
80 lines
4.2 KiB

{% extends 'pageWrapper.html' %}
{% block head %}
{{ super() }}
<title>Generate Game</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename="styles/generate.css") }}" />
<script type="application/ecmascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename="assets/generate.js") }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% include 'header/oceanHeader.html' %}
<div id="generate-game-wrapper">
<div id="generate-game" class="grass-island">
<h1>Generate Game{% if race %} (Race Mode){% endif %}</h1>
This page allows you to generate a game by uploading a config file or a zip file containing config
files. If you do not have a config (.yaml) file yet, you may create one on the game's settings page,
which you can find via the <a href="{{ url_for("games") }}">supported games list</a>.
{% if race -%}
This game will be generated in race mode,
meaning the spoiler log will be unavailable and game specific protections will be in place,
like ROM encryption or cheat mode removal.
{%- else -%}
If you would like to generate a race game,
<a href="{{ url_for("generate", race=True) }}">click here.</a><br />
Race games are generated without a spoiler log and game specific protections will be in place,
like ROM encryption or cheat mode removal.
{%- endif -%}
<div id="generate-game-form-wrapper">
<form id="generate-game-form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<td><label for="forfeit_mode">Forfeit Permission:</label></td>
<select name="forfeit_mode" id="forfeit_mode">
<option value="auto">Automatic on goal completion</option>
<option value="goal">Allow !forfeit after goal completion</option>
<option value="auto-enabled">Automatic on goal completion and manual !forfeit</option>
<option value="enabled">Manual !forfeit</option>
<option value="disabled">Disabled</option>
<label for="hint_cost"> Hint Cost:</label>
data-tooltip="After gathering this many checks, players can !hint <itemname>
to get the location of that hint item.">(?)
<select name="hint_cost" id="hint_cost">
{% for n in range(0, 110, 5) %}
<option {% if n == 10 %}selected="selected" {% endif %} value="{{ n }}">
{% if n > 100 %}Off{% else %}{{ n }}%{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div id="generate-form-button-row">
<input id="file-input" type="file" name="file">
<button id="generate-game-button">Upload File</button>
{% include 'islandFooter.html' %}
{% endblock %}