
635 lines
30 KiB

from BaseClasses import World, CollectionState, Item
from Regions import create_regions
from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances
from Rom import patch_rom, LocalRom, JsonRom
from Rules import set_rules
from Dungeons import fill_dungeons
from Items import ItemFactory
from collections import OrderedDict
import random
import time
import logging
import json
__version__ = '0.4.5-dev'
logic_hash = [100, 18, 94, 177, 161, 252, 4, 45, 29, 231, 99, 158, 70, 55, 74, 39, 12, 134, 142, 189, 61, 105, 10, 254, 137, 44, 72, 154, 145, 167, 98, 225,
215, 217, 126, 187, 13, 255, 138, 51, 64, 130, 139, 233, 168, 69, 175, 25, 58, 160, 1, 27, 206, 169, 223, 210, 188, 111, 186, 240, 133, 26, 41, 241,
204, 89, 78, 63, 96, 218, 198, 224, 219, 35, 82, 181, 121, 243, 0, 155, 91, 120, 221, 178, 162, 80, 66, 97, 118, 103, 86, 191, 135, 122, 104, 40,
183, 9, 230, 110, 14, 87, 143, 249, 90, 75, 232, 157, 238, 196, 23, 248, 2, 101, 159, 108, 201, 73, 34, 15, 179, 92, 226, 60, 222, 32, 109, 119,
49, 56, 16, 6, 22, 209, 190, 21, 136, 205, 113, 192, 146, 30, 212, 43, 200, 193, 185, 242, 71, 163, 102, 239, 24, 220, 166, 228, 208, 47, 3, 112,
203, 50, 216, 214, 107, 106, 57, 67, 88, 42, 176, 129, 144, 54, 237, 165, 116, 141, 125, 128, 172, 171, 152, 83, 38, 93, 148, 151, 207, 236, 131, 85,
170, 124, 28, 251, 194, 250, 8, 164, 65, 20, 150, 182, 77, 17, 202, 253, 173, 229, 46, 140, 76, 95, 117, 174, 79, 84, 36, 244, 199, 37, 211, 7,
247, 213, 31, 62, 59, 153, 197, 19, 48, 114, 53, 115, 149, 81, 5, 184, 147, 68, 227, 234, 52, 156, 132, 127, 235, 245, 11, 33, 123, 180, 246, 195]
def main(args, seed=None):
start = time.clock()
# initialize the world
world = World(args.shuffle, args.logic, args.mode, args.difficulty, args.goal, args.algorithm, not args.nodungeonitems, args.beatableonly, args.shuffleganon)
logger = logging.getLogger('')
if seed is None:
world.seed = random.randint(0, 999999999)
world.seed = int(seed)
random.seed(world.seed)'ALttP Entrance Randomizer Version %s - Seed: %s\n\n' % (__version__, world.seed))
create_regions(world)'Shuffling the World about.')
link_entrances(world)'Generating Item Pool.')
generate_itempool(world)'Calculating Access Rules.')
set_rules(world)'Placing Dungeon Items.')
fill_dungeons(world)'Fill the world.')
if args.algorithm == 'flood':
flood_items(world) # different algo, biased towards early game progress items
elif args.algorithm == 'vt21':
distribute_items_cutoff(world, 1)
elif args.algorithm == 'vt22':
distribute_items_cutoff(world, 0.66)
elif args.algorithm == 'freshness':
elif args.algorithm == 'vt25':
distribute_items_restrictive(world, 0)'Calculating playthrough.')
create_playthrough(world)'Patching ROM.')
if args.sprite is not None:
sprite = bytearray(open(args.sprite, 'rb').read())
sprite = None
outfilebase = 'ER_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s' % (world.mode, world.goal, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.algorithm, world.seed)
if not args.suppress_rom:
if args.jsonout:
rom = JsonRom()
rom = LocalRom(args.rom)
patch_rom(world, rom, bytearray(logic_hash), args.quickswap, args.heartbeep, sprite)
if args.jsonout:
print(json.dumps({'patch': rom.patches, 'spoiler': world.spoiler.to_json()}))
rom.write_to_file(args.jsonout or '%s.sfc' % outfilebase)
if args.create_spoiler and not args.jsonout:
world.spoiler.to_file('%s_Spoiler.txt' % outfilebase)'Done. Enjoy.')
logger.debug('Total Time: %s' % (time.clock() - start))
return world
def distribute_items_cutoff(world, cutoffrate=0.33):
# get list of locations to fill in
fill_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations()
# get items to distribute
itempool = world.itempool
total_advancement_items = len([item for item in itempool if item.advancement])
placed_advancement_items = 0
progress_done = False
advancement_placed = False
# sweep once to pick up preplaced items
while itempool and fill_locations:
candidate_item_to_place = None
item_to_place = None
for item in itempool:
if advancement_placed or (progress_done and (item.advancement or item.priority)):
item_to_place = item
if item.advancement:
candidate_item_to_place = item
if world.unlocks_new_location(item):
item_to_place = item
placed_advancement_items += 1
if item_to_place is None:
# check if we can reach all locations and that is why we find no new locations to place
if not progress_done and len(world.get_reachable_locations()) == len(world.get_locations()):
progress_done = True
# check if we have now placed all advancement items
if progress_done:
advancement_placed = True
# we might be in a situation where all new locations require multiple items to reach. If that is the case, just place any advancement item we've found and continue trying
if candidate_item_to_place is not None:
item_to_place = candidate_item_to_place
placed_advancement_items += 1
# we placed all available progress items. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway?
if world.can_beat_game():
logging.getLogger('').warning('Not all locations reachable. Game beatable anyway.')
progress_done = True
raise RuntimeError('No more progress items left to place.')
spot_to_fill = None
for location in (fill_locations if placed_advancement_items/total_advancement_items < cutoffrate else reversed(fill_locations)):
if world.state.can_reach(location) and location.item_rule(item_to_place):
spot_to_fill = location
if spot_to_fill is None:
# we filled all reachable spots. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway?
if world.can_beat_game():
logging.getLogger('').warning('Not all items placed. Game beatable anyway.')
raise RuntimeError('No more spots to place %s' % item_to_place)
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, True)
logging.getLogger('').debug('Unplaced items: %s - Unfilled Locations: %s' % ([ for item in itempool], [ for location in fill_locations]))
def distribute_items_staleness(world):
# get list of locations to fill in
fill_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations()
# get items to distribute
itempool = world.itempool
progress_done = False
advancement_placed = False
# sweep once to pick up preplaced items
while itempool and fill_locations:
candidate_item_to_place = None
item_to_place = None
for item in itempool:
if advancement_placed or (progress_done and (item.advancement or item.priority)):
item_to_place = item
if item.advancement:
candidate_item_to_place = item
if world.unlocks_new_location(item):
item_to_place = item
if item_to_place is None:
# check if we can reach all locations and that is why we find no new locations to place
if not progress_done and len(world.get_reachable_locations()) == len(world.get_locations()):
progress_done = True
# check if we have now placed all advancement items
if progress_done:
advancement_placed = True
# we might be in a situation where all new locations require multiple items to reach. If that is the case, just place any advancement item we've found and continue trying
if candidate_item_to_place is not None:
item_to_place = candidate_item_to_place
# we placed all available progress items. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway?
if world.can_beat_game():
logging.getLogger('').warning('Not all locations reachable. Game beatable anyway.')
progress_done = True
raise RuntimeError('No more progress items left to place.')
spot_to_fill = None
for location in fill_locations:
# increase likelyhood of skipping a location if it has been found stale
if not progress_done and random.randint(0, location.staleness_count) > 2:
if world.state.can_reach(location) and location.item_rule(item_to_place):
spot_to_fill = location
location.staleness_count += 1
# might have skipped too many locations due to potential staleness. Do not check for staleness now to find a candidate
if spot_to_fill is None:
for location in fill_locations:
if world.state.can_reach(location) and location.item_rule(item_to_place):
spot_to_fill = location
if spot_to_fill is None:
# we filled all reachable spots. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway?
if world.can_beat_game():
logging.getLogger('').warning('Not all items placed. Game beatable anyway.')
raise RuntimeError('No more spots to place %s' % item_to_place)
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, True)
logging.getLogger('').debug('Unplaced items: %s - Unfilled Locations: %s' % ([ for item in itempool], [ for location in fill_locations]))
def distribute_items_restrictive(world, gftower_trash_count=0):
# get list of locations to fill in
fill_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations()
# get items to distribute
progitempool = [item for item in world.itempool if item.advancement]
prioitempool = [item for item in world.itempool if not item.advancement and item.priority]
restitempool = [item for item in world.itempool if not item.advancement and not item.priority]
# fill in gtower locations with trash first
gtower_locations = [location for location in fill_locations if 'Ganons Tower' in]
trashcnt = 0
while gtower_locations and restitempool and trashcnt < gftower_trash_count:
spot_to_fill = gtower_locations.pop()
item_to_place = restitempool.pop()
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
trashcnt += 1
def sweep_from_pool():
new_state = world.state.copy()
for item in progitempool:
new_state.collect(item, True)
return new_state
while progitempool and fill_locations:
item_to_place = progitempool.pop()
maximum_exploration_state = sweep_from_pool()
spot_to_fill = None
for location in fill_locations:
if location.item_rule(item_to_place):
if world.check_beatable_only:
starting_state = world.state.copy()
for item in progitempool:
starting_state.collect(item, True)
if maximum_exploration_state.can_reach(location):
if world.check_beatable_only:
starting_state.collect(item_to_place, True)
spot_to_fill = location
if world.check_beatable_only and world.can_beat_game(starting_state):
spot_to_fill = location
if spot_to_fill is None:
# we filled all reachable spots. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway?
if world.can_beat_game():
if not world.check_beatable_only:
logging.getLogger('').warning('Not all items placed. Game beatable anyway.')
raise RuntimeError('No more spots to place %s' % item_to_place)
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
spot_to_fill.event = True
while prioitempool and fill_locations:
spot_to_fill = fill_locations.pop()
item_to_place = prioitempool.pop()
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
while restitempool and fill_locations:
spot_to_fill = fill_locations.pop()
item_to_place = restitempool.pop()
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
logging.getLogger('').debug('Unplaced items: %s - Unfilled Locations: %s' % ([ for item in progitempool + prioitempool + restitempool], [ for location in fill_locations]))
def flood_items(world):
# get items to distribute
itempool = world.itempool
progress_done = False
# sweep once to pick up preplaced items
# fill world from top of itempool while we can
while not progress_done:
location_list = world.get_unfilled_locations()
spot_to_fill = None
for location in location_list:
if world.state.can_reach(location) and location.item_rule(itempool[0]):
spot_to_fill = location
if spot_to_fill:
item = itempool.pop(0)
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item, True)
# ran out of spots, check if we need to step in and correct things
if len(world.get_reachable_locations()) == len(world.get_locations()):
progress_done = True
# need to place a progress item instead of an already placed item, find candidate
item_to_place = None
candidate_item_to_place = None
for item in itempool:
if item.advancement:
candidate_item_to_place = item
if world.unlocks_new_location(item):
item_to_place = item
# we might be in a situation where all new locations require multiple items to reach. If that is the case, just place any advancement item we've found and continue trying
if item_to_place is None:
if candidate_item_to_place is not None:
item_to_place = candidate_item_to_place
raise RuntimeError('No more progress items left to place.')
# find item to replace with progress item
location_list = world.get_reachable_locations()
for location in location_list:
if location.item is not None and not location.item.advancement and not location.item.priority and not location.item.key:
# safe to replace
replace_item = location.item
replace_item.location = None
world.push_item(location, item_to_place, True)
def generate_itempool(world):
if world.difficulty not in ['normal', 'timed', 'timed-ohko', 'timed-countdown'] or world.goal not in ['ganon', 'pedestal', 'dungeons', 'triforcehunt', 'crystals'] or world.mode not in ['open', 'standard', 'swordless']:
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported yet')
world.push_item('Ganon', ItemFactory('Triforce'), False)
world.push_item('Agahnim 1', ItemFactory('Beat Agahnim 1'), False)
world.get_location('Agahnim 1').event = True
world.push_item('Agahnim 2', ItemFactory('Beat Agahnim 2'), False)
world.get_location('Agahnim 2').event = True
# set up item pool
if world.difficulty in ['timed', 'timed-countdown']:
world.itempool = ItemFactory(['Arrow Upgrade (+5)'] * 2 + ['Bomb Upgrade (+5)'] * 2 + ['Arrow Upgrade (+10)'] * 3 + ['Bomb Upgrade (+10)'] * 3 +
['Progressive Armor'] * 2 + ['Progressive Shield'] * 3 + ['Progressive Glove'] * 2 +
['Bottle'] * 4 +
['Bombos', 'Book of Mudora', 'Blue Boomerang', 'Bow', 'Bug Catching Net', 'Cane of Byrna', 'Cane of Somaria',
'Ether', 'Fire Rod', 'Flippers', 'Ocarina', 'Hammer', 'Hookshot', 'Ice Rod', 'Lamp', 'Cape', 'Magic Powder',
'Red Boomerang', 'Mushroom', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Quake', 'Shovel', 'Silver Arrows'] +
['Sanctuary Heart Container'] + ['Rupees (100)'] * 2 + ['Boss Heart Container'] * 12 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 16 +
['Rupees (50)'] * 8 + ['Rupees (300)'] * 6 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 4 +
['Arrows (10)'] * 3 + ['Bombs (3)'] * 10 + ['Red Clock'] * 10 + ['Blue Clock'] * 10 + ['Green Clock'] * 20)
world.clock_mode = 'stopwatch' if world.difficulty == 'timed' else 'countdown'
elif world.difficulty == 'timed-ohko':
world.itempool = ItemFactory(['Arrow Upgrade (+5)'] * 6 + ['Bomb Upgrade (+5)'] * 6 + ['Arrow Upgrade (+10)', 'Bomb Upgrade (+10)'] +
['Progressive Armor'] * 2 + ['Progressive Shield'] * 3 + ['Progressive Glove'] * 2 +
['Bottle'] * 4 +
['Bombos', 'Book of Mudora', 'Blue Boomerang', 'Bow', 'Bug Catching Net', 'Cane of Byrna', 'Cane of Somaria',
'Ether', 'Fire Rod', 'Flippers', 'Ocarina', 'Hammer', 'Hookshot', 'Ice Rod', 'Lamp', 'Cape', 'Magic Powder',
'Red Boomerang', 'Mushroom', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Quake', 'Shovel', 'Silver Arrows'] +
['Single Arrow', 'Sanctuary Heart Container'] + ['Rupees (100)'] * 3 + ['Boss Heart Container'] * 10 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 24 +
['Rupees (50)'] * 7 + ['Rupees (300)'] * 7 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 5 +
['Arrows (10)'] * 5 + ['Bombs (3)'] * 10 + ['Green Clock'] * 25)
world.clock_mode = 'ohko'
world.itempool = ItemFactory(['Arrow Upgrade (+5)'] * 6 + ['Bomb Upgrade (+5)'] * 6 + ['Arrow Upgrade (+10)', 'Bomb Upgrade (+10)'] +
['Progressive Armor'] * 2 + ['Progressive Shield'] * 3 + ['Progressive Glove'] * 2 +
['Bottle'] * 4 +
['Bombos', 'Book of Mudora', 'Blue Boomerang', 'Bow', 'Bug Catching Net', 'Cane of Byrna', 'Cane of Somaria',
'Ether', 'Fire Rod', 'Flippers', 'Ocarina', 'Hammer', 'Hookshot', 'Ice Rod', 'Lamp', 'Cape', 'Magic Powder',
'Red Boomerang', 'Mushroom', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Quake', 'Shovel', 'Silver Arrows'] +
['Single Arrow', 'Sanctuary Heart Container', 'Rupees (100)'] + ['Boss Heart Container'] * 10 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 24 +
['Rupees (50)'] * 7 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 4 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 2 + ['Rupees (300)'] * 5 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 28 +
['Arrows (10)'] * 5 + ['Bombs (3)'] * 10)
if world.mode == 'swordless':
world.push_item('Ether Tablet', ItemFactory('Rupees (20)'), False)
world.push_item('Bombos Tablet', ItemFactory('Rupees (20)'), False)
world.itempool.extend(ItemFactory(['Rupees (20)', 'Rupees (20)']))
elif world.mode == 'standard':
world.push_item('Uncle', ItemFactory('Progressive Sword'), False)
world.get_location('Uncle').event = True
world.itempool.extend(ItemFactory(['Progressive Sword'] * 3))
world.itempool.extend(ItemFactory(['Progressive Sword'] * 4))
# provide mirror and pearl so you can avoid fake DW/LW and do dark world exploration as intended by algorithm, for now
if world.shuffle == 'insanity':
world.push_item('[cave-040] Links House', ItemFactory('Magic Mirror'), False)
world.get_location('[cave-040] Links House').event = True
world.push_item('[dungeon-C-1F] Sanctuary', ItemFactory('Moon Pearl'), False)
world.get_location('[dungeon-C-1F] Sanctuary').event = True
world.itempool.extend(ItemFactory(['Magic Mirror', 'Moon Pearl']))
if world.goal == 'pedestal':
world.push_item('Altar', ItemFactory('Triforce'), False)
elif world.goal == 'triforcehunt':
world.treasure_hunt_count = 20
world.treasure_hunt_icon = 'Triforce Piece'
world.itempool.extend(ItemFactory(['Triforce Piece'] * 30))
if random.randint(0, 3) == 0:
world.itempool.append(ItemFactory('Magic Upgrade (1/4)'))
world.itempool.append(ItemFactory('Magic Upgrade (1/2)'))
# distribute crystals
crystals = ItemFactory(['Green Pendant', 'Red Pendant', 'Blue Pendant'])
crystal_locations = [world.get_location('Trinexx - Crystal')]
if world.shuffle_ganon:
# ensure that no crystal gets locked inside of ganons tower location as that is unsolvable
for region, crystallocation in [('Eastern Palace', 'Armos - Pendant'), ('Desert Palace North', 'Lanmolas - Pendant'), ('Tower of Hera (Bottom)', 'Moldorm - Pendant'),
('Dark Palace (Entrance)', 'Helmasaur - Crystal'), ('Thieves Town (Entrance)', 'Blind - Crystal'), ('Skull Woods Final Section (Entrance)', 'Mothula - Crystal'),
('Swamp Palace (Entrance)', 'Arrghus - Crystal'), ('Ice Palace (Entrance)', 'Kholdstare - Crystal'), ('Misery Mire (Entrance)', 'Vitreous - Crystal')]:
if world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower') == region:
# can't place a crystal here
world.push_item(world.get_location(crystallocation), crystals.pop(), False)
world.get_location(crystallocation).event = True
crystal_locations += [world.get_location('Armos - Pendant'), world.get_location('Lanmolas - Pendant'), world.get_location('Moldorm - Pendant'), world.get_location('Helmasaur - Crystal'),
world.get_location('Blind - Crystal'), world.get_location('Mothula - Crystal'), world.get_location('Arrghus - Crystal'), world.get_location('Kholdstare - Crystal'),
world.get_location('Vitreous - Crystal')]
crystals.extend(ItemFactory(['Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 7']))
# check if dam is behind pyramid fairy, if so, swamp can't hold a crystal
if world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy') == 'Dam':
crystallocation = crystal_locations.pop(crystal_locations.index(world.get_location('Arrghus - Crystal')))
world.push_item(world.get_location(crystallocation), crystals.pop(), False)
crystallocation.event = True
except ValueError:
crystals.extend(ItemFactory(['Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6']))
for location, crystal in zip(crystal_locations, crystals):
world.push_item(location, crystal, False)
location.event = True
# shuffle medallions
mm_medallion = ['Ether', 'Quake', 'Bombos'][random.randint(0, 2)]
tr_medallion = ['Ether', 'Quake', 'Bombos'][random.randint(0, 2)]
world.required_medallions = (mm_medallion, tr_medallion)
def copy_world(world):
# ToDo: Not good yet
ret = World(world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.difficulty, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.place_dungeon_items, world.check_beatable_only, world.shuffle_ganon)
ret.required_medallions = list(world.required_medallions)
ret.swamp_patch_required = world.swamp_patch_required
ret.ganon_at_pyramid = world.ganon_at_pyramid
ret.treasure_hunt_count = world.treasure_hunt_count
ret.treasure_hunt_icon = world.treasure_hunt_icon
ret.sewer_light_cone = world.sewer_light_cone
ret.light_world_light_cone = world.light_world_light_cone
ret.dark_world_light_cone = world.dark_world_light_cone
ret.seed = world.seed
ret.can_access_trock_eyebridge = world.can_access_trock_eyebridge
# connect copied world
for region in world.regions:
for entrance in region.entrances:
# fill locations
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.item is not None:
item = Item(, location.item.advancement, location.item.priority, location.item.key)
ret.get_location( = item
item.location = ret.get_location(
if location.event:
ret.get_location( = True
# copy remaining itempool. No item in itempool should have an assigned location
for item in world.itempool:
ret.itempool.append(Item(, item.advancement, item.priority, item.key))
# copy progress items in state
ret.state.prog_items = list(world.state.prog_items)
return ret
def create_playthrough(world):
# create a copy as we will modify it
old_world = world
world = copy_world(world)
# in treasure hunt and pedestal goals, ganon is invincible
if world.goal in ['pedestal', 'triforcehunt']:
world.get_location('Ganon').item = None
# if we only check for beatable, we can do this sanity check first before writing down spheres
if world.check_beatable_only and not world.can_beat_game():
raise RuntimeError('Cannot beat game. Something went terribly wrong here!')
# get locations containing progress items
prog_locations = [location for location in world.get_locations() if location.item is not None and location.item.advancement]
collection_spheres = []
state = CollectionState(world)
sphere_candidates = list(prog_locations)
logging.getLogger('').debug('Building up collection spheres.')
while sphere_candidates:
sphere = []
# build up spheres of collection radius. Everything in each sphere is independent from each other in dependencies and only depends on lower spheres
for location in sphere_candidates:
if state.can_reach(location):
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True)
logging.getLogger('').debug('Calculated sphere %i, containing %i of %i progress items.' % (len(collection_spheres), len(sphere), len(prog_locations)))
if not sphere:
logging.getLogger('').debug('The following items could not be reached: %s' % ['%s at %s' % (, for location in sphere_candidates])
if not world.check_beatable_only:
raise RuntimeError('Not all progression items reachable. Something went terribly wrong here.')
# in the second phase, we cull each sphere such that the game is still beatable, reducing each range of influence to the bare minimum required inside it
for sphere in reversed(collection_spheres):
to_delete = []
for location in sphere:
# we remove the item at location and check if game is still beatable
logging.getLogger('').debug('Checking if %s is required to beat the game.' %
old_item = location.item
location.item = None
world._item_cache = {} # need to invalidate
if world.can_beat_game():
# still required, got to keep it around
location.item = old_item
# cull entries in spheres for spoiler walkthrough at end
for location in to_delete:
# we are now down to just the required progress items in collection_spheres in a minimum number of spheres. As a cleanup, we right trim empty spheres (can happen if we have multiple triforces)
collection_spheres = [sphere for sphere in collection_spheres if sphere]
# store the required locations for statistical analysis
old_world.required_locations = [ for sphere in collection_spheres for location in sphere]
# we can finally output our playthrough
old_world.spoiler.playthrough = OrderedDict([(str(i + 1), {str(location): str(location.item) for location in sphere}) for i, sphere in enumerate(collection_spheres)])