
151 lines
4.8 KiB

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict
from schema import And, Optional, Or, Schema
from Options import Accessibility, Choice, DeathLink, DefaultOnToggle, OptionDict, PerGameCommonOptions, Range, \
StartInventoryPool, Toggle
class MessengerAccessibility(Accessibility):
default = Accessibility.option_locations
# defaulting to locations accessibility since items makes certain items self-locking
__doc__ = Accessibility.__doc__.replace(f"default {Accessibility.default}", f"default {default}")
class Logic(Choice):
The level of logic to use when determining what locations in your world are accessible.
Normal: can require damage boosts, but otherwise approachable for someone who has beaten the game.
Hard: has leashing, normal clips, time warps and turtle boosting in logic.
OoB: places everything with the minimum amount of rules possible. Expect to do OoB. Not guaranteed completable.
display_name = "Logic Level"
option_normal = 0
option_hard = 1
option_oob = 2
alias_challenging = 1
class PowerSeals(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Whether power seal locations should be randomized."""
display_name = "Shuffle Seals"
class MegaShards(Toggle):
"""Whether mega shards should be item locations."""
display_name = "Shuffle Mega Time Shards"
class Goal(Choice):
"""Requirement to finish the game. Power Seal Hunt will force power seal locations to be shuffled."""
display_name = "Goal"
option_open_music_box = 0
option_power_seal_hunt = 1
class MusicBox(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Whether the music box gauntlet needs to be done."""
display_name = "Music Box Gauntlet"
class NotesNeeded(Range):
"""How many notes are needed to access the Music Box."""
display_name = "Notes Needed"
range_start = 1
range_end = 6
default = range_end
class AmountSeals(Range):
"""Number of power seals that exist in the item pool when power seal hunt is the goal."""
display_name = "Total Power Seals"
range_start = 1
range_end = 85
default = 45
class RequiredSeals(Range):
"""Percentage of total seals required to open the shop chest."""
display_name = "Percent Seals Required"
range_start = 10
range_end = 100
default = range_end
class ShopPrices(Range):
"""Percentage modifier for shuffled item prices in shops"""
display_name = "Shop Prices Modifier"
range_start = 25
range_end = 400
default = 100
def planned_price(location: str) -> Dict[Optional, Or]:
return {
Optional(location): Or(
And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
Optional(And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)): And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
class PlannedShopPrices(OptionDict):
"""Plan specific prices on shop slots. Supports weighting"""
display_name = "Shop Price Plando"
schema = Schema({
**planned_price("Karuta Plates"),
**planned_price("Serendipitous Bodies"),
**planned_price("Path of Resilience"),
**planned_price("Kusari Jacket"),
**planned_price("Energy Shuriken"),
**planned_price("Serendipitous Minds"),
**planned_price("Prepared Mind"),
**planned_price("Rejuvenative Spirit"),
**planned_price("Centered Mind"),
**planned_price("Strike of the Ninja"),
**planned_price("Second Wind"),
**planned_price("Currents Master"),
**planned_price("Aerobatics Warrior"),
**planned_price("Demon's Bane"),
**planned_price("Devil's Due"),
**planned_price("Time Sense"),
**planned_price("Power Sense"),
**planned_price("Focused Power Sense"),
**planned_price("Green Kappa Figurine"),
**planned_price("Blue Kappa Figurine"),
**planned_price("Ountarde Figurine"),
**planned_price("Red Kappa Figurine"),
**planned_price("Demon King Figurine"),
**planned_price("Quillshroom Figurine"),
**planned_price("Jumping Quillshroom Figurine"),
**planned_price("Scurubu Figurine"),
**planned_price("Jumping Scurubu Figurine"),
**planned_price("Wallaxer Figurine"),
**planned_price("Barmath'azel Figurine"),
**planned_price("Queen of Quills Figurine"),
**planned_price("Demon Hive Figurine"),
class MessengerOptions(PerGameCommonOptions):
accessibility: MessengerAccessibility
start_inventory: StartInventoryPool
logic_level: Logic
shuffle_seals: PowerSeals
shuffle_shards: MegaShards
goal: Goal
music_box: MusicBox
notes_needed: NotesNeeded
total_seals: AmountSeals
percent_seals_required: RequiredSeals
shop_price: ShopPrices
shop_price_plan: PlannedShopPrices
death_link: DeathLink