
509 lines
32 KiB

from BaseClasses import CollectionState
from worlds.generic.Rules import exclusion_rules
from . import Constants
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from . import MinecraftWorld
# Helper functions
# moved from logicmixin
def has_iron_ingots(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Progressive Tools', player) and state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player)
def has_copper_ingots(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Progressive Tools', player) and state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player)
def has_gold_ingots(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player)
and (
state.has('Progressive Tools', player, 2)
or state.can_reach_region('The Nether', player)
def has_diamond_pickaxe(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Progressive Tools', player, 3) and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
def craft_crossbow(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Archery', player) and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
def has_bottle(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Bottles', player) and state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player)
def has_spyglass(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (has_copper_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Spyglass', player)
and can_adventure(world, state, player)
def can_enchant(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Enchanting', player) and has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player) # mine obsidian and lapis
def can_use_anvil(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (state.has('Enchanting', player)
and state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player,2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
def fortress_loot(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool: # saddles, blaze rods, wither skulls
return state.can_reach_region('Nether Fortress', player) and basic_combat(world, state, player)
def can_brew_potions(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Blaze Rods', player) and state.has('Brewing', player) and has_bottle(world, state, player)
def can_piglin_trade(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (has_gold_ingots(world, state, player)
and (
state.can_reach_region('The Nether', player)
or state.can_reach_region('Bastion Remnant', player)
def overworld_villager(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
village_region = state.multiworld.get_region('Village', player).entrances[0]
if village_region == 'The Nether': # 2 options: cure zombie villager or build portal in village
return (state.can_reach_location('Zombie Doctor', player)
or (
has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player)
and state.can_reach_region('Village', player)
elif village_region == 'The End':
return state.can_reach_location('Zombie Doctor', player)
return state.can_reach_region('Village', player)
def enter_stronghold(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has('Blaze Rods', player) and state.has('Brewing', player) and state.has('3 Ender Pearls', player)
# Difficulty-dependent functions
def combat_difficulty(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> str:
return world.options.combat_difficulty.current_key
def can_adventure(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
death_link_check = not world.options.death_link or state.has('Bed', player)
if combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'easy':
return state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 2) and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player) and death_link_check
elif combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'hard':
return True
return (state.has('Progressive Weapons', player) and death_link_check and
(state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player) or state.has('Campfire', player)))
def basic_combat(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
if combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'easy':
return (state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 2)
and state.has('Progressive Armor', player)
and state.has('Shield', player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
elif combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'hard':
return True
return (state.has('Progressive Weapons', player)
and (
state.has('Progressive Armor', player)
or state.has('Shield', player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
def complete_raid(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
reach_regions = (state.can_reach_region('Village', player)
and state.can_reach_region('Pillager Outpost', player))
if combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'easy':
return (reach_regions
and state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 3)
and state.has('Progressive Armor', player, 2)
and state.has('Shield', player)
and state.has('Archery', player)
and state.has('Progressive Tools', player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
elif combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'hard': # might be too hard?
return (reach_regions
and state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and (
state.has('Progressive Armor', player)
or state.has('Shield', player)
return (reach_regions
and state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Progressive Armor', player)
and state.has('Shield', player)
def can_kill_wither(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
normal_kill = (state.has("Progressive Weapons", player, 3)
and state.has("Progressive Armor", player, 2)
and can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and can_enchant(world, state, player)
if combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'easy':
return (fortress_loot(world, state, player)
and normal_kill
and state.has('Archery', player)
elif combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'hard': # cheese kill using bedrock ceilings
return (fortress_loot(world, state, player)
and (
or state.can_reach_region('The Nether', player)
or state.can_reach_region('The End', player)
return fortress_loot(world, state, player) and normal_kill
def can_respawn_ender_dragon(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (state.can_reach_region('The Nether', player)
and state.can_reach_region('The End', player)
and state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player) # smelt sand into glass
def can_kill_ender_dragon(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
if combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'easy':
return (state.has("Progressive Weapons", player, 3)
and state.has("Progressive Armor", player, 2)
and state.has('Archery', player)
and can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and can_enchant(world, state, player)
if combat_difficulty(world, state, player) == 'hard':
return (
state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 2)
and state.has('Progressive Armor', player)
) or (
state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 1)
and state.has('Bed', player) # who needs armor when you can respawn right outside the chamber
return (state.has('Progressive Weapons', player, 2)
and state.has('Progressive Armor', player)
and state.has('Archery', player)
def has_structure_compass(world: "MinecraftWorld", state: CollectionState, entrance_name: str, player: int) -> bool:
if not world.options.structure_compasses:
return True
return state.has(f"Structure Compass ({state.multiworld.get_entrance(entrance_name, player)})", player)
def get_rules_lookup(world, player: int):
rules_lookup = {
"entrances": {
"Nether Portal": lambda state: state.has('Flint and Steel', player)
and (
state.has('Bucket', player)
or state.has('Progressive Tools', player, 3)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"End Portal": lambda state: enter_stronghold(world, state, player)
and state.has('3 Ender Pearls', player, 4),
"Overworld Structure 1": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_structure_compass(world, state, "Overworld Structure 1", player),
"Overworld Structure 2": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_structure_compass(world, state, "Overworld Structure 2", player),
"Nether Structure 1": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_structure_compass(world, state, "Nether Structure 1", player),
"Nether Structure 2": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_structure_compass(world, state, "Nether Structure 2", player),
"The End Structure": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_structure_compass(world, state, "The End Structure", player),
"locations": {
"Ender Dragon": lambda state: can_respawn_ender_dragon(world, state, player)
and can_kill_ender_dragon(world, state, player),
"Wither": lambda state: can_kill_wither(world, state, player),
"Blaze Rods": lambda state: fortress_loot(world, state, player),
"Who is Cutting Onions?": lambda state: can_piglin_trade(world, state, player),
"Oh Shiny": lambda state: can_piglin_trade(world, state, player),
"Suit Up": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Armor", player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Very Very Frightening": lambda state: state.has("Channeling Book", player)
and can_use_anvil(world, state, player)
and can_enchant(world, state, player)
and overworld_villager(world, state, player),
"Hot Stuff": lambda state: state.has("Bucket", player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Free the End": lambda state: can_respawn_ender_dragon(world, state, player)
and can_kill_ender_dragon(world, state, player),
"A Furious Cocktail": lambda state: (can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and state.has("Fishing Rod", player) # Water Breathing
and state.can_reach_region("The Nether", player) # Regeneration, Fire Resistance, gold nuggets
and state.can_reach_region("Village", player) # Night Vision, Invisibility
and state.can_reach_location("Bring Home the Beacon", player)),
# Resistance
"Bring Home the Beacon": lambda state: can_kill_wither(world, state, player)
and has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player)
and state.has("Progressive Resource Crafting", player, 2),
"Not Today, Thank You": lambda state: state.has("Shield", player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Isn't It Iron Pick": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Local Brewery": lambda state: can_brew_potions(world, state, player),
"The Next Generation": lambda state: can_respawn_ender_dragon(world, state, player)
and can_kill_ender_dragon(world, state, player),
"Fishy Business": lambda state: state.has("Fishing Rod", player),
"This Boat Has Legs": lambda state: (
fortress_loot(world, state, player)
or complete_raid(world, state, player)
and state.has("Saddle", player)
and state.has("Fishing Rod", player),
"Sniper Duel": lambda state: state.has("Archery", player),
"Great View From Up Here": lambda state: basic_combat(world, state, player),
"How Did We Get Here?": lambda state: (can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and has_gold_ingots(world, state, player) # Absorption
and state.can_reach_region('End City', player) # Levitation
and state.can_reach_region('The Nether', player) # potion ingredients
and state.has("Fishing Rod", player) # Pufferfish, Nautilus Shells; spectral arrows
and state.has("Archery", player)
and state.can_reach_location("Bring Home the Beacon", player) # Haste
and state.can_reach_location("Hero of the Village", player)), # Bad Omen, Hero of the Village
"Bullseye": lambda state: state.has("Archery", player)
and state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Spooky Scary Skeleton": lambda state: basic_combat(world, state, player),
"Two by Two": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has("Bucket", player)
and can_adventure(world, state, player),
"Two Birds, One Arrow": lambda state: craft_crossbow(world, state, player)
and can_enchant(world, state, player),
"Who's the Pillager Now?": lambda state: craft_crossbow(world, state, player),
"Getting an Upgrade": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Tools", player),
"Tactical Fishing": lambda state: state.has("Bucket", player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Zombie Doctor": lambda state: can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and has_gold_ingots(world, state, player),
"Ice Bucket Challenge": lambda state: has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player),
"Into Fire": lambda state: basic_combat(world, state, player),
"War Pigs": lambda state: basic_combat(world, state, player),
"Take Aim": lambda state: state.has("Archery", player),
"Total Beelocation": lambda state: state.has("Silk Touch Book", player)
and can_use_anvil(world, state, player)
and can_enchant(world, state, player),
"Arbalistic": lambda state: (craft_crossbow(world, state, player)
and state.has("Piercing IV Book", player)
and can_use_anvil(world, state, player)
and can_enchant(world, state, player)
"The End... Again...": lambda state: can_respawn_ender_dragon(world, state, player)
and can_kill_ender_dragon(world, state, player),
"Acquire Hardware": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Not Quite \"Nine\" Lives": lambda state: can_piglin_trade(world, state, player)
and state.has("Progressive Resource Crafting", player, 2),
"Cover Me With Diamonds": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Armor", player, 2)
and state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Sky's the Limit": lambda state: basic_combat(world, state, player),
"Hired Help": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Resource Crafting", player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Sweet Dreams": lambda state: state.has("Bed", player)
or state.can_reach_region('Village', player),
"You Need a Mint": lambda state: can_respawn_ender_dragon(world, state, player)
and has_bottle(world, state, player),
"Monsters Hunted": lambda state: (can_respawn_ender_dragon(world, state, player)
and can_kill_ender_dragon(world, state, player)
and can_kill_wither(world, state, player)
and state.has("Fishing Rod", player)),
"Enchanter": lambda state: can_enchant(world, state, player),
"Voluntary Exile": lambda state: basic_combat(world, state, player),
"Eye Spy": lambda state: enter_stronghold(world, state, player),
"Serious Dedication": lambda state: (can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and state.has("Bed", player)
and has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player)
and has_gold_ingots(world, state, player)),
"Postmortal": lambda state: complete_raid(world, state, player),
"Adventuring Time": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player),
"Hero of the Village": lambda state: complete_raid(world, state, player),
"Hidden in the Depths": lambda state: can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and state.has("Bed", player)
and has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player),
"Beaconator": lambda state: (can_kill_wither(world, state, player)
and has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player)
and state.has("Progressive Resource Crafting", player, 2)),
"Withering Heights": lambda state: can_kill_wither(world, state, player),
"A Balanced Diet": lambda state: (has_bottle(world, state, player)
and has_gold_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has("Progressive Resource Crafting", player, 2)
and state.can_reach_region('The End', player)),
# notch apple, chorus fruit
"Subspace Bubble": lambda state: has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player),
"Country Lode, Take Me Home": lambda state: state.can_reach_location("Hidden in the Depths", player)
and has_gold_ingots(world, state, player),
"Bee Our Guest": lambda state: state.has("Campfire", player)
and has_bottle(world, state, player),
"Uneasy Alliance": lambda state: has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player)
and state.has('Fishing Rod', player),
"Diamonds!": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"A Throwaway Joke": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player),
"Sticky Situation": lambda state: state.has("Campfire", player)
and has_bottle(world, state, player),
"Ol' Betsy": lambda state: craft_crossbow(world, state, player),
"Cover Me in Debris": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Armor", player, 2)
and state.has("8 Netherite Scrap", player, 2)
and state.has("Progressive Resource Crafting", player)
and has_diamond_pickaxe(world, state, player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and state.has("Bed", player),
"Hot Topic": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Resource Crafting", player),
"The Lie": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has("Bucket", player),
"On a Rail": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Progressive Tools', player, 2),
"When Pigs Fly": lambda state: (
fortress_loot(world, state, player)
or complete_raid(world, state, player)
and state.has("Saddle", player)
and state.has("Fishing Rod", player)
and can_adventure(world, state, player),
"Overkill": lambda state: can_brew_potions(world, state, player)
and (
state.has("Progressive Weapons", player)
or state.can_reach_region('The Nether', player)
"Librarian": lambda state: state.has("Enchanting", player),
"Overpowered": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Progressive Tools', player, 2)
and basic_combat(world, state, player),
"Wax On": lambda state: has_copper_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Campfire', player)
and state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player, 2),
"Wax Off": lambda state: has_copper_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Campfire', player)
and state.has('Progressive Resource Crafting', player, 2),
"The Cutest Predator": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Bucket', player),
"The Healing Power of Friendship": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Bucket', player),
"Is It a Bird?": lambda state: has_spyglass(world, state, player)
and can_adventure(world, state, player),
"Is It a Balloon?": lambda state: has_spyglass(world, state, player),
"Is It a Plane?": lambda state: has_spyglass(world, state, player)
and can_respawn_ender_dragon(world, state, player),
"Surge Protector": lambda state: state.has("Channeling Book", player)
and can_use_anvil(world, state, player)
and can_enchant(world, state, player)
and overworld_villager(world, state, player),
"Light as a Rabbit": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Bucket', player),
"Glow and Behold!": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player),
"Whatever Floats Your Goat!": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player),
"Caves & Cliffs": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Bucket', player)
and state.has('Progressive Tools', player, 2),
"Feels like home": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Bucket', player)
and state.has('Fishing Rod', player)
and (
fortress_loot(world, state, player)
or complete_raid(world, state, player)
and state.has("Saddle", player),
"Sound of Music": lambda state: state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and basic_combat(world, state, player),
"Star Trader": lambda state: has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has('Bucket', player)
and (
state.can_reach_region("The Nether", player) # soul sand in nether
or state.can_reach_region("Nether Fortress", player) # soul sand in fortress if not in nether for water elevator
or can_piglin_trade(world, state, player) # piglins give soul sand
and overworld_villager(world, state, player),
"Birthday Song": lambda state: state.can_reach_location("The Lie", player)
and state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player),
"Bukkit Bukkit": lambda state: state.has("Bucket", player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and can_adventure(world, state, player),
"It Spreads": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2),
"Sneak 100": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and has_iron_ingots(world, state, player)
and state.has("Progressive Tools", player, 2),
"When the Squad Hops into Town": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and state.has("Lead", player),
"With Our Powers Combined!": lambda state: can_adventure(world, state, player)
and state.has("Lead", player),
return rules_lookup
def set_rules(self: "MinecraftWorld") -> None:
multiworld = self.multiworld
player = self.player
rules_lookup = get_rules_lookup(self, player)
# Set entrance rules
for entrance_name, rule in rules_lookup["entrances"].items():
multiworld.get_entrance(entrance_name, player).access_rule = rule
# Set location rules
for location_name, rule in rules_lookup["locations"].items():
multiworld.get_location(location_name, player).access_rule = rule
# Set rules surrounding completion
bosses = self.options.required_bosses
postgame_advancements = set()
if bosses.dragon:
if bosses.wither:
def location_count(state: CollectionState) -> int:
return len([location for location in multiworld.get_locations(player) if
location.address is not None and
def defeated_bosses(state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return ((not bosses.dragon or state.has("Ender Dragon", player))
and (not bosses.wither or state.has("Wither", player)))
egg_shards = min(self.options.egg_shards_required.value, self.options.egg_shards_available.value)
completion_requirements = lambda state: (location_count(state) >= self.options.advancement_goal
and state.has("Dragon Egg Shard", player, egg_shards))
multiworld.completion_condition[player] = lambda state: completion_requirements(state) and defeated_bosses(state)
# Set exclusions on hard/unreasonable/postgame
excluded_advancements = set()
if not self.options.include_hard_advancements:
if not self.options.include_unreasonable_advancements:
if not self.options.include_postgame_advancements:
exclusion_rules(multiworld, player, excluded_advancements)