
563 lines
27 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import collections
import logging
import typing
import Utils
import settings
from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Item, Tutorial, ItemClassification
from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld
from worlds.LauncherComponents import Component, components, Type, launch_subprocess
from worlds.generic import Rules
from .Locations import location_pools, location_table
from .Mod import generate_mod
from .Options import FactorioOptions, MaxSciencePack, Silo, Satellite, TechTreeInformation, Goal, TechCostDistribution
from .Shapes import get_shapes
from .Technologies import base_tech_table, recipe_sources, base_technology_table, \
all_product_sources, required_technologies, get_rocket_requirements, \
progressive_technology_table, common_tech_table, tech_to_progressive_lookup, progressive_tech_table, \
get_science_pack_pools, Recipe, recipes, technology_table, tech_table, factorio_base_id, useless_technologies, \
fluids, stacking_items, valid_ingredients, progressive_rows
def launch_client():
from .Client import launch
launch_subprocess(launch, name="FactorioClient")
components.append(Component("Factorio Client", "FactorioClient", func=launch_client, component_type=Type.CLIENT))
class FactorioSettings(settings.Group):
class Executable(settings.UserFilePath):
is_exe = True
class ServerSettings(settings.OptionalUserFilePath):
by default, no settings are loaded if this file does not exist. \
If this file does exist, then it will be used.
server_settings: "factorio\\\\data\\\\server-settings.json"
class FilterItemSends(settings.Bool):
"""Whether to filter item send messages displayed in-game to only those that involve you."""
class BridgeChatOut(settings.Bool):
"""Whether to send chat messages from players on the Factorio server to Archipelago."""
executable: Executable = Executable("factorio/bin/x64/factorio")
server_settings: typing.Optional[FactorioSettings.ServerSettings] = None
filter_item_sends: typing.Union[FilterItemSends, bool] = False
bridge_chat_out: typing.Union[BridgeChatOut, bool] = True
class FactorioWeb(WebWorld):
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Archipelago Factorio software on your computer.",
["Berserker, Farrak Kilhn"]
class FactorioItem(Item):
game = "Factorio"
all_items = tech_table.copy()
all_items["Attack Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 1
all_items["Evolution Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 2
all_items["Teleport Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 3
all_items["Grenade Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 4
all_items["Cluster Grenade Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 5
all_items["Artillery Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 6
all_items["Atomic Rocket Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 7
class Factorio(World):
Factorio is a game about automation. You play as an engineer who has crash landed on the planet
Nauvis, an inhospitable world filled with dangerous creatures called biters. Build a factory,
research new technologies, and become more efficient in your quest to build a rocket and return home.
game = "Factorio"
special_nodes = {"automation", "logistics", "rocket-silo"}
custom_recipes: typing.Dict[str, Recipe]
location_pool: typing.List[FactorioScienceLocation]
advancement_technologies: typing.Set[str]
web = FactorioWeb()
options_dataclass = FactorioOptions
options: FactorioOptions
item_name_to_id = all_items
location_name_to_id = location_table
item_name_groups = {
"Progressive": set(progressive_tech_table.keys()),
required_client_version = (0, 5, 1)
if Utils.version_tuple < required_client_version:
raise Exception(f"Update Archipelago to use this world ({game}).")
ordered_science_packs: typing.List[str] = MaxSciencePack.get_ordered_science_packs()
tech_tree_layout_prerequisites: typing.Dict[FactorioScienceLocation, typing.Set[FactorioScienceLocation]]
tech_mix: int = 0
skip_silo: bool = False
origin_region_name = "Nauvis"
science_locations: typing.List[FactorioScienceLocation]
removed_technologies: typing.Set[str]
settings: typing.ClassVar[FactorioSettings]
def __init__(self, world, player: int):
super(Factorio, self).__init__(world, player)
self.removed_technologies = useless_technologies.copy()
self.advancement_technologies = set()
self.custom_recipes = {}
self.science_locations = []
self.tech_tree_layout_prerequisites = {}
generate_output = generate_mod
def generate_early(self) -> None:
# if max < min, then swap max and min
if self.options.max_tech_cost < self.options.min_tech_cost:
self.options.min_tech_cost.value, self.options.max_tech_cost.value = \
self.options.max_tech_cost.value, self.options.min_tech_cost.value
self.tech_mix = self.options.tech_cost_mix.value
self.skip_silo = self.options.silo.value == Silo.option_spawn
def create_regions(self):
player = self.player
random = self.random
nauvis = Region("Nauvis", player, self.multiworld)
location_count = len(base_tech_table) - len(useless_technologies) - self.skip_silo + \
self.options.evolution_traps + \
self.options.attack_traps + \
self.options.teleport_traps + \
self.options.grenade_traps + \
self.options.cluster_grenade_traps + \
self.options.atomic_rocket_traps + \
location_pool = []
for pack in sorted(self.options.max_science_pack.get_allowed_packs()):
location_names = random.sample(location_pool, location_count)
except ValueError as e:
# should be "ValueError: Sample larger than population or is negative"
raise Exception("Too many traps for too few locations. Either decrease the trap count, "
f"or increase the location count (higher max science pack). (Player {self.player})") from e
self.science_locations = [FactorioScienceLocation(player, loc_name, self.location_name_to_id[loc_name], nauvis)
for loc_name in location_names]
distribution: TechCostDistribution = self.options.tech_cost_distribution
min_cost = self.options.min_tech_cost.value
max_cost = self.options.max_tech_cost.value
if distribution == distribution.option_even:
rand_values = (random.randint(min_cost, max_cost) for _ in self.science_locations)
mode = {distribution.option_low: min_cost,
distribution.option_middle: (min_cost+max_cost)//2,
distribution.option_high: max_cost}[distribution.value]
rand_values = (random.triangular(min_cost, max_cost, mode) for _ in self.science_locations)
rand_values = sorted(rand_values)
if self.options.ramping_tech_costs:
def sorter(loc: FactorioScienceLocation):
return loc.complexity, loc.rel_cost
def sorter(loc: FactorioScienceLocation):
return loc.rel_cost
for i, location in enumerate(sorted(self.science_locations, key=sorter)):
location.count = rand_values[i]
del rand_values
location = FactorioLocation(player, "Rocket Launch", None, nauvis)
event = FactorioItem("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, player)
for ingredient in sorted(self.options.max_science_pack.get_allowed_packs()):
location = FactorioLocation(player, f"Automate {ingredient}", None, nauvis)
event = FactorioItem(f"Automated {ingredient}", ItemClassification.progression, None, player)
def create_items(self) -> None:
self.custom_technologies = self.set_custom_technologies()
traps = ("Evolution", "Attack", "Teleport", "Grenade", "Cluster Grenade", "Artillery", "Atomic Rocket")
for trap_name in traps:
self.multiworld.itempool.extend(self.create_item(f"{trap_name} Trap") for _ in
f"{trap_name.lower().replace(' ', '_')}_traps")))
want_progressives = collections.defaultdict(lambda:
cost_sorted_locations = sorted(self.science_locations, key=lambda location:
special_index = {"automation": 0,
"logistics": 1,
"rocket-silo": -1}
loc: FactorioScienceLocation
if self.options.tech_tree_information == TechTreeInformation.option_full:
# mark all locations as pre-hinted
for loc in self.science_locations:
loc.revealed = True
if self.skip_silo:
self.removed_technologies |= {"rocket-silo"}
for tech_name in base_tech_table:
if tech_name not in self.removed_technologies:
progressive_item_name = tech_to_progressive_lookup.get(tech_name, tech_name)
want_progressive = want_progressives[progressive_item_name]
item_name = progressive_item_name if want_progressive else tech_name
tech_item = self.create_item(item_name)
index = special_index.get(tech_name, None)
if index is None:
loc = cost_sorted_locations[index]
if index >= 0:
# beginning techs - limit cost to 10
# as automation is not achievable yet and hand-crafting for hours is not fun gameplay
loc.count = min(loc.count, 10)
loc.revealed = True
def set_rules(self):
player = self.player
shapes = get_shapes(self)
for ingredient in self.options.max_science_pack.get_allowed_packs():
location = self.get_location(f"Automate {ingredient}")
if self.options.recipe_ingredients:
custom_recipe = self.custom_recipes[ingredient]
location.access_rule = lambda state, ingredient=ingredient, custom_recipe=custom_recipe: \
(not technology_table[ingredient].unlocks or state.has(ingredient, player)) and \
all(state.has(, player) for sub_ingredient in custom_recipe.ingredients
for technology in required_technologies[sub_ingredient]) and \
all(state.has(, player) for technology in required_technologies[custom_recipe.crafting_machine])
location.access_rule = lambda state, ingredient=ingredient: \
all(state.has(, player) for technology in required_technologies[ingredient])
for location in self.science_locations:
Rules.set_rule(location, lambda state, ingredients=frozenset(location.ingredients):
all(state.has(f"Automated {ingredient}", player) for ingredient in ingredients))
prerequisites = shapes.get(location)
if prerequisites:
Rules.add_rule(location, lambda state, locations=frozenset(prerequisites):
all(state.can_reach(loc) for loc in locations))
silo_recipe = None
cargo_pad_recipe = None
if self.options.silo == Silo.option_spawn:
silo_recipe = self.get_recipe("rocket-silo")
cargo_pad_recipe = self.get_recipe("cargo-landing-pad")
part_recipe = self.custom_recipes["rocket-part"]
satellite_recipe = None
if self.options.goal == Goal.option_satellite:
satellite_recipe = self.get_recipe("satellite")
victory_tech_names = get_rocket_requirements(silo_recipe, part_recipe, satellite_recipe, cargo_pad_recipe)
if self.options.silo == Silo.option_spawn:
victory_tech_names -= {"rocket-silo"}
victory_tech_names |= {"rocket-silo"}
self.get_location("Rocket Launch").access_rule = lambda state: all(state.has(technology, player)
for technology in
for tech_name in victory_tech_names:
if not self.multiworld.get_all_state(True).has(tech_name, player):
self.multiworld.completion_condition[player] = lambda state: state.has('Victory', player)
def get_recipe(self, name: str) -> Recipe:
return self.custom_recipes[name] if name in self.custom_recipes \
else next(iter(all_product_sources.get(name)))
def generate_basic(self):
map_basic_settings = self.options.world_gen.value["basic"]
if map_basic_settings.get("seed", None) is None: # allow seed 0
# 32 bit uint
map_basic_settings["seed"] = self.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1)
start_location_hints: typing.Set[str] = self.options.start_location_hints.value
for loc in self.science_locations:
# show start_location_hints ingame
if in start_location_hints:
loc.revealed = True
# make spoiler match mod info
elif loc.revealed:
def collect_item(self, state, item, remove=False):
if item.advancement and in progressive_technology_table:
prog_table = progressive_technology_table[].progressive
if remove:
for item_name in reversed(prog_table):
if state.has(item_name, item.player):
return item_name
for item_name in prog_table:
if not state.has(item_name, item.player):
return item_name
return super(Factorio, self).collect_item(state, item, remove)
def stage_write_spoiler(cls, world, spoiler_handle):
factorio_players = world.get_game_players(
spoiler_handle.write('\n\nFactorio Recipes:\n')
for player in factorio_players:
name = world.get_player_name(player)
for recipe in world.worlds[player].custom_recipes.values():
spoiler_handle.write(f"\n{} ({name}): {recipe.ingredients} -> {recipe.products}")
def get_category(category: str, liquids: int) -> str:
categories = {1: "crafting-with-fluid",
2: "chemistry"}
return categories.get(liquids, category)
def make_quick_recipe(self, original: Recipe, pool: list, allow_liquids: int = 2,
ingredients_offset: int = 0) -> Recipe:
count: int = len(original.ingredients) + ingredients_offset
assert len(pool) >= count, f"Can't pick {count} many items from pool {pool}."
new_ingredients = {}
liquids_used = 0
for _ in range(count):
new_ingredient = pool.pop()
if new_ingredient in fluids:
while liquids_used == allow_liquids and new_ingredient in fluids:
# liquids already at max for current recipe.
# Return the liquid to the pool and get a new ingredient.
new_ingredient = pool.pop(0)
liquids_used += 1 if new_ingredient in fluids else 0
new_ingredients[new_ingredient] = 1
return Recipe(, self.get_category(original.category, liquids_used), new_ingredients,
def make_balanced_recipe(self, original: Recipe, pool: typing.Set[str], factor: float = 1,
allow_liquids: int = 2, ingredients_offset: int = 0) -> Recipe:
"""Generate a recipe from pool with time and cost similar to original * factor"""
new_ingredients = {}
# have to first sort for determinism, while filtering out non-stacking items
pool: typing.List[str] = sorted(pool & valid_ingredients)
# then sort with random data to shuffle
target_raw = int(sum((count for ingredient, count in original.base_cost.items())) * factor)
target_energy = original.total_energy * factor
target_num_ingredients = len(original.ingredients) + ingredients_offset
remaining_raw = target_raw
remaining_energy = target_energy
remaining_num_ingredients = target_num_ingredients
fallback_pool = []
liquids_used = 0
# fill all but one slot with random ingredients, last with a good match
while remaining_num_ingredients > 0 and pool:
ingredient = pool.pop()
if liquids_used == allow_liquids and ingredient in fluids:
continue # can't use this ingredient as we already have maximum liquid in our recipe.
ingredient_raw = 0
if ingredient in all_product_sources:
ingredient_recipe = min(all_product_sources[ingredient], key=lambda recipe: recipe.rel_cost)
ingredient_raw = sum((count for ingredient, count in ingredient_recipe.base_cost.items()))
ingredient_energy = ingredient_recipe.total_energy
# assume simple ore TODO: remove if tree when mining data is harvested from Factorio
ingredient_energy = 2
if not ingredient_raw:
ingredient_raw = 1
if remaining_num_ingredients == 1:
max_raw = 1.1 * remaining_raw
min_raw = 0.9 * remaining_raw
max_energy = 1.1 * remaining_energy
min_energy = 0.9 * remaining_energy
max_raw = remaining_raw * 0.75
min_raw = (remaining_raw - max_raw) / remaining_num_ingredients
max_energy = remaining_energy * 0.75
min_energy = (remaining_energy - max_energy) / remaining_num_ingredients
min_num_raw = min_raw / ingredient_raw
max_num_raw = max_raw / ingredient_raw
min_num_energy = min_energy / ingredient_energy
max_num_energy = max_energy / ingredient_energy
min_num = int(max(1, min_num_raw, min_num_energy))
max_num = int(min(1000, max_num_raw, max_num_energy))
if min_num > max_num:
continue # can't use that ingredient
num = self.random.randint(min_num, max_num)
new_ingredients[ingredient] = num
remaining_raw -= num * ingredient_raw
remaining_energy -= num * ingredient_energy
remaining_num_ingredients -= 1
if ingredient in fluids:
liquids_used += 1
# fill failed slots with whatever we got
pool = fallback_pool
while remaining_num_ingredients > 0 and pool:
ingredient = pool.pop()
if liquids_used == allow_liquids and ingredient in fluids:
continue # can't use this ingredient as we already have maximum liquid in our recipe.
ingredient_recipe = recipes.get(ingredient, None)
if not ingredient_recipe and ingredient.endswith("-barrel"):
ingredient_recipe = recipes.get(f"fill-{ingredient}", None)
if not ingredient_recipe:
logging.warning(f"missing recipe for {ingredient}")
ingredient_raw = sum((count for ingredient, count in ingredient_recipe.base_cost.items()))
ingredient_energy = ingredient_recipe.total_energy
num_raw = remaining_raw / ingredient_raw / remaining_num_ingredients
num_energy = remaining_energy / ingredient_energy / remaining_num_ingredients
num = int(min(num_raw, num_energy))
if num < 1:
new_ingredients[ingredient] = num
remaining_raw -= num * ingredient_raw
remaining_energy -= num * ingredient_energy
remaining_num_ingredients -= 1
if ingredient in fluids:
liquids_used += 1
if remaining_num_ingredients > 1:
logging.warning("could not randomize recipe")
return Recipe(, self.get_category(original.category, liquids_used), new_ingredients,
def set_custom_technologies(self):
custom_technologies = {}
allowed_packs = self.options.max_science_pack.get_allowed_packs()
for technology_name, technology in base_technology_table.items():
custom_technologies[technology_name] = technology.get_custom(self, allowed_packs, self.player)
return custom_technologies
def set_custom_recipes(self):
ingredients_offset = self.options.recipe_ingredients_offset
original_rocket_part = recipes["rocket-part"]
science_pack_pools = get_science_pack_pools()
valid_pool = sorted(science_pack_pools[self.options.max_science_pack.get_max_pack()]
& valid_ingredients)
self.custom_recipes = {"rocket-part": Recipe("rocket-part", original_rocket_part.category,
{valid_pool[x]: 10 for x in range(3 + ingredients_offset)},
if self.options.recipe_ingredients:
valid_pool = []
for pack in self.options.max_science_pack.get_ordered_science_packs():
valid_pool += sorted(science_pack_pools[pack])
if pack in recipes: # skips over space science pack
new_recipe = self.make_quick_recipe(recipes[pack], valid_pool, ingredients_offset=
self.custom_recipes[pack] = new_recipe
if self.options.silo.value == Silo.option_randomize_recipe \
or self.options.satellite.value == Satellite.option_randomize_recipe:
valid_pool = set()
for pack in sorted(self.options.max_science_pack.get_allowed_packs()):
valid_pool |= science_pack_pools[pack]
if self.options.silo.value == Silo.option_randomize_recipe:
new_recipe = self.make_balanced_recipe(
recipes["rocket-silo"], valid_pool,
factor=(self.options.max_science_pack.value + 1) / 7,
self.custom_recipes["rocket-silo"] = new_recipe
if self.options.satellite.value == Satellite.option_randomize_recipe:
new_recipe = self.make_balanced_recipe(
recipes["satellite"], valid_pool,
factor=(self.options.max_science_pack.value + 1) / 7,
self.custom_recipes["satellite"] = new_recipe
bridge = "ap-energy-bridge"
new_recipe = self.make_quick_recipe(
Recipe(bridge, "crafting", {"replace_1": 1, "replace_2": 1, "replace_3": 1,
"replace_4": 1, "replace_5": 1, "replace_6": 1},
{bridge: 1}, 10),
for ingredient_name in new_recipe.ingredients:
new_recipe.ingredients[ingredient_name] = self.random.randint(50, 500)
self.custom_recipes[bridge] = new_recipe
needed_recipes = self.options.max_science_pack.get_allowed_packs() | {"rocket-part"}
if self.options.silo != Silo.option_spawn:
needed_recipes |= {"rocket-silo", "cargo-landing-pad"}
if self.options.goal.value == Goal.option_satellite:
needed_recipes |= {"satellite"}
for recipe in needed_recipes:
recipe = self.custom_recipes.get(recipe, recipes[recipe])
self.advancement_technologies |= { for tech in recipe.recursive_unlocking_technologies}
# handle marking progressive techs as advancement
prog_add = set()
for tech in self.advancement_technologies:
if tech in tech_to_progressive_lookup:
self.advancement_technologies |= prog_add
def create_item(self, name: str) -> FactorioItem:
if name in tech_table: # is a Technology
if name in self.advancement_technologies:
classification = ItemClassification.progression
classification = ItemClassification.filler
return FactorioItem(name,
tech_table[name], self.player)
item = FactorioItem(name,
ItemClassification.trap if name.endswith("Trap") else ItemClassification.filler,
all_items[name], self.player)
return item
class FactorioLocation(Location):
game: str =
class FactorioScienceLocation(FactorioLocation):
complexity: int
revealed: bool = False
# Factorio technology properties:
ingredients: typing.Dict[str, int]
count: int = 0
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, address: int, parent: Region):
super(FactorioScienceLocation, self).__init__(player, name, address, parent)
# "AP-{Complexity}-{Cost}"
self.complexity = int([3]) - 1
self.rel_cost = int([5:])
self.ingredients = {Factorio.ordered_science_packs[self.complexity]: 1}
for complexity in range(self.complexity):
if (parent.multiworld.worlds[self.player].options.tech_cost_mix >
parent.multiworld.worlds[self.player].random.randint(0, 99)):
self.ingredients[Factorio.ordered_science_packs[complexity]] = 1
def factorio_ingredients(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, int]]:
return [(name, count) for name, count in self.ingredients.items()]