
433 lines
22 KiB

from copy import deepcopy
from . import poke_data, logic
from .rom_addresses import rom_addresses
def set_mon_palettes(world, random, data):
if world.options.randomize_pokemon_palettes == "vanilla":
pallet_map = {
"Poison": 0x0F,
"Normal": 0x10,
"Ice": 0x11,
"Fire": 0x12,
"Water": 0x13,
"Ghost": 0x14,
"Ground": 0x15,
"Grass": 0x16,
"Psychic": 0x17,
"Electric": 0x18,
"Rock": 0x19,
"Dragon": 0x1F,
"Flying": 0x20,
"Fighting": 0x21,
"Bug": 0x22
palettes = []
for mon in poke_data.pokemon_data:
if world.options.randomize_pokemon_palettes == "primary_type":
pallet = pallet_map[world.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"]]
elif (world.options.randomize_pokemon_palettes == "follow_evolutions" and mon in
poke_data.evolves_from and poke_data.evolves_from[mon] != "Eevee"):
pallet = palettes[-1]
else: # completely_random or follow_evolutions and it is not an evolved form (except eeveelutions)
pallet = random.choice(list(pallet_map.values()))
address = rom_addresses["Mon_Palettes"]
for pallet in palettes:
data[address] = pallet
address += 1
def choose_forced_type(chances, random):
n = random.randint(1, 100)
for chance in chances:
if chance[0] >= n:
return chance[1]
return None
def filter_moves(local_move_data, moves, type, random):
ret = []
for move in moves:
if local_move_data[move]["type"] == type or type is None:
return ret
def get_move(local_move_data, moves, chances, random, starting_move=False):
type = choose_forced_type(chances, random)
filtered_moves = filter_moves(local_move_data, moves, type, random)
for move in filtered_moves:
if (not starting_move) or (local_move_data[move]["accuracy"] > 80 and local_move_data[move]["power"] > 0):
return move
return get_move(local_move_data, moves, [], random, starting_move)
def move_power(move_data):
power = move_data["power"]
if move_data["effect"] in (29, 42):
# 29: two-to-five attacks. 42: trapping effect, two-to-five turns.
power *= 3
elif move_data["effect"] in (77, 44):
# 77: Twineedle. Two attacks and poison chance. 44: Just two attacks
power *= 2
elif move_data["effect"] == 48:
# 25% recoil damage taken. Reduce power considered by that amount
power *= 0.75
elif move_data["effect"] == 3:
# 50% absorb. Increase power considered by that amount
power *= 1.5
elif move_data["effect"] == 39 and move_data["id"] != 91:
# Takes two turns while vulnerable. Dig uses this effect ID but is semi-invulnerable
power *= 0.66
elif move_data["effect"] == 7:
# Faint user
power *= 0.5
elif move_data["id"] in (2, 75, 152, 163,):
# High critical strike moves: Karate Chop, Razor Leaf, Crabhammer, Slash
power *= 2
return power
def process_move_data(world):
world.local_move_data = deepcopy(poke_data.moves)
if world.options.randomize_move_types:
for move, data in world.local_move_data.items():
if move == "No Move":
# The chance of randomized moves choosing a normal type move is high, so we want to retain having a higher
# rate of normal type moves
data["type"] = world.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_ids) + (["Normal"] * 4))
if world.options.move_balancing:
world.local_move_data["Sing"]["accuracy"] = 30
world.local_move_data["Sleep Powder"]["accuracy"] = 40
world.local_move_data["Spore"]["accuracy"] = 50
world.local_move_data["Sonicboom"]["effect"] = 0
world.local_move_data["Sonicboom"]["power"] = 50
world.local_move_data["Dragon Rage"]["effect"] = 0
world.local_move_data["Dragon Rage"]["power"] = 80
world.local_move_data["Horn Drill"]["effect"] = 0
world.local_move_data["Horn Drill"]["power"] = 70
world.local_move_data["Horn Drill"]["accuracy"] = 90
world.local_move_data["Guillotine"]["effect"] = 0
world.local_move_data["Guillotine"]["power"] = 70
world.local_move_data["Guillotine"]["accuracy"] = 90
world.local_move_data["Fissure"]["effect"] = 0
world.local_move_data["Fissure"]["power"] = 70
world.local_move_data["Fissure"]["accuracy"] = 90
world.local_move_data["Blizzard"]["accuracy"] = 70
if world.options.randomize_tm_moves:
world.local_tms = world.random.sample([move for move in poke_data.moves.keys() if move not in
["No Move"] + poke_data.hm_moves], 50)
world.local_tms = poke_data.tm_moves.copy()
def process_pokemon_data(self):
local_poke_data = deepcopy(poke_data.pokemon_data)
learnsets = deepcopy(poke_data.learnsets)
tms_hms = self.local_tms + poke_data.hm_moves
compat_hms = set()
for mon, mon_data in local_poke_data.items():
if self.options.randomize_pokemon_stats == "shuffle":
stats = [mon_data["hp"], mon_data["atk"], mon_data["def"], mon_data["spd"], mon_data["spc"]]
if mon in poke_data.evolves_from:
stat_shuffle_map = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["stat_shuffle_map"]
stat_shuffle_map = self.random.sample(range(0, 5), 5)
mon_data["stat_shuffle_map"] = stat_shuffle_map
mon_data["hp"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[0]]
mon_data["atk"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[1]]
mon_data["def"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[2]]
mon_data["spd"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[3]]
mon_data["spc"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[4]]
elif self.options.randomize_pokemon_stats == "randomize":
first_run = True
while (mon_data["hp"] > 255 or mon_data["atk"] > 255 or mon_data["def"] > 255 or mon_data["spd"] > 255
or mon_data["spc"] > 255 or first_run):
first_run = False
total_stats = mon_data["hp"] + mon_data["atk"] + mon_data["def"] + mon_data["spd"] + mon_data["spc"]
for stat in ("hp", "atk", "def", "spd", "spc"):
if mon in poke_data.evolves_from:
mon_data[stat] = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]][stat]
total_stats -= mon_data[stat]
elif stat == "hp":
mon_data[stat] = 20
total_stats -= 20
mon_data[stat] = 10
total_stats -= 10
assert total_stats >= 0, f"Error distributing stats for {mon} for player {self.player}"
dist = [self.random.randint(1, 101) / 100, self.random.randint(1, 101) / 100,
self.random.randint(1, 101) / 100, self.random.randint(1, 101) / 100,
self.random.randint(1, 101) / 100]
total_dist = sum(dist)
mon_data["hp"] += int(round(dist[0] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["atk"] += int(round(dist[1] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["def"] += int(round(dist[2] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["spd"] += int(round(dist[3] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["spc"] += int(round(dist[4] / total_dist * total_stats))
if self.options.randomize_pokemon_types:
if self.options.randomize_pokemon_types.value == 1 and mon in poke_data.evolves_from:
type1 = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type1"]
type2 = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type2"]
if type1 == type2:
if self.options.secondary_type_chance.value == -1:
if mon_data["type1"] != mon_data["type2"]:
while type2 == type1:
type2 = self.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
elif self.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.options.secondary_type_chance.value:
type2 = self.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
type1 = self.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
type2 = type1
if ((self.options.secondary_type_chance.value == -1 and mon_data["type1"]
!= mon_data["type2"]) or self.random.randint(1, 100)
<= self.options.secondary_type_chance.value):
while type2 == type1:
type2 = self.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
mon_data["type1"] = type1
mon_data["type2"] = type2
if self.options.randomize_pokemon_movesets:
if self.options.randomize_pokemon_movesets == "prefer_types":
if mon_data["type1"] == "Normal" and mon_data["type2"] == "Normal":
chances = [[75, "Normal"]]
elif mon_data["type1"] == "Normal" or mon_data["type2"] == "Normal":
if mon_data["type1"] == "Normal":
second_type = mon_data["type2"]
second_type = mon_data["type1"]
chances = [[30, "Normal"], [85, second_type]]
elif mon_data["type1"] == mon_data["type2"]:
chances = [[60, mon_data["type1"]], [80, "Normal"]]
chances = [[50, mon_data["type1"]], [80, mon_data["type2"]], [85, "Normal"]]
chances = []
moves = list(poke_data.moves.keys())
for move in ["No Move"] + poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.options.confine_transform_to_ditto:
if self.options.start_with_four_moves:
num_moves = 4
num_moves = len([i for i in [mon_data["start move 1"], mon_data["start move 2"],
mon_data["start move 3"], mon_data["start move 4"]] if i != "No Move"])
if mon in learnsets:
num_moves += len(learnsets[mon])
non_power_moves = []
learnsets[mon] = []
for i in range(num_moves):
if i == 0 and mon == "Ditto" and self.options.confine_transform_to_ditto:
move = "Transform"
move = get_move(self.local_move_data, moves, chances, self.random)
while move == "Transform" and self.options.confine_transform_to_ditto:
move = get_move(self.local_move_data, moves, chances, self.random)
if self.local_move_data[move]["power"] < 5:
learnsets[mon].sort(key=lambda move: move_power(self.local_move_data[move]))
if learnsets[mon]:
for move in non_power_moves:
learnsets[mon].insert(self.random.randint(1, len(learnsets[mon])), move)
learnsets[mon] = non_power_moves
for i in range(1, 5):
if mon_data[f"start move {i}"] != "No Move" or self.options.start_with_four_moves:
mon_data[f"start move {i}"] = learnsets[mon].pop(0)
if self.options.randomize_pokemon_catch_rates:
mon_data["catch rate"] = self.random.randint(self.options.minimum_catch_rate, 255)
mon_data["catch rate"] = max(self.options.minimum_catch_rate, mon_data["catch rate"])
def roll_tm_compat(roll_move):
if self.local_move_data[roll_move]["type"] in [mon_data["type1"], mon_data["type2"]]:
if roll_move in poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.options.hm_same_type_compatibility.value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
r = self.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.options.hm_same_type_compatibility.value
if r and mon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon:
return r
if self.options.tm_same_type_compatibility.value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
return self.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.options.tm_same_type_compatibility.value
elif self.local_move_data[roll_move]["type"] == "Normal" and "Normal" not in [mon_data["type1"], mon_data["type2"]]:
if roll_move in poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.options.hm_normal_type_compatibility.value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
r = self.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.options.hm_normal_type_compatibility.value
if r and mon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon:
return r
if self.options.tm_normal_type_compatibility.value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
return self.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.options.tm_normal_type_compatibility.value
if roll_move in poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.options.hm_other_type_compatibility.value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
r = self.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.options.hm_other_type_compatibility.value
if r and mon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon:
return r
if self.options.tm_other_type_compatibility.value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
return self.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.options.tm_other_type_compatibility.value
for flag, tm_move in enumerate(tms_hms):
if mon in poke_data.evolves_from and self.options.inherit_tm_hm_compatibility:
if local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8):
# always inherit learnable tms/hms
bit = 1
if self.local_move_data[tm_move]["type"] in [mon_data["type1"], mon_data["type2"]] and \
self.local_move_data[tm_move]["type"] not in [
# the tm/hm is for a move whose type matches current mon, but not pre-evolved form
# so this gets full chance roll
bit = roll_tm_compat(tm_move)
# otherwise 50% reduced chance to add compatibility over pre-evolved form
elif self.random.randint(1, 100) > 50 and roll_tm_compat(tm_move):
bit = 1
bit = 0
bit = roll_tm_compat(tm_move)
if bit:
mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] |= 1 << (flag % 8)
mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] &= ~(1 << (flag % 8))
hm_verify = ["Surf", "Strength"]
if self.options.accessibility != "minimal" or ((not
self.options.badgesanity) and max(self.options.elite_four_badges_condition,
self.options.route_22_gate_condition, self.options.victory_road_condition)
> 7) or (self.options.door_shuffle not in ("off", "simple")):
hm_verify += ["Cut"]
if (self.options.accessibility != "minimal" or (not self.options.dark_rock_tunnel_logic) and
((self.options.trainersanity or self.options.extra_key_items) or self.options.door_shuffle)):
hm_verify += ["Flash"]
# Fly does not need to be verified. Full/Insanity/Decoupled door shuffle connects reachable regions to unreachable
# regions, so if Fly is available and can be learned, the towns you can fly to would be considered reachable for
# door shuffle purposes, but if no Pokémon can learn it, that connection would just be out of logic and it would
# ensure connections to those towns.
for hm_move in hm_verify:
if hm_move not in compat_hms:
mon = self.random.choice([mon for mon in poke_data.pokemon_data if mon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon])
flag = tms_hms.index(hm_move)
local_poke_data[mon]["tms"][int(flag / 8)] |= 1 << (flag % 8)
self.local_poke_data = local_poke_data
self.learnsets = learnsets
def verify_hm_moves(multiworld, world, player):
def intervene(move, test_state):
move_bit = pow(2, poke_data.hm_moves.index(move) + 2)
viable_mons = [mon for mon in world.local_poke_data if world.local_poke_data[mon]["tms"][6] & move_bit]
if world.options.randomize_wild_pokemon and viable_mons:
accessible_slots = [loc for loc in multiworld.get_reachable_locations(test_state, player) if
loc.type == "Wild Encounter"]
def number_of_zones(mon):
zones = set()
for loc in [slot for slot in accessible_slots if == mon]:
zones.add(" - ")[0])
return len(zones)
placed_mons = [ for slot in accessible_slots]
if world.options.area_1_to_1_mapping:
placed_mons.sort(key=lambda i: number_of_zones(i))
# this sort method doesn't work if you reference the same list being sorted in the lambda
placed_mons_copy = placed_mons.copy()
placed_mons.sort(key=lambda i: placed_mons_copy.count(i))
placed_mon = placed_mons.pop()
replace_mon = world.random.choice(viable_mons)
replace_slot = world.random.choice([slot for slot in accessible_slots if
== placed_mon])
if world.options.area_1_to_1_mapping:
zone = " - ".join(" - ")[:-1])
replace_slots = [slot for slot in accessible_slots if and
== placed_mon]
for replace_slot in replace_slots:
replace_slot.item = world.create_item(replace_mon)
replace_slot.item = world.create_item(replace_mon)
tms_hms = world.local_tms + poke_data.hm_moves
flag = tms_hms.index(move)
mon_list = [mon for mon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys() if test_state.has(mon, player)]
mon_list.sort(key=lambda mon: world.local_move_data[move]["type"] not in
[world.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"], world.local_poke_data[mon]["type2"]])
for mon in mon_list:
if test_state.has(mon, player):
world.local_poke_data[mon]["tms"][int(flag / 8)] |= 1 << (flag % 8)
last_intervene = None
while True:
intervene_move = None
test_state = multiworld.get_all_state(False)
if not logic.can_learn_hm(test_state, world, "Surf", player):
intervene_move = "Surf"
elif not logic.can_learn_hm(test_state, world, "Strength", player):
intervene_move = "Strength"
# cut may not be needed if accessibility is minimal, unless you need all 8 badges and badgesanity is off,
# as you will require cut to access celadon gyn
elif ((not logic.can_learn_hm(test_state, world, "Cut", player)) and
(world.options.accessibility != "minimal" or ((not
world.options.badgesanity) and max(
> 7) or (world.options.door_shuffle not in ("off", "simple")))):
intervene_move = "Cut"
elif ((not logic.can_learn_hm(test_state, world, "Flash", player))
and world.options.dark_rock_tunnel_logic
and (world.options.accessibility != "minimal"
or world.options.door_shuffle)):
intervene_move = "Flash"
# If no Pokémon can learn Fly, then during door shuffle it would simply not treat the free fly maps
# as reachable, and if on no door shuffle or simple, fly is simply never necessary.
# We only intervene if a Pokémon is able to learn fly but none are reachable, as that would have been
# considered in door shuffle.
elif ((not logic.can_learn_hm(test_state, world, "Fly", player))
and world.options.door_shuffle not in
("off", "simple") and [world.fly_map, world.town_map_fly_map] != ["Pallet Town", "Pallet Town"]):
intervene_move = "Fly"
if intervene_move:
if intervene_move == last_intervene:
raise Exception(f"Caught in infinite loop attempting to ensure {intervene_move} is available to player {player}")
intervene(intervene_move, test_state)
last_intervene = intervene_move