270 lines
10 KiB
270 lines
10 KiB
import struct
import random
import io
import array
import zlib
import copy
import zipfile
from .ntype import BigStream
# get the next XOR key. Uses some location in the source rom.
# This will skip of 0s, since if we hit a block of 0s, the
# patch data will be raw.
def key_next(rom, key_address, address_range):
key = 0
while key == 0:
key_address += 1
if key_address > address_range[1]:
key_address = address_range[0]
key = rom.original.buffer[key_address]
return key, key_address
# creates a XOR block for the patch. This might break it up into
# multiple smaller blocks if there is a concern about the XOR key
# or if it is too long.
def write_block(rom, xor_address, xor_range, block_start, data, patch_data):
new_data = []
key_offset = 0
continue_block = False
for b in data:
if b == 0:
# Leave 0s as 0s. Do not XOR
new_data += [0]
# get the next XOR key
key, xor_address = key_next(rom, xor_address, xor_range)
# if the XOR would result in 0, change the key.
# This requires breaking up the block.
if b == key:
write_block_section(block_start, key_offset, new_data, patch_data, continue_block)
new_data = []
key_offset = 0
continue_block = True
# search for next safe XOR key
while b == key:
key_offset += 1
key, xor_address = key_next(rom, xor_address, xor_range)
# if we aren't able to find one quickly, we may need to break again
if key_offset == 0xFF:
write_block_section(block_start, key_offset, new_data, patch_data, continue_block)
new_data = []
key_offset = 0
continue_block = True
# XOR the key with the byte
new_data += [b ^ key]
# Break the block if it's too long
if (len(new_data) == 0xFFFF):
write_block_section(block_start, key_offset, new_data, patch_data, continue_block)
new_data = []
key_offset = 0
continue_block = True
# Save the block
write_block_section(block_start, key_offset, new_data, patch_data, continue_block)
return xor_address
# This saves a sub-block for the XOR block. If it's the first part
# then it will include the address to write to. Otherwise it will
# have a number of XOR keys to skip and then continue writing after
# the previous block
def write_block_section(start, key_skip, in_data, patch_data, is_continue):
if not is_continue:
patch_data.append_bytes([0xFF, key_skip])
# This will create the patch file. Which can be applied to a source rom.
# xor_range is the range the XOR key will read from. This range is not
# too important, but I tried to choose from a section that didn't really
# have big gaps of 0s which we want to avoid.
def create_patch_file(rom, xor_range=(0x00B8AD30, 0x00F029A0)):
dma_start, dma_end = rom.get_dma_table_range()
# add header
patch_data = BigStream([])
patch_data.append_bytes(list(map(ord, 'ZPFv1')))
# get random xor key. This range is chosen because it generally
# doesn't have many sections of 0s
xor_address = random.Random().randint(*xor_range)
new_buffer = copy.copy(rom.original.buffer)
# write every changed DMA entry
for dma_index, (from_file, start, size) in rom.changed_dma.items():
# We don't trust files that have modified DMA to have their
# changed addresses tracked correctly, so we invalidate the
# entire file
for address in range(start, start + size):
rom.changed_address[address] = rom.buffer[address]
# Simulate moving the files to know which addresses have changed
if from_file >= 0:
old_dma_start, old_dma_end, old_size = rom.original.get_dmadata_record_by_key(from_file)
copy_size = min(size, old_size)
new_buffer[start:start+copy_size] = rom.original.read_bytes(from_file, copy_size)
new_buffer[start+copy_size:start+size] = [0] * (size - copy_size)
# this is a new file, so we just fill with null data
new_buffer[start:start+size] = [0] * size
# end of DMA entries
# filter down the addresses that will actually need to change.
# Make sure to not include any of the DMA table addresses
changed_addresses = [address for address,value in rom.changed_address.items() \
if (address >= dma_end or address < dma_start) and \
(address in rom.force_patch or new_buffer[address] != value)]
# Write the address changes. We'll store the data with XOR so that
# the patch data won't be raw data from the patched rom.
data = []
block_start = None
BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE = 7 # this is used to break up gaps
for address in changed_addresses:
# if there's a block to write and there's a gap, write it
if block_start:
block_end = block_start + len(data) - 1
if address > block_end + BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE:
xor_address = write_block(rom, xor_address, xor_range, block_start, data, patch_data)
data = []
block_start = None
block_end = None
# start a new block
if not block_start:
block_start = address
block_end = address - 1
# save the new data
data += rom.buffer[block_end+1:address+1]
# if there was any left over blocks, write them out
if block_start:
xor_address = write_block(rom, xor_address, xor_range, block_start, data, patch_data)
# compress the patch file
patch_data = bytes(patch_data.buffer)
patch_data = zlib.compress(patch_data)
return patch_data
# This will apply a patch file to a source rom to generate a patched rom.
def apply_patch_file(rom, file, sub_file=None):
# load the patch file and decompress
if sub_file:
with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as patch_archive:
with patch_archive.open(sub_file, 'r') as stream:
patch_data = stream.read()
except KeyError as ex:
raise FileNotFoundError('Patch file missing from archive. Invalid Player ID.')
with open(file, 'rb') as stream:
patch_data = stream.read()
patch_data = BigStream(zlib.decompress(patch_data))
# make sure the header is correct
if patch_data.read_bytes(length=4) != b'ZPFv':
raise Exception("File is not in a Zelda Patch Format")
if patch_data.read_byte() != ord('1'):
# in the future we might want to have revisions for this format
raise Exception("Unsupported patch version.")
# load the patch configuration info. The fact that the DMA Table is
# included in the patch is so that this might be able to work with
# other N64 games.
dma_start = patch_data.read_int32()
xor_range = (patch_data.read_int32(), patch_data.read_int32())
xor_address = patch_data.read_int32()
# Load all the DMA table updates. This will move the files around.
# A key thing is that some of these entries will list a source file
# that they are from, so we know where to copy from, no matter where
# in the DMA table this file has been moved to. Also important if a file
# is copied. This list is terminated with 0xFFFF
while True:
# Load DMA update
dma_index = patch_data.read_int16()
if dma_index == 0xFFFF:
from_file = patch_data.read_int32()
start = patch_data.read_int32()
size = patch_data.read_int24()
# Save new DMA Table entry
dma_entry = dma_start + (dma_index * 0x10)
end = start + size
rom.write_int32(dma_entry, start)
rom.write_int32(None, end)
rom.write_int32(None, start)
rom.write_int32(None, 0)
if from_file != 0xFFFFFFFF:
# If a source file is listed, copy from there
old_dma_start, old_dma_end, old_size = rom.original.get_dmadata_record_by_key(from_file)
copy_size = min(size, old_size)
rom.write_bytes(start, rom.original.read_bytes(from_file, copy_size))
rom.buffer[start+copy_size:start+size] = [0] * (size - copy_size)
# if it's a new file, fill with 0s
rom.buffer[start:start+size] = [0] * size
# Read in the XOR data blocks. This goes to the end of the file.
block_start = None
while not patch_data.eof():
is_new_block = patch_data.read_byte() != 0xFF
if is_new_block:
# start writing a new block
block_start = patch_data.read_int32()
block_size = patch_data.read_int16()
# continue writing from previous block
key_skip = patch_data.read_byte()
block_size = patch_data.read_int16()
# skip specified XOR keys
for _ in range(key_skip):
key, xor_address = key_next(rom, xor_address, xor_range)
# read in the new data
data = []
for b in patch_data.read_bytes(length=block_size):
if b == 0:
# keep 0s as 0s
data += [0]
# The XOR will always be safe and will never produce 0
key, xor_address = key_next(rom, xor_address, xor_range)
data += [b ^ key]
# Save the new data to rom
rom.write_bytes(block_start, data)
block_start = block_start+block_size