153 lines
5.9 KiB
153 lines
5.9 KiB
import base64
import json
import typing
import uuid
import zipfile
from io import BytesIO
from flask import request, flash, redirect, url_for, session, render_template, Markup
from pony.orm import flush, select
import MultiServer
from NetUtils import NetworkSlot, SlotType
from Utils import VersionException, __version__
from worlds.Files import AutoPatchRegister
from . import app
from .models import Seed, Room, Slot
banned_zip_contents = (".sfc", ".z64", ".n64", ".sms", ".gb")
def upload_zip_to_db(zfile: zipfile.ZipFile, owner=None, meta={"race": False}, sid=None):
if not owner:
owner = session["_id"]
infolist = zfile.infolist()
if all(file.filename.endswith((".yaml", ".yml")) or file.is_dir() for file in infolist):
flash(Markup("Error: Your .zip file only contains .yaml files. "
'Did you mean to <a href="/generate">generate a game</a>?'))
slots: typing.Set[Slot] = set()
spoiler = ""
files = {}
multidata = None
# Load files.
for file in infolist:
handler = AutoPatchRegister.get_handler(file.filename)
if file.filename.endswith(banned_zip_contents):
return "Uploaded data contained a rom file, which is likely to contain copyrighted material. " \
"Your file was deleted."
# AP Container
elif handler:
data = zfile.open(file, "r").read()
patch = handler(BytesIO(data))
files[patch.player] = data
# Spoiler
elif file.filename.endswith(".txt"):
spoiler = zfile.open(file, "r").read().decode("utf-8-sig")
# Multi-data
elif file.filename.endswith(".archipelago"):
multidata = zfile.open(file).read()
flash("Could not load multidata. File may be corrupted or incompatible.")
multidata = None
# Minecraft
elif file.filename.endswith(".apmc"):
data = zfile.open(file, "r").read()
metadata = json.loads(base64.b64decode(data).decode("utf-8"))
files[metadata["player_id"]] = data
# Factorio
elif file.filename.endswith(".zip"):
_, _, slot_id, *_ = file.filename.split('_')[0].split('-', 3)
data = zfile.open(file, "r").read()
files[int(slot_id[1:])] = data
# All other files using the standard MultiWorld.get_out_file_name_base method
_, _, slot_id, *_ = file.filename.split('.')[0].split('_', 3)
data = zfile.open(file, "r").read()
files[int(slot_id[1:])] = data
# Load multi data.
if multidata:
decompressed_multidata = MultiServer.Context.decompress(multidata)
if "slot_info" in decompressed_multidata:
for slot, slot_info in decompressed_multidata["slot_info"].items():
# Ignore Player Groups (e.g. item links)
if slot_info.type == SlotType.group:
slots.add(Slot(data=files.get(slot, None),
flush() # commit slots
seed = Seed(multidata=multidata, spoiler=spoiler, slots=slots, owner=owner, meta=json.dumps(meta),
id=sid if sid else uuid.uuid4())
flush() # create seed
for slot in slots:
slot.seed = seed
return seed
flash("No multidata was found in the zip file, which is required.")
@app.route('/uploads', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def uploads():
if request.method == 'POST':
# check if the post request has the file part
if 'file' not in request.files:
flash('No file part')
file = request.files['file']
# if user does not select file, browser also
# submit an empty part without filename
if file.filename == '':
flash('No selected file')
elif file and allowed_file(file.filename):
if zipfile.is_zipfile(file):
with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zfile:
res = upload_zip_to_db(zfile)
except VersionException:
flash(f"Could not load multidata. Wrong Version detected.")
if type(res) == str:
return res
elif res:
return redirect(url_for("view_seed", seed=res.id))
file.seek(0) # offset from is_zipfile check
# noinspection PyBroadException
multidata = file.read()
except Exception as e:
flash(f"Could not load multidata. File may be corrupted or incompatible. ({e})")
seed = Seed(multidata=multidata, owner=session["_id"])
flush() # place into DB and generate ids
return redirect(url_for("view_seed", seed=seed.id))
flash("Not recognized file format. Awaiting a .archipelago file or .zip containing one.")
return render_template("hostGame.html", version=__version__)
@app.route('/user-content', methods=['GET'])
def user_content():
rooms = select(room for room in Room if room.owner == session["_id"])
seeds = select(seed for seed in Seed if seed.owner == session["_id"])
return render_template("userContent.html", rooms=rooms, seeds=seeds)
def allowed_file(filename):
return filename.endswith(('.archipelago', ".zip"))