238 lines
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238 lines
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import typing
from Options import Choice, Range, Option, Toggle, DeathLink, DefaultOnToggle, OptionList
class Goal(Choice):
Determines the goal of the seed
Bowser: Defeat Koopalings, reach Bowser's Castle and defeat Bowser
Yoshi Egg Hunt: Find a certain number of Yoshi Eggs
display_name = "Goal"
option_bowser = 0
option_yoshi_egg_hunt = 1
default = 0
class BossesRequired(Range):
How many Bosses (Koopalings or Reznor) must be defeated in order to defeat Bowser
display_name = "Bosses Required"
range_start = 0
range_end = 11
default = 7
class NumberOfYoshiEggs(Range):
How many Yoshi Eggs are in the pool for Yoshi Egg Hunt
display_name = "Total Number of Yoshi Eggs"
range_start = 1
range_end = 80
default = 50
class PercentageOfYoshiEggs(Range):
What Percentage of Yoshi Eggs are required to finish Yoshi Egg Hunt
display_name = "Required Percentage of Yoshi Eggs"
range_start = 1
range_end = 100
default = 100
class DragonCoinChecks(Toggle):
Whether collecting 5 Dragon Coins in each level will grant a check
display_name = "Dragon Coin Checks"
class BowserCastleDoors(Choice):
How the doors of Bowser's Castle behave
Vanilla: Front and Back Doors behave as vanilla
Fast: Both doors behave as the Back Door
Slow: Both doors behave as the Front Door
"Front Door" requires beating all 8 Rooms
"Back Door" only requires going through the dark hallway to Bowser
display_name = "Bowser Castle Doors"
option_vanilla = 0
option_fast = 1
option_slow = 2
default = 0
class LevelShuffle(Toggle):
Whether levels are shuffled
display_name = "Level Shuffle"
class SwapDonutGhostHouseExits(Toggle):
If enabled, this option will swap which overworld direction the two exits of the level at the Donut Ghost House
overworld tile go:
False: Normal Exit goes up, Secret Exit goes right.
True: Normal Exit goes right, Secret Exit goes up.
display_name = "Swap Donut GH Exits"
class DisplaySentItemPopups(Choice):
What messages to display in-game for items sent
display_name = "Display Sent Item Popups"
option_none = 0
option_all = 1
default = 1
class DisplayReceivedItemPopups(Choice):
What messages to display in-game for items received
display_name = "Display Received Item Popups"
option_none = 0
option_all = 1
option_progression = 2
default = 2
class TrapFillPercentage(Range):
Replace a percentage of junk items in the item pool with random traps
display_name = "Trap Fill Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 0
class BaseTrapWeight(Choice):
Base Class for Trap Weights
option_none = 0
option_low = 1
option_medium = 2
option_high = 4
default = 2
class IceTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which causes the level to become slippery
display_name = "Ice Trap Weight"
class StunTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which briefly stuns Mario
display_name = "Stun Trap Weight"
class LiteratureTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which causes the player to read literature
display_name = "Literature Trap Weight"
class Autosave(DefaultOnToggle):
Whether a save prompt will appear after every level
display_name = "Autosave"
class MusicShuffle(Choice):
Music shuffle type
None: No Music is shuffled
Consistent: Each music track is consistently shuffled throughout the game
Full: Each individual level has a random music track
Singularity: The entire game uses one song for overworld and one song for levels
display_name = "Music Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_consistent = 1
option_full = 2
option_singularity = 3
default = 0
class MarioPalette(Choice):
Mario palette color
display_name = "Mario Palette"
option_mario = 0
option_luigi = 1
option_wario = 2
option_waluigi = 3
option_geno = 4
option_princess = 5
option_dark = 6
option_sponge = 7
default = 0
class ForegroundPaletteShuffle(Toggle):
Whether to shuffle level foreground palettes
display_name = "Foreground Palette Shuffle"
class BackgroundPaletteShuffle(Toggle):
Whether to shuffle level background palettes
display_name = "Background Palette Shuffle"
class StartingLifeCount(Range):
How many extra lives to start the game with
display_name = "Starting Life Count"
range_start = 1
range_end = 99
default = 5
smw_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"death_link": DeathLink,
"goal": Goal,
"bosses_required": BossesRequired,
"number_of_yoshi_eggs": NumberOfYoshiEggs,
"percentage_of_yoshi_eggs": PercentageOfYoshiEggs,
"dragon_coin_checks": DragonCoinChecks,
"bowser_castle_doors": BowserCastleDoors,
"level_shuffle": LevelShuffle,
"swap_donut_gh_exits": SwapDonutGhostHouseExits,
#"display_sent_item_popups": DisplaySentItemPopups,
"display_received_item_popups": DisplayReceivedItemPopups,
"trap_fill_percentage": TrapFillPercentage,
"ice_trap_weight": IceTrapWeight,
"stun_trap_weight": StunTrapWeight,
"literature_trap_weight": LiteratureTrapWeight,
"autosave": Autosave,
"music_shuffle": MusicShuffle,
"mario_palette": MarioPalette,
"foreground_palette_shuffle": ForegroundPaletteShuffle,
"background_palette_shuffle": BackgroundPaletteShuffle,
"starting_life_count": StartingLifeCount,