
648 lines
25 KiB

from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Set, Callable, Optional, TextIO
from BaseClasses import ItemClassification, CollectionState, Region, Entrance, Location, Tutorial, LocationProgressType
from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld
from .Overcooked2Levels import Overcooked2Dlc, Overcooked2Level, Overcooked2GenericLevel
from .Locations import Overcooked2Location, oc2_location_name_to_id, oc2_location_id_to_name
from .Options import overcooked_options, OC2Options, OC2OnToggle, LocationBalancingMode, DeathLinkMode
from .Items import item_table, Overcooked2Item, item_name_to_id, item_id_to_name, item_to_unlock_event, item_frequencies, dlc_exclusives
from .Logic import has_requirements_for_level_star, has_requirements_for_level_access, level_shuffle_factory, is_item_progression, is_useful
class Overcooked2Web(WebWorld):
theme = "partyTime"
bug_report_page = ""
setup_en = Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Tutorial",
"A guide to setting up the Overcooked! 2 randomizer on your computer.",
tutorials = [setup_en]
class PrepLevelMode(IntEnum):
original = 0
excluded = 1
ayce = 2
class Overcooked2World(World):
Overcooked! 2 is a frantically paced arcade cooking game where
players race against the clock to complete orders for points. Bring
peace to the Onion Kingdom once again by recovering lost items and abilities,
earning stars to unlock levels, and defeating the unbread horde. Levels are
randomized to increase gameplay variety. Play with up to 4 friends.
# Autoworld API
game = "Overcooked! 2"
web = Overcooked2Web()
required_client_version = (0, 3, 8)
option_definitions = overcooked_options
topology_present: bool = False
data_version = 3
item_name_to_id = item_name_to_id
item_id_to_name = item_id_to_name
location_id_to_name = oc2_location_id_to_name
location_name_to_id = oc2_location_name_to_id
options: Dict[str, Any]
itempool: List[Overcooked2Item]
# Helper Functions
def is_level_horde(self, level_id: int) -> bool:
return self.options["IncludeHordeLevels"] and \
(self.level_mapping is not None) and \
level_id in self.level_mapping.keys() and \
def create_item(self, item: str, classification: ItemClassification = ItemClassification.progression) -> Overcooked2Item:
return Overcooked2Item(item, classification, self.item_name_to_id[item], self.player)
def create_event(self, event: str, classification: ItemClassification) -> Overcooked2Item:
return Overcooked2Item(event, classification, None, self.player)
def place_event(self, location_name: str, item_name: str,
classification: ItemClassification = ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing):
location: Location = self.multiworld.get_location(location_name, self.player)
location.place_locked_item(self.create_event(item_name, classification))
def add_region(self, region_name: str):
region = Region(
def connect_regions(self, source: str, target: str, rule: Optional[Callable[[CollectionState], bool]] = None):
sourceRegion = self.multiworld.get_region(source, self.player)
targetRegion = self.multiworld.get_region(target, self.player)
connection = Entrance(self.player, '', sourceRegion)
if rule:
connection.access_rule = rule
def add_level_location(
region_name: str,
location_name: str,
level_id: int,
stars: int,
is_event: bool = False,
) -> None:
if is_event:
location_id = None
location_id = level_id
region = self.multiworld.get_region(region_name, self.player)
location = Overcooked2Location(
location.event = is_event
if priority:
location.progress_type = LocationProgressType.PRIORITY
location.progress_type = LocationProgressType.DEFAULT
# if level_id is none, then it's the 6-6 edge case
if level_id is None:
level_id = 36
if self.level_mapping is not None and level_id in self.level_mapping:
level = self.level_mapping[level_id]
level = Overcooked2GenericLevel(level_id)
completion_condition: Callable[[CollectionState], bool] = \
lambda state, level=level, stars=stars: \
has_requirements_for_level_star(state, level, stars, self.player)
location.access_rule = completion_condition
def get_options(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return OC2Options({option.__name__: getattr(self.multiworld, name)[self.player].result
if issubclass(option, OC2OnToggle) else getattr(self.multiworld, name)[self.player].value
for name, option in overcooked_options.items()})
def get_n_random_locations(self, n: int) -> List[int]:
"""Return a list of n random non-repeating level locations"""
levels = list()
if n == 0:
return levels
for level in Overcooked2Level():
if level.level_id == 36:
elif not self.options["KevinLevels"] and level.level_id > 36:
return levels[:n]
def get_priority_locations(self) -> List[int]:
"""Randomly generate list of priority locations, thus insulating this game
from the negative effects of being shuffled with games that contain large
ammounts of filler"""
if self.multiworld.players == 1:
# random priority locations have no desirable effect on solo seeds
return list()
balancing_mode = self.get_options()["LocationBalancing"]
if balancing_mode == LocationBalancingMode.disabled:
# Location balancing is disabled, progression density is purely determined by filler
return list()
# Count how many progression items are required for this overcooked instance
game_item_count = len(self.itempool)
game_progression_count = 0
for item in self.itempool:
if item.classification == ItemClassification.progression:
game_progression_count += 1
game_progression_density = game_progression_count/game_item_count
if balancing_mode == LocationBalancingMode.full:
# Location balancing will be employed in an attempt to keep the number of
# progression locations and proression items as close to equal as possible
return self.get_n_random_locations(game_progression_count)
assert balancing_mode == LocationBalancingMode.compromise
# Count how many progression items are shuffled between all games
total_item_count = len(self.multiworld.itempool)
total_progression_count = 0
for item in self.multiworld.itempool:
if item.classification == ItemClassification.progression:
total_progression_count += 1
total_progression_density = total_progression_count/total_item_count
if total_progression_density >= game_progression_density:
# This game has more filler than the average of all other games.
# It is not in need of location balancing
return list()
# Calculate the midpoint between the two ratios
target_progression_ratio = (game_progression_density - total_progression_density) / 2.0 + total_progression_density
target_progression_count = int((target_progression_ratio * game_item_count) + 0.5) # I'm sorry I round like an old person
# Location balancing will be employed in an attempt to find a compromise at
# the half-way point between natural probability and full artifical balancing
return self.get_n_random_locations(target_progression_count)
# Helper Data
player_name: str
level_unlock_counts: Dict[int, int] # level_id, stars to purchase
level_mapping: Dict[int, Overcooked2GenericLevel] # level_id, level
enabled_dlc: Set[Overcooked2Dlc]
# Autoworld Hooks
def generate_early(self):
self.player_name = self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]
self.options = self.get_options()
# 0.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is World Record
self.star_threshold_scale = self.options["StarThresholdScale"] / 100.0
# Parse DLCOptionSet back into enums
self.enabled_dlc = {Overcooked2Dlc(x) for x in self.options["DLCOptionSet"]}
# Generate level unlock requirements such that the levels get harder to unlock
# the further the game has progressed, and levels progress radially rather than linearly
self.level_unlock_counts = level_unlock_requirement_factory(self.options["StarsToWin"])
# Assign new kitchens to each spot on the overworld using pure random chance and nothing else
if self.options["ShuffleLevelOrder"]:
self.level_mapping = \
self.options["PrepLevels"] != PrepLevelMode.excluded,
self.level_mapping = None
if Overcooked2Dlc.STORY not in self.enabled_dlc:
raise Exception(f"Invalid OC2 settings({self.player_name}) Need either Level Shuffle disabled or 'Story' DLC enabled")
self.enabled_dlc = {Overcooked2Dlc.STORY}
def set_location_priority(self) -> None:
priority_locations = self.get_priority_locations()
for level in Overcooked2Level():
if level.level_id in priority_locations:
location: Location = self.multiworld.get_location(level.location_name_item, self.player)
location.progress_type = LocationProgressType.PRIORITY
def create_regions(self) -> None:
# Menu -> Overworld
self.connect_regions("Menu", "Overworld")
# Create and populate "regions" (a.k.a. levels)
for level in Overcooked2Level():
if not self.options["KevinLevels"] and level.level_id > 36:
# Create Region (e.g. "1-1")
# Add Location to house progression item (1-star)
if level.level_id == 36:
# 6-6 doesn't have progression, but it does have victory condition which is placed later
# Location to house progression item
# Location to house level completed event
# Add Locations to house star aquisition events
if self.is_level_horde(level.level_id):
# in randomizer, horde levels grant a single star
star_counts = [1]
star_counts = [1, 2, 3]
for n in star_counts:
# Overworld -> Level
required_star_count: int = self.level_unlock_counts[level.level_id]
if level.level_id % 6 != 1 and level.level_id <= 36:
previous_level_completed_event_name: str = Overcooked2GenericLevel(
level.level_id - 1).shortname.split(" ")[1] + " Level Complete"
previous_level_completed_event_name = None
level_access_rule: Callable[[CollectionState], bool] = \
lambda state, level_name=level.level_name, previous_level_completed_event_name=previous_level_completed_event_name, required_star_count=required_star_count: \
has_requirements_for_level_access(state, level_name, previous_level_completed_event_name, required_star_count, self.options["RampTricks"], self.player)
self.connect_regions("Overworld", level.level_name, level_access_rule)
# Level --> Overworld
self.connect_regions(level.level_name, "Overworld")
completion_condition: Callable[[CollectionState], bool] = lambda state: \
state.has("Victory", self.player)
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = completion_condition
def create_items(self):
self.itempool = []
# Make Items
# useful = list()
# filler = list()
# progression = list()
for item_name in item_table:
if item_name in item_frequencies:
freq = item_frequencies[item_name]
freq = 1
if freq <= 0:
# not used
if item_name in dlc_exclusives:
if not any(x in dlc_exclusives[item_name] for x in self.enabled_dlc):
# Item is always useless with these settings
if not self.options["IncludeHordeLevels"] and item_name in ["Calmer Unbread", "Coin Purse"]:
# skip horde-specific items if no horde levels
if not self.options["KevinLevels"]:
if item_name.startswith("Kevin"):
# skip kevin items if no kevin levels
if item_name == "Dark Green Ramp":
# skip dark green ramp if there's no Kevin-1 to reveal it
if is_item_progression(item_name, self.level_mapping, self.options["KevinLevels"]):
# progression.append(item_name)
classification = ItemClassification.progression
if (is_useful(item_name)):
# useful.append(item_name)
classification = ItemClassification.useful
# filler.append(item_name)
classification = ItemClassification.filler
while freq > 0:
self.itempool.append(self.create_item(item_name, classification))
classification = ItemClassification.useful # only the first progressive item can be progression
freq -= 1
# print(f"progression: {progression}")
# print(f"useful: {useful}")
# print(f"filler: {filler}")
# Fill any free space with filler
pool_count = len(oc2_location_name_to_id)
if not self.options["KevinLevels"]:
pool_count -= 8
while len(self.itempool) < pool_count:
self.itempool.append(self.create_item("Bonus Star", ItemClassification.useful))
self.multiworld.itempool += self.itempool
def place_events(self):
# Add Events (Star Acquisition)
for level in Overcooked2Level():
if not self.options["KevinLevels"] and level.level_id > 36:
if level.level_id != 36:
self.place_event(level.location_name_level_complete, level.event_name_level_complete)
if self.is_level_horde(level.level_id):
# in randomizer, horde levels grant a single star
star_counts = [1]
star_counts = [1, 2, 3]
for n in star_counts:
self.place_event(level.location_name_star_event(n), "Star")
# Add Victory Condition
self.place_event("6-6 Completed", "Victory")
def set_rules(self):
def generate_basic(self) -> None:
# Items get distributed to locations
def fill_json_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
mod_name = f"AP-{self.multiworld.seed_name}-P{self.player}-{self.player_name}"
# Serialize Level Order
story_level_order = dict()
if self.options["ShuffleLevelOrder"]:
for level_id in self.level_mapping:
level: Overcooked2GenericLevel = self.level_mapping[level_id]
story_level_order[str(level_id)] = {
"DLC": level.dlc.value,
"LevelID": level.level_id,
custom_level_order = dict()
custom_level_order["Story"] = story_level_order
# Serialize Unlock Requirements
level_purchase_requirements = dict()
for level_id in self.level_unlock_counts:
level_purchase_requirements[str(level_id)] = self.level_unlock_counts[level_id]
# Override Vanilla Unlock Chain Behavior
# (all worlds accessible from the start and progressible in any order)
level_unlock_requirements = dict()
level_force_reveal = [
1, # 1-1
7, # 2-1
13, # 3-1
19, # 4-1
25, # 5-1
31, # 6-1
for level_id in range(1, 37):
if (level_id not in level_force_reveal):
level_unlock_requirements[str(level_id)] = level_id - 1
# Set Kevin Unlock Requirements
if self.options["KevinLevels"]:
def kevin_level_to_keyholder_level_id(level_id: int) -> Optional[int]:
location = self.multiworld.find_item(f"Kevin-{level_id-36}", self.player)
if location.player != self.player:
return None # This kevin level will be unlocked by the server at runtime
level_id = oc2_location_name_to_id[]
return level_id
for level_id in range(37, 45):
keyholder_level_id = kevin_level_to_keyholder_level_id(level_id)
if keyholder_level_id is not None:
level_unlock_requirements[str(level_id)] = keyholder_level_id
# Place Items at Level Completion Screens (local only)
on_level_completed: Dict[str, list[Dict[str, str]]] = dict()
locations = self.multiworld.get_filled_locations(self.player)
for location in locations:
if location.item.code is None:
continue # it's an event
if location.item.player != self.player:
continue # not for us
level_id = str(oc2_location_name_to_id[])
on_level_completed[level_id] = [item_to_unlock_event(]
# Put it all together
star_threshold_scale = self.options["StarThresholdScale"] / 100
base_data = {
# Changes Inherent to rando
"DisableAllMods": False,
"UnlockAllChefs": True,
"UnlockAllDLC": True,
"DisplayFPS": True,
"SkipTutorial": True,
"SkipAllOnionKing": True,
"SkipTutorialPopups": True,
"RevealAllLevels": False,
"PurchaseAllLevels": False,
"CheatsEnabled": False,
"ImpossibleTutorial": True,
"ForbidDLC": True,
"ForceSingleSaveSlot": True,
"DisableNGP": True,
"LevelForceReveal": level_force_reveal,
"SaveFolderName": mod_name,
"CustomOrderTimeoutPenalty": 10,
"LevelForceHide": [37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44],
"LocalDeathLink": self.options["DeathLink"] != DeathLinkMode.disabled,
"BurnTriggersDeath": self.options["DeathLink"] == DeathLinkMode.death_and_overcook,
# Game Modifications
"LevelPurchaseRequirements": level_purchase_requirements,
"Custom66TimerScale": max(0.4, 0.25 + (1.0 - star_threshold_scale)*0.6),
"ShortHordeLevels": self.options["ShortHordeLevels"],
"CustomLevelOrder": custom_level_order,
# Items (Starting Inventory)
"CustomOrderLifetime": 70.0, # 100 is original
"DisableWood": True,
"DisableCoal": True,
"DisableOnePlate": True,
"DisableFireExtinguisher": True,
"DisableBellows": True,
"PlatesStartDirty": True,
"MaxTipCombo": 2,
"DisableDash": True,
"WeakDash": True,
"DisableThrow": True,
"DisableCatch": True,
"DisableControlStick": True,
"DisableWokDrag": True,
# "DisableRampButton": True, # Unused
"DisableGreenRampButton" : True,
"DisableYellowRampButton" : True,
"DisableBlueRampButton" : True,
"DisablePinkRampButton" : True,
"DisableGreyRampButton" : True,
"DisableRedRampButton" : True,
"DisablePurpleRampButton" : True,
"WashTimeMultiplier": 1.4,
"BurnSpeedMultiplier": 1.43,
"MaxOrdersOnScreenOffset": -2,
"ChoppingTimeScale": 1.4,
"BackpackMovementScale": 0.75,
"RespawnTime": 10.0,
"CarnivalDispenserRefactoryTime": 4.0,
"LevelUnlockRequirements": level_unlock_requirements,
"LockedEmotes": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"StarOffset": 0,
"AggressiveHorde": True,
"DisableEarnHordeMoney": True,
# Item Unlocking
"OnLevelCompleted": on_level_completed,
# Set remaining data in the options dict
bugs = ["FixDoubleServing", "FixSinkBug", "FixControlStickThrowBug", "FixEmptyBurnerThrow"]
for bug in bugs:
self.options[bug] = self.options["FixBugs"]
self.options["PreserveCookingProgress"] = self.options["AlwaysPreserveCookingProgress"]
self.options["TimerAlwaysStarts"] = self.options["PrepLevels"] == PrepLevelMode.ayce
self.options["LevelTimerScale"] = 0.666 if self.options["ShorterLevelDuration"] else 1.0
self.options["LeaderboardScoreScale"] = {
"FourStars": 1.0,
"ThreeStars": star_threshold_scale,
"TwoStars": star_threshold_scale * 0.75,
"OneStar": star_threshold_scale * 0.35,
return base_data
def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self.fill_json_data()
def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO) -> None:
if not self.options["ShuffleLevelOrder"]:
world: Overcooked2World = self.multiworld.worlds[self.player]
spoiler_handle.write(f"\n\n{self.player_name}'s Level Order:\n\n")
for overworld_id in world.level_mapping:
overworld_name = Overcooked2GenericLevel(overworld_id).shortname.split("Story ")[1]
kitchen_name = world.level_mapping[overworld_id].shortname
spoiler_handle.write(f'{overworld_name} | {kitchen_name}\n')
def level_unlock_requirement_factory(stars_to_win: int) -> Dict[int, int]:
level_unlock_counts = dict()
level = 1
sublevel = 1
for n in range(1, 37):
progress: float = float(n)/36.0
progress *= progress # x^2 curve
star_count = int(progress*float(stars_to_win))
min = (n-1)*3
if (star_count > min):
star_count = min
level_id = (level-1)*6 + sublevel
# print("%d-%d (%d) = %d" % (level, sublevel, level_id, star_count))
level_unlock_counts[level_id] = star_count
level += 1
if level > 6:
level = 1
sublevel += 1
# force sphere 1 to 0 stars to help keep our promises to the item fill algo
level_unlock_counts[1] = 0 # 1-1
level_unlock_counts[7] = 0 # 2-1
level_unlock_counts[19] = 0 # 4-1
# Force 5-1 into sphere 1 to help things out
level_unlock_counts[25] = 1 # 5-1
for n in range(37, 46):
level_unlock_counts[n] = 0
return level_unlock_counts