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246 lines
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from typing import Set, Dict
unrandomized_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"CoOLotCV: Fountain of burning oil": "Golden Thimble Filled with Burning Oil",
"MotED: Egg hatching": "Hatched Egg of Deformity",
"BotSS: Crisanta's gift": "Holy Wound of Abnegation",
"DC: Chalice room": "Chalice of Inverted Verses"
cherub_set: Set[str] = [
"Albero: Child of Moonlight",
"AR: Upper west shaft Child of Moonlight",
"BotSS: Starting room Child of Moonlight",
"DC: Child of Moonlight, above water",
"DC: Upper east Child of Moonlight",
"DC: Child of Moonlight, miasma room",
"DC: Child of Moonlight, behind pillar",
"DC: Top of elevator Child of Moonlight",
"DC: Elevator shaft Child of Moonlight",
"GotP: Shop cave Child of Moonlight",
"GotP: Elevator shaft Child of Moonlight",
"GotP: West shaft Child of Moonlight",
"GotP: Center shaft Child of Moonlight",
"GA: Miasma room Child of Moonlight",
"GA: Blood bridge Child of Moonlight",
"GA: Lower east Child of Moonlight",
"Jondo: Upper east Child of Moonlight",
"Jondo: Spike tunnel Child of Moonlight",
"Jondo: Upper west Child of Moonlight",
"LotNW: Platform room Child of Moonlight",
"LotNW: Lowest west Child of Moonlight",
"LotNW: Elevator Child of Moonlight",
"MD: Second area Child of Moonlight",
"MD: Cave Child of Moonlight",
"MoM: Lower west Child of Moonlight",
"MoM: Upper center Child of Moonlight",
"MotED: Child of Moonlight, above chasm",
"PotSS: First area Child of Moonlight",
"PotSS: Third area Child of Moonlight",
"THL: Child of Moonlight",
"WotHP: Upper east room, top bronze cell",
"WotHP: Upper west room, top silver cell",
"WotHP: Lower east room, bottom silver cell",
"WotHP: Outside Child of Moonlight",
"WotBC: Outside Child of Moonlight",
"WotBC: Cliffside Child of Moonlight",
"WOTW: Underground Child of Moonlight",
"WOTW: Upper east Child of Moonlight",
life_set: Set[str] = [
"AR: Lady of the Six Sorrows",
"CoOLotCV: Lady of the Six Sorrows",
"DC: Lady of the Six Sorrows, from MD",
"DC: Lady of the Six Sorrows, elevator shaft",
"GotP: Lady of the Six Sorrows",
"LotNW: Lady of the Six Sorrows"
fervour_set: Set[str] = [
"DC: Oil of the Pilgrims",
"GotP: Oil of the Pilgrims",
"GA: Oil of the Pilgrims",
"LotNW: Oil of the Pilgrims",
"MoM: Oil of the Pilgrims",
"WotHP: Oil of the Pilgrims"
sword_set: Set[str] = [
"Albero: Mea Culpa altar",
"AR: Mea Culpa altar",
"BotSS: Mea Culpa altar",
"CoOLotCV: Mea Culpa altar",
"DC: Mea Culpa altar",
"LotNW: Mea Culpa altar",
"MoM: Mea Culpa altar"
blessing_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Albero: Bless Severed Hand": "Incorrupt Hand of the Fraternal Master",
"Albero: Bless Linen Cloth": "Shroud of Dreamt Sins",
"Albero: Bless Hatched Egg": "Three Gnarled Tongues"
dungeon_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Confessor Dungeon 1 extra": "Tears of Atonement (1000)",
"Confessor Dungeon 2 extra": "Heart of the Single Tone",
"Confessor Dungeon 3 extra": "Tears of Atonement (3000)",
"Confessor Dungeon 4 extra": "Embers of a Broken Star",
"Confessor Dungeon 5 extra": "Tears of Atonement (5000)",
"Confessor Dungeon 6 extra": "Scaly Coin",
"Confessor Dungeon 7 extra": "Seashell of the Inverted Spiral"
tirso_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Albero: Tirso's 1st reward": "Linen Cloth",
"Albero: Tirso's 2nd reward": "Tears of Atonement (500)",
"Albero: Tirso's 3rd reward": "Tears of Atonement (1000)",
"Albero: Tirso's 4th reward": "Tears of Atonement (2000)",
"Albero: Tirso's 5th reward": "Tears of Atonement (5000)",
"Albero: Tirso's 6th reward": "Tears of Atonement (10000)",
"Albero: Tirso's final reward": "Knot of Rosary Rope"
redento_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"MoM: Redento's treasure": "Nail Uprooted from Dirt",
"MoM: Final meeting with Redento": "Knot of Rosary Rope",
"MotED: 1st meeting with Redento": "Fourth Toe made of Limestone",
"PotSS: 4th meeting with Redento": "Big Toe made of Limestone",
"WotBC: 3rd meeting with Redento": "Little Toe made of Limestone"
jocinero_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"TSC: Jocinero's 1st reward": "Linen of Golden Thread",
"TSC: Jocinero's final reward": "Campanillero to the Sons of the Aurora"
altasgracias_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"GA: Altasgracias' gift": "Egg of Deformity",
"GA: Empty giant egg": "Knot of Hair"
tentudia_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Albero: Lvdovico's 1st reward": "Tears of Atonement (500)",
"Albero: Lvdovico's 2nd reward": "Tears of Atonement (1000)",
"Albero: Lvdovico's 3rd reward": "Debla of the Lights"
gemino_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"WOTW: Gift for the tomb": "Dried Flowers bathed in Tears",
"WOTW: Underground tomb": "Saeta Dolorosa",
"WOTW: Gemino's gift": "Empty Golden Thimble",
"WOTW: Gemino's reward": "Frozen Olive"
ossuary_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Ossuary: 1st reward": "Tears of Atonement (250)",
"Ossuary: 2nd reward": "Tears of Atonement (500)",
"Ossuary: 3rd reward": "Tears of Atonement (750)",
"Ossuary: 4th reward": "Tears of Atonement (1000)",
"Ossuary: 5th reward": "Tears of Atonement (1250)",
"Ossuary: 6th reward": "Tears of Atonement (1500)",
"Ossuary: 7th reward": "Tears of Atonement (1750)",
"Ossuary: 8th reward": "Tears of Atonement (2000)",
"Ossuary: 9th reward": "Tears of Atonement (2500)",
"Ossuary: 10th reward": "Tears of Atonement (3000)",
"Ossuary: 11th reward": "Tears of Atonement (5000)",
boss_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"BotTC: Esdras, of the Anointed Legion": "Tears of Atonement (4300)",
"BotSS: Warden of the Silent Sorrow": "Tears of Atonement (300)",
"CoOLotCV: Our Lady of the Charred Visage": "Tears of Atonement (2600)",
"HotD: Laudes, the First of the Amanecidas": "Tears of Atonement (30000)",
"GotP: Amanecida of the Bejeweled Arrow": "Tears of Atonement (18000)",
"GA: Tres Angustias": "Tears of Atonement (2100)",
"MD: Ten Piedad": "Tears of Atonement (625)",
"MoM: Melquiades, The Exhumed Archbishop": "Tears of Atonement (5500)",
"MotED: Amanecida of the Golden Blades": "Tears of Atonement (18000)",
"MaH: Sierpes": "Tears of Atonement (5000)",
"PotSS: Amanecida of the Chiselled Steel": "Tears of Atonement (18000)",
"TSC: Exposito, Scion of Abjuration": "Tears of Atonement (9000)",
"WotHP: Quirce, Returned By The Flames": "Tears of Atonement (11250)",
"WotHP: Amanecida of the Molten Thorn": "Tears of Atonement (18000)"
wound_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"CoOLotCV: Visage of Compunction": "Holy Wound of Compunction",
"GA: Visage of Contrition": "Holy Wound of Contrition",
"MD: Visage of Attrition": "Holy Wound of Attrition"
mask_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"CoOLotCV: Mask room": "Mirrored Mask of Dolphos",
"LotNW: Mask room": "Embossed Mask of Crescente",
"MoM: Mask room": "Deformed Mask of Orestes"
eye_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Ossuary: Isidora, Voice of the Dead": "Severed Right Eye of the Traitor",
"MaH: Sierpes' eye": "Broken Left Eye of the Traitor"
herb_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Albero: Gate of Travel room": "Bouquet of Thyme",
"Jondo: Lower east bell trap": "Bouquet of Rosemary",
"MotED: Blood platform alcove": "Dried Clove",
"PotSS: Third area lower ledge": "Olive Seeds",
"TSC: Painting ladder ledge": "Sooty Garlic",
"WOTW: Entrance to tomb": "Incense Garlic"
church_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Albero: Donate 5000 Tears": "Token of Appreciation",
"Albero: Donate 50000 Tears": "Cloistered Ruby"
shop_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"GotP: Shop item 1": "Torn Bridal Ribbon",
"GotP: Shop item 2": "Calcified Eye of Erudition",
"GotP: Shop item 3": "Ember of the Holy Cremation",
"MD: Shop item 1": "Key to the Chamber of the Eldest Brother",
"MD: Shop item 2": "Hollow Pearl",
"MD: Shop item 3": "Moss Preserved in Glass",
"TSC: Shop item 1": "Wicker Knot",
"TSC: Shop item 2": "Empty Bile Vessel",
"TSC: Shop item 3": "Key of the Inquisitor"
thorn_set: Set[str] = {
"THL: Deogracias' gift",
"Confessor Dungeon 1 main",
"Confessor Dungeon 2 main",
"Confessor Dungeon 3 main",
"Confessor Dungeon 4 main",
"Confessor Dungeon 5 main",
"Confessor Dungeon 6 main",
"Confessor Dungeon 7 main",
candle_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"CoOLotCV: Red candle": "Bead of Red Wax",
"LotNW: Red candle": "Bead of Red Wax",
"MD: Red candle": "Bead of Red Wax",
"BotSS: Blue candle": "Bead of Blue Wax",
"CoOLotCV: Blue candle": "Bead of Blue Wax",
"MD: Blue candle": "Bead of Blue Wax"
skill_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
"Skill 1, Tier 1": "Combo Skill",
"Skill 1, Tier 2": "Combo Skill",
"Skill 1, Tier 3": "Combo Skill",
"Skill 2, Tier 1": "Charged Skill",
"Skill 2, Tier 2": "Charged Skill",
"Skill 2, Tier 3": "Charged Skill",
"Skill 3, Tier 1": "Ranged Skill",
"Skill 3, Tier 2": "Ranged Skill",
"Skill 3, Tier 3": "Ranged Skill",
"Skill 4, Tier 1": "Dive Skill",
"Skill 4, Tier 2": "Dive Skill",
"Skill 4, Tier 3": "Dive Skill",
"Skill 5, Tier 1": "Lunge Skill",
"Skill 5, Tier 2": "Lunge Skill",
"Skill 5, Tier 3": "Lunge Skill",
} |