
145 lines
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from .Options import InscryptionOptions, Goal, EpitaphPiecesRandomization, PaintingChecksBalancing
from .Items import act1_items, act2_items, act3_items, filler_items, base_id, InscryptionItem, ItemDict
from .Locations import act1_locations, act2_locations, act3_locations, regions_to_locations
from .Regions import inscryption_regions_all, inscryption_regions_act_1
from typing import Dict, Any
from . import Rules
from BaseClasses import Region, Item, Tutorial, ItemClassification
from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld
class InscrypWeb(WebWorld):
theme = "dirt"
guide_en = Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Inscryption Archipelago Multiworld",
guide_fr = Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"Un guide pour configurer Inscryption Archipelago Multiworld",
tutorials = [guide_en, guide_fr]
bug_report_page = ""
class InscryptionWorld(World):
Inscryption is an inky black card-based odyssey that blends the deckbuilding roguelike,
escape-room style puzzles, and psychological horror into a blood-laced smoothie.
Darker still are the secrets inscrybed upon the cards...
game = "Inscryption"
web = InscrypWeb()
options_dataclass = InscryptionOptions
options: InscryptionOptions
all_items = act1_items + act2_items + act3_items + filler_items
item_name_to_id = {item["name"]: i + base_id for i, item in enumerate(all_items)}
all_locations = act1_locations + act2_locations + act3_locations
location_name_to_id = {location: i + base_id for i, location in enumerate(all_locations)}
required_epitaph_pieces_count = 9
required_epitaph_pieces_name = "Epitaph Piece"
def generate_early(self) -> None:
self.all_items = [item.copy() for item in self.all_items]
if self.options.epitaph_pieces_randomization == EpitaphPiecesRandomization.option_all_pieces:
self.required_epitaph_pieces_name = "Epitaph Piece"
self.required_epitaph_pieces_count = 9
elif self.options.epitaph_pieces_randomization == EpitaphPiecesRandomization.option_in_groups:
self.required_epitaph_pieces_name = "Epitaph Pieces"
self.required_epitaph_pieces_count = 3
self.required_epitaph_pieces_name = "Epitaph Pieces"
self.required_epitaph_pieces_count = 1
if self.options.painting_checks_balancing == PaintingChecksBalancing.option_balanced:
self.all_items[6]["classification"] = ItemClassification.progression
self.all_items[11]["classification"] = ItemClassification.progression
if self.options.painting_checks_balancing == PaintingChecksBalancing.option_force_filler \
and self.options.goal == Goal.option_first_act:
self.all_items[3]["classification"] = ItemClassification.filler
if self.options.epitaph_pieces_randomization != EpitaphPiecesRandomization.option_all_pieces:
self.all_items[len(act1_items) + 3]["count"] = self.required_epitaph_pieces_count
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
return self.random.choice(filler_items)["name"]
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
item_id = self.item_name_to_id[name]
item_data = self.all_items[item_id - base_id]
return InscryptionItem(name, item_data["classification"], item_id, self.player)
def create_items(self) -> None:
nb_items_added = 0
useful_items = self.all_items.copy()
if self.options.goal != Goal.option_first_act:
useful_items = [item for item in useful_items
if not any(filler_item["name"] == item["name"] for filler_item in filler_items)]
if self.options.epitaph_pieces_randomization == EpitaphPiecesRandomization.option_all_pieces:
useful_items.pop(len(act1_items) + 3)
useful_items.pop(len(act1_items) + 2)
useful_items = [item for item in useful_items
if any(act1_item["name"] == item["name"] for act1_item in act1_items)]
for item in useful_items:
for _ in range(item["count"]):
new_item = self.create_item(item["name"])
nb_items_added += 1
filler_count = len(self.all_locations if self.options.goal != Goal.option_first_act else act1_locations)
filler_count -= nb_items_added
for i in range(filler_count):
index = i % len(filler_items)
filler_item = filler_items[index]
new_item = self.create_item(filler_item["name"])
def create_regions(self) -> None:
used_regions = inscryption_regions_all if self.options.goal != Goal.option_first_act \
else inscryption_regions_act_1
for region_name in used_regions.keys():
self.multiworld.regions.append(Region(region_name, self.player, self.multiworld))
for region_name, region_connections in used_regions.items():
region = self.get_region(region_name)
location: self.location_name_to_id[location] for location in regions_to_locations[region_name]
def set_rules(self) -> None:
def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self.options.as_dict(