
582 lines
22 KiB

from dataclasses import dataclass
import os.path
import typing
import logging
from Options import Choice, Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, Range, FreeText, PerGameCommonOptions, OptionGroup
from collections import defaultdict
import Utils
DefaultOffToggle = Toggle
logger = logging.getLogger("Link's Awakening Logger")
class LADXROption:
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
if not self.ladxr_name:
return None, None
return (self.ladxr_name, self.name_lookup[self.value].replace("_", ""))
class Logic(Choice, LADXROption):
Affects where items are allowed to be placed.
[Normal] Playable without using any tricks or glitches. Can require knowledge from a vanilla playthrough, such as how to open Color Dungeon.
[Hard] More advanced techniques may be required, but glitches are not. Examples include tricky jumps, killing enemies with only pots.
[Glitched] Advanced glitches and techniques may be required, but extremely difficult or tedious tricks are not required. Examples include Bomb Triggers, Super Jumps and Jesus Jumps.
[Hell] Obscure knowledge and hard techniques may be required. Examples include featherless jumping with boots and/or hookshot, sequential pit buffers and unclipped superjumps. Things in here can be extremely hard to do or very time consuming."""
display_name = "Logic"
ladxr_name = "logic"
# option_casual = 0
option_normal = 1
option_hard = 2
option_glitched = 3
option_hell = 4
default = option_normal
class TradeQuest(DefaultOffToggle, LADXROption):
[On] adds the trade items to the pool (the trade locations will always be local items)
[Off] (default) doesn't add them
display_name = "Trade Quest"
ladxr_name = "tradequest"
class TextShuffle(DefaultOffToggle):
[On] Shuffles all the text in the game
[Off] (default) doesn't shuffle them.
display_name = "Text Shuffle"
class Rooster(DefaultOnToggle, LADXROption):
[On] Adds the rooster to the item pool.
[Off] The rooster spot is still a check giving an item. But you will never find the rooster. Any rooster spot is accessible without rooster by other means.
display_name = "Rooster"
ladxr_name = "rooster"
class Boomerang(Choice):
[Normal] requires Magnifying Lens to get the boomerang.
[Gift] The boomerang salesman will give you a random item, and the boomerang is shuffled.
display_name = "Boomerang"
normal = 0
gift = 1
default = gift
class EntranceShuffle(Choice, LADXROption):
[WARNING] Experimental, may fail to fill
Randomizes where overworld entrances lead to.
[Simple] Single-entrance caves/houses that have items are shuffled amongst each other.
If random start location and/or dungeon shuffle is enabled, then these will be shuffled with all the non-connector entrance pool.
Note, some entrances can lead into water, use the warp-to-home from the save&quit menu to escape this."""
# [Advanced] Simple, but two-way connector caves are shuffled in their own pool as well.
# [Expert] Advanced, but caves/houses without items are also shuffled into the Simple entrance pool.
# [Insanity] Expert, but the Raft Minigame hut and Mamu's cave are added to the non-connector pool.
option_none = 0
option_simple = 1
# option_advanced = 2
# option_expert = 3
# option_insanity = 4
default = option_none
display_name = "Experimental Entrance Shuffle"
ladxr_name = "entranceshuffle"
class DungeonShuffle(DefaultOffToggle, LADXROption):
[WARNING] Experimental, may fail to fill
Randomizes dungeon entrances within eachother
display_name = "Experimental Dungeon Shuffle"
ladxr_name = "dungeonshuffle"
class APTitleScreen(DefaultOnToggle):
Enables AP specific title screen and disables the intro cutscene
display_name = "AP Title Screen"
class BossShuffle(Choice):
display_name = "Boss Shuffle"
none = 0
shuffle = 1
random = 2
default = none
class DungeonItemShuffle(Choice):
display_name = "Dungeon Item Shuffle"
option_original_dungeon = 0
option_own_dungeons = 1
option_own_world = 2
option_any_world = 3
option_different_world = 4
# option_delete = 5
# option_start_with = 6
alias_true = 3
alias_false = 0
ladxr_item: str
class ShuffleNightmareKeys(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Nightmare Keys
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Nightmare Keys"
ladxr_item = "NIGHTMARE_KEY"
class ShuffleSmallKeys(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Small Keys
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Small Keys"
ladxr_item = "KEY"
class ShuffleMaps(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Dungeon Maps
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Maps"
ladxr_item = "MAP"
class ShuffleCompasses(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Dungeon Compasses
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Compasses"
ladxr_item = "COMPASS"
class ShuffleStoneBeaks(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Owl Beaks
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Stone Beaks"
ladxr_item = "STONE_BEAK"
class ShuffleInstruments(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Instruments
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
[Vanilla] The item will be in its vanilla location in your world
display_name = "Shuffle Instruments"
ladxr_item = "INSTRUMENT"
default = 100
option_vanilla = 100
alias_false = 100
class Goal(Choice, LADXROption):
The Goal of the game
[Instruments] The Wind Fish's Egg will only open if you have the required number of Instruments of the Sirens, and play the Ballad of the Wind Fish.
[Seashells] The Egg will open when you bring 20 seashells. The Ballad and Ocarina are not needed.
[Open] The Egg will start pre-opened.
display_name = "Goal"
ladxr_name = "goal"
option_instruments = 1
option_seashells = 2
option_open = 3
default = option_instruments
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
if self.value == self.option_instruments:
return ("goal", all_options["instrument_count"])
return LADXROption.to_ladxr_option(self, all_options)
class InstrumentCount(Range, LADXROption):
Sets the number of instruments required to open the Egg
display_name = "Instrument Count"
ladxr_name = None
range_start = 0
range_end = 8
default = 8
class NagMessages(DefaultOffToggle, LADXROption):
Controls if nag messages are shown when rocks and crystals are touched. Useful for glitches, annoying for everyone else.
display_name = "Nag Messages"
ladxr_name = "nagmessages"
class MusicChangeCondition(Choice):
Controls how the music changes.
[Sword] When you pick up a sword, the music changes
[Always] You always have the post-sword music
display_name = "Music Change Condition"
option_sword = 0
option_always = 1
default = option_always
# Setting('hpmode', 'Gameplay', 'm', 'Health mode', options=[('default', '', 'Normal'), ('inverted', 'i', 'Inverted'), ('1', '1', 'Start with 1 heart'), ('low', 'l', 'Low max')], default='default',
# description="""
# [Normal} health works as you would expect.
# [Inverted] you start with 9 heart containers, but killing a boss will take a heartcontainer instead of giving one.
# [Start with 1] normal game, you just start with 1 heart instead of 3.
# [Low max] replace heart containers with heart pieces."""),
# Setting('hardmode', 'Gameplay', 'X', 'Hard mode', options=[('none', '', 'Disabled'), ('oracle', 'O', 'Oracle'), ('hero', 'H', 'Hero'), ('ohko', '1', 'One hit KO')], default='none',
# description="""
# [Oracle] Less iframes and heath from drops. Bombs damage yourself. Water damages you without flippers. No piece of power or acorn.
# [Hero] Switch version hero mode, double damage, no heart/fairy drops.
# [One hit KO] You die on a single hit, always."""),
# Setting('steal', 'Gameplay', 't', 'Stealing from the shop',
# options=[('always', 'a', 'Always'), ('never', 'n', 'Never'), ('default', '', 'Normal')], default='default',
# description="""Effects when you can steal from the shop. Stealing is bad and never in logic.
# [Normal] requires the sword before you can steal.
# [Always] you can always steal from the shop
# [Never] you can never steal from the shop."""),
class Bowwow(Choice):
"""Allows BowWow to be taken into any area. Certain enemies and bosses are given a new weakness to BowWow.
[Normal] BowWow is in the item pool, but can be logically expected as a damage source.
[Swordless] The progressive swords are removed from the item pool.
display_name = "BowWow"
normal = 0
swordless = 1
default = normal
class Overworld(Choice, LADXROption):
[Dungeon Dive] Create a different overworld where all the dungeons are directly accessible and almost no chests are located in the overworld.
[Tiny dungeons] All dungeons only consist of a boss fight and a instrument reward. Rest of the dungeon is removed.
display_name = "Overworld"
ladxr_name = "overworld"
option_normal = 0
option_dungeon_dive = 1
option_tiny_dungeons = 2
# option_shuffled = 3
default = option_normal
# Setting('superweapons', 'Special', 'q', 'Enable super weapons', default=False,
# description='All items will be more powerful, faster, harder, bigger stronger. You name it.'),
# Setting('quickswap', 'User options', 'Q', 'Quickswap', options=[('none', '', 'Disabled'), ('a', 'a', 'Swap A button'), ('b', 'b', 'Swap B button')], default='none',
# description='Adds that the select button swaps with either A or B. The item is swapped with the top inventory slot. The map is not available when quickswap is enabled.',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('textmode', 'User options', 'f', 'Text mode', options=[('fast', '', 'Fast'), ('default', 'd', 'Normal'), ('none', 'n', 'No-text')], default='fast',
# description="""[Fast] makes text appear twice as fast.
# [No-Text] removes all text from the game""", aesthetic=True),
# Setting('lowhpbeep', 'User options', 'p', 'Low HP beeps', options=[('none', 'D', 'Disabled'), ('slow', 'S', 'Slow'), ('default', 'N', 'Normal')], default='slow',
# description='Slows or disables the low health beeping sound', aesthetic=True),
# Setting('noflash', 'User options', 'l', 'Remove flashing lights', default=True,
# description='Remove the flashing light effects from Mamu, shopkeeper and MadBatter. Useful for capture cards and people that are sensitive for these things.',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('nagmessages', 'User options', 'S', 'Show nag messages', default=False,
# description='Enables the nag messages normally shown when touching stones and crystals',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('gfxmod', 'User options', 'c', 'Graphics', options=gfx_options, default='',
# description='Generally affects at least Link\'s sprite, but can alter any graphics in the game',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('linkspalette', 'User options', 'C', "Link's color",
# options=[('-1', '-', 'Normal'), ('0', '0', 'Green'), ('1', '1', 'Yellow'), ('2', '2', 'Red'), ('3', '3', 'Blue'),
# ('4', '4', '?? A'), ('5', '5', '?? B'), ('6', '6', '?? C'), ('7', '7', '?? D')], default='-1', aesthetic=True,
# description="""Allows you to force a certain color on link.
# [Normal] color of link depends on the tunic.
# [Green/Yellow/Red/Blue] forces link into one of these colors.
# [?? A/B/C/D] colors of link are usually inverted and color depends on the area you are in."""),
# Setting('music', 'User options', 'M', 'Music', options=[('', '', 'Default'), ('random', 'r', 'Random'), ('off', 'o', 'Disable')], default='',
# description="""
# [Random] Randomizes overworld and dungeon music'
# [Disable] no music in the whole game""",
# aesthetic=True),
class BootsControls(Choice):
Adds additional button to activate Pegasus Boots (does nothing if you haven't picked up your boots!)
[Vanilla] Nothing changes, you have to equip the boots to use them
[Bracelet] Holding down the button for the bracelet also activates boots (somewhat like Link to the Past)
[Press A] Holding down A activates boots
[Press B] Holding down B activates boots
display_name = "Boots Controls"
option_vanilla = 0
option_bracelet = 1
option_press_a = 2
option_press_b = 3
class LinkPalette(Choice, LADXROption):
Sets link's palette
A-D are color palettes usually used during the damage animation and can change based on where you are.
display_name = "Link's Palette"
ladxr_name = "linkspalette"
option_normal = -1
option_green = 0
option_yellow = 1
option_red = 2
option_blue = 3
option_invert_a = 4
option_invert_b = 5
option_invert_c = 6
option_invert_d = 7
default = option_normal
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
return self.ladxr_name, str(self.value)
class TrendyGame(Choice):
[Easy] All of the items hold still for you
[Normal] The vanilla behavior
[Hard] The trade item also moves
[Harder] The items move faster
[Hardest] The items move diagonally
[Impossible] The items move impossibly fast, may scroll on and off the screen
display_name = "Trendy Game"
option_easy = 0
option_normal = 1
option_hard = 2
option_harder = 3
option_hardest = 4
option_impossible = 5
default = option_normal
class GfxMod(FreeText, LADXROption):
Sets the sprite for link, among other things
The option should be the same name as a with sprite (and optional name) file in data/sprites/ladx
display_name = "GFX Modification"
ladxr_name = "gfxmod"
normal = ''
default = 'Link'
__spriteDir: str = Utils.local_path(os.path.join('data', 'sprites', 'ladx'))
__spriteFiles: typing.DefaultDict[str, typing.List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
extensions = [".bin", ".bdiff", ".png", ".bmp"]
for file in os.listdir(__spriteDir):
name, extension = os.path.splitext(file)
if extension in extensions:
def __init__(self, value: str):
def verify(self, world, player_name: str, plando_options) -> None:
if self.value == "Link" or self.value in GfxMod.__spriteFiles:
raise Exception(
f"LADX Sprite '{self.value}' not found. Possible sprites are: {['Link'] + list(GfxMod.__spriteFiles.keys())}")
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
if self.value == -1 or self.value == "Link":
return None, None
assert self.value in GfxMod.__spriteFiles
if len(GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value]) > 1:
f"{self.value} does not uniquely identify a file. Possible matches: {GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value]}. Using {GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value][0]}")
return self.ladxr_name, self.__spriteDir + "/" + GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value][0]
class Palette(Choice):
Sets the palette for the game.
Note: A few places aren't patched, such as the menu and a few color dungeon tiles.
[Normal] The vanilla palette
[1-Bit] One bit of color per channel
[2-Bit] Two bits of color per channel
[Greyscale] Shades of grey
[Pink] Aesthetic
[Inverted] Inverted
display_name = "Palette"
option_normal = 0
option_1bit = 1
option_2bit = 2
option_greyscale = 3
option_pink = 4
option_inverted = 5
class Music(Choice, LADXROption):
[Vanilla] Regular Music
[Shuffled] Shuffled Music
[Off] No music
display_name = "Music"
ladxr_name = "music"
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_off = 2
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
s = ""
if self.value == self.option_shuffled:
s = "random"
elif self.value == self.option_off:
s = "off"
return self.ladxr_name, s
class WarpImprovements(DefaultOffToggle):
[On] Adds remake style warp screen to the game. Choose your warp destination on the map after jumping in a portal and press B to select.
[Off] No change
display_name = "Warp Improvements"
class AdditionalWarpPoints(DefaultOffToggle):
[On] (requires warp improvements) Adds a warp point at Crazy Tracy's house (the Mambo teleport spot) and Eagle's Tower
[Off] No change
display_name = "Additional Warp Points"
ladx_option_groups = [
OptionGroup("Goal Options", [
OptionGroup("Shuffles", [
OptionGroup("Warp Points", [
OptionGroup("Miscellaneous", [
OptionGroup("Experimental", [
OptionGroup("Visuals & Sound", [
class LinksAwakeningOptions(PerGameCommonOptions):
logic: Logic
# 'heartpiece': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Includes heart pieces in the item pool'),
# 'seashells': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Randomizes the secret sea shells hiding in the ground/trees. (chest are always randomized)'),
# 'heartcontainers': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Includes boss heart container drops in the item pool'),
# 'instruments': DefaultOffToggle, # description='Instruments are placed on random locations, dungeon goal will just contain a random item.'),
tradequest: TradeQuest # description='Trade quest items are randomized, each NPC takes its normal trade quest item, but gives a random item'),
# 'witch': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Adds both the toadstool and the reward for giving the toadstool to the witch to the item pool'),
rooster: Rooster # description='Adds the rooster to the item pool. Without this option, the rooster spot is still a check giving an item. But you will never find the rooster. Any rooster spot is accessible without rooster by other means.'),
# 'boomerang': Boomerang,
# 'randomstartlocation': DefaultOffToggle, # 'Randomize where your starting house is located'),
experimental_dungeon_shuffle: DungeonShuffle # 'Randomizes the dungeon that each dungeon entrance leads to'),
experimental_entrance_shuffle: EntranceShuffle
# 'bossshuffle': BossShuffle,
# 'minibossshuffle': BossShuffle,
goal: Goal
instrument_count: InstrumentCount
# 'itempool': ItemPool,
# 'bowwow': Bowwow,
# 'overworld': Overworld,
link_palette: LinkPalette
warp_improvements: WarpImprovements
additional_warp_points: AdditionalWarpPoints
trendy_game: TrendyGame
gfxmod: GfxMod
palette: Palette
text_shuffle: TextShuffle
shuffle_nightmare_keys: ShuffleNightmareKeys
shuffle_small_keys: ShuffleSmallKeys
shuffle_maps: ShuffleMaps
shuffle_compasses: ShuffleCompasses
shuffle_stone_beaks: ShuffleStoneBeaks
music: Music
shuffle_instruments: ShuffleInstruments
music_change_condition: MusicChangeCondition
nag_messages: NagMessages
ap_title_screen: APTitleScreen
boots_controls: BootsControls