421 lines
17 KiB
421 lines
17 KiB
Classes and functions related to creating a ROM patch
import os
import pkgutil
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple
import bsdiff4
from worlds.Files import APDeltaPatch
from settings import get_settings
from .data import PokemonEmeraldData, TrainerPokemonDataTypeEnum, data
from .items import reverse_offset_item_value
from .options import RandomizeWildPokemon, RandomizeTrainerParties, EliteFourRequirement, NormanRequirement
from .pokemon import get_random_species
from . import PokemonEmeraldWorld
class PokemonEmeraldDeltaPatch(APDeltaPatch):
game = "Pokemon Emerald"
hash = "605b89b67018abcea91e693a4dd25be3"
patch_file_ending = ".apemerald"
result_file_ending = ".gba"
def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes:
return get_base_rom_as_bytes()
location_visited_event_to_id_map = {
def generate_output(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", output_directory: str) -> None:
base_rom = get_base_rom_as_bytes()
base_patch = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/base_patch.bsdiff4")
patched_rom = bytearray(bsdiff4.patch(base_rom, base_patch))
# Set item values
for location in world.multiworld.get_locations(world.player):
# Set free fly location
if location.address is None:
if world.options.free_fly_location and location.name == "EVENT_VISITED_LITTLEROOT_TOWN":
data.rom_addresses["gArchipelagoOptions"] + 0x16,
if location.item and location.item.player == world.player:
# Set start inventory
start_inventory = world.options.start_inventory.value.copy()
starting_badges = 0
if start_inventory.pop("Stone Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 0)
if start_inventory.pop("Knuckle Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 1)
if start_inventory.pop("Dynamo Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 2)
if start_inventory.pop("Heat Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 3)
if start_inventory.pop("Balance Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 4)
if start_inventory.pop("Feather Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 5)
if start_inventory.pop("Mind Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 6)
if start_inventory.pop("Rain Badge", 0) > 0:
starting_badges |= (1 << 7)
pc_slots: List[Tuple[str, int]] = []
while any(qty > 0 for qty in start_inventory.values()):
if len(pc_slots) >= 19:
for i, item_name in enumerate(start_inventory.keys()):
if len(pc_slots) >= 19:
quantity = min(start_inventory[item_name], 999)
if quantity == 0:
start_inventory[item_name] -= quantity
pc_slots.append((item_name, quantity))
for i, slot in enumerate(pc_slots):
address = data.rom_addresses["sNewGamePCItems"] + (i * 4)
item = reverse_offset_item_value(world.item_name_to_id[slot[0]])
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, address + 0, 2, item)
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, address + 2, 2, slot[1])
# Set species data
_set_species_info(world, patched_rom)
# Set encounter tables
if world.options.wild_pokemon != RandomizeWildPokemon.option_vanilla:
_set_encounter_tables(world, patched_rom)
# Set opponent data
if world.options.trainer_parties != RandomizeTrainerParties.option_vanilla:
_set_opponents(world, patched_rom)
# Set static pokemon
_set_static_encounters(world, patched_rom)
# Set starters
_set_starters(world, patched_rom)
# Set TM moves
_set_tm_moves(world, patched_rom)
# Set TM/HM compatibility
_set_tmhm_compatibility(world, patched_rom)
# Randomize opponent double or single
_randomize_opponent_battle_type(world, patched_rom)
# Options
# struct ArchipelagoOptions
# {
# /* 0x00 */ bool8 advanceTextWithHoldA;
# /* 0x01 */ bool8 isFerryEnabled;
# /* 0x02 */ bool8 areTrainersBlind;
# /* 0x03 */ bool8 canFlyWithoutBadge;
# /* 0x04 */ u16 expMultiplierNumerator;
# /* 0x06 */ u16 expMultiplierDenominator;
# /* 0x08 */ u16 birchPokemon;
# /* 0x0A */ bool8 guaranteedCatch;
# /* 0x0B */ bool8 betterShopsEnabled;
# /* 0x0C */ bool8 eliteFourRequiresGyms;
# /* 0x0D */ u8 eliteFourRequiredCount;
# /* 0x0E */ bool8 normanRequiresGyms;
# /* 0x0F */ u8 normanRequiredCount;
# /* 0x10 */ u8 startingBadges;
# /* 0x11 */ u8 receivedItemMessageFilter; // 0 = Show All; 1 = Show Progression Only; 2 = Show None
# /* 0x12 */ bool8 reusableTms;
# /* 0x14 */ u16 removedBlockers;
# /* 0x13 */ bool8 addRoute115Boulders;
# /* 0x14 */ u16 removedBlockers;
# /* 0x14 */ u16 removedBlockers;
# /* 0x16 */ u8 freeFlyLocation;
# };
options_address = data.rom_addresses["gArchipelagoOptions"]
# Set hold A to advance text
turbo_a = 1 if world.options.turbo_a else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x00, 1, turbo_a)
# Set ferry enabled
enable_ferry = 1 if world.options.enable_ferry else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x01, 1, enable_ferry)
# Set blind trainers
blind_trainers = 1 if world.options.blind_trainers else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x02, 1, blind_trainers)
# Set fly without badge
fly_without_badge = 1 if world.options.fly_without_badge else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x03, 1, fly_without_badge)
# Set exp modifier
numerator = min(max(world.options.exp_modifier.value, 0), 2**16 - 1)
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x04, 2, numerator)
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x06, 2, 100)
# Set Birch pokemon
options_address + 0x08,
get_random_species(world.random, data.species).species_id
# Set guaranteed catch
guaranteed_catch = 1 if world.options.guaranteed_catch else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x0A, 1, guaranteed_catch)
# Set better shops
better_shops = 1 if world.options.better_shops else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x0B, 1, better_shops)
# Set elite four requirement
elite_four_requires_gyms = 1 if world.options.elite_four_requirement == EliteFourRequirement.option_gyms else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x0C, 1, elite_four_requires_gyms)
# Set elite four count
elite_four_count = min(max(world.options.elite_four_count.value, 0), 8)
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x0D, 1, elite_four_count)
# Set norman requirement
norman_requires_gyms = 1 if world.options.norman_requirement == NormanRequirement.option_gyms else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x0E, 1, norman_requires_gyms)
# Set norman count
norman_count = min(max(world.options.norman_count.value, 0), 8)
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x0F, 1, norman_count)
# Set starting badges
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x10, 1, starting_badges)
# Set receive item messages type
receive_item_messages_type = world.options.receive_item_messages.value
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x11, 1, receive_item_messages_type)
# Set reusable TMs
reusable_tms = 1 if world.options.reusable_tms else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x12, 1, reusable_tms)
# Set route 115 boulders
route_115_boulders = 1 if world.options.extra_boulders else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x13, 1, route_115_boulders)
# Set removed blockers
removed_roadblocks = world.options.remove_roadblocks.value
removed_roadblocks_bitfield = 0
removed_roadblocks_bitfield |= (1 << 0) if "Safari Zone Construction Workers" in removed_roadblocks else 0
removed_roadblocks_bitfield |= (1 << 1) if "Lilycove City Wailmer" in removed_roadblocks else 0
removed_roadblocks_bitfield |= (1 << 2) if "Route 110 Aqua Grunts" in removed_roadblocks else 0
removed_roadblocks_bitfield |= (1 << 3) if "Aqua Hideout Grunts" in removed_roadblocks else 0
removed_roadblocks_bitfield |= (1 << 4) if "Route 119 Aqua Grunts" in removed_roadblocks else 0
removed_roadblocks_bitfield |= (1 << 5) if "Route 112 Magma Grunts" in removed_roadblocks else 0
removed_roadblocks_bitfield |= (1 << 6) if "Seafloor Cavern Aqua Grunt" in removed_roadblocks else 0
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, options_address + 0x14, 2, removed_roadblocks_bitfield)
# Set slot name
player_name = world.multiworld.get_player_name(world.player)
for i, byte in enumerate(player_name.encode("utf-8")):
_set_bytes_little_endian(patched_rom, data.rom_addresses["gArchipelagoInfo"] + i, 1, byte)
# Write Output
out_file_name = world.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(world.player)
output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{out_file_name}.gba")
with open(output_path, "wb") as out_file:
patch = PokemonEmeraldDeltaPatch(os.path.splitext(output_path)[0] + ".apemerald", player=world.player,
player_name=player_name, patched_path=output_path)
def get_base_rom_as_bytes() -> bytes:
with open(get_settings().pokemon_emerald_settings.rom_file, "rb") as infile:
base_rom_bytes = bytes(infile.read())
return base_rom_bytes
def _set_bytes_little_endian(byte_array: bytearray, address: int, size: int, value: int) -> None:
offset = 0
while size > 0:
byte_array[address + offset] = value & 0xFF
value = value >> 8
offset += 1
size -= 1
def _set_encounter_tables(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
Encounter tables are lists of
struct {
min_level: 0x01 bytes,
max_level: 0x01 bytes,
species_id: 0x02 bytes
for map_data in world.modified_maps:
tables = [map_data.land_encounters, map_data.water_encounters, map_data.fishing_encounters]
for table in tables:
if table is not None:
for i, species_id in enumerate(table.slots):
address = table.rom_address + 2 + (4 * i)
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, address, 2, species_id)
def _set_species_info(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
for species in world.modified_species:
if species is not None:
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, species.rom_address + 6, 1, species.types[0])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, species.rom_address + 7, 1, species.types[1])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, species.rom_address + 8, 1, species.catch_rate)
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, species.rom_address + 22, 1, species.abilities[0])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, species.rom_address + 23, 1, species.abilities[1])
for i, learnset_move in enumerate(species.learnset):
level_move = learnset_move.level << 9 | learnset_move.move_id
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, species.learnset_rom_address + (i * 2), 2, level_move)
def _set_opponents(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
for trainer in world.modified_trainers:
party_address = trainer.party.rom_address
pokemon_data_size: int
if trainer.party.pokemon_data_type in {TrainerPokemonDataTypeEnum.NO_ITEM_DEFAULT_MOVES, TrainerPokemonDataTypeEnum.ITEM_DEFAULT_MOVES}:
pokemon_data_size = 8
else: # Custom Moves
pokemon_data_size = 16
for i, pokemon in enumerate(trainer.party.pokemon):
pokemon_address = party_address + (i * pokemon_data_size)
# Replace species
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x04, 2, pokemon.species_id)
# Replace custom moves if applicable
if trainer.party.pokemon_data_type == TrainerPokemonDataTypeEnum.NO_ITEM_CUSTOM_MOVES:
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x06, 2, pokemon.moves[0])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x08, 2, pokemon.moves[1])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x0A, 2, pokemon.moves[2])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x0C, 2, pokemon.moves[3])
elif trainer.party.pokemon_data_type == TrainerPokemonDataTypeEnum.ITEM_CUSTOM_MOVES:
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x08, 2, pokemon.moves[0])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x0A, 2, pokemon.moves[1])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x0C, 2, pokemon.moves[2])
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, pokemon_address + 0x0E, 2, pokemon.moves[3])
def _set_static_encounters(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
for encounter in world.modified_static_encounters:
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, encounter.rom_address, 2, encounter.species_id)
def _set_starters(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
address = data.rom_addresses["sStarterMon"]
(starter_1, starter_2, starter_3) = world.modified_starters
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, address + 0, 2, starter_1)
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, address + 2, 2, starter_2)
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, address + 4, 2, starter_3)
def _set_tm_moves(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
tmhm_list_address = data.rom_addresses["sTMHMMoves"]
for i, move in enumerate(world.modified_tmhm_moves):
# Don't modify HMs
if i >= 50:
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, tmhm_list_address + (i * 2), 2, move)
def _set_tmhm_compatibility(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
learnsets_address = data.rom_addresses["gTMHMLearnsets"]
for species in world.modified_species:
if species is not None:
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, learnsets_address + (species.species_id * 8), 8, species.tm_hm_compatibility)
def _randomize_opponent_battle_type(world: "PokemonEmeraldWorld", rom: bytearray) -> None:
probability = world.options.double_battle_chance.value / 100
battle_type_map = {
0: 4,
1: 8,
2: 6,
3: 13,
for trainer_data in data.trainers:
if trainer_data.battle_script_rom_address != 0 and len(trainer_data.party.pokemon) > 1:
if world.random.random() < probability:
# Set the trainer to be a double battle
_set_bytes_little_endian(rom, trainer_data.rom_address + 0x18, 1, 1)
# Swap the battle type in the script for the purpose of loading the right text
# and setting data to the right places
original_battle_type = rom[trainer_data.battle_script_rom_address + 1]
if original_battle_type in battle_type_map:
trainer_data.battle_script_rom_address + 1,