196 lines
5.6 KiB
196 lines
5.6 KiB
from dataclasses import dataclass
from Options import Choice, DefaultOnToggle, PerGameCommonOptions, Range, Toggle
class StructureDeck(Choice):
"""Which Structure Deck you start with"""
display_name = "Structure Deck"
option_dragons_roar = 0
option_zombie_madness = 1
option_blazing_destruction = 2
option_fury_from_the_deep = 3
option_warriors_triumph = 4
option_spellcasters_judgement = 5
option_none = 6
option_random_deck = 7
default = 7
class Banlist(Choice):
"""Which Banlist you start with"""
display_name = "Banlist"
option_no_banlist = 0
option_september_2003 = 1
option_march_2004 = 2
option_september_2004 = 3
option_march_2005 = 4
option_september_2005 = 5
default = option_september_2005
class FinalCampaignBossUnlockCondition(Choice):
"""How to unlock the final campaign boss and goal for the world"""
display_name = "Final Campaign Boss unlock Condition"
option_campaign_opponents = 0
option_challenges = 1
class FourthTier5UnlockCondition(Choice):
"""How to unlock the fourth campaign boss"""
display_name = "Fourth Tier 5 Campaign Boss unlock Condition"
option_campaign_opponents = 0
option_challenges = 1
class ThirdTier5UnlockCondition(Choice):
"""How to unlock the third campaign boss"""
display_name = "Third Tier 5 Campaign Boss unlock Condition"
option_campaign_opponents = 0
option_challenges = 1
class FinalCampaignBossChallenges(Range):
"""Number of Limited/Theme Duels completed for the Final Campaign Boss to appear"""
display_name = "Final Campaign Boss challenges unlock amount"
range_start = 0
range_end = 91
default = 10
class FourthTier5CampaignBossChallenges(Range):
"""Number of Limited/Theme Duels completed for the Fourth Level 5 Campaign Opponent to appear"""
display_name = "Fourth Tier 5 Campaign Boss unlock amount"
range_start = 0
range_end = 91
default = 5
class ThirdTier5CampaignBossChallenges(Range):
"""Number of Limited/Theme Duels completed for the Third Level 5 Campaign Opponent to appear"""
display_name = "Third Tier 5 Campaign Boss unlock amount"
range_start = 0
range_end = 91
default = 2
class FinalCampaignBossCampaignOpponents(Range):
"""Number of Campaign Opponents Duels defeated for the Final Campaign Boss to appear"""
display_name = "Final Campaign Boss campaign opponent unlock amount"
range_start = 0
range_end = 24
default = 12
class FourthTier5CampaignBossCampaignOpponents(Range):
"""Number of Campaign Opponents Duels defeated for the Fourth Level 5 Campaign Opponent to appear"""
display_name = "Fourth Tier 5 Campaign Boss campaign opponent unlock amount"
range_start = 0
range_end = 23
default = 7
class ThirdTier5CampaignBossCampaignOpponents(Range):
"""Number of Campaign Opponents Duels defeated for the Third Level 5 Campaign Opponent to appear"""
display_name = "Third Tier 5 Campaign Boss campaign opponent unlock amount"
range_start = 0
range_end = 22
default = 3
class NumberOfChallenges(Range):
"""Number of random Limited/Theme Duels that are included. The rest will be inaccessible."""
display_name = "Number of Challenges"
range_start = 0
range_end = 91
default = 10
class StartingMoney(Range):
"""The amount of money you start with"""
display_name = "Starting Money"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100000
default = 3000
class MoneyRewardMultiplier(Range):
"""By which amount the campaign reward money is multiplied"""
display_name = "Money Reward Multiplier"
range_start = 1
range_end = 255
default = 20
class NormalizeBoostersPacks(DefaultOnToggle):
"""If enabled every booster pack costs the same otherwise vanilla cost is used"""
display_name = "Normalize Booster Packs"
class BoosterPackPrices(Range):
Only Works if normalize booster packs is enabled.
Sets the amount that what every booster pack costs.
display_name = "Booster Pack Prices"
range_start = 1
range_end = 3000
default = 100
class AddEmptyBanList(Toggle):
"""Adds a Ban List where everything is at 3 to the item pool"""
display_name = "Add Empty Ban List"
class CampaignOpponentsShuffle(Toggle):
"""Replaces the campaign with random opponents from the entire game"""
display_name = "Campaign Opponents Shuffle"
class OCGArts(Toggle):
"""Always use the OCG artworks for cards"""
display_name = "OCG Arts"
class Yugioh06Options(PerGameCommonOptions):
structure_deck: StructureDeck
banlist: Banlist
final_campaign_boss_unlock_condition: FinalCampaignBossUnlockCondition
fourth_tier_5_campaign_boss_unlock_condition: FourthTier5UnlockCondition
third_tier_5_campaign_boss_unlock_condition: ThirdTier5UnlockCondition
final_campaign_boss_challenges: FinalCampaignBossChallenges
fourth_tier_5_campaign_boss_challenges: FourthTier5CampaignBossChallenges
third_tier_5_campaign_boss_challenges: ThirdTier5CampaignBossChallenges
final_campaign_boss_campaign_opponents: FinalCampaignBossCampaignOpponents
fourth_tier_5_campaign_boss_campaign_opponents: FourthTier5CampaignBossCampaignOpponents
third_tier_5_campaign_boss_campaign_opponents: ThirdTier5CampaignBossCampaignOpponents
number_of_challenges: NumberOfChallenges
starting_money: StartingMoney
money_reward_multiplier: MoneyRewardMultiplier
normalize_boosters_packs: NormalizeBoostersPacks
booster_pack_prices: BoosterPackPrices
add_empty_banlist: AddEmptyBanList
campaign_opponents_shuffle: CampaignOpponentsShuffle
ocg_arts: OCGArts