
527 lines
23 KiB

import binascii
import bsdiff4
import os
import pkgutil
import settings
import typing
import tempfile
from BaseClasses import Entrance, Item, ItemClassification, Location, Tutorial
from Fill import fill_restrictive
from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from .Common import *
from .Items import (DungeonItemData, DungeonItemType, LinksAwakeningItem, TradeItemData,
ladxr_item_to_la_item_name, links_awakening_items,
links_awakening_items_by_name, ItemName)
from .LADXR import generator
from .LADXR.itempool import ItemPool as LADXRItemPool
from .LADXR.logic import Logic as LAXDRLogic
from .LADXR.main import get_parser
from .LADXR.settings import Settings as LADXRSettings
from .LADXR.worldSetup import WorldSetup as LADXRWorldSetup
from .LADXR.locations.instrument import Instrument
from .LADXR.locations.constants import CHEST_ITEMS
from .Locations import (LinksAwakeningLocation, LinksAwakeningRegion,
create_regions_from_ladxr, get_locations_to_id)
from .Options import links_awakening_options, DungeonItemShuffle
from .Rom import LADXDeltaPatch
class LinksAwakeningSettings(settings.Group):
class RomFile(settings.UserFilePath):
"""File name of the Link's Awakening DX rom"""
copy_to = "Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced).gbc"
description = "LADX ROM File"
md5s = [LADXDeltaPatch.hash]
class RomStart(str):
Set this to false to never autostart a rom (such as after patching)
true for operating system default program
Alternatively, a path to a program to open the .gbc file with
rom_start: "C:/RetroArch-Win64/retroarch.exe -L sameboy"
rom_start: "C:/BizHawk-2.9-win-x64/EmuHawk.exe --lua=data/lua/connector_ladx_bizhawk.lua"
class DisplayMsgs(settings.Bool):
"""Display message inside of Bizhawk"""
rom_file: RomFile = RomFile(RomFile.copy_to)
rom_start: typing.Union[RomStart, bool] = True
class LinksAwakeningWebWorld(WebWorld):
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up Links Awakening DX for MultiWorld.",
theme = "dirt"
class LinksAwakeningWorld(World):
After a previous adventure, Link is stranded on Koholint Island, full of mystery and familiar faces.
Gather the 8 Instruments of the Sirens to wake the Wind Fish, so that Link can go home!
game = LINKS_AWAKENING # name of the game/world
web = LinksAwakeningWebWorld()
option_definitions = links_awakening_options # options the player can set
settings: typing.ClassVar[LinksAwakeningSettings]
topology_present = True # show path to required location checks in spoiler
# data_version is used to signal that items, locations or their names
# changed. Set this to 0 during development so other games' clients do not
# cache any texts, then increase by 1 for each release that makes changes.
data_version = 1
# ID of first item and location, could be hard-coded but code may be easier
# to read with this as a propery.
base_id = BASE_ID
# Instead of dynamic numbering, IDs could be part of data.
# The following two dicts are required for the generation to know which
# items exist. They could be generated from json or something else. They can
# include events, but don't have to since events will be placed manually.
item_name_to_id = {
item.item_name : BASE_ID + item.item_id for item in links_awakening_items
item_name_to_data = links_awakening_items_by_name
location_name_to_id = get_locations_to_id()
# Items can be grouped using their names to allow easy checking if any item
# from that group has been collected. Group names can also be used for !hint
#item_name_groups = {
# "weapons": {"sword", "lance"}
prefill_dungeon_items = None
player_options = None
rupees = {
ItemName.RUPEES_20: 20,
ItemName.RUPEES_50: 50,
ItemName.RUPEES_100: 100,
ItemName.RUPEES_200: 200,
ItemName.RUPEES_500: 500,
def convert_ap_options_to_ladxr_logic(self):
self.player_options = {
option: getattr(self.multiworld, option)[self.player] for option in self.option_definitions
self.laxdr_options = LADXRSettings(self.player_options)
world_setup = LADXRWorldSetup()
world_setup.randomize(self.laxdr_options, self.multiworld.random)
self.ladxr_logic = LAXDRLogic(configuration_options=self.laxdr_options, world_setup=world_setup)
self.ladxr_itempool = LADXRItemPool(self.ladxr_logic, self.laxdr_options, self.multiworld.random).toDict()
def create_regions(self) -> None:
# Initialize
regions = create_regions_from_ladxr(self.player, self.multiworld, self.ladxr_logic)
self.multiworld.regions += regions
# Connect Menu -> Start
start = None
for region in regions:
if == "Start House":
start = region
menu_region = LinksAwakeningRegion("Menu", None, "Menu", self.player, self.multiworld)
menu_region.exits = [Entrance(self.player, "Start Game", menu_region)]
# Place RAFT, other access events
for region in regions:
for loc in region.locations:
if loc.event:
# Connect Windfish -> Victory
windfish = self.multiworld.get_region("Windfish", self.player)
l = Location(self.player, "Windfish", parent=windfish)
windfish.locations = [l]
l.place_locked_item(self.create_event("An Alarm Clock"))
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("An Alarm Clock", player=self.player)
def create_item(self, item_name: str):
return LinksAwakeningItem(self.item_name_to_data[item_name], self, self.player)
def create_event(self, event: str):
return Item(event, ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)
def create_items(self) -> None:
exclude = [ for item in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player]]
dungeon_item_types = {
self.prefill_original_dungeon = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
self.prefill_own_dungeons = []
self.pre_fill_items = []
# For any and different world, set item rule instead
for option in ["maps", "compasses", "small_keys", "nightmare_keys", "stone_beaks"]:
option = "shuffle_" + option
option = self.player_options[option]
dungeon_item_types[option.ladxr_item] = option.value
if option.value == DungeonItemShuffle.option_own_world:
self.multiworld.local_items[self.player].value |= {
ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[f"{option.ladxr_item}{i}"] for i in range(1, 10)
elif option.value == DungeonItemShuffle.option_different_world:
self.multiworld.non_local_items[self.player].value |= {
ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[f"{option.ladxr_item}{i}"] for i in range(1, 10)
# option_original_dungeon = 0
# option_own_dungeons = 1
# option_own_world = 2
# option_any_world = 3
# option_different_world = 4
# option_delete = 5
for ladx_item_name, count in self.ladxr_itempool.items():
# event
if ladx_item_name not in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name:
item_name = ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[ladx_item_name]
for _ in range(count):
if item_name in exclude:
exclude.remove(item_name) # this is destructive. create unique list above
self.multiworld.itempool.append(self.create_item("Master Stalfos' Message"))
item = self.create_item(item_name)
if not self.multiworld.tradequest[self.player] and isinstance(item.item_data, TradeItemData):
location = self.multiworld.get_location(item.item_data.vanilla_location, self.player)
location.show_in_spoiler = False
if isinstance(item.item_data, DungeonItemData):
if item.item_data.dungeon_item_type == DungeonItemType.INSTRUMENT:
# Find instrument, lock
# TODO: we should be able to pinpoint the region we want, save a lookup table please
found = False
for r in self.multiworld.get_regions(self.player):
if r.dungeon_index != item.item_data.dungeon_index:
for loc in r.locations:
if not isinstance(loc, LinksAwakeningLocation):
if not isinstance(loc.ladxr_item, Instrument):
found = True
if found:
item_type = item.item_data.ladxr_id[:-1]
shuffle_type = dungeon_item_types[item_type]
if shuffle_type == DungeonItemShuffle.option_original_dungeon:
self.prefill_original_dungeon[item.item_data.dungeon_index - 1].append(item)
elif shuffle_type == DungeonItemShuffle.option_own_dungeons:
self.multi_key = self.generate_multi_key()
# Add special case for trendy shop access
trendy_region = self.multiworld.get_region("Trendy Shop", self.player)
event_location = Location(self.player, "Can Play Trendy Game", parent=trendy_region)
trendy_region.locations.insert(0, event_location)
event_location.place_locked_item(self.create_event("Can Play Trendy Game"))
self.dungeon_locations_by_dungeon = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
for r in self.multiworld.get_regions(self.player):
# Set aside dungeon locations
if r.dungeon_index:
self.dungeon_locations_by_dungeon[r.dungeon_index - 1] += r.locations
for location in r.locations:
# Don't place dungeon items on pit button chest, to reduce chance of the filler blowing up
# TODO: no need for this if small key shuffle
if == "Pit Button Chest (Tail Cave)" or location.item:
self.dungeon_locations_by_dungeon[r.dungeon_index - 1].remove(location)
# Properly fill locations within dungeon
location.dungeon = r.dungeon_index
def force_start_item(self):
start_loc = self.multiworld.get_location("Tarin's Gift (Mabe Village)", self.player)
if not start_loc.item:
possible_start_items = [index for index, item in enumerate(self.multiworld.itempool)
if item.player == self.player
and item.item_data.ladxr_id in start_loc.ladxr_item.OPTIONS and not item.location]
if possible_start_items:
index = self.multiworld.random.choice(possible_start_items)
start_item = self.multiworld.itempool.pop(index)
def get_pre_fill_items(self):
return self.pre_fill_items
def pre_fill(self) -> None:
allowed_locations_by_item = {}
# For now, special case first item
# Set up filter rules
# The list of items we will pass to fill_restrictive, contains at first the items that go to all dungeons
all_dungeon_items_to_fill = list(self.prefill_own_dungeons)
# set containing the list of all possible dungeon locations for the player
all_dungeon_locs = set()
# Do dungeon specific things
for dungeon_index in range(0, 9):
# set up allow-list for dungeon specific items
locs = set(loc for loc in self.dungeon_locations_by_dungeon[dungeon_index] if not loc.item)
for item in self.prefill_original_dungeon[dungeon_index]:
allowed_locations_by_item[item] = locs
# put the items for this dungeon in the list to fill
# ...and gather the list of all dungeon locations
all_dungeon_locs |= locs
# ...also set the rules for the dungeon
for location in locs:
orig_rule = location.item_rule
# If an item is about to be placed on a dungeon location, it can go there iff
# 1. it fits the general rules for that location (probably 'return True' for most places)
# 2. Either
# 2a. it's not a restricted dungeon item
# 2b. it's a restricted dungeon item and this location is specified as allowed
location.item_rule = lambda item, location=location, orig_rule=orig_rule: \
(item not in allowed_locations_by_item or location in allowed_locations_by_item[item]) and orig_rule(item)
# Now set up the allow-list for any-dungeon items
for item in self.prefill_own_dungeons:
# They of course get to go in any spot
allowed_locations_by_item[item] = all_dungeon_locs
# Get the list of locations and shuffle
all_dungeon_locs_to_fill = sorted(all_dungeon_locs)
# Get the list of items and sort by priority
def priority(item):
# 0 - Nightmare dungeon-specific
# 1 - Key dungeon-specific
# 2 - Other dungeon-specific
# 3 - Nightmare any local dungeon
# 4 - Key any local dungeon
# 5 - Other any local dungeon
i = 2
if "Nightmare" in
i = 0
elif "Key" in
i = 1
if allowed_locations_by_item[item] is all_dungeon_locs:
i += 3
return i
# Set up state
all_state = self.multiworld.get_all_state(use_cache=False)
# Remove dungeon items we are about to put in from the state so that we don't double count
for item in all_dungeon_items_to_fill:
# Finally, fill!
fill_restrictive(self.multiworld, all_state, all_dungeon_locs_to_fill, all_dungeon_items_to_fill, lock=True, single_player_placement=True, allow_partial=False)
name_cache = {}
# Tries to associate an icon from another game with an icon we have
def guess_icon_for_other_world(self, other):
if not self.name_cache:
forbidden = [
for item in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name.keys():
self.name_cache[item] = item
splits = item.split("_")
self.name_cache["".join(splits)] = item
if 'RUPEES' in splits:
self.name_cache["".join(reversed(splits))] = item
for word in item.split("_"):
if word not in forbidden and not word.isnumeric():
self.name_cache[word] = item
others = {
'KEY': 'KEY',
'MAP': 'MAP',
# TODO: Also use AP item name
for name in others.values():
assert name in self.name_cache, name
assert name in CHEST_ITEMS, name
uppered = other.upper()
if "BIG KEY" in uppered:
possibles = other.upper().split(" ")
rejoined = "".join(possibles)
if rejoined in self.name_cache:
return self.name_cache[rejoined]
for name in possibles:
if name in self.name_cache:
return self.name_cache[name]
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str):
# copy items back to locations
for r in self.multiworld.get_regions(self.player):
for loc in r.locations:
if isinstance(loc, LinksAwakeningLocation):
# If we're a links awakening item, just use the item
if isinstance(loc.item, LinksAwakeningItem):
loc.ladxr_item.item = loc.item.item_data.ladxr_id
# If the item name contains "sword", use a sword icon, etc
# Otherwise, use a cute letter as the icon
loc.ladxr_item.item = self.guess_icon_for_other_world(
loc.ladxr_item.custom_item_name =
if loc.item:
loc.ladxr_item.item_owner = loc.item.player
loc.ladxr_item.item_owner = self.player
# Kind of kludge, make it possible for the location to differentiate between local and remote items
loc.ladxr_item.location_owner = self.player
rom_name = Rom.get_base_rom_path()
out_name = f"AP-{self.multiworld.seed_name}-P{self.player}-{self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]}.gbc"
out_path = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player)}.gbc")
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args([rom_name, "-o", out_name, "--dump"])
name_for_rom = self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]
all_names = [self.multiworld.player_name[i + 1] for i in range(len(self.multiworld.player_name))]
rom = generator.generateRom(
player_id = self.player,
with open(out_path, "wb") as handle:, name="LADXR")
# Write title screen after everything else is done - full gfxmods may stomp over the egg tiles
if self.player_options["ap_title_screen"]:
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as title_patch:
title_patch.write(pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "LADXR/patches/title_screen.bdiff4"))
patch = LADXDeltaPatch(os.path.splitext(out_path)[0]+LADXDeltaPatch.patch_file_ending, player=self.player,
player_name=self.multiworld.player_name[self.player], patched_path=out_path)
def generate_multi_key(self):
return bytearray(self.multiworld.random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(10)) + self.player.to_bytes(2, 'big')
def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict):
multidata["connect_names"][binascii.hexlify(self.multi_key).decode()] = multidata["connect_names"][self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]]
def collect(self, state, item: Item) -> bool:
change = super().collect(state, item)
if change:
rupees = self.rupees.get(, 0)
state.prog_items[item.player]["RUPEES"] += rupees
return change
def remove(self, state, item: Item) -> bool:
change = super().remove(state, item)
if change:
rupees = self.rupees.get(, 0)
state.prog_items[item.player]["RUPEES"] -= rupees
return change