
398 lines
11 KiB

from dataclasses import dataclass
from Options import Choice, Range, Toggle, DeathLink, DefaultOnToggle, PerGameCommonOptions
class Goal(Choice):
Determines the goal of the seed
Bowser: Defeat Koopalings, reach Bowser's Castle and defeat Bowser
Yoshi Egg Hunt: Find a certain number of Yoshi Eggs
display_name = "Goal"
option_bowser = 0
option_yoshi_egg_hunt = 1
default = 0
class BossesRequired(Range):
How many Bosses (Koopalings or Reznor) must be defeated in order to defeat Bowser
display_name = "Bosses Required"
range_start = 0
range_end = 11
default = 7
class NumberOfYoshiEggs(Range):
Maximum possible number of Yoshi Eggs that will be in the item pool
If fewer available locations exist in the pool than this number, the number of available locations will be used instead.
Required Percentage of Yoshi Eggs will be calculated based off of that number.
display_name = "Max Number of Yoshi Eggs"
range_start = 1
range_end = 255
default = 50
class PercentageOfYoshiEggs(Range):
What Percentage of Yoshi Eggs are required to finish Yoshi Egg Hunt
display_name = "Required Percentage of Yoshi Eggs"
range_start = 1
range_end = 100
default = 100
class DragonCoinChecks(Toggle):
Whether collecting 5 Dragon Coins in each level will grant a check
display_name = "Dragon Coin Checks"
class MoonChecks(Toggle):
Whether collecting a 3-Up Moon in a level will grant a check
display_name = "3up Moon Checks"
class Hidden1UpChecks(Toggle):
Whether collecting a hidden 1-Up mushroom in a level will grant a check
These checks are considered cryptic as there's no actual indicator that they're in their respective places
Enable this option at your own risk
display_name = "Hidden 1-Up Checks"
class BonusBlockChecks(Toggle):
Whether collecting a 1-Up mushroom from a Bonus Block in a level will grant a check
display_name = "Bonus Block Checks"
class Blocksanity(Toggle):
Whether hitting a block with an item or coin inside will grant a check
Note that some blocks are excluded due to how the option and the game works!
Exclusion list:
* Blocks in Top Secret Area & Front Door/Bowser Castle
* Blocks that are unreachable unless you glitch your way in
display_name = "Blocksanity"
class BowserCastleDoors(Choice):
How the doors of Bowser's Castle behave
Vanilla: Front and Back Doors behave as vanilla
Fast: Both doors behave as the Back Door
Slow: Both doors behave as the Front Door
"Front Door" rooms depend on the `bowser_castle_rooms` option
"Back Door" only requires going through the dark hallway to Bowser
display_name = "Bowser Castle Doors"
option_vanilla = 0
option_fast = 1
option_slow = 2
default = 0
class BowserCastleRooms(Choice):
How the rooms of Bowser's Castle Front Door behave
Vanilla: You can choose which rooms to enter, as in vanilla
Random Two Room: Two random rooms are chosen
Random Five Room: Five random rooms are chosen
Gauntlet: All eight rooms must be cleared
Labyrinth: Which room leads to Bowser?
display_name = "Bowser Castle Rooms"
option_vanilla = 0
option_random_two_room = 1
option_random_five_room = 2
option_gauntlet = 3
option_labyrinth = 4
default = 1
class BossShuffle(Choice):
How bosses are shuffled
None: Bosses are not shuffled
Simple: Four Reznors and the seven Koopalings are shuffled around
Full: Each boss location gets a fully random boss
Singularity: One or two bosses are chosen and placed at every boss location
display_name = "Boss Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_simple = 1
option_full = 2
option_singularity = 3
default = 0
class LevelShuffle(Toggle):
Whether levels are shuffled
display_name = "Level Shuffle"
class ExcludeSpecialZone(Toggle):
If active, this option will prevent any progression items from being placed in Special Zone levels.
Additionally, if Level Shuffle is active, Special Zone levels will not be shuffled away from their vanilla tiles.
display_name = "Exclude Special Zone"
class SwapDonutGhostHouseExits(Toggle):
If enabled, this option will swap which overworld direction the two exits of the level at the Donut Ghost House
overworld tile go:
False: Normal Exit goes up, Secret Exit goes right.
True: Normal Exit goes right, Secret Exit goes up.
display_name = "Swap Donut GH Exits"
class DisplayReceivedItemPopups(Choice):
What messages to display in-game for items received
display_name = "Display Received Item Popups"
option_none = 0
option_all = 1
option_progression = 2
option_progression_minus_yoshi_eggs = 3
default = 3
class JunkFillPercentage(Range):
Replace a percentage of non-required Yoshi Eggs in the item pool with random junk items (only applicable on Yoshi Egg Hunt goal)
display_name = "Junk Fill Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 0
class TrapFillPercentage(Range):
Replace a percentage of junk items in the item pool with random traps
display_name = "Trap Fill Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 0
class BaseTrapWeight(Choice):
Base Class for Trap Weights
option_none = 0
option_low = 1
option_medium = 2
option_high = 4
default = 2
class IceTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which causes the level to become slippery
display_name = "Ice Trap Weight"
class StunTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which briefly stuns Mario
display_name = "Stun Trap Weight"
class LiteratureTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which causes the player to read literature
display_name = "Literature Trap Weight"
class TimerTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which causes the timer to run low
display_name = "Timer Trap Weight"
class ReverseTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which causes the controls to be reversed in the current level
display_name = "Reverse Trap Weight"
class ThwimpTrapWeight(BaseTrapWeight):
Likelihood of a receiving a trap which causes a Thwimp to spawn above the player
display_name = "Thwimp Trap Weight"
class Autosave(DefaultOnToggle):
Whether a save prompt will appear after every level
display_name = "Autosave"
class EarlyClimb(Toggle):
Force Climb to appear early in the seed as a local item.
This is particularly useful to prevent BK when Level Shuffle is disabled
display_name = "Early Climb"
class OverworldSpeed(Choice):
How fast Mario moves on the overworld
display_name = "Overworld Speed"
option_slow = 0
option_vanilla = 1
option_fast = 2
default = 1
class MusicShuffle(Choice):
Music shuffle type
None: No Music is shuffled
Consistent: Each music track is consistently shuffled throughout the game
Full: Each individual level has a random music track
Singularity: The entire game uses one song for overworld and one song for levels
display_name = "Music Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_consistent = 1
option_full = 2
option_singularity = 3
default = 0
class SFXShuffle(Choice):
Shuffles almost every instance of sound effect playback
Archipelago elements that play sound effects aren't randomized
None: No SFX are shuffled
Full: Each individual SFX call has a random SFX
Singularity: The entire game uses one SFX for every SFX call
display_name = "Sound Effect Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_full = 1
option_singularity = 2
default = 0
class MarioPalette(Choice):
Mario palette color
display_name = "Mario Palette"
option_mario = 0
option_luigi = 1
option_wario = 2
option_waluigi = 3
option_geno = 4
option_princess = 5
option_dark = 6
option_sponge = 7
default = 0
class LevelPaletteShuffle(Choice):
Whether to shuffle level palettes
Off: Do not shuffle palettes
On Legacy: Uses only the palette sets from the original game
On Curated: Uses custom, hand-crafted palette sets
display_name = "Level Palette Shuffle"
option_off = 0
option_on_legacy = 1
option_on_curated = 2
default = 0
class OverworldPaletteShuffle(Choice):
Whether to shuffle overworld palettes
Off: Do not shuffle palettes
On Legacy: Uses only the palette sets from the original game
On Curated: Uses custom, hand-crafted palette sets
display_name = "Overworld Palette Shuffle"
option_off = 0
option_on_legacy = 1
option_on_curated = 2
default = 0
class StartingLifeCount(Range):
How many extra lives to start the game with
display_name = "Starting Life Count"
range_start = 1
range_end = 99
default = 5
class SMWOptions(PerGameCommonOptions):
death_link: DeathLink
goal: Goal
bosses_required: BossesRequired
max_yoshi_egg_cap: NumberOfYoshiEggs
percentage_of_yoshi_eggs: PercentageOfYoshiEggs
dragon_coin_checks: DragonCoinChecks
moon_checks: MoonChecks
hidden_1up_checks: Hidden1UpChecks
bonus_block_checks: BonusBlockChecks
blocksanity: Blocksanity
bowser_castle_doors: BowserCastleDoors
bowser_castle_rooms: BowserCastleRooms
level_shuffle: LevelShuffle
exclude_special_zone: ExcludeSpecialZone
boss_shuffle: BossShuffle
swap_donut_gh_exits: SwapDonutGhostHouseExits
display_received_item_popups: DisplayReceivedItemPopups
junk_fill_percentage: JunkFillPercentage
trap_fill_percentage: TrapFillPercentage
ice_trap_weight: IceTrapWeight
stun_trap_weight: StunTrapWeight
literature_trap_weight: LiteratureTrapWeight
timer_trap_weight: TimerTrapWeight
reverse_trap_weight: ReverseTrapWeight
thwimp_trap_weight: ThwimpTrapWeight
autosave: Autosave
early_climb: EarlyClimb
overworld_speed: OverworldSpeed
music_shuffle: MusicShuffle
sfx_shuffle: SFXShuffle
mario_palette: MarioPalette
level_palette_shuffle: LevelPaletteShuffle
overworld_palette_shuffle: OverworldPaletteShuffle
starting_life_count: StartingLifeCount