
578 lines
20 KiB

import typing
from pkgutil import get_data
import Utils
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import hashlib
import os
import struct
import settings
from worlds.Files import APDeltaPatch
from .Aesthetics import get_palette_bytes, kirby_target_palettes, get_kirby_palette, gooey_target_palettes, \
from .Compression import hal_decompress
import bsdiff4
from . import KDL3World
KDL3UHASH = "201e7658f6194458a3869dde36bf8ec2"
KDL3JHASH = "b2f2d004ea640c3db66df958fce122b2"
level_pointers = {
0x770001: 0x0084,
0x770002: 0x009C,
0x770003: 0x00B8,
0x770004: 0x00D8,
0x770005: 0x0104,
0x770006: 0x0124,
0x770007: 0x014C,
0x770008: 0x0170,
0x770009: 0x0190,
0x77000A: 0x01B0,
0x77000B: 0x01E8,
0x77000C: 0x0218,
0x77000D: 0x024C,
0x77000E: 0x0270,
0x77000F: 0x02A0,
0x770010: 0x02C4,
0x770011: 0x02EC,
0x770012: 0x0314,
0x770013: 0x03CC,
0x770014: 0x0404,
0x770015: 0x042C,
0x770016: 0x044C,
0x770017: 0x0478,
0x770018: 0x049C,
0x770019: 0x04E4,
0x77001A: 0x0504,
0x77001B: 0x0530,
0x77001C: 0x0554,
0x77001D: 0x05A8,
0x77001E: 0x0640,
0x770200: 0x0148,
0x770201: 0x0248,
0x770202: 0x03C8,
0x770203: 0x04E0,
0x770204: 0x06A4,
0x770205: 0x06A8,
bb_bosses = {
0x770200: 0xED85F1,
0x770201: 0xF01360,
0x770202: 0xEDA3DF,
0x770203: 0xEDC2B9,
0x770204: 0xED7C3F,
0x770205: 0xEC29D2,
level_sprites = {
0x19B2C6: 1827,
0x1A195C: 1584,
0x19F6F3: 1679,
0x19DC8B: 1717,
0x197900: 1872
stage_tiles = {
0: [
0, 1, 2,
16, 17, 18,
32, 33, 34,
48, 49, 50
1: [
3, 4, 5,
19, 20, 21,
35, 36, 37,
51, 52, 53
2: [
6, 7, 8,
22, 23, 24,
38, 39, 40,
54, 55, 56
3: [
9, 10, 11,
25, 26, 27,
41, 42, 43,
57, 58, 59,
4: [
12, 13, 64,
28, 29, 65,
44, 45, 66,
60, 61, 67
5: [
14, 15, 68,
30, 31, 69,
46, 47, 70,
62, 63, 71
heart_star_address = 0x2D0000
heart_star_size = 456
consumable_address = 0x2F91DD
consumable_size = 698
stage_palettes = [0x60964, 0x60B64, 0x60D64, 0x60F64, 0x61164]
music_choices = [
2, # Boss 1
3, # Boss 2 (Unused)
4, # Boss 3 (Miniboss)
7, # Dedede
9, # Event 2 (used once)
10, # Field 1
11, # Field 2
12, # Field 3
13, # Field 4
14, # Field 5
15, # Field 6
16, # Field 7
17, # Field 8
18, # Field 9
19, # Field 10
20, # Field 11
21, # Field 12 (Gourmet Race)
23, # Dark Matter in the Hyper Zone
24, # Zero
25, # Level 1
26, # Level 2
27, # Level 4
28, # Level 3
29, # Heart Star Failed
30, # Level 5
31, # Minigame
38, # Animal Friend 1
39, # Animal Friend 2
40, # Animal Friend 3
# extra room pointers we don't want to track other than for music
room_pointers = [
3079990, # Zero
2983409, # BB Whispy
3150688, # BB Acro
2991071, # BB PonCon
2998969, # BB Ado
2980927, # BB Dedede
2894290 # BB Zero
enemy_remap = {
"Waddle Dee": 0,
"Bronto Burt": 2,
"Rocky": 3,
"Bobo": 5,
"Chilly": 6,
"Poppy Bros Jr.": 7,
"Sparky": 8,
"Polof": 9,
"Broom Hatter": 11,
"Cappy": 12,
"Bouncy": 13,
"Nruff": 15,
"Glunk": 16,
"Togezo": 18,
"Kabu": 19,
"Mony": 20,
"Blipper": 21,
"Squishy": 22,
"Gabon": 24,
"Oro": 25,
"Galbo": 26,
"Sir Kibble": 27,
"Nidoo": 28,
"Kany": 29,
"Sasuke": 30,
"Yaban": 32,
"Boten": 33,
"Coconut": 34,
"Doka": 35,
"Icicle": 36,
"Pteran": 39,
"Loud": 40,
"Como": 41,
"Klinko": 42,
"Babut": 43,
"Wappa": 44,
"Mariel": 45,
"Tick": 48,
"Apolo": 49,
"Popon Ball": 50,
"KeKe": 51,
"Magoo": 53,
"Raft Waddle Dee": 57,
"Madoo": 58,
"Corori": 60,
"Kapar": 67,
"Batamon": 68,
"Peran": 72,
"Bobin": 73,
"Mopoo": 74,
"Gansan": 75,
"Bukiset (Burning)": 76,
"Bukiset (Stone)": 77,
"Bukiset (Ice)": 78,
"Bukiset (Needle)": 79,
"Bukiset (Clean)": 80,
"Bukiset (Parasol)": 81,
"Bukiset (Spark)": 82,
"Bukiset (Cutter)": 83,
"Waddle Dee Drawing": 84,
"Bronto Burt Drawing": 85,
"Bouncy Drawing": 86,
"Kabu (Dekabu)": 87,
"Wapod": 88,
"Propeller": 89,
"Dogon": 90,
"Joe": 91
miniboss_remap = {
"Captain Stitch": 0,
"Yuki": 1,
"Blocky": 2,
"Jumper Shoot": 3,
"Boboo": 4,
"Haboki": 5
ability_remap = {
"No Ability": 0,
"Burning Ability": 1,
"Stone Ability": 2,
"Ice Ability": 3,
"Needle Ability": 4,
"Clean Ability": 5,
"Parasol Ability": 6,
"Spark Ability": 7,
"Cutter Ability": 8,
class RomData:
def __init__(self, file: str, name: typing.Optional[str] = None):
self.file = bytearray()
self.read_from_file(file) = name
def read_byte(self, offset: int):
return self.file[offset]
def read_bytes(self, offset: int, length: int):
return self.file[offset:offset + length]
def write_byte(self, offset: int, value: int):
self.file[offset] = value
def write_bytes(self, offset: int, values: typing.Sequence) -> None:
self.file[offset:offset + len(values)] = values
def write_to_file(self, file: str):
with open(file, 'wb') as outfile:
def read_from_file(self, file: str):
with open(file, 'rb') as stream:
self.file = bytearray(
def apply_patch(self, patch: bytes):
self.file = bytearray(bsdiff4.patch(bytes(self.file), patch))
def write_crc(self):
crc = (sum(self.file[:0x7FDC] + self.file[0x7FE0:]) + 0x01FE) & 0xFFFF
inv = crc ^ 0xFFFF
self.write_bytes(0x7FDC, [inv & 0xFF, (inv >> 8) & 0xFF, crc & 0xFF, (crc >> 8) & 0xFF])
def handle_level_sprites(stages, sprites, palettes):
palette_by_level = list()
for palette in palettes:
for i in range(5):
for j in range(6):
palettes[i][10 + j] = palette_by_level[stages[i][j] - 1]
palettes[i] = [x for palette in palettes[i] for x in palette]
tiles_by_level = list()
for spritesheet in sprites:
decompressed = hal_decompress(spritesheet)
tiles = [decompressed[i:i + 32] for i in range(0, 2304, 32)]
tiles_by_level.extend([[tiles[x] for x in stage_tiles[stage]] for stage in stage_tiles])
for world in range(5):
levels = [stages[world][x] - 1 for x in range(6)]
world_tiles: typing.List[typing.Optional[bytes]] = [None for _ in range(72)]
for i in range(6):
for x in range(12):
world_tiles[stage_tiles[i][x]] = tiles_by_level[levels[i]][x]
sprites[world] = list()
for tile in world_tiles:
# insert our fake compression
sprites[world][0:0] = [0xe3, 0xff]
sprites[world][1026:1026] = [0xe3, 0xff]
sprites[world][2052:2052] = [0xe0, 0xff]
return sprites, palettes
def write_heart_star_sprites(rom: RomData):
compressed = rom.read_bytes(heart_star_address, heart_star_size)
decompressed = hal_decompress(compressed)
patch = get_data(__name__, os.path.join("data", "APHeartStar.bsdiff4"))
patched = bytearray(bsdiff4.patch(decompressed, patch))
rom.write_bytes(0x1AF7DF, patched)
patched[0:0] = [0xE3, 0xFF]
rom.write_bytes(0x1CD000, patched)
rom.write_bytes(0x3F0EBF, [0x00, 0xD0, 0x39])
def write_consumable_sprites(rom: RomData, consumables: bool, stars: bool):
compressed = rom.read_bytes(consumable_address, consumable_size)
decompressed = hal_decompress(compressed)
patched = bytearray(decompressed)
if consumables:
patch = get_data(__name__, os.path.join("data", "APConsumable.bsdiff4"))
patched = bytearray(bsdiff4.patch(bytes(patched), patch))
if stars:
patch = get_data(__name__, os.path.join("data", "APStars.bsdiff4"))
patched = bytearray(bsdiff4.patch(bytes(patched), patch))
patched[0:0] = [0xE3, 0xFF]
rom.write_bytes(0x1CD500, patched)
rom.write_bytes(0x3F0DAE, [0x00, 0xD5, 0x39])
class KDL3DeltaPatch(APDeltaPatch):
game = "Kirby's Dream Land 3"
patch_file_ending = ".apkdl3"
def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes:
return get_base_rom_bytes()
def patch(self, target: str):
rom = RomData(target)
target_language = rom.read_byte(0x3C020)
rom.write_byte(0x7FD9, target_language)
if rom.read_bytes(0x3D014, 1)[0] > 0:
stages = [struct.unpack("HHHHHHH", rom.read_bytes(0x3D020 + x * 14, 14)) for x in range(5)]
palettes = [rom.read_bytes(full_pal, 512) for full_pal in stage_palettes]
palettes = [[palette[i:i + 32] for i in range(0, 512, 32)] for palette in palettes]
sprites = [rom.read_bytes(offset, level_sprites[offset]) for offset in level_sprites]
sprites, palettes = handle_level_sprites(stages, sprites, palettes)
for addr, palette in zip(stage_palettes, palettes):
rom.write_bytes(addr, palette)
for addr, level_sprite in zip([0x1CA000, 0x1CA920, 0x1CB230, 0x1CBB40, 0x1CC450], sprites):
rom.write_bytes(addr, level_sprite)
rom.write_bytes(0x460A, [0x00, 0xA0, 0x39, 0x20, 0xA9, 0x39, 0x30, 0xB2, 0x39, 0x40, 0xBB, 0x39,
0x50, 0xC4, 0x39])
write_consumable_sprites(rom, rom.read_byte(0x3D018) > 0, rom.read_byte(0x3D01A) > 0)
rom_name = rom.read_bytes(0x3C000, 21)
rom.write_bytes(0x7FC0, rom_name)
def patch_rom(world: "KDL3World", rom: RomData):
rom.apply_patch(get_data(__name__, os.path.join("data", "kdl3_basepatch.bsdiff4")))
tiles = get_data(__name__, os.path.join("data", "APPauseIcons.dat"))
rom.write_bytes(0x3F000, tiles)
# Write open world patch
if world.options.open_world:
rom.write_bytes(0x143C7, [0xAD, 0xC1, 0x5A, 0xCD, 0xC1, 0x5A, ])
# changes the stage flag function to compare $5AC1 to $5AC1,
# always running the "new stage" function
# This has further checks present for bosses already, so we just
# need to handle regular stages
# write check for boss to be unlocked
if world.options.consumables:
# reroute maxim tomatoes to use the 1-UP function, then null out the function
rom.write_bytes(0x3002F, [0x37, 0x00])
rom.write_bytes(0x30037, [0xA9, 0x26, 0x00, # LDA #$0026
0x22, 0x27, 0xD9, 0x00, # JSL $00D927
0xA4, 0xD2, # LDY $D2
0x6B, # RTL
0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, # NOP #10
# stars handling is built into the rom, so no changes there
rooms = world.rooms
if world.options.music_shuffle > 0:
if world.options.music_shuffle == 1:
shuffled_music = music_choices.copy()
music_map = dict(zip(music_choices, shuffled_music))
# Avoid putting star twinkle in the pool
music_map[5] = world.random.choice(music_choices)
# Heart Star music doesn't work on regular stages
music_map[8] = world.random.choice(music_choices)
for room in rooms: = music_map[]
for room in room_pointers:
old_music = rom.read_byte(room + 2)
rom.write_byte(room + 2, music_map[old_music])
for i in range(5):
# level themes
old_music = rom.read_byte(0x133F2 + i)
rom.write_byte(0x133F2 + i, music_map[old_music])
# Zero
rom.write_byte(0x9AE79, music_map[0x18])
# Heart Star success and fail
rom.write_byte(0x4A388, music_map[0x08])
rom.write_byte(0x4A38D, music_map[0x1D])
elif world.options.music_shuffle == 2:
for room in rooms: = world.random.choice(music_choices)
for room in room_pointers:
rom.write_byte(room + 2, world.random.choice(music_choices))
for i in range(5):
# level themes
rom.write_byte(0x133F2 + i, world.random.choice(music_choices))
# Zero
rom.write_byte(0x9AE79, world.random.choice(music_choices))
# Heart Star success and fail
rom.write_byte(0x4A388, world.random.choice(music_choices))
rom.write_byte(0x4A38D, world.random.choice(music_choices))
for room in rooms:
if world.options.virtual_console in [1, 3]:
# Flash Reduction
rom.write_byte(0x9AE68, 0x10)
rom.write_bytes(0x9AE8E, [0x08, 0x00, 0x22, 0x5D, 0xF7, 0x00, 0xA2, 0x08, ])
rom.write_byte(0x9AEA1, 0x08)
rom.write_byte(0x9AEC9, 0x01)
rom.write_bytes(0x9AED2, [0xA9, 0x1F])
rom.write_byte(0x9AEE1, 0x08)
if world.options.virtual_console in [2, 3]:
# Hyper Zone BB colors
rom.write_bytes(0x2C5E16, [0xEE, 0x1B, 0x18, 0x5B, 0xD3, 0x4A, 0xF4, 0x3B, ])
rom.write_bytes(0x2C8217, [0xFF, 0x1E, ])
# boss requirements
rom.write_bytes(0x3D000, struct.pack("HHHHH", world.boss_requirements[0], world.boss_requirements[1],
world.boss_requirements[2], world.boss_requirements[3],
rom.write_bytes(0x3D00A, struct.pack("H", world.required_heart_stars if world.options.goal_speed == 1 else 0xFFFF))
rom.write_byte(0x3D00C, world.options.goal_speed.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D00E, world.options.open_world.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D010, world.options.death_link.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D012, world.options.goal.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D014, world.options.stage_shuffle.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D016, world.options.ow_boss_requirement.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D018, world.options.consumables.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D01A, world.options.starsanity.value)
rom.write_byte(0x3D01C, world.options.gifting.value if world.multiworld.players > 1 else 0)
rom.write_byte(0x3D01E, world.options.strict_bosses.value)
# don't write gifting for solo game, since there's no one to send anything to
for level in world.player_levels:
for i in range(len(world.player_levels[level])):
rom.write_bytes(0x3F002E + ((level - 1) * 14) + (i * 2),
struct.pack("H", level_pointers[world.player_levels[level][i]]))
rom.write_bytes(0x3D020 + (level - 1) * 14 + (i * 2),
struct.pack("H", world.player_levels[level][i] & 0x00FFFF))
if (i == 0) or (i > 0 and i % 6 != 0):
rom.write_bytes(0x3D080 + (level - 1) * 12 + (i * 2),
struct.pack("H", (world.player_levels[level][i] & 0x00FFFF) % 6))
for i in range(6):
if world.boss_butch_bosses[i]:
rom.write_bytes(0x3F0000 + (level_pointers[0x770200 + i]), struct.pack("I", bb_bosses[0x770200 + i]))
# copy ability shuffle
if world.options.copy_ability_randomization.value > 0:
for enemy in world.copy_abilities:
if enemy in miniboss_remap:
rom.write_bytes(0xB417E + (miniboss_remap[enemy] << 1),
struct.pack("H", ability_remap[world.copy_abilities[enemy]]))
rom.write_bytes(0xB3CAC + (enemy_remap[enemy] << 1),
struct.pack("H", ability_remap[world.copy_abilities[enemy]]))
# following only needs done on non-door rando
# incredibly lucky this follows the same order (including 5E == star block)
rom.write_byte(0x2F77EA, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Sparky"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2F7811, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Sparky"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2F9BC4, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Blocky"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2F9BEB, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Blocky"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FAC06, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Jumper Shoot"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FAC2D, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Jumper Shoot"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2F9E7B, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Yuki"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2F9EA2, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Yuki"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FA951, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Sir Kibble"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FA978, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Sir Kibble"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FA132, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Haboki"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FA159, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Haboki"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FA3E8, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Boboo"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2FA40F, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Boboo"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2F90E2, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Captain Stitch"]] << 1))
rom.write_byte(0x2F9109, 0x5E + (ability_remap[world.copy_abilities["Captain Stitch"]] << 1))
if world.options.copy_ability_randomization == 2:
for enemy in enemy_remap:
# we just won't include it for minibosses
rom.write_bytes(0xB3E40 + (enemy_remap[enemy] << 1), struct.pack("h", world.random.randint(-1, 2)))
# write jumping goal
rom.write_bytes(0x94F8, struct.pack("H", world.options.jumping_target))
rom.write_bytes(0x944E, struct.pack("H", world.options.jumping_target))
from Utils import __version__ = bytearray(
f'KDL3{__version__.replace(".", "")[0:3]}_{world.player}_{world.multiworld.seed:11}\0', 'utf8')[:21][0] * (21 - len(
rom.write_byte(0x3C020, world.options.game_language.value)
# handle palette
if world.options.kirby_flavor_preset.value != 0:
for addr in kirby_target_palettes:
target = kirby_target_palettes[addr]
palette = get_kirby_palette(world)
rom.write_bytes(addr, get_palette_bytes(palette, target[0], target[1], target[2]))
if world.options.gooey_flavor_preset.value != 0:
for addr in gooey_target_palettes:
target = gooey_target_palettes[addr]
palette = get_gooey_palette(world)
rom.write_bytes(addr, get_palette_bytes(palette, target[0], target[1], target[2]))
def get_base_rom_bytes() -> bytes:
rom_file: str = get_base_rom_path()
base_rom_bytes: Optional[bytes] = getattr(get_base_rom_bytes, "base_rom_bytes", None)
if not base_rom_bytes:
base_rom_bytes = bytes(Utils.read_snes_rom(open(rom_file, "rb")))
basemd5 = hashlib.md5()
if basemd5.hexdigest() not in {KDL3UHASH, KDL3JHASH}:
raise Exception("Supplied Base Rom does not match known MD5 for US or JP release. "
"Get the correct game and version, then dump it")
get_base_rom_bytes.base_rom_bytes = base_rom_bytes
return base_rom_bytes
def get_base_rom_path(file_name: str = "") -> str:
options: settings.Settings = settings.get_settings()
if not file_name:
file_name = options["kdl3_options"]["rom_file"]
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
file_name = Utils.user_path(file_name)
return file_name