
615 lines
24 KiB

Tools used to create this list :
List of all items
Regular expression parser
List of locations
fire_link_shrine_table = {
# "FS: Coiled Sword": 0x40000859, You can still light the Firelink Shrine fire whether you have it or not, useless
"FS: Broken Straight Sword": 0x001EF9B0,
"FS: East-West Shield": 0x0142B930,
"FS: Uchigatana": 0x004C4B40,
"FS: Master's Attire": 0x148F5008,
"FS: Master's Gloves": 0x148F53F0,
firelink_shrine_bell_tower_table = {
"FSBT: Covetous Silver Serpent Ring": 0x20004FB0,
"FSBT: Fire Keeper Robe": 0x140D9CE8,
"FSBT: Fire Keeper Gloves": 0x140DA0D0,
"FSBT: Fire Keeper Skirt": 0x140DA4B8,
"FSBT: Estus Ring": 0x200050DC,
"FSBT: Fire Keeper Soul": 0x40000186
high_wall_of_lothric = {
"HWL: Deep Battle Axe": 0x0006AFA54,
"HWL: Club": 0x007A1200,
"HWL: Claymore": 0x005BDBA0,
"HWL: Binoculars": 0x40000173,
"HWL: Longbow": 0x00D689E0,
"HWL: Mail Breaker": 0x002DEDD0,
"HWL: Broadsword": 0x001ED2A0,
"HWL: Silver Eagle Kite Shield": 0x014418C0,
"HWL: Astora's Straight Sword": 0x002191C0,
"HWL: Cell Key": 0x400007DA,
"HWL: Rapier": 0x002E14E0,
"HWL: Lucerne": 0x0098BD90,
"HWL: Small Lothric Banner": 0x40000836,
"HWL: Basin of Vows": 0x40000845,
"HWL: Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt": 0x400002CF,
"HWL: Soul of the Dancer": 0x400002CA,
"HWL: Way of Blue Covenant": 0x2000274C,
"HWL: Greirat's Ashes": 0x4000083F,
"HWL: Blue Tearstone Ring": 0x20004ED4 #given/dropped by Greirat
undead_settlement_table = {
"US: Small Leather Shield": 0x01315410,
"US: Whip": 0x00B71B00,
"US: Reinforced Club": 0x007A8730,
"US: Blue Wooden Shield": 0x0143F1B0,
"US: Cleric Hat": 0x11D905C0,
"US: Cleric Blue Robe": 0x11D909A8,
"US: Cleric Gloves": 0x11D90D90,
"US: Cleric Trousers": 0x11D91178,
"US: Mortician's Ashes": 0x4000083B,
"US: Caestus": 0x00A7FFD0,
"US: Plank Shield": 0x01346150,
"US: Flame Stoneplate Ring": 0x20004E52,
"US: Caduceus Round Shield": 0x01341330,
"US: Fire Clutch Ring": 0x2000501E,
"US: Partizan": 0x0089C970,
"US: Bloodbite Ring": 0x20004E84,
"US: Red Hilted Halberd": 0x009AB960,
"US: Saint's Talisman": 0x00CACA10,
"US: Irithyll Straight Sword": 0x0020A760,
"US: Large Club": 0x007AFC60,
"US: Northern Helm": 0x116E3600,
"US: Northern Armor": 0x116E39E8,
"US: Northern Gloves": 0x116E3DD0,
"US: Northern Trousers": 0x116E41B8,
"US: Flynn's Ring": 0x2000503C,
"US: Mirrah Vest": 0x15204568,
"US: Mirrah Gloves": 0x15204950,
"US: Mirrah Trousers": 0x15204D38,
"US: Chloranthy Ring": 0x20004E2A,
"US: Loincloth": 0x148F57D8,
"US: Wargod Wooden Shield": 0x0144DC10,
"US: Loretta's Bone": 0x40000846,
"US: Hand Axe": 0x006ACFC0,
"US: Great Scythe": 0x00989680,
"US: Soul of the Rotted Greatwood": 0x400002D7,
"US: Hawk Ring": 0x20004F92,
"US: Warrior of Sunlight Covenant": 0x20002738,
"US: Blessed Red and White Shield": 0x01343FB9,
"US: Irina's Ashes": 0x40000843,
"US: Cornyx's Ashes": 0x40000841,
"US: Cornyx's Wrap": 0x11946370,
"US: Cornyx's Garb": 0x11945F88,
"US: Cornyx's Skirt": 0x11946758,
"US: Pyromancy Flame": 0x00CC77C0 #given/dropped by Cornyx
road_of_sacrifice_table = {
"RS: Brigand Twindaggers": 0x00F50E60,
"RS: Brigand Hood": 0x148009E0,
"RS: Brigand Armor": 0x14800DC8,
"RS: Brigand Gauntlets": 0x148011B0,
"RS: Brigand Trousers": 0x14801598,
"RS: Butcher Knife": 0x006BE130,
"RS: Brigand Axe": 0x006B1DE0,
"RS: Braille Divine Tome of Carim": 0x40000847,
"RS: Morne's Ring": 0x20004F1A,
"RS: Twin Dragon Greatshield": 0x01513820,
"RS: Heretic's Staff": 0x00C8F550,
"RS: Sorcerer Hood": 0x11C9C380,
"RS: Sorcerer Robe": 0x11C9C768,
"RS: Sorcerer Gloves": 0x11C9CB50,
"RS: Sorcerer Trousers": 0x11C9CF38,
"RS: Sage Ring": 0x20004F38,
"RS: Fallen Knight Helm": 0x1121EAC0,
"RS: Fallen Knight Armor": 0x1121EEA8,
"RS: Fallen Knight Gauntlets": 0x1121F290,
"RS: Fallen Knight Trousers": 0x1121F678,
"RS: Conjurator Hood": 0x149E8E60,
"RS: Conjurator Robe": 0x149E9248,
"RS: Conjurator Manchettes": 0x149E9630,
"RS: Conjurator Boots": 0x149E9A18,
"RS: Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome": 0x4000084F,
"RS: Great Club": 0x007B4A80,
"RS: Exile Greatsword": 0x005DD770,
"RS: Farron Coal ": 0x40000837,
"RS: Sellsword Twinblades": 0x00F42400,
"RS: Sellsword Helm": 0x11481060,
"RS: Sellsword Armor": 0x11481448,
"RS: Sellsword Gauntlet": 0x11481830,
"RS: Sellsword Trousers": 0x11481C18,
"RS: Golden Falcon Shield": 0x01354BB0,
"RS: Herald Helm": 0x114FB180,
"RS: Herald Armor": 0x114FB568,
"RS: Herald Gloves": 0x114FB950,
"RS: Herald Trousers": 0x114FBD38,
"RS: Grass Crest Shield": 0x01437C80,
"RS: Soul of a Crystal Sage": 0x400002CB,
"RS: Great Swamp Ring": 0x20004F10,
"RS: Orbeck's Ashes": 0x40000840
cathedral_of_the_deep_table = {
"CD: Paladin's Ashes": 0x4000083D,
"CD: Spider Shield": 0x01435570,
"CD: Crest Shield": 0x01430750,
"CD: Notched Whip": 0x00B7DE50,
"CD: Astora Greatsword": 0x005C9EF0,
"CD: Executioner's Greatsword": 0x0021DFE0,
"CD: Curse Ward Greatshield": 0x01518640,
"CD: Saint-tree Bellvine": 0x00C9DFB0,
"CD: Poisonbite Ring": 0x20004E8E,
"CD: Lloyd's Sword Ring": 0x200050B4,
"CD: Seek Guidance": 0x40360420,
"CD: Aldrich's Sapphire": 0x20005096,
"CD: Deep Braille Divine Tome": 0x40000860,
"CD: Saint Bident": 0x008C1360,
"CD: Maiden Hood": 0x14BD12E0,
"CD: Maiden Robe": 0x14BD16C8,
"CD: Maiden Gloves": 0x14BD1AB0,
"CD: Maiden Skirt": 0x14BD1E98,
"CD: Drang Armor": 0x154E0C28,
"CD: Drang Gauntlets": 0x154E1010,
"CD: Drang Shoes": 0x154E13F8,
"CD: Drang Hammers": 0x00F61FD0,
"CD: Deep Ring": 0x20004F60,
"CD: Archdeacon White Crown": 0x13EF1480,
"CD: Archdeacon Holy Garb": 0x13EF1868,
"CD: Archdeacon Skirt": 0x13EF2038,
"CD: Arbalest": 0x00D662D0,
"CD: Small Doll": 0x400007D5,
"CD: Soul of the Deacons of the Deep": 0x400002D9,
"CD: Rosaria's Fingers Covenant": 0x20002760,
farron_keep_table = {
"FK: Ragged Mask": 0x148F4C20,
"FK: Iron Flesh": 0x40251430,
"FK: Golden Scroll": 0x4000085C,
"FK: Antiquated Dress": 0x15D76068,
"FK: Antiquated Gloves": 0x15D76450,
"FK: Antiquated Skirt": 0x15D76838,
"FK: Nameless Knight Helm": 0x143B5FC0,
"FK: Nameless Knight Armor": 0x143B63A8,
"FK: Nameless Knight Gauntlets": 0x143B6790,
"FK: Nameless Knight Leggings": 0x143B6B78,
"FK: Sunlight Talisman": 0x00CA54E0,
"FK: Wolf's Blood Swordgrass": 0x4000016E,
"FK: Greatsword": 0x005C50D0,
"FK: Sage's Coal": 0x40000838,
"FK: Stone Parma": 0x01443FD0,
"FK: Sage's Scroll": 0x40000854,
"FK: Crown of Dusk": 0x15D75C80,
"FK: Lingering Dragoncrest Ring": 0x20004F2E,
"FK: Pharis's Hat": 0x1487AB00,
"FK: Black Bow of Pharis": 0x00D7E970,
"FK: Dreamchaser's Ashes": 0x4000083C,
"FK: Great Axe": 0x006B9310,
"FK: Dragon Crest Shield": 0x01432E60,
"FK: Lightning Spear": 0x40362B30,
"FK: Atonement": 0x4039ADA0,
"FK: Great Magic Weapon": 0x40140118,
"FK: Cinders of a Lord - Abyss Watcher": 0x4000084B,
"FK: Soul of the Blood of the Wolf": 0x400002CD,
"FK: Soul of a Stray Demon": 0x400002E7,
"FK: Watchdogs of Farron Covenant": 0x20002724,
catacombs_of_carthus_table = {
"CC: Carthus Pyromancy Tome": 0x40000850,
"CC: Carthus Milkring": 0x20004FE2,
"CC: Grave Warden's Ashes": 0x4000083E,
"CC: Carthus Bloodring": 0x200050FA,
"CC: Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome": 0x40000853,
"CC: Old Sage's Blindfold": 0x11945BA0,
"CC: Witch's Ring": 0x20004F11,
"CC: Black Blade": 0x004CC070,
"CC: Soul of High Lord Wolnir": 0x400002D6,
"CC: Soul of a Demon": 0x400002E3,
smouldering_lake_table = {
"SL: Shield of Want": 0x0144B500,
"SL: Speckled Stoneplate Ring": 0x20004E7A,
"SL: Dragonrider Bow": 0x00D6B0F0,
"SL: Lightning Stake": 0x40389C30,
"SL: Izalith Pyromancy Tome": 0x40000851,
"SL: Black Knight Sword": 0x005F5E10,
"SL: Quelana Pyromancy Tome": 0x40000852,
"SL: Toxic Mist": 0x4024F108,
"SL: White Hair Talisman": 0x00CAF120,
"SL: Izalith Staff": 0x00C96A80,
"SL: Sacred Flame": 0x40284880,
"SL: Fume Ultra Greatsword": 0x0060E4B0,
"SL: Black Iron Greatshield": 0x0150EA00,
"SL: Soul of the Old Demon King": 0x400002D0,
"SL: Knight Slayer's Ring": 0x20005000,
irithyll_of_the_boreal_valley_table = {
"IBV: Dorhys' Gnawing": 0x40363EB8,
"IBV: Witchtree Branch": 0x00C94370,
"IBV: Magic Clutch Ring": 0x2000500A,
"IBV: Ring of the Sun's First Born": 0x20004F1B,
"IBV: Roster of Knights": 0x4000006C,
"IBV: Pontiff's Right Eye": 0x2000510E,
"IBV: Yorshka's Spear": 0x008C3A70,
"IBV: Great Heal": 0x40356FB0,
"IBV: Smough's Great Hammer": 0x007E30B0,
"IBV: Leo Ring": 0x20004EE8,
"IBV: Excrement-covered Ashes": 0x40000862,
"IBV: Dark Stoneplate Ring": 0x20004E70,
"IBV: Easterner's Ashes": 0x40000868,
"IBV: Painting Guardian's Curved Sword": 0x003E6890,
"IBV: Painting Guardian Hood": 0x156C8CC0,
"IBV: Painting Guardian Gown": 0x156C90A8,
"IBV: Painting Guardian Gloves": 0x156C9490,
"IBV: Painting Guardian Waistcloth": 0x156C9878,
"IBV: Dragonslayer Greatbow": 0x00CF8500,
"IBV: Reversal Ring": 0x20005104,
"IBV: Brass Helm": 0x1501BD00,
"IBV: Brass Armor": 0x1501C0E8,
"IBV: Brass Gauntlets": 0x1501C4D0,
"IBV: Brass Leggings": 0x1501C8B8,
"IBV: Ring of Favor": 0x20004E3E,
"IBV: Golden Ritual Spear": 0x00C83200,
"IBV: Soul of Pontiff Sulyvahn": 0x400002D4,
"IBV: Aldrich Faithful Covenant": 0x2000272E,
"IBV: Drang Twinspears": 0x00F5AAA0,
irithyll_dungeon_table = {
"ID: Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring": 0x20004F07,
"ID: Jailbreaker's Key": 0x400007D7,
"ID: Prisoner Chief's Ashes": 0x40000863,
"ID: Old Sorcerer Hat": 0x1496ED40,
"ID: Old Sorcerer Coat": 0x1496F128,
"ID: Old Sorcerer Gauntlets": 0x1496F510,
"ID: Old Sorcerer Boots": 0x1496F8F8,
"ID: Great Magic Shield": 0x40144F38,
"ID: Dragon Torso Stone": 0x4000017A,
"ID: Lightning Blade": 0x4036C770,
"ID: Profaned Coal": 0x4000083A,
"ID: Xanthous Ashes": 0x40000864,
"ID: Old Cell Key": 0x400007DC,
"ID: Pickaxe": 0x007DE290,
"ID: Profaned Flame": 0x402575D8,
"ID: Covetous Gold Serpent Ring": 0x20004FA6,
"ID: Jailer's Key Ring": 0x400007D8,
"ID: Dusk Crown Ring": 0x20004F4C,
"ID: Dark Clutch Ring": 0x20005028,
"ID: Karla's Ashes": 0x40000842
profaned_capital_table = {
"PC: Cursebite Ring": 0x20004E98,
"PC: Court Sorcerer Hood": 0x11BA8140,
"PC: Court Sorcerer Robe": 0x11BA8528,
"PC: Court Sorcerer Gloves": 0x11BA8910,
"PC: Court Sorcerer Trousers": 0x11BA8CF8,
"PC: Wrath of the Gods": 0x4035E0F8,
"PC: Logan's Scroll": 0x40000855,
"PC: Eleonora": 0x006CCB90,
"PC: Court Sorcerer's Staff": 0x00C91C60,
"PC: Greatshield of Glory": 0x01515F30,
"PC: Storm Ruler": 0x006132D0,
"PC: Cinders of a Lord - Yhorm the Giant": 0x4000084D,
"PC: Soul of Yhorm the Giant": 0x400002DC,
anor_londo_table = {
"AL: Giant's Coal": 0x40000839,
"AL: Sun Princess Ring": 0x20004FBA,
"AL: Aldrich's Ruby": 0x2000508C,
"AL: Cinders of a Lord - Aldrich": 0x4000084C,
"AL: Soul of Aldrich": 0x400002D5,
lothric_castle_table = {
"LC: Hood of Prayer": 0x13AA6A60,
"LC: Robe of Prayer": 0x13AA6E48,
"LC: Skirt of Prayer": 0x13AA7618,
"LC: Sacred Bloom Shield": 0x013572C0,
"LC: Winged Knight Helm": 0x12EBAE40,
"LC: Winged Knight Armor": 0x12EBB228,
"LC: Winged Knight Gauntlets": 0x12EBB610,
"LC: Winged Knight Leggings": 0x12EBB9F8,
"LC: Greatlance": 0x008A8CC0,
"LC: Sniper Crossbow": 0x00D83790,
"LC: Spirit Tree Crest Shield": 0x014466E0,
"LC: Red Tearstone Ring": 0x20004ECA,
"LC: Caitha's Chime": 0x00CA06C0,
"LC: Braille Divine Tome of Lothric": 0x40000848,
"LC: Knight's Ring": 0x20004FEC,
"LC: Irithyll Rapier": 0x002E8A10,
"LC: Sunlight Straight Sword": 0x00203230,
"LC: Soul of Dragonslayer Armour": 0x400002D1,
# The Black Hand Gotthard corpse appears when you have defeated Yhorm and Aldrich and triggered the cutscene
"LC: Grand Archives Key": 0x400007DE, # On Black Hand Gotthard corpse
"LC: Gotthard Twinswords": 0x00F53570 # On Black Hand Gotthard corpse
consumed_king_garden_table = {
"CKG: Dragonscale Ring": 0x2000515E,
"CKG: Shadow Mask": 0x14D3F640,
"CKG: Shadow Garb": 0x14D3FA28,
"CKG: Shadow Gauntlets": 0x14D3FE10,
"CKG: Shadow Leggings": 0x14D401F8,
"CKG: Claw": 0x00A7D8C0,
"CKG: Soul of Consumed Oceiros": 0x400002CE,
"CKG: Magic Stoneplate Ring": 0x20004E66,
# "CKG: Path of the Dragon Gesture": 0x40002346, I can't technically randomize it as it is a gesture and not an item
grand_archives_table = {
"GA: Avelyn": 0x00D6FF10,
"GA: Witch's Locks": 0x00B7B740,
"GA: Power Within": 0x40253B40,
"GA: Scholar Ring": 0x20004EB6,
"GA: Soul Stream": 0x4018B820,
"GA: Fleshbite Ring": 0x20004EA2,
"GA: Crystal Chime": 0x00CA2DD0,
"GA: Golden Wing Crest Shield": 0x0143CAA0,
"GA: Onikiri and Ubadachi": 0x00F58390,
"GA: Hunter's Ring": 0x20004FF6,
"GA: Divine Pillars of Light": 0x4038C340,
"GA: Cinders of a Lord - Lothric Prince": 0x4000084E,
"GA: Soul of the Twin Princes": 0x400002DB,
"GA: Sage's Crystal Staff": 0x00C8CE40,
"GA: Outrider Knight Helm": 0x1328B740,
"GA: Outrider Knight Armor": 0x1328BB28,
"GA: Outrider Knight Gauntlets": 0x1328BF10,
"GA: Outrider Knight Leggings": 0x1328C2F8,
"GA: Crystal Scroll": 0x40000856,
untended_graves_table = {
"UG: Ashen Estus Ring": 0x200050E6,
"UG: Black Knight Glaive": 0x009AE070,
"UG: Hornet Ring": 0x20004F9C,
"UG: Chaos Blade": 0x004C9960,
"UG: Blacksmith Hammer": 0x007E57C0,
"UG: Eyes of a Fire Keeper": 0x4000085A,
"UG: Coiled Sword Fragment": 0x4000015F,
"UG: Soul of Champion Gundyr": 0x400002C8,
archdragon_peak_table = {
"AP: Lightning Clutch Ring": 0x20005014,
"AP: Ancient Dragon Greatshield": 0x013599D0,
"AP: Ring of Steel Protection": 0x20004E48,
"AP: Calamity Ring": 0x20005078,
"AP: Drakeblood Greatsword": 0x00609690,
"AP: Dragonslayer Spear": 0x008CAFA0,
"AP: Thunder Stoneplate Ring": 0x20004E5C,
"AP: Great Magic Barrier": 0x40365628,
"AP: Dragon Chaser's Ashes": 0x40000867,
"AP: Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone": 0x40000184,
"AP: Dragonslayer Helm": 0x158B1140,
"AP: Dragonslayer Armor": 0x158B1528,
"AP: Dragonslayer Gauntlets": 0x158B1910,
"AP: Dragonslayer Leggings": 0x158B1CF8,
"AP: Ricard's Rapier": 0x002E3BF0,
"AP: Soul of the Nameless King": 0x400002D2,
"AP: Dragon Tooth": 0x007E09A0,
"AP: Havel's Greatshield": 0x013376F0,
painted_world_table = { # DLC
"PW: Follower Javelin": 0x008CD6B0,
"PW: Frozen Weapon": 0x401408E8,
"PW: Millwood Greatbow": 0x00D85EA0,
"PW: Captains Ashes": 0x4000086A,
"PW: Millwood Battle Axe": 0x006D67D0,
"PW: Ethereal Oak Shield": 0x01450320,
"PW: Crow Quills": 0x00F66DF0,
"PW: Slave Knight Hood": 0x134EDCE0,
"PW: Slave Knight Armor": 0x134EE0C8,
"PW: Slave Knight Gauntlets": 0x134EE4B0,
"PW: Slave Knight Leggings": 0x134EE898,
"PW: Way of White Corona": 0x403642A0,
"PW: Crow Talons": 0x00A89C10,
"PW: Quakestone Hammer": 0x007ECCF0,
"PW: Earth Seeker": 0x006D8EE0,
"PW: Follower Torch": 0x015F1AD0,
"PW: Follower Shield": 0x0135C0E0,
"PW: Follower Sabre": 0x003EDDC0,
"PW: Snap Freeze": 0x401A90C8,
"PW: Floating Chaos": 0x40257DA8,
"PW: Pyromancer's Parting Flame": 0x00CC9ED0,
"PW: Vilhelm's Helm": 0x11312D00,
"PW: Vilhelm's Armor": 0x113130E8,
"PW: Vilhelm's Gauntlets": 0x113134D0,
"PW: Vilhelm's Leggings": 0x113138B8,
"PW: Valorheart": 0x00F646E0, # GRAVETENDER FIGHT
"PW: Champions Bones": 0x40000869, # GRAVETENDER FIGHT
"PW: Onyx Blade": 0x00222E00, # VILHELM FIGHT
"PW: Soul of Sister Friede": 0x400002E8,
"PW: Titanite Slab": 0x400003EB,
"PW: Chillbite Ring": 0x20005208,
dreg_heap_table = { # DLC
"DH: Loincloth": 0x11B2EBD8,
"DH: Aquamarine Dagger": 0x00116520,
"DH: Murky Hand Scythe": 0x00118C30,
"DH: Murky Longstaff": 0x00CCC5E0,
"DH: Great Soul Dregs": 0x401879A0,
"DH: Lothric War Banner": 0x00CCC5E0,
"DH: Projected Heal": 0x40364688,
"DH: Desert Pyromancer Hood": 0x14DB9760,
"DH: Desert Pyromancer Garb": 0x14DB9B48,
"DH: Desert Pyromancer Gloves": 0x14DB9F30,
"DH: Desert Pyromancer Skirt": 0x14DBA318,
"DH: Giant Door Shield": 0x00F5F8C0,
"DH: Herald Curved Greatsword": 0x006159E0,
"DH: Flame Fan": 0x40258190,
"DH: Soul of the Demon Prince": 0x400002EA,
"DH: Small Envoy Banner": 0x4000086C # NEEDED TO TRAVEL TO RINGED CITY
ringed_city_table = { # DLC
"RC: Ruin Sentinel Helm": 0x14CC5520,
"RC: Ruin Sentinel Armor": 0x14CC5908,
"RC: Ruin Sentinel Gauntlets": 0x14CC5CF0,
"RC: Ruin Sentinel Leggings": 0x14CC60D8,
"RC: Black Witch Veil": 0x14FA1BE0,
"RC: Black Witch Hat": 0x14EAD9A0,
"RC: Black Witch Garb": 0x14EADD88,
"RC: Black Witch Wrappings": 0x14EAE170,
"RC: Black Witch Trousers": 0x14EAE558,
"RC: White Preacher Head": 0x14153A20,
"RC: Havel's Ring": 0x20004E34,
"RC: Ringed Knight Spear": 0x008CFDC0,
"RC: Dragonhead Shield": 0x0135E7F0,
"RC: Ringed Knight Straight Sword": 0x00225510,
"RC: Preacher's Right Arm": 0x00CD1400,
"RC: White Birch Bow": 0x00D77440,
"RC: Church Guardian Shiv": 0x4000013B, # Assigned to "Demon's Scar"
"RC: Dragonhead Greatshield": 0x01452A30,
"RC: Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords": 0x00F69500,
"RC: Shira's Crown": 0x11C22260,
"RC: Shira's Armor": 0x11C22648,
"RC: Shira's Gloves": 0x11C22A30,
"RC: Shira's Trousers": 0x11C22E18,
"RC: Titanite Slab": 0x400003EB, # SHIRA DROP
"RC: Crucifix of the Mad King": 0x008D4BE0, # SHIRA DROP
"RC: Sacred Chime of Filianore": 0x00CCECF0, # SHIRA DROP
"RC: Iron Dragonslayer Helm": 0x1405F7E0,
"RC: Iron Dragonslayer Armor": 0x1405FBC8,
"RC: Iron Dragonslayer Gauntlets": 0x1405FFB0,
"RC: Iron Dragonslayer Leggings": 0x14060398,
"RC: Lightning Arrow": 0x40358B08,
"RC: Ritual Spear Fragment": 0x4000028A, # Assigned to "Frayed Blade"
"RC: Antiquated Plain Garb": 0x11B2E408,
"RC: Violet Wrappings": 0x11B2E7F0, # Assigned to "Gael's Greatsword"
"RC: Soul of Darkeater Midir": 0x400002EB,
"RC: Soul of Slave Knight Gael": 0x400002E9,
"RC: Blood of the Dark Souls": 0x4000086E, # Assigned to "Repeating Crossbow"
progressive_locations = {
# Upgrade materials
**{"Titanite Shard #"+str(i): 0x400003E8 for i in range(1, 11)},
**{"Large Titanite Shard #"+str(i): 0x400003E9 for i in range(1, 11)},
**{"Titanite Chunk #"+str(i): 0x400003EA for i in range(1, 6)},
**{"Titanite Slab #"+str(i): 0x400003EB for i in range(1, 4)},
# Healing
**{"Estus Shard #"+str(i): 0x4000085D for i in range(1, 16)},
**{"Undead Bone Shard #"+str(i): 0x4000085F for i in range(1, 6)},
# Items
**{"Firebomb #"+str(i): 0x40000124 for i in range(1, 5)},
**{"Throwing Knife #"+str(i): 0x40000136 for i in range(1, 3)},
# Souls
**{"Soul of a Deserted Corpse #" + str(i): 0x40000191 for i in range(1, 6)},
**{"Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse #" + str(i): 0x40000192 for i in range(1, 6)},
**{"Soul of an Unknown Traveler #" + str(i): 0x40000193 for i in range(1, 6)},
**{"Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler #" + str(i): 0x40000194 for i in range(1, 6)}
progressive_locations_2 = {
##Added by Br00ty
"HWL: Gold Pine Resin #": 0x4000014B,
"US: Charcoal Pine Resin #": 0x4000014A,
"FK: Gold Pine Bundle #": 0x40000155,
"CC: Carthus Rouge #": 0x4000014F,
"ID: Pale Pine Resin #": 0x40000150,
**{"Titanite Scale #" + str(i): 0x400003FC for i in range(1, 27)},
**{"Fading Soul #" + str(i): 0x40000190 for i in range(1, 4)},
**{"Ring of Sacrifice #"+str(i): 0x20004EF2 for i in range(1, 5)},
**{"Homeward Bone #"+str(i): 0x4000015E for i in range(1, 17)},
**{"Ember #"+str(i): 0x400001F4 for i in range(1, 46)},
progressive_locations_3 = {
**{"Green Blossom #" + str(i): 0x40000104 for i in range(1, 7)},
**{"Human Pine Resin #" + str(i): 0x4000014E for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Charcoal Pine Bundle #" + str(i): 0x40000154 for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Rotten Pine Resin #" + str(i): 0x40000157 for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Pale Tongue #" + str(i): 0x40000175 for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Alluring Skull #" + str(i): 0x40000126 for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Undead Hunter Charm #" + str(i): 0x40000128 for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Duel Charm #" + str(i): 0x40000130 for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Rusted Coin #" + str(i): 0x400001C7 for i in range(1, 3)},
**{"Rusted Gold Coin #" + str(i): 0x400001C9 for i in range(1, 4)},
**{"Titanite Chunk #"+str(i): 0x400003EA for i in range(1, 17)},
**{"Twinkling Titanite #"+str(i): 0x40000406 for i in range(1, 8)}
dlc_progressive_locations = { #71
**{"Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler $"+str(i): 0x40000194 for i in range(1, 10)},
**{"Soul of a Weary Warrior $"+str(i): 0x40000197 for i in range(1, 6)},
**{"Large Soul of a Weary Warrior $"+str(i): 0x40000198 for i in range(1, 7)},
**{"Soul of a Crestfallen Knight $"+str(i): 0x40000199 for i in range(1, 7)},
**{"Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight $"+str(i): 0x4000019A for i in range(1, 4)},
**{"Homeward Bone $"+str(i): 0x4000015E for i in range(1, 7)},
**{"Large Titanite Shard $"+str(i): 0x400003E9 for i in range(1, 4)},
**{"Titanite Chunk $"+str(i): 0x400003EA for i in range(1, 16)},
**{"Twinkling Titanite $"+str(i): 0x40000406 for i in range(1, 6)},
**{"Rusted Coin $"+str(i): 0x400001C7 for i in range(1, 4)},
**{"Ember $"+str(i): 0x400001F4 for i in range(1, 11)}
location_tables = [fire_link_shrine_table, firelink_shrine_bell_tower_table, high_wall_of_lothric, undead_settlement_table, road_of_sacrifice_table,
cathedral_of_the_deep_table, farron_keep_table, catacombs_of_carthus_table, smouldering_lake_table, irithyll_of_the_boreal_valley_table,
irithyll_dungeon_table, profaned_capital_table, anor_londo_table, lothric_castle_table, consumed_king_garden_table,
grand_archives_table, untended_graves_table, archdragon_peak_table, progressive_locations, progressive_locations_2, progressive_locations_3,
painted_world_table, dreg_heap_table, ringed_city_table, dlc_progressive_locations]
location_dictionary = {**fire_link_shrine_table, **firelink_shrine_bell_tower_table, **high_wall_of_lothric, **undead_settlement_table, **road_of_sacrifice_table,
**cathedral_of_the_deep_table, **farron_keep_table, **catacombs_of_carthus_table, **smouldering_lake_table, **irithyll_of_the_boreal_valley_table,
**irithyll_dungeon_table, **profaned_capital_table, **anor_londo_table, **lothric_castle_table, **consumed_king_garden_table,
**grand_archives_table, **untended_graves_table, **archdragon_peak_table, **progressive_locations, **progressive_locations_2, **progressive_locations_3,
**painted_world_table, **dreg_heap_table, **ringed_city_table, **dlc_progressive_locations}