535 lines
23 KiB
535 lines
23 KiB
import logging
import copy
import os
import threading
from typing import Set, List
logger = logging.getLogger("Super Metroid")
from .Locations import lookup_name_to_id as locations_lookup_name_to_id
from .Items import lookup_name_to_id as items_lookup_name_to_id
from .Regions import create_regions
from .Rules import set_rules, add_entrance_rule
from .Options import sm_options
from .Rom import get_base_rom_path, ROM_PLAYER_LIMIT
import Utils
from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, MultiWorld, Item, RegionType, CollectionState
from ..AutoWorld import World, AutoLogicRegister
import Patch
from logic.smboolmanager import SMBoolManager
from graph.vanilla.graph_locations import locationsDict
from graph.graph_utils import getAccessPoint
from rando.ItemLocContainer import ItemLocation
from rando.Items import ItemManager
from utils.parameters import *
from logic.logic import Logic
from randomizer import VariaRandomizer
class SMCollectionState(metaclass=AutoLogicRegister):
def init_mixin(self, parent: MultiWorld):
# for unit tests where MultiWorld is instantiated before worlds
if hasattr(parent, "state"):
self.smbm = {player: SMBoolManager(player, parent.state.smbm[player].maxDiff,
parent.state.smbm[player].onlyBossLeft) for player in
parent.get_game_players("Super Metroid")}
self.smbm = {}
def copy_mixin(self, ret) -> CollectionState:
ret.smbm = {player: copy.deepcopy(self.smbm[player]) for player in self.world.get_game_players("Super Metroid")}
return ret
class SMWorld(World):
game: str = "Super Metroid"
topology_present = True
data_version = 1
options = sm_options
item_names: Set[str] = frozenset(items_lookup_name_to_id)
location_names: Set[str] = frozenset(locations_lookup_name_to_id)
item_name_to_id = items_lookup_name_to_id
location_name_to_id = locations_lookup_name_to_id
remote_items: bool = False
remote_start_inventory: bool = False
itemManager: ItemManager
locations = {}
hint_blacklist = {'Nothing', 'No Energy'}
def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int):
self.rom_name_available_event = threading.Event()
super().__init__(world, player)
def generate_early(self):
self.variaRando = VariaRandomizer(self.world, get_base_rom_path(), self.player)
self.world.state.smbm[self.player] = SMBoolManager(self.player, self.variaRando.maxDifficulty)
# keeps Nothing items local so no player will ever pickup Nothing
# doing so reduces contribution of this world to the Multiworld the more Nothing there is though
self.world.local_items[self.player].value.add('No Energy')
if (self.variaRando.args.morphPlacement == "early"):
if (len(self.variaRando.randoExec.setup.restrictedLocs) > 0):
self.world.accessibility[self.player] = self.world.accessibility[self.player].from_text("items")
logger.warning(f"accessibility forced to 'items' for player {self.world.get_player_name(self.player)} because of 'fun' settings")
def generate_basic(self):
itemPool = self.variaRando.container.itemPool
self.startItems = [variaItem for item in self.world.precollected_items[self.player] for variaItem in ItemManager.Items.values() if variaItem.Name == item.name]
if self.world.start_inventory_removes_from_pool[self.player]:
for item in self.startItems:
if (item in itemPool):
missingPool = 105 - len(itemPool) + 1
for i in range(1, missingPool):
# Generate item pool
pool = []
self.locked_items = {}
weaponCount = [0, 0, 0]
for item in itemPool:
isAdvancement = True
if item.Type == 'Missile':
if weaponCount[0] < 3:
weaponCount[0] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Type == 'Super':
if weaponCount[1] < 2:
weaponCount[1] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Type == 'PowerBomb':
if weaponCount[2] < 3:
weaponCount[2] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Category == 'Nothing':
isAdvancement = False
itemClass = ItemManager.Items[item.Type].Class
smitem = SMItem(item.Name, isAdvancement, item.Type, None if itemClass == 'Boss' else self.item_name_to_id[item.Name], player = self.player)
if itemClass == 'Boss':
self.locked_items[item.Name] = smitem
self.world.itempool += pool
for (location, item) in self.locked_items.items():
self.world.get_location(location, self.player).place_locked_item(item)
self.world.get_location(location, self.player).address = None
startAP = self.world.get_entrance('StartAP', self.player)
startAP.connect(self.world.get_region(self.variaRando.args.startLocation, self.player))
for src, dest in self.variaRando.randoExec.areaGraph.InterAreaTransitions:
src_region = self.world.get_region(src.Name, self.player)
dest_region = self.world.get_region(dest.Name, self.player)
src_region.exits.append(Entrance(self.player, src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, src_region))
srcDestEntrance = self.world.get_entrance(src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, self.player)
add_entrance_rule(self.world.get_entrance(src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, self.player), self.player, getAccessPoint(src.Name).traverse)
def set_rules(self):
set_rules(self.world, self.player)
def create_regions(self):
create_locations(self, self.player)
create_regions(self, self.world, self.player)
def get_required_client_version(self):
# changes to client DeathLink handling for 0.2.1
return max(super(SMWorld, self).get_required_client_version(), (0, 2, 1))
def getWord(self, w):
return (w & 0x00FF, (w & 0xFF00) >> 8)
def getWordArray(self, w):
return [w & 0x00FF, (w & 0xFF00) >> 8]
# used for remote location Credits Spoiler of local items
class DummyLocation:
def __init__(self, name):
self.Name = name
def isBoss(self):
return False
def convertToROMItemName(self, itemName):
charMap = { "A" : 0x3CE0,
"B" : 0x3CE1,
"C" : 0x3CE2,
"D" : 0x3CE3,
"E" : 0x3CE4,
"F" : 0x3CE5,
"G" : 0x3CE6,
"H" : 0x3CE7,
"I" : 0x3CE8,
"J" : 0x3CE9,
"K" : 0x3CEA,
"L" : 0x3CEB,
"M" : 0x3CEC,
"N" : 0x3CED,
"O" : 0x3CEE,
"P" : 0x3CEF,
"Q" : 0x3CF0,
"R" : 0x3CF1,
"S" : 0x3CF2,
"T" : 0x3CF3,
"U" : 0x3CF4,
"V" : 0x3CF5,
"W" : 0x3CF6,
"X" : 0x3CF7,
"Y" : 0x3CF8,
"Z" : 0x3CF9,
" " : 0x3C4E,
"!" : 0x3CFF,
"?" : 0x3CFE,
"'" : 0x3CFD,
"," : 0x3CFB,
"." : 0x3CFA,
"-" : 0x3CCF,
"_" : 0x000E,
"1" : 0x3C00,
"2" : 0x3C01,
"3" : 0x3C02,
"4" : 0x3C03,
"5" : 0x3C04,
"6" : 0x3C05,
"7" : 0x3C06,
"8" : 0x3C07,
"9" : 0x3C08,
"0" : 0x3C09,
"%" : 0x3C0A}
data = []
itemName = itemName.upper()[:26]
itemName = itemName.strip()
itemName = itemName.center(26, " ")
itemName = "___" + itemName + "___"
for char in itemName:
(w0, w1) = self.getWord(charMap.get(char, 0x3C4E))
return data
def APPatchRom(self, romPatcher):
multiWorldLocations = {}
multiWorldItems = {}
idx = 0
itemId = 0
self.playerIDMap = {}
playerIDCount = 0 # 0 is for "Archipelago" server
for itemLoc in self.world.get_locations():
romPlayerID = itemLoc.item.player if itemLoc.item.player <= ROM_PLAYER_LIMIT else 0
if itemLoc.player == self.player and locationsDict[itemLoc.name].Id != None:
if itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items:
itemId = ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type].Id
itemId = ItemManager.Items['ArchipelagoItem'].Id + idx
multiWorldItems[0x029EA3 + idx*64] = self.convertToROMItemName(itemLoc.item.name)
idx += 1
if (romPlayerID > 0 and romPlayerID not in self.playerIDMap.keys()):
playerIDCount += 1
self.playerIDMap[romPlayerID] = playerIDCount
(w0, w1) = self.getWord(0 if itemLoc.item.player == self.player else 1)
(w2, w3) = self.getWord(itemId)
(w4, w5) = self.getWord(romPlayerID)
(w6, w7) = self.getWord(0 if itemLoc.item.advancement else 1)
multiWorldLocations[0x1C6000 + locationsDict[itemLoc.name].Id*8] = [w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7]
if itemLoc.item.player == self.player:
if (romPlayerID > 0 and romPlayerID not in self.playerIDMap.keys()):
playerIDCount += 1
self.playerIDMap[romPlayerID] = playerIDCount
itemSprites = ["off_world_prog_item.bin", "off_world_item.bin"]
idx = 0
offworldSprites = {}
for fileName in itemSprites:
with open(Utils.local_path("lib", "worlds", "sm", "data", "custom_sprite", fileName) if Utils.is_frozen() else Utils.local_path("worlds", "sm", "data", "custom_sprite", fileName), 'rb') as stream:
buffer = bytearray(stream.read())
offworldSprites[0x027882 + 10*(21 + idx) + 2] = buffer[0:8]
offworldSprites[0x049100 + idx*256] = buffer[8:264]
idx += 1
openTourianGreyDoors = {0x07C823 + 5: [0x0C], 0x07C831 + 5: [0x0C]}
deathLink = {0x277f04: [self.world.death_link[self.player].value]}
playerNames = {}
playerNameIDMap = {}
playerNames[0x1C5000] = "Archipelago".upper().center(16).encode()
playerNameIDMap[0x1C5800] = self.getWordArray(0)
for key,value in self.playerIDMap.items():
playerNames[0x1C5000 + value * 16] = self.world.player_name[key][:16].upper().center(16).encode()
playerNameIDMap[0x1C5800 + value * 2] = self.getWordArray(key)
patchDict = { 'MultiWorldLocations': multiWorldLocations,
'MultiWorldItems': multiWorldItems,
'offworldSprites': offworldSprites,
'openTourianGreyDoors': openTourianGreyDoors,
'deathLink': deathLink,
'PlayerName': playerNames,
'PlayerNameIDMap': playerNameIDMap}
# set rom name
# 21 bytes
from Main import __version__
self.romName = bytearray(f'SM{__version__.replace(".", "")[0:3]}_{self.player}_{self.world.seed:11}\0', 'utf8')[:21]
self.romName.extend([0] * (21 - len(self.romName)))
romPatcher.applyIPSPatch('ROMName', { 'ROMName': {0x1C4F00 : self.romName, 0x007FC0 : self.romName} })
startItemROMAddressBase = 0x2FD8B9
# current, base value or bitmask, max, base value or bitmask
startItemROMDict = {'ETank': [0x8, 0x64, 0xA, 0x64],
'Missile': [0xC, 0x5, 0xE, 0x5],
'Super': [0x10, 0x5, 0x12, 0x5],
'PowerBomb': [0x14, 0x5, 0x16, 0x5],
'Reserve': [0x1A, 0x64, 0x18, 0x64],
'Morph': [0x2, 0x4, 0x0, 0x4],
'Bomb': [0x3, 0x10, 0x1, 0x10],
'SpringBall': [0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2],
'HiJump': [0x3, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1],
'Varia': [0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1],
'Gravity': [0x2, 0x20, 0x0, 0x20],
'SpeedBooster': [0x3, 0x20, 0x1, 0x20],
'SpaceJump': [0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0x2],
'ScrewAttack': [0x2, 0x8, 0x0, 0x8],
'Charge': [0x7, 0x10, 0x5, 0x10],
'Ice': [0x6, 0x2, 0x4, 0x2],
'Wave': [0x6, 0x1, 0x4, 0x1],
'Spazer': [0x6, 0x4, 0x4, 0x4],
'Plasma': [0x6, 0x8, 0x4, 0x8],
'Grapple': [0x3, 0x40, 0x1, 0x40],
'XRayScope': [0x3, 0x80, 0x1, 0x80]
mergedData = {}
hasETank = False
hasSpazer = False
hasPlasma = False
for startItem in self.startItems:
item = startItem.Type
if item == 'ETank': hasETank = True
if item == 'Spazer': hasSpazer = True
if item == 'Plasma': hasPlasma = True
if (item in ['ETank', 'Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb', 'Reserve']):
(currentValue, currentBase, maxValue, maxBase) = startItemROMDict[item]
if (startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue) in mergedData:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue] += currentBase
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + maxValue] += maxBase
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue] = currentBase
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + maxValue] = maxBase
(collected, currentBitmask, equipped, maxBitmask) = startItemROMDict[item]
if (startItemROMAddressBase + collected) in mergedData:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + collected] |= currentBitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + equipped] |= maxBitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + collected] = currentBitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + equipped] = maxBitmask
if hasETank:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0x8] += 99
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0xA] += 99
if hasSpazer and hasPlasma:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0x4] &= ~0x4
for key, value in mergedData.items():
if (key - startItemROMAddressBase > 7):
(w0, w1) = self.getWord(value)
mergedData[key] = [w0, w1]
mergedData[key] = [value]
startItemPatch = { 'startItemPatch': mergedData }
romPatcher.applyIPSPatch('startItemPatch', startItemPatch)
itemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type if itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items else 'ArchipelagoItem'], locationsDict[itemLoc.name], True) for itemLoc in self.world.get_locations() if itemLoc.player == self.player]
itemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type], locationsDict[itemLoc.name] if itemLoc.name in locationsDict and itemLoc.player == self.player else self.DummyLocation(self.world.get_player_name(itemLoc.player) + " " + itemLoc.name), True) for itemLoc in self.world.get_locations() if itemLoc.item.player == self.player]
progItemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type], locationsDict[itemLoc.name] if itemLoc.name in locationsDict and itemLoc.player == self.player else self.DummyLocation(self.world.get_player_name(itemLoc.player) + " " + itemLoc.name), True) for itemLoc in self.world.get_locations() if itemLoc.item.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.advancement == True]
# progItemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type if itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items else 'ArchipelagoItem'], locationsDict[itemLoc.name], True) for itemLoc in self.world.get_locations() if itemLoc.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.advancement == True]
# romPatcher.writeSplitLocs(self.variaRando.args.majorsSplit, itemLocs, progItemLocs)
romPatcher.writeSpoiler(itemLocs, progItemLocs)
romPatcher.writeRandoSettings(self.variaRando.randoExec.randoSettings, itemLocs)
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str):
outfilebase = 'AP_' + self.world.seed_name
outfilepname = f'_P{self.player}'
outfilepname += f"_{self.world.player_name[self.player].replace(' ', '_')}" \
outputFilename = os.path.join(output_directory, f'{outfilebase}{outfilepname}.sfc')
self.variaRando.PatchRom(outputFilename, self.APPatchRom)
Patch.create_patch_file(outputFilename, player=self.player, player_name=self.world.player_name[self.player], game=Patch.GAME_SM)
self.rom_name = self.romName
self.rom_name_available_event.set() # make sure threading continues and errors are collected
def checksum_mirror_sum(self, start, length, mask = 0x800000):
while (not(length & mask) and mask):
mask >>= 1
part1 = sum(start[:mask]) & 0xFFFF
part2 = 0
next_length = length - mask
if next_length:
part2 = self.checksum_mirror_sum(start[mask:], next_length, mask >> 1)
while (next_length < mask):
next_length += next_length
part2 += part2
length = mask + mask
return (part1 + part2) & 0xFFFF
def write_bytes(self, buffer, startaddress: int, values):
buffer[startaddress:startaddress + len(values)] = values
def write_crc(self, romName):
with open(romName, 'rb') as stream:
buffer = bytearray(stream.read())
crc = self.checksum_mirror_sum(buffer, len(buffer))
inv = crc ^ 0xFFFF
self.write_bytes(buffer, 0x7FDC, [inv & 0xFF, (inv >> 8) & 0xFF, crc & 0xFF, (crc >> 8) & 0xFF])
with open(romName, 'wb') as outfile:
def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict):
import base64
# wait for self.rom_name to be available.
rom_name = getattr(self, "rom_name", None)
# we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised
if rom_name:
new_name = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.rom_name)).decode()
multidata["connect_names"][new_name] = multidata["connect_names"][self.world.player_name[self.player]]
def fill_slot_data(self):
slot_data = {}
return slot_data
def collect(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool:
return super(SMWorld, self).collect(state, item)
def remove(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool:
return super(SMWorld, self).remove(state, item)
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
item = next(x for x in ItemManager.Items.values() if x.Name == name)
return SMItem(item.Name, True, item.Type, self.item_name_to_id[item.Name], player = self.player)
def pre_fill(self):
if (self.variaRando.args.morphPlacement == "early") and next((item for item in self.world.itempool if item.player == self.player and item.name == "Morph Ball"), False):
viable = []
for location in self.world.get_locations():
if location.player == self.player \
and location.item is None \
and location.can_reach(self.world.state):
key = self.world.create_item("Morph Ball", self.player)
loc = viable.pop()
self.world.itempool[:] = [item for item in self.world.itempool if
item.player != self.player or
item.name != "Morph Ball"]
def stage_fill_hook(cls, world, progitempool, nonexcludeditempool, localrestitempool, nonlocalrestitempool,
restitempool, fill_locations):
if world.get_game_players("Super Metroid"):
key=lambda item: 1 if (item.name == 'Morph Ball') else 0)
def post_fill(self):
new_state = CollectionState(self.world)
progitempool = []
for item in self.world.itempool:
if item.player == self.player and item.advancement:
for item in progitempool:
new_state.collect(item, True)
bossesLoc = ['Draygon', 'Kraid', 'Ridley', 'Phantoon', 'Mother Brain']
for bossLoc in bossesLoc:
if (not self.world.get_location(bossLoc, self.player).can_reach(new_state)):
self.world.state.smbm[self.player].onlyBossLeft = True
def create_locations(self, player: int):
for name, id in locations_lookup_name_to_id.items():
self.locations[name] = SMLocation(player, name, id)
def create_region(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None):
ret = Region(name, RegionType.LightWorld, name, player)
ret.world = world
if locations:
for loc in locations:
location = self.locations[loc]
location.parent_region = ret
if exits:
for exit in exits:
ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret))
return ret
class SMLocation(Location):
game: str = "Super Metroid"
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, address=None, parent=None):
super(SMLocation, self).__init__(player, name, address, parent)
def can_fill(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item, check_access=True) -> bool:
return self.always_allow(state, item) or (self.item_rule(item) and (not check_access or self.can_reach(state)))
class SMItem(Item):
game = "Super Metroid"
def __init__(self, name, advancement, type, code, player: int = None):
super(SMItem, self).__init__(name, advancement, code, player)
self.type = type