87 lines
3.4 KiB
87 lines
3.4 KiB
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, Entrance, Item, ItemClassification, Location, Region
from .regions import LOCATIONS, MEGA_SHARDS
from .shop import FIGURINES, SHOP_ITEMS
from . import MessengerWorld
class MessengerEntrance(Entrance):
world: Optional["MessengerWorld"] = None
class MessengerRegion(Region):
parent: str
entrance_type = MessengerEntrance
def __init__(self, name: str, world: "MessengerWorld", parent: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
super().__init__(name, world.player, world.multiworld)
self.parent = parent
locations = []
if name in LOCATIONS:
locations = [loc for loc in LOCATIONS[name]]
# portal event locations since portals can be opened from their exit regions
if name.endswith("Portal"):
locations.append(name.replace(" -", ""))
if name == "The Shop":
shop_locations = {f"The Shop - {shop_loc}": world.location_name_to_id[f"The Shop - {shop_loc}"]
for shop_loc in SHOP_ITEMS}
self.add_locations(shop_locations, MessengerShopLocation)
elif name == "The Craftsman's Corner":
self.add_locations({figurine: world.location_name_to_id[figurine] for figurine in FIGURINES},
elif name == "Tower HQ":
locations.append("Money Wrench")
if world.options.shuffle_shards and name in MEGA_SHARDS:
locations += MEGA_SHARDS[name]
loc_dict = {loc: world.location_name_to_id.get(loc, None) for loc in locations}
self.add_locations(loc_dict, MessengerLocation)
class MessengerLocation(Location):
game = "The Messenger"
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, loc_id: Optional[int], parent: MessengerRegion) -> None:
super().__init__(player, name, loc_id, parent)
if loc_id is None:
if name == "Rescue Phantom":
name = "Do the Thing!"
self.place_locked_item(MessengerItem(name, ItemClassification.progression, None, parent.player))
class MessengerShopLocation(MessengerLocation):
def cost(self) -> int:
name = self.name.replace("The Shop - ", "") # TODO use `remove_prefix` when 3.8 finally gets dropped
world = self.parent_region.multiworld.worlds[self.player]
shop_data = SHOP_ITEMS[name]
if shop_data.prerequisite:
prereq_cost = 0
if isinstance(shop_data.prerequisite, set):
for prereq in shop_data.prerequisite:
loc = world.multiworld.get_location(prereq, self.player)
assert isinstance(loc, MessengerShopLocation)
prereq_cost += loc.cost
loc = world.multiworld.get_location(shop_data.prerequisite, self.player)
assert isinstance(loc, MessengerShopLocation)
prereq_cost += loc.cost
return world.shop_prices[name] + prereq_cost
return world.shop_prices[name]
def access_rule(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
world = state.multiworld.worlds[self.player]
can_afford = state.has("Shards", self.player, min(self.cost, world.total_shards))
return can_afford
class MessengerItem(Item):
game = "The Messenger"