327 lines
11 KiB
327 lines
11 KiB
from typing import Dict, Union
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld
from Options import Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, DeathLink, Choice, Range, Option, OptionDict
from schema import Schema, And, Optional
class StartWithJewelryBox(Toggle):
"Start with Jewelry Box unlocked"
display_name = "Start with Jewelry Box"
class DownloadableItems(DefaultOnToggle):
"With the tablet you will be able to download items at terminals"
display_name = "Downloadable items"
class EyeSpy(Toggle):
"Requires Oculus Ring in inventory to be able to break hidden walls."
display_name = "Eye Spy"
class StartWithMeyef(Toggle):
"Start with Meyef, ideal for when you want to play multiplayer."
display_name = "Start with Meyef"
class QuickSeed(Toggle):
"Start with Talaria Attachment, Nyoom!"
display_name = "Quick seed"
class SpecificKeycards(Toggle):
"Keycards can only open corresponding doors"
display_name = "Specific Keycards"
class Inverted(Toggle):
"Start in the past"
display_name = "Inverted"
class GyreArchives(Toggle):
"Gyre locations are in logic. New warps are gated by Merchant Crow and Kobo"
display_name = "Gyre Archives"
class Cantoran(Toggle):
"Cantoran's fight and check are available upon revisiting his room"
display_name = "Cantoran"
class LoreChecks(Toggle):
"Memories and journal entries contain items."
display_name = "Lore Checks"
class BossRando(Toggle):
"Shuffles the positions of all bosses."
display_name = "Boss Randomization"
class BossScaling(DefaultOnToggle):
"When Boss Rando is enabled, scales the bosses' HP, XP, and ATK to the stats of the location they replace (Reccomended)"
display_name = "Scale Random Boss Stats"
class DamageRando(Choice):
"Randomly nerfs and buffs some orbs and their associated spells as well as some associated rings."
display_name = "Damage Rando"
option_off = 0
option_allnerfs = 1
option_mostlynerfs = 2
option_balanced = 3
option_mostlybuffs = 4
option_allbuffs = 5
option_manual = 6
alias_true = 2
class DamageRandoOverrides(OptionDict):
"""Manual +/-/normal odds for an orb. Put 0 if you don't want a certain nerf or buff to be a possibility. Orbs that
you don't specify will roll with 1/1/1 as odds"""
schema = Schema({
Optional("Blue"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Blade"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Fire"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Plasma"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Iron"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Ice"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Wind"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Gun"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Umbra"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Empire"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Eye"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Blood"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("ForbiddenTome"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Shattered"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Nether"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
Optional("Radiant"): {
"MinusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"NormalOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0),
"PlusOdds": And(int, lambda n: n >= 0)
display_name = "Damage Rando Overrides"
default = {
"Blue": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Blade": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Fire": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Plasma": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Iron": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Ice": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Wind": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Gun": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Umbra": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Empire": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Eye": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Blood": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"ForbiddenTome": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Shattered": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Nether": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
"Radiant": { "MinusOdds": 1, "NormalOdds": 1, "PlusOdds": 1 },
class HpCap(Range):
"Sets the number that Lunais's HP maxes out at."
display_name = "HP Cap"
range_start = 1
range_end = 999
default = 999
class BossHealing(DefaultOnToggle):
"Enables/disables healing after boss fights. NOTE: Currently only applicable when Boss Rando is enabled."
display_name = "Heal After Bosses"
class ShopFill(Choice):
"""Sets the items for sale in Merchant Crow's shops.
Default: No sunglasses or trendy jacket, but sand vials for sale.
Randomized: Up to 4 random items in each shop.
Vanilla: Keep shops the same as the base game.
Empty: Sell no items at the shop."""
display_name = "Shop Inventory"
option_default = 0
option_randomized = 1
option_vanilla = 2
option_empty = 3
class ShopWarpShards(DefaultOnToggle):
"Shops always sell warp shards (when keys possessed), ignoring inventory setting."
display_name = "Always Sell Warp Shards"
class ShopMultiplier(Range):
"Multiplier for the cost of items in the shop. Set to 0 for free shops."
display_name = "Shop Price Multiplier"
range_start = 0
range_end = 10
default = 1
class LootPool(Choice):
"""Sets the items that drop from enemies (does not apply to boss reward checks)
Vanilla: Drops are the same as the base game
Randomized: Each slot of every enemy's drop table is given a random use item or piece of equipment.
Empty: Enemies drop nothing."""
display_name = "Loot Pool"
option_vanilla = 0
option_randomized = 1
option_empty = 2
class DropRateCategory(Choice):
"""Sets the drop rate when 'Loot Pool' is set to 'Random'
Tiered: Based on item rarity/value
Vanilla: Based on bestiary slot the item is placed into
Random: Assigned a random tier/drop rate
Fixed: Set by the 'Fixed Drop Rate' setting
display_name = "Drop Rate Category"
option_tiered = 0
option_vanilla = 1
option_randomized = 2
option_fixed = 3
class FixedDropRate(Range):
"Base drop rate percentage when 'Drop Rate Category' is set to 'Fixed'"
display_name = "Fixed Drop Rate"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 5
class LootTierDistro(Choice):
"""Sets how often items of each rarity tier are placed when 'Loot Pool' is set to 'Random'
Default Weight: Rarer items will be assigned to enemy drop slots less frequently than common items
Full Random: Any item has an equal chance of being placed in an enemy's drop slot
Inverted Weight: Rarest items show up the most frequently, while common items are the rarest
display_name = "Loot Tier Distrubution"
option_default_weight = 0
option_full_random = 1
option_inverted_weight = 2
class ShowBestiary(Toggle):
"All entries in the bestiary are visible, without needing to kill one of a given enemy first"
display_name = "Show Bestiary Entries"
class ShowDrops(Toggle):
"All item drops in the bestiary are visible, without needing an enemy to drop one of a given item first"
display_name = "Show Bestiary Item Drops"
class EnterSandman(Toggle):
"The Ancient Pyramid is unlocked by the Twin Pyramid Keys, but the final boss door opens if you have all 5 Timespinner pieces"
display_name = "Enter Sandman"
# Some options that are available in the timespinner randomizer arent currently implemented
timespinner_options: Dict[str, Option] = {
"StartWithJewelryBox": StartWithJewelryBox,
"DownloadableItems": DownloadableItems,
"EyeSpy": EyeSpy,
"StartWithMeyef": StartWithMeyef,
"QuickSeed": QuickSeed,
"SpecificKeycards": SpecificKeycards,
"Inverted": Inverted,
"GyreArchives": GyreArchives,
"Cantoran": Cantoran,
"LoreChecks": LoreChecks,
"BossRando": BossRando,
"BossScaling": BossScaling,
"DamageRando": DamageRando,
"DamageRandoOverrides": DamageRandoOverrides,
"HpCap": HpCap,
"BossHealing": BossHealing,
"ShopFill": ShopFill,
"ShopWarpShards": ShopWarpShards,
"ShopMultiplier": ShopMultiplier,
"LootPool": LootPool,
"DropRateCategory": DropRateCategory,
"FixedDropRate": FixedDropRate,
"LootTierDistro": LootTierDistro,
"ShowBestiary": ShowBestiary,
"ShowDrops": ShowDrops,
"EnterSandman": EnterSandman,
"DeathLink": DeathLink,
def is_option_enabled(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str) -> bool:
return get_option_value(world, player, name) > 0
def get_option_value(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str) -> Union[int, dict]:
option = getattr(world, name, None)
if option == None:
return 0
return option[player].value