
418 lines
10 KiB

from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import ClassVar, Literal, TypeGuard
from Options import Choice, DefaultOnToggle, NamedRange, OptionGroup, PerGameCommonOptions, Range, Removed, Toggle
from zilliandomizer.options import (
Options as ZzOptions, char_to_gun, char_to_jump, ID,
VBLR as ZzVBLR, Chars, ItemCounts as ZzItemCounts
from zilliandomizer.options.parsing import validate as zz_validate
class ZillionContinues(NamedRange):
number of continues before game over
game over teleports you to your ship, keeping items and open doors
default = 3
range_start = 0
range_end = 21
display_name = "continues"
special_range_names = {
"vanilla": 3,
"infinity": 21
class ZillionFloppyReq(Range):
""" how many floppy disks are required """
range_start = 0
range_end = 8
default = 5
display_name = "floppies required"
class VBLR(Choice):
option_vanilla = 0
option_balanced = 1
option_low = 2
option_restrictive = 3
default = 1
def to_zz_vblr(self) -> ZzVBLR:
def is_vblr(o: str) -> TypeGuard[ZzVBLR]:
This function is because mypy doesn't support narrowing with `in`,
so this is the only way I see to get type narrowing to `Literal`.
return o in ("vanilla", "balanced", "low", "restrictive")
key = self.current_key
assert is_vblr(key), f"{key=}"
return key
class ZillionGunLevels(VBLR):
Zillion gun power for the number of Zillion power ups you pick up
For "restrictive", Champ is the only one that can get Zillion gun power level 3.
display_name = "gun levels"
class ZillionJumpLevels(VBLR):
jump levels for each character level
For "restrictive", Apple is the only one that can get jump level 3.
display_name = "jump levels"
class ZillionRandomizeAlarms(DefaultOnToggle):
""" whether to randomize the locations of alarm sensors """
display_name = "randomize alarms"
class ZillionMaxLevel(Range):
""" the highest level you can get """
range_start = 3
range_end = 8
default = 8
display_name = "max level"
class ZillionOpasPerLevel(Range):
how many Opa-Opas are required to level up
Lower makes you level up faster.
range_start = 1
range_end = 5
default = 2
display_name = "Opa-Opas per level"
class ZillionStartChar(Choice):
""" which character you start with """
option_jj = 0
option_apple = 1
option_champ = 2
display_name = "start character"
default = "random"
_name_capitalization: ClassVar[dict[int, Chars]] = {
option_jj: "JJ",
option_apple: "Apple",
option_champ: "Champ",
def get_char(self) -> Chars:
return ZillionStartChar._name_capitalization[self.value]
class ZillionIDCardCount(Range):
how many ID Cards are in the game
Vanilla is 63
maximum total for all items is 144
range_start = 0
range_end = 126
default = 42
display_name = "ID Card count"
class ZillionBreadCount(Range):
how many Breads are in the game
Vanilla is 33
maximum total for all items is 144
range_start = 0
range_end = 126
default = 50
display_name = "Bread count"
class ZillionOpaOpaCount(Range):
how many Opa-Opas are in the game
Vanilla is 26
maximum total for all items is 144
range_start = 0
range_end = 126
default = 26
display_name = "Opa-Opa count"
class ZillionZillionCount(Range):
how many Zillion gun power ups are in the game
Vanilla is 6
maximum total for all items is 144
range_start = 0
range_end = 126
default = 8
display_name = "Zillion power up count"
class ZillionFloppyDiskCount(Range):
how many Floppy Disks are in the game
Vanilla is 5
maximum total for all items is 144
range_start = 0
range_end = 126
default = 7
display_name = "Floppy Disk count"
class ZillionScopeCount(Range):
how many Scopes are in the game
Vanilla is 4
maximum total for all items is 144
range_start = 0
range_end = 126
default = 4
display_name = "Scope count"
class ZillionRedIDCardCount(Range):
how many Red ID Cards are in the game
Vanilla is 1
maximum total for all items is 144
range_start = 0
range_end = 126
default = 2
display_name = "Red ID Card count"
class ZillionEarlyScope(Toggle):
""" make sure Scope is available early """
display_name = "early scope"
class ZillionSkill(Range):
the difficulty level of the game
higher skill:
- can require more precise platforming movement
- lowers your defense
- gives you less time to escape at the end
range_start = 0
range_end = 5
default = 2
display_name = "skill"
class ZillionStartingCards(NamedRange):
how many ID Cards to start the game with
Refilling at the ship also ensures you have at least this many cards.
0 gives vanilla behavior.
default = 2
range_start = 0
range_end = 10
display_name = "starting cards"
special_range_names = {
"vanilla": 0
class ZillionMapGen(Choice):
- none: vanilla map
- rooms: random terrain inside rooms, but path through base is vanilla
- full: random path through base
display_name = "map generation"
option_none = 0
option_rooms = 1
option_full = 2
default = 0
def zz_value(self) -> Literal["none", "rooms", "full"]:
if self.value == ZillionMapGen.option_none:
return "none"
if self.value == ZillionMapGen.option_rooms:
return "rooms"
assert self.value == ZillionMapGen.option_full
return "full"
class ZillionOptions(PerGameCommonOptions):
continues: ZillionContinues
floppy_req: ZillionFloppyReq
gun_levels: ZillionGunLevels
jump_levels: ZillionJumpLevels
randomize_alarms: ZillionRandomizeAlarms
max_level: ZillionMaxLevel
start_char: ZillionStartChar
opas_per_level: ZillionOpasPerLevel
id_card_count: ZillionIDCardCount
bread_count: ZillionBreadCount
opa_opa_count: ZillionOpaOpaCount
zillion_count: ZillionZillionCount
floppy_disk_count: ZillionFloppyDiskCount
scope_count: ZillionScopeCount
red_id_card_count: ZillionRedIDCardCount
early_scope: ZillionEarlyScope
skill: ZillionSkill
starting_cards: ZillionStartingCards
map_gen: ZillionMapGen
room_gen: Removed
z_option_groups = [
OptionGroup("item counts", [
ZillionIDCardCount, ZillionBreadCount, ZillionOpaOpaCount, ZillionZillionCount,
ZillionFloppyDiskCount, ZillionScopeCount, ZillionRedIDCardCount
def convert_item_counts(ic: Counter[str]) -> ZzItemCounts:
tr: ZzItemCounts = {
ID.card: ic["ID Card"], ic["Red ID Card"],
ID.floppy: ic["Floppy Disk"],
ID.bread: ic["Bread"],
ID.gun: ic["Zillion"],
ID.opa: ic["Opa-Opa"],
ID.scope: ic["Scope"],
ID.empty: ic["Empty"],
return tr
def validate(options: ZillionOptions) -> tuple[ZzOptions, Counter[str]]:
adjusts options to make game completion possible
`options` parameter is ZillionOptions object that was put on my world by the core
skill = options.skill.value
jump_option = options.jump_levels.to_zz_vblr()
required_level = char_to_jump["Apple"][jump_option].index(3) + 1
if skill == 0:
# because of hp logic on final boss
required_level = 8
gun_option = options.gun_levels.to_zz_vblr()
guns_required = char_to_gun["Champ"][gun_option].index(3)
floppy_req = options.floppy_req
item_counts = Counter({
"ID Card": options.id_card_count,
"Bread": options.bread_count,
"Opa-Opa": options.opa_opa_count,
"Zillion": options.zillion_count,
"Floppy Disk": options.floppy_disk_count,
"Scope": options.scope_count,
"Red ID Card": options.red_id_card_count
minimums = Counter({
"ID Card": 0,
"Bread": 0,
"Opa-Opa": required_level - 1,
"Zillion": guns_required,
"Floppy Disk": floppy_req.value,
"Scope": 0,
"Red ID Card": 1
for key in minimums:
item_counts[key] = max(minimums[key], item_counts[key])
max_movables = 144 - sum(minimums.values())
movables = item_counts - minimums
while sum(movables.values()) > max_movables:
# logging.warning("zillion options validate: player options item counts too high")
total = sum(movables.values())
scaler = max_movables / total
for key in movables:
movables[key] = int(movables[key] * scaler)
item_counts = movables + minimums
# now have required items, and <= 144
# now fill remaining with empty
total = sum(item_counts.values())
diff = 144 - total
if "Empty" not in item_counts:
item_counts["Empty"] = 0
item_counts["Empty"] += diff
assert sum(item_counts.values()) == 144
max_level = options.max_level
max_level.value = max(required_level, max_level.value)
opas_per_level = options.opas_per_level
while (opas_per_level.value > 1) and (1 + item_counts["Opa-Opa"] // opas_per_level.value < max_level.value):
# logging.warning(
# "zillion options validate: option opas_per_level incompatible with options max_level and opa_opa_count"
# )
opas_per_level.value -= 1
# that should be all of the level requirements met
starting_cards = options.starting_cards
map_gen = options.map_gen.zz_value()
zz_item_counts = convert_item_counts(item_counts)
zz_op = ZzOptions(
False, # tutorial
True, # balance defense
return zz_op, item_counts