"You'll need the power\n"
f"of the basement crystal\n"
f"to undo the seal.", True))
special2_name = "Crystal "
special2_text = "The crystal is on!\n" \
"Time to teach the old man\n" \
"a lesson!"
elif options["draculas_condition"] == DraculasCondition.option_bosses:
rom_data.write_int32(0xBBD50, 0x080FF18C) # J 0x803FC630
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC630, patches.boss_special2_giver)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC55C, patches.werebull_flag_unsetter_special2_electric_boogaloo)
rom_data.write_bytes(0xBFCC6E, cv64_string_to_bytearray(f"It won't budge!\n"
f"You'll need to defeat\n"
f"{options['required_s2s']} powerful monsters\n"
f"to undo the seal.", True))
special2_name = "Trophy "
special2_text = f"Proof you killed a powerful\n" \
f"Night Creature. Earn {options['required_s2s']}/{options['total_s2s']}\n" \
f"to battle Dracula."
elif options["draculas_condition"] == DraculasCondition.option_specials:
special2_name = "Special2"
rom_data.write_bytes(0xBFCC6E, cv64_string_to_bytearray(f"It won't budge!\n"
f"You'll need to find\n"
f"{options['required_s2s']} Special2 jewels\n"
f"to undo the seal.", True))
special2_text = f"Need {options['required_s2s']}/{options['total_s2s']} to kill Dracula.\n" \
f"Looking closely, you see...\n" \
f"a piece of him within?"
rom_data.write_byte(0xADE8F, 0x00)
special2_name = "Special2"
special2_text = "If you're reading this,\n" \
"how did you get a Special2!?"
rom_data.write_byte(0xADE8F, options["required_s2s"])
# Change the Special2 name depending on the setting.
rom_data.write_bytes(0xEFD4E, cv64_string_to_bytearray(special2_name))
# Change the Special1 and 2 menu descriptions to tell you how many you need to unlock a warp and fight Dracula
# respectively.
special_text_bytes = cv64_string_to_bytearray(f"{options['s1s_per_warp']} per warp unlock.\n"
f"{options['total_special1s']} exist in total.\n"
f"Z + R + START to warp.") + cv64_string_to_bytearray(
rom_data.write_bytes(0xBFE53C, special_text_bytes)
# On-the-fly overlay modifier
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC338, patches.double_component_checker)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC3D4, patches.downstairs_seal_checker)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE074, patches.mandragora_with_nitro_setter)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC700, patches.overlay_modifiers)
# On-the-fly actor data modifier hook
rom_data.write_int32(0xEAB04, 0x080FF21E) # J 0x803FC878
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC870, patches.map_data_modifiers)
# Fix to make flags apply to freestanding invisible items properly
rom_data.write_int32(0xA84F8, 0x90CC0039) # LBU T4, 0x0039 (A2)
# Fix locked doors to check the key counters instead of their vanilla key locations' bitflags
# Pickup flag check modifications:
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B2D8, 0x00000002) # Left Tower Door
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B2F0, 0x00000003) # Storeroom Door
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B2FC, 0x00000001) # Archives Door
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B314, 0x00000004) # Maze Gate
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B350, 0x00000005) # Copper Door
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B3A4, 0x00000006) # Torture Chamber Door
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B3B0, 0x00000007) # ToE Gate
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B3BC, 0x00000008) # Science Door1
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B3C8, 0x00000009) # Science Door2
rom_data.write_int32(0x10B3D4, 0x0000000A) # Science Door3
rom_data.write_int32(0x6F0094, 0x0000000B) # CT Door 1
rom_data.write_int32(0x6F00A4, 0x0000000C) # CT Door 2
rom_data.write_int32(0x6F00B4, 0x0000000D) # CT Door 3
# Item counter decrement check modifications:
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDA84, 0x00000001) # Archives Door
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDA8C, 0x00000002) # Left Tower Door
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDA94, 0x00000003) # Storeroom Door
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDA9C, 0x00000004) # Maze Gate
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDAA4, 0x00000005) # Copper Door
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDAAC, 0x00000006) # Torture Chamber Door
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDAB4, 0x00000007) # ToE Gate
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDABC, 0x00000008) # Science Door1
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDAC4, 0x00000009) # Science Door2
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDACC, 0x0000000A) # Science Door3
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDAD4, 0x0000000B) # CT Door 1
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDADC, 0x0000000C) # CT Door 2
rom_data.write_int32(0xEDAE4, 0x0000000D) # CT Door 3
# Fix ToE gate's "unlocked" flag in the locked door flags table
rom_data.write_int16(0x10B3B6, 0x0001)
rom_data.write_int32(0x10AB2C, 0x8015FBD4) # Maze Gates' check code pointer adjustments
rom_data.write_int32(0x10AB40, 0x8015FBD4)
rom_data.write_int32s(0x10AB50, [0x0D0C0000,
rom_data.write_int32s(0x10AB64, [0x0D0C0000,
rom_data.write_int32s(0xE2E14, patches.normal_door_hook)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC5D0, patches.normal_door_code)
rom_data.write_int32s(0x6EF298, patches.ct_door_hook)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC608, patches.ct_door_code)
# Fix key counter not decrementing if 2 or above
rom_data.write_int32(0xAA0E0, 0x24020000) # ADDIU V0, R0, 0x0000
# Make the Easy-only candle drops in Room of Clocks appear on any difficulty
rom_data.write_byte(0x9B518F, 0x01)
# Slightly move some once-invisible freestanding items to be more visible
if options["invisible_items"] == InvisibleItems.option_reveal_all:
rom_data.write_byte(0x7C7F95, 0xEF) # Forest dirge maiden statue
rom_data.write_byte(0x7C7FA8, 0xAB) # Forest werewolf statue
rom_data.write_byte(0x8099C4, 0x8C) # Villa courtyard tombstone
rom_data.write_byte(0x83A626, 0xC2) # Villa living room painting
# rom_data.write_byte(0x83A62F, 0x64) # Villa Mary's room table
rom_data.write_byte(0xBFCB97, 0xF5) # CC torture instrument rack
rom_data.write_byte(0x8C44D5, 0x22) # CC red carpet hallway knight
rom_data.write_byte(0x8DF57C, 0xF1) # CC cracked wall hallway flamethrower
rom_data.write_byte(0x90FCD6, 0xA5) # CC nitro hallway flamethrower
rom_data.write_byte(0x90FB9F, 0x9A) # CC invention room round machine
rom_data.write_byte(0x90FBAF, 0x03) # CC invention room giant famicart
rom_data.write_byte(0x90FE54, 0x97) # CC staircase knight (x)
rom_data.write_byte(0x90FE58, 0xFB) # CC staircase knight (z)
# Change the bitflag on the item in upper coffin in Forest final switch gate tomb to one that's not used by
# something else.
rom_data.write_int32(0x10C77C, 0x00000002)
# Make the torch directly behind Dracula's chamber that normally doesn't set a flag set bitflag 0x08 in
# 0x80389BFA.
rom_data.write_byte(0x10CE9F, 0x01)
# Change the CC post-Behemoth boss depending on the option for Post-Behemoth Boss
if options["post_behemoth_boss"] == PostBehemothBoss.option_inverted:
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEDAD, 0x02)
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEDD9, 0x01)
elif options["post_behemoth_boss"] == PostBehemothBoss.option_always_rosa:
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEDAD, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEDD9, 0x03)
# Put both on the same flag so changing character won't trigger a rematch with the same boss.
rom_data.write_byte(0xEED8B, 0x40)
elif options["post_behemoth_boss"] == PostBehemothBoss.option_always_camilla:
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEDAD, 0x03)
rom_data.write_byte(0xEEDD9, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0xEED8B, 0x40)
# Change the RoC boss depending on the option for Room of Clocks Boss
if options["room_of_clocks_boss"] == RoomOfClocksBoss.option_inverted:
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FB3, 0x56)
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FBF, 0x44)
rom_data.write_byte(0xD9D44, 0x14)
rom_data.write_byte(0xD9D4C, 0x14)
elif options["room_of_clocks_boss"] == RoomOfClocksBoss.option_always_death:
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FBF, 0x44)
rom_data.write_byte(0xD9D45, 0x00)
# Put both on the same flag so changing character won't trigger a rematch with the same boss.
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FB7, 0x90)
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FC3, 0x90)
elif options["room_of_clocks_boss"] == RoomOfClocksBoss.option_always_actrise:
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FB3, 0x56)
rom_data.write_int32(0xD9D44, 0x00000000)
rom_data.write_byte(0xD9D4D, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FB7, 0x90)
rom_data.write_byte(0x109FC3, 0x90)
# Un-nerf Actrise when playing as Reinhardt.
# This is likely a leftover TGS demo feature in which players could battle Actrise as Reinhardt.
rom_data.write_int32(0xB318B4, 0x240E0001) # ADDIU T6, R0, 0x0001
# Tunnel gondola skip
if options["skip_gondolas"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0x6C5F58, 0x080FF7D0) # J 0x803FDF40
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDF40, patches.gondola_skipper)
# New gondola transfer point candle coordinates
rom_data.write_byte(0xBFC9A3, 0x04)
rom_data.write_bytes(0x86D824, [0x27, 0x01, 0x10, 0xF7, 0xA0])
# Waterway brick platforms skip
if options["skip_waterway_blocks"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0x6C7E2C, 0x00000000) # NOP
# Ambience silencing fix
rom_data.write_int32(0xD9270, 0x080FF840) # J 0x803FE100
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE100, patches.ambience_silencer)
# Fix for the door sliding sound playing infinitely if leaving the fan meeting room before the door closes
# entirely. Hooking this in the ambience silencer code does nothing for some reason.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xAE10C, [0x08004FAB, # J 0x80013EAC
0x3404829B]) # ORI A0, R0, 0x829B
rom_data.write_int32s(0xD9E8C, [0x08004FAB, # J 0x80013EAC
0x3404829B]) # ORI A0, R0, 0x829B
# Fan meeting room ambience fix
rom_data.write_int32(0x109964, 0x803FE13C)
# Make the Villa coffin cutscene skippable
rom_data.write_int32(0xAA530, 0x080FF880) # J 0x803FE200
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE200, patches.coffin_cutscene_skipper)
# Increase shimmy speed
if options["increase_shimmy_speed"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0xA4241, 0x5A)
# Disable landing fall damage
if options["fall_guard"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0x27B23, 0x00)
# Enable the unused film reel effect on all cutscenes
if options["cinematic_experience"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0xAA33C, 0x240A0001) # ADDIU T2, R0, 0x0001
rom_data.write_byte(0xAA34B, 0x0C)
rom_data.write_int32(0xAA4C4, 0x24090001) # ADDIU T1, R0, 0x0001
# Permanent PowerUp stuff
if options["permanent_powerups"]:
# Make receiving PowerUps increase the unused menu PowerUp counter instead of the one outside the save
# struct.
rom_data.write_int32(0xBF2EC, 0x806B619B) # LB T3, 0x619B (V1)
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFC5BC, 0xA06C619B) # SB T4, 0x619B (V1)
# Make Reinhardt's whip check the menu PowerUp counter
rom_data.write_int32(0x69FA08, 0x80CC619B) # LB T4, 0x619B (A2)
rom_data.write_int32(0x69FBFC, 0x80C3619B) # LB V1, 0x619B (A2)
rom_data.write_int32(0x69FFE0, 0x818C9C53) # LB T4, 0x9C53 (T4)
# Make Carrie's orb check the menu PowerUp counter
rom_data.write_int32(0x6AC86C, 0x8105619B) # LB A1, 0x619B (T0)
rom_data.write_int32(0x6AC950, 0x8105619B) # LB A1, 0x619B (T0)
rom_data.write_int32(0x6AC99C, 0x810E619B) # LB T6, 0x619B (T0)
rom_data.write_int32(0x5AFA0, 0x80639C53) # LB V1, 0x9C53 (V1)
rom_data.write_int32(0x5B0A0, 0x81089C53) # LB T0, 0x9C53 (T0)
rom_data.write_byte(0x391C7, 0x00) # Prevent PowerUps from dropping from regular enemies
rom_data.write_byte(0xEDEDF, 0x03) # Make any vanishing PowerUps that do show up L jewels instead
# Rename the PowerUp to "PermaUp"
rom_data.write_bytes(0xEFDEE, cv64_string_to_bytearray("PermaUp"))
# Replace the PowerUp in the Forest Special1 Bridge 3HB rock with an L jewel if 3HBs aren't randomized
if not options["multi_hit_breakables"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0x10C7A1, 0x03)
# Change the appearance of the Pot-Pourri to that of a larger PowerUp regardless of the above setting, so other
# game PermaUps are distinguishable.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xEE558, [0x06005F08, 0x3FB00000, 0xFFFFFF00])
# Write the associated code for the randomized (or disabled) music list.
if options["background_music"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0x14588, 0x08060D60) # J 0x80183580
rom_data.write_int32(0x14590, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32s(0x106770, patches.music_modifier)
rom_data.write_int32(0x15780, 0x0C0FF36E) # JAL 0x803FCDB8
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCDB8, patches.music_comparer_modifier)
# Enable storing item flags anywhere and changing the item model/visibility on any item instance.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xA857C, [0x080FF38F, # J 0x803FCE3C
0x94D90038]) # LHU T9, 0x0038 (A2)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCE3C, patches.item_customizer)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xA86A0, [0x0C0FF3AF, # JAL 0x803FCEBC
0x95C40002]) # LHU A0, 0x0002 (T6)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCEBC, patches.item_appearance_switcher)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xA8728, [0x0C0FF3B8, # JAL 0x803FCEE4
0x01396021]) # ADDU T4, T1, T9
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCEE4, patches.item_model_visibility_switcher)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xA8A04, [0x0C0FF3C2, # JAL 0x803FCF08
0x018B6021]) # ADDU T4, T4, T3
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCF08, patches.item_shine_visibility_switcher)
# Make Axes and Crosses in AP Locations drop to their correct height, and make items with changed appearances
# spin their correct speed.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xE649C, [0x0C0FFA03, # JAL 0x803FE80C
0x956C0002]) # LHU T4, 0x0002 (T3)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xA8B08, [0x080FFA0C, # J 0x803FE830
0x960A0038]) # LHU T2, 0x0038 (S0)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xE8584, [0x0C0FFA21, # JAL 0x803FE884
0x95D80000]) # LHU T8, 0x0000 (T6)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xE7AF0, [0x0C0FFA2A, # JAL 0x803FE8A8
0x958D0000]) # LHU T5, 0x0000 (T4)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE7DC, patches.item_drop_spin_corrector)
# Disable the 3HBs checking and setting flags when breaking them and enable their individual items checking and
# setting flags instead.
if options["multi_hit_breakables"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0xE87F8, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int16(0xE836C, 0x1000)
rom_data.write_int32(0xE8B40, 0x0C0FF3CD) # JAL 0x803FCF34
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCF34, patches.three_hit_item_flags_setter)
# Villa foyer chandelier-specific functions (yeah, IDK why KCEK made different functions for this one)
rom_data.write_int32(0xE7D54, 0x00000000) # NOP
rom_data.write_int16(0xE7908, 0x1000)
rom_data.write_byte(0xE7A5C, 0x10)
rom_data.write_int32(0xE7F08, 0x0C0FF3DF) # JAL 0x803FCF7C
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCF7C, patches.chandelier_item_flags_setter)
# New flag values to put in each 3HB vanilla flag's spot
rom_data.write_int32(0x10C7C8, 0x8000FF48) # FoS dirge maiden rock
rom_data.write_int32(0x10C7B0, 0x0200FF48) # FoS S1 bridge rock
rom_data.write_int32(0x10C86C, 0x0010FF48) # CW upper rampart save nub
rom_data.write_int32(0x10C878, 0x4000FF49) # CW Dracula switch slab
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CAD8, 0x0100FF49) # Tunnel twin arrows slab
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CAE4, 0x0004FF49) # Tunnel lonesome bucket pit rock
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CB54, 0x4000FF4A) # UW poison parkour ledge
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CB60, 0x0080FF4A) # UW skeleton crusher ledge
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CBF0, 0x0008FF4A) # CC Behemoth crate
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CC2C, 0x2000FF4B) # CC elevator pedestal
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CC70, 0x0200FF4B) # CC lizard locker slab
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CD88, 0x0010FF4B) # ToE pre-midsavepoint platforms ledge
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CE6C, 0x4000FF4C) # ToSci invisible bridge crate
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CF20, 0x0080FF4C) # CT inverted battery slab
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CF2C, 0x0008FF4C) # CT inverted door slab
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CF38, 0x8000FF4D) # CT final room door slab
rom_data.write_int32(0x10CF44, 0x1000FF4D) # CT Renon slab
rom_data.write_int32(0x10C908, 0x0008FF4D) # Villa foyer chandelier
rom_data.write_byte(0x10CF37, 0x04) # pointer for CT final room door slab item data
# Once-per-frame gameplay checks
rom_data.write_int32(0x6C848, 0x080FF40D) # J 0x803FD034
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFD058, 0x0801AEB5) # J 0x8006BAD4
# Everything related to dropping the previous sub-weapon
if options["drop_previous_sub_weapon"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFD034, 0x080FF3FF) # J 0x803FCFFC
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFC190, 0x080FF3F2) # J 0x803FCFC8
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCFC4, patches.prev_subweapon_spawn_checker)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFCFFC, patches.prev_subweapon_fall_checker)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFD060, patches.prev_subweapon_dropper)
# Everything related to the Countdown counter
if options["countdown"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFD03C, 0x080FF9DC) # J 0x803FE770
rom_data.write_int32(0xD5D48, 0x080FF4EC) # J 0x803FD3B0
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFD3B0, patches.countdown_number_displayer)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFD6DC, patches.countdown_number_manager)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE770, patches.countdown_demo_hider)
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFCE2C, 0x080FF5D2) # J 0x803FD748
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBB168, [0x080FF5F4, # J 0x803FD7D0
0x8E020028]) # LW V0, 0x0028 (S0)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBB1D0, [0x080FF5FB, # J 0x803FD7EC
0x8E020028]) # LW V0, 0x0028 (S0)
rom_data.write_int32(0xBC4A0, 0x080FF5E6) # J 0x803FD798
rom_data.write_int32(0xBC4C4, 0x080FF5E6) # J 0x803FD798
rom_data.write_int32(0x19844, 0x080FF602) # J 0x803FD808
# If the option is set to "all locations", count it down no matter what the item is.
if options["countdown"] == Countdown.option_all_locations:
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFD71C, [0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101,
0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101])
# If it's majors, then insert this last minute check I threw together for the weird edge case of a CV64
# ice trap for another CV64 player taking the form of a major.
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFD788, [0x080FF717, # J 0x803FDC5C
0x2529FFFF]) # ADDIU T1, T1, 0xFFFF
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDC5C, patches.countdown_extra_safety_check)
0x00000000) # NOP the pointless overwrite of the item actor appearance custom value.
# Ice Trap stuff
rom_data.write_int32(0x697C60, 0x080FF06B) # J 0x803FC18C
rom_data.write_int32(0x6A5160, 0x080FF06B) # J 0x803FC18C
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFC1AC, patches.ice_trap_initializer)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE700, patches.the_deep_freezer)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xB2F354, [0x3739E4C0, # ORI T9, T9, 0xE4C0
0x03200008, # JR T9
0x00000000]) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE4C0, patches.freeze_verifier)
# Fix for the ice chunk model staying when getting bitten by the maze garden dogs
rom_data.write_int32(0xA2DC48, 0x803FE9C0)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE9C0, patches.dog_bite_ice_trap_fix)
# Initial Countdown numbers
rom_data.write_int32(0xAD6A8, 0x080FF60A) # J 0x803FD828
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFD828, patches.new_game_extras)
# Everything related to shopsanity
if options["shopsanity"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0xBFBFDF, 0x01)
rom_data.write_bytes(0x103868, cv64_string_to_bytearray("Not obtained. "))
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFD8D0, patches.shopsanity_stuff)
rom_data.write_int32(0xBD828, 0x0C0FF643) # JAL 0x803FD90C
rom_data.write_int32(0xBD5B8, 0x0C0FF651) # JAL 0x803FD944
rom_data.write_int32(0xB0610, 0x0C0FF665) # JAL 0x803FD994
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBD24C, [0x0C0FF677, # J 0x803FD9DC
0x00000000]) # NOP
rom_data.write_int32(0xBD618, 0x0C0FF684) # JAL 0x803FDA10
# Panther Dash running
if options["panther_dash"]:
rom_data.write_int32(0x69C8C4, 0x0C0FF77E) # JAL 0x803FDDF8
rom_data.write_int32(0x6AA228, 0x0C0FF77E) # JAL 0x803FDDF8
rom_data.write_int32s(0x69C86C, [0x0C0FF78E, # JAL 0x803FDE38
0x3C01803E]) # LUI AT, 0x803E
rom_data.write_int32s(0x6AA1D0, [0x0C0FF78E, # JAL 0x803FDE38
0x3C01803E]) # LUI AT, 0x803E
rom_data.write_int32(0x69D37C, 0x0C0FF79E) # JAL 0x803FDE78
rom_data.write_int32(0x6AACE0, 0x0C0FF79E) # JAL 0x803FDE78
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDDF8, patches.panther_dash)
# Jump prevention
if options["panther_dash"] == PantherDash.option_jumpless:
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFDE2C, 0x080FF7BB) # J 0x803FDEEC
rom_data.write_int32(0xBFD044, 0x080FF7B1) # J 0x803FDEC4
rom_data.write_int32s(0x69B630, [0x0C0FF7C6, # JAL 0x803FDF18
0x8CCD0000]) # LW T5, 0x0000 (A2)
rom_data.write_int32s(0x6A8EC0, [0x0C0FF7C6, # JAL 0x803FDF18
0x8CCC0000]) # LW T4, 0x0000 (A2)
# Fun fact: KCEK put separate code to handle coyote time jumping
rom_data.write_int32s(0x69910C, [0x0C0FF7C6, # JAL 0x803FDF18
0x8C4E0000]) # LW T6, 0x0000 (V0)
rom_data.write_int32s(0x6A6718, [0x0C0FF7C6, # JAL 0x803FDF18
0x8C4E0000]) # LW T6, 0x0000 (V0)
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFDEC4, patches.panther_jump_preventer)
# Everything related to Big Toss.
if options["big_toss"]:
rom_data.write_int32s(0x27E90, [0x0C0FFA38, # JAL 0x803FE8E0
0xAFB80074]) # SW T8, 0x0074 (SP)
rom_data.write_int32(0x26F54, 0x0C0FFA4D) # JAL 0x803FE934
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE8E0, patches.big_tosser)
# Write the specified window colors
rom_data.write_byte(0xAEC23, options["window_color_r"] << 4)
rom_data.write_byte(0xAEC33, options["window_color_g"] << 4)
rom_data.write_byte(0xAEC47, options["window_color_b"] << 4)
rom_data.write_byte(0xAEC43, options["window_color_a"] << 4)
# Everything relating to loading the other game items text
rom_data.write_int32(0xA8D8C, 0x080FF88F) # J 0x803FE23C
rom_data.write_int32(0xBEA98, 0x0C0FF8B4) # JAL 0x803FE2D0
rom_data.write_int32(0xBEAB0, 0x0C0FF8BD) # JAL 0x803FE2F8
rom_data.write_int32(0xBEACC, 0x0C0FF8C5) # JAL 0x803FE314
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE23C, patches.multiworld_item_name_loader)
rom_data.write_bytes(0x10F188, [0x00 for _ in range(264)])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x10F298, [0x00 for _ in range(264)])
# When the game normally JALs to the item prepare textbox function after the player picks up an item, set the
# "no receiving" timer to ensure the item textbox doesn't freak out if you pick something up while there's a
# queue of unreceived items.
rom_data.write_int32(0xA8D94, 0x0C0FF9F0) # JAL 0x803FE7C0
rom_data.write_int32s(0xBFE7C0, [0x3C088039, # LUI T0, 0x8039
0x24090020, # ADDIU T1, R0, 0x0020
0x0804EDCE, # J 0x8013B738
0xA1099BE0]) # SB T1, 0x9BE0 (T0)
return rom_data.get_bytes()
def patch_ap_graphics(caller: APProcedurePatch, rom: bytes) -> bytes:
rom_data = RomData(rom)
# Extract the item models file, decompress it, append the AP icons, compress it back, re-insert it.
items_file = lzkn64.decompress_buffer(rom_data.read_bytes(0x9C5310, 0x3D28))
compressed_file = lzkn64.compress_buffer(items_file[0:0x69B6] + pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/ap_icons.bin"))
rom_data.write_bytes(0xBB2D88, compressed_file)
# Update the items' Nisitenma-Ichigo table entry to point to the new file's start and end addresses in the rom.
rom_data.write_int32s(0x95F04, [0x80BB2D88, 0x00BB2D88 + len(compressed_file)])
# Update the items' decompressed file size tables with the new file's decompressed file size.
rom_data.write_int16(0x95706, 0x7BF0)
rom_data.write_int16(0x104CCE, 0x7BF0)
# Update the Wooden Stake and Roses' item appearance settings table to point to the Archipelago item graphics.
rom_data.write_int16(0xEE5BA, 0x7B38)
rom_data.write_int16(0xEE5CA, 0x7280)
# Change the items' sizes. The progression one will be larger than the non-progression one.
rom_data.write_int32(0xEE5BC, 0x3FF00000)
rom_data.write_int32(0xEE5CC, 0x3FA00000)
return rom_data.get_bytes()
class CV64ProcedurePatch(APProcedurePatch, APTokenMixin):
hash = [CV64_US_10_HASH]
patch_file_ending: str = ".apcv64"
result_file_ending: str = ".z64"
game = "Castlevania 64"
procedure = [
("apply_patches", ["options.json"]),
("apply_tokens", ["token_data.bin"]),
("patch_ap_graphics", [])
def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes:
return get_base_rom_bytes()
def write_patch(world: "CV64World", patch: CV64ProcedurePatch, offset_data: Dict[int, bytes], shop_name_list: List[str],
shop_desc_list: List[List[Union[int, str, None]]], shop_colors_list: List[bytearray],
active_locations: Iterable[Location]) -> None:
active_warp_list = world.active_warp_list
s1s_per_warp = world.s1s_per_warp
# Write all the new item/loading zone/shop/lighting/music/etc. values.
for offset, data in offset_data.items():
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, offset, data)
# Write the new Stage Select menu destinations.
for i in range(len(active_warp_list)):
if i == 0:
warp_map_offsets[i], get_stage_info(active_warp_list[i], "start map id"))
warp_map_offsets[i] + 4, get_stage_info(active_warp_list[i], "start spawn id"))
warp_map_offsets[i], get_stage_info(active_warp_list[i], "mid map id"))
warp_map_offsets[i] + 4, get_stage_info(active_warp_list[i], "mid spawn id"))
# Change the Stage Select menu's text to reflect its new purpose.
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0xEFAD0, bytes(
cv64_string_to_bytearray(f"Where to...?\t{active_warp_list[0]}\t"
f"`{str(s1s_per_warp).zfill(2)} {active_warp_list[1]}\t"
f"`{str(s1s_per_warp * 2).zfill(2)} {active_warp_list[2]}\t"
f"`{str(s1s_per_warp * 3).zfill(2)} {active_warp_list[3]}\t"
f"`{str(s1s_per_warp * 4).zfill(2)} {active_warp_list[4]}\t"
f"`{str(s1s_per_warp * 5).zfill(2)} {active_warp_list[5]}\t"
f"`{str(s1s_per_warp * 6).zfill(2)} {active_warp_list[6]}\t"
f"`{str(s1s_per_warp * 7).zfill(2)} {active_warp_list[7]}")))
# Write the new File Select stage numbers.
for stage in world.active_stage_exits:
for offset in get_stage_info(stage, "save number offsets"):
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, offset, bytes([world.active_stage_exits[stage]["position"]]))
# Write all the shop text.
if world.options.shopsanity:
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0x103868, bytes(cv64_string_to_bytearray("Not obtained. ")))
shopsanity_name_text = bytearray(0)
shopsanity_desc_text = bytearray(0)
for i in range(len(shop_name_list)):
shopsanity_name_text += bytearray([0xA0, i]) + shop_colors_list[i] + \
cv64_string_to_bytearray(cv64_text_truncate(shop_name_list[i], 74))
shopsanity_desc_text += bytearray([0xA0, i])
if shop_desc_list[i][1] is not None:
shopsanity_desc_text += cv64_string_to_bytearray("For " + shop_desc_list[i][1] + ".\n",
shopsanity_desc_text += cv64_string_to_bytearray(renon_item_dialogue[shop_desc_list[i][0]])
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0x1AD00, bytes(shopsanity_name_text))
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0x1A800, bytes(shopsanity_desc_text))
# Write the item/player names for other game items.
for loc in active_locations:
if loc.address is None or get_location_info(, "type") == "shop" or loc.item.player == world.player:
# If the Item's name is longer than 104 characters, truncate the name to inject at 104.
if len( > 104:
item_name =[0:104]
item_name =
# Get the item's player's name. If it's longer than 16 characters (which can happen if it's an ItemLinked item),
# truncate it at 16.
player_name = world.multiworld.get_player_name(loc.item.player)
if len(player_name) > 16:
player_name = player_name[0:16]
inject_address = 0xBB7164 + (256 * (loc.address & 0xFFF))
wrapped_name, num_lines = cv64_text_wrap(item_name + "\nfor " + player_name, 96)
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, inject_address, bytes(get_item_text_color(loc) +
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, inject_address + 255, bytes([num_lines]))
# Write the secondary name the client will use to distinguish a vanilla ROM from an AP one.
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0xBFBFD0, "ARCHIPELAGO1".encode("utf-8"))
# Write the slot authentication
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0xBFBFE0, bytes(world.auth))
patch.write_file("token_data.bin", patch.get_token_binary())
# Write these slot options to a JSON.
options_dict = {
"character_stages": world.options.character_stages.value,
"vincent_fight_condition": world.options.vincent_fight_condition.value,
"renon_fight_condition": world.options.renon_fight_condition.value,
"bad_ending_condition": world.options.bad_ending_condition.value,
"increase_item_limit": world.options.increase_item_limit.value,
"nerf_healing_items": world.options.nerf_healing_items.value,
"loading_zone_heals": world.options.loading_zone_heals.value,
"disable_time_restrictions": world.options.disable_time_restrictions.value,
"death_link": world.options.death_link.value,
"draculas_condition": world.options.draculas_condition.value,
"invisible_items": world.options.invisible_items.value,
"post_behemoth_boss": world.options.post_behemoth_boss.value,
"room_of_clocks_boss": world.options.room_of_clocks_boss.value,
"skip_gondolas": world.options.skip_gondolas.value,
"skip_waterway_blocks": world.options.skip_waterway_blocks.value,
"s1s_per_warp": world.options.special1s_per_warp.value,
"required_s2s": world.required_s2s,
"total_s2s": world.total_s2s,
"total_special1s": world.options.total_special1s.value,
"increase_shimmy_speed": world.options.increase_shimmy_speed.value,
"fall_guard": world.options.fall_guard.value,
"cinematic_experience": world.options.cinematic_experience.value,
"permanent_powerups": world.options.permanent_powerups.value,
"background_music": world.options.background_music.value,
"multi_hit_breakables": world.options.multi_hit_breakables.value,
"drop_previous_sub_weapon": world.options.drop_previous_sub_weapon.value,
"countdown": world.options.countdown.value,
"shopsanity": world.options.shopsanity.value,
"panther_dash": world.options.panther_dash.value,
"big_toss": world.options.big_toss.value,
"window_color_r": world.options.window_color_r.value,
"window_color_g": world.options.window_color_g.value,
"window_color_b": world.options.window_color_b.value,
"window_color_a": world.options.window_color_a.value,
patch.write_file("options.json", json.dumps(options_dict).encode('utf-8'))
def get_base_rom_bytes(file_name: str = "") -> bytes:
base_rom_bytes = getattr(get_base_rom_bytes, "base_rom_bytes", None)
if not base_rom_bytes:
file_name = get_base_rom_path(file_name)
base_rom_bytes = bytes(open(file_name, "rb").read())
basemd5 = hashlib.md5()
if CV64_US_10_HASH != basemd5.hexdigest():
raise Exception("Supplied Base Rom does not match known MD5 for Castlevania 64 US 1.0."
"Get the correct game and version, then dump it.")
setattr(get_base_rom_bytes, "base_rom_bytes", base_rom_bytes)
return base_rom_bytes
def get_base_rom_path(file_name: str = "") -> str:
if not file_name:
file_name = get_settings()["cv64_options"]["rom_file"]
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
file_name = Utils.user_path(file_name)
return file_name