
134 lines
6.4 KiB

import struct
from typing import Optional, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Union
from BaseClasses import Region, ItemClassification, MultiWorld
from worlds.Files import APTokenTypes
from .client_addrs import consumable_addrs, star_addrs
from .rom import KDL3ProcedurePatch
animal_map = {
"Rick Spawn": 0,
"Kine Spawn": 1,
"Coo Spawn": 2,
"Nago Spawn": 3,
"ChuChu Spawn": 4,
"Pitch Spawn": 5
class KDL3Room(Region):
pointer: int = 0
level: int = 0
stage: int = 0
room: int = 0
music: int = 0
default_exits: List[Dict[str, Union[int, List[str]]]]
animal_pointers: List[int]
enemies: List[str]
entity_load: List[List[int]]
consumables: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]
def __init__(self, name: str, player: int, multiworld: MultiWorld, hint: Optional[str], level: int,
stage: int, room: int, pointer: int, music: int,
default_exits: List[Dict[str, List[str]]],
animal_pointers: List[int], enemies: List[str],
entity_load: List[List[int]],
consumables: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]], consumable_pointer: int) -> None:
super().__init__(name, player, multiworld, hint)
self.level = level
self.stage = stage = room
self.pointer = pointer = music
self.default_exits = default_exits
self.animal_pointers = animal_pointers
self.enemies = enemies
self.entity_load = entity_load
self.consumables = consumables
self.consumable_pointer = consumable_pointer
def patch(self, patch: "KDL3ProcedurePatch", consumables: bool, local_items: bool) -> None:
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, self.pointer + 2,, "little"))
animals = [ for x in self.locations if "Animal" in and x.item]
if len(animals) > 0:
for current_animal, address in zip(animals, self.animal_pointers):
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, self.pointer + address + 7,
animal_map[current_animal].to_bytes(1, "little"))
if local_items:
for location in self.get_locations():
if location.item is None or location.item.player != self.player:
item = location.item.code
if item is None:
item_idx = item & 0x00000F
location_idx = location.address & 0xFFFF
if location_idx & 0xF00 in (0x300, 0x400, 0x500, 0x600):
# consumable or star, need remapped
location_base = location_idx & 0xF00
if location_base == 0x300:
# consumable
location_idx = consumable_addrs[location_idx & 0xFF] | 0x1000
# star
location_idx = star_addrs[location.address] | 0x2000
if item & 0x000070 == 0:
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0x4B000 + location_idx, bytes([item_idx | 0x10]))
elif item & 0x000010 > 0:
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0x4B000 + location_idx, bytes([item_idx | 0x20]))
elif item & 0x000020 > 0:
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0x4B000 + location_idx, bytes([item_idx | 0x40]))
elif item & 0x000040 > 0:
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, 0x4B000 + location_idx, bytes([item_idx | 0x80]))
if consumables:
load_len = len(self.entity_load)
for consumable in self.consumables:
location = next(x for x in self.locations if == consumable["name"])
assert location.item is not None
is_progression = location.item.classification & ItemClassification.progression
if load_len == 8:
# edge case, there is exactly 1 room with 8 entities and only 1 consumable among them
if not (any(x in self.entity_load for x in [[0, 22], [1, 22]])
and any(x in self.entity_load for x in [[2, 22], [3, 22]])):
replacement_target = self.entity_load.index(
next(x for x in self.entity_load if x in [[0, 22], [1, 22], [2, 22], [3, 22]]))
if is_progression:
vtype = 0
vtype = 2
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, self.pointer + 88 + (replacement_target * 2),
vtype.to_bytes(1, "little"))
self.entity_load[replacement_target] = [vtype, 22]
if is_progression:
# we need to see if 1-ups are in our load list
if any(x not in self.entity_load for x in [[0, 22], [1, 22]]):
self.entity_load.append([0, 22])
if any(x not in self.entity_load for x in [[2, 22], [3, 22]]):
# edge case: if (1, 22) is in, we need to load (3, 22) instead
if [1, 22] in self.entity_load:
self.entity_load.append([3, 22])
self.entity_load.append([2, 22])
if load_len < len(self.entity_load):
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, self.pointer + 88 + (load_len * 2),
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, self.pointer + 104 + (load_len * 2),
bytes(struct.pack("H", self.consumable_pointer)))
if is_progression:
if [1, 22] in self.entity_load:
vtype = 1
vtype = 0
if [3, 22] in self.entity_load:
vtype = 3
vtype = 2
assert isinstance(consumable["pointer"], int)
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, self.pointer + consumable["pointer"] + 7,
vtype.to_bytes(1, "little"))