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128 lines
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This file was auto generated by LogicCSVToPython.py
from ..Locations import LocationRow, SkillRequirement
location_rows = [
LocationRow('Quest: Cook\'s Assistant', 'quest', ['Lumbridge', 'Wheat', 'Windmill', 'Egg', 'Milk', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Demon Slayer', 'quest', ['Central Varrock', 'Varrock Palace', 'Wizard Tower', 'South of Varrock', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: The Restless Ghost', 'quest', ['Lumbridge', 'Lumbridge Swamp', 'Wizard Tower', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Romeo & Juliet', 'quest', ['Central Varrock', 'Varrock Palace', 'South of Varrock', 'West Varrock', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Sheep Shearer', 'quest', ['Lumbridge Farms West', 'Spinning Wheel', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Shield of Arrav', 'quest', ['Central Varrock', 'Varrock Palace', 'South of Varrock', 'West Varrock', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Ernest the Chicken', 'quest', ['Draynor Manor', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Vampyre Slayer', 'quest', ['Draynor Village', 'Central Varrock', 'Draynor Manor', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Imp Catcher', 'quest', ['Wizard Tower', 'Imps', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Prince Ali Rescue', 'quest', ['Al Kharid', 'Central Varrock', 'Bronze Ores', 'Clay Ore', 'Sheep', 'Spinning Wheel', 'Draynor Village', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Doric\'s Quest', 'quest', ['Dwarven Mountain Pass', 'Clay Ore', 'Iron Ore', 'Bronze Ores', ], [SkillRequirement('Mining', 15), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Black Knights\' Fortress', 'quest', ['Dwarven Mines', 'Falador', 'Monastery', 'Ice Mountain', 'Falador Farms', ], [], ['Progressive Armor', ], 12),
LocationRow('Quest: Witch\'s Potion', 'quest', ['Rimmington', 'Port Sarim', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: The Knight\'s Sword', 'quest', ['Falador', 'Varrock Palace', 'Mudskipper Point', 'South of Varrock', 'Windmill', 'Pie Dish', 'Port Sarim', ], [SkillRequirement('Cooking', 10), SkillRequirement('Mining', 10), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Goblin Diplomacy', 'quest', ['Goblin Village', 'Draynor Village', 'Falador', 'South of Varrock', 'Onion', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Pirate\'s Treasure', 'quest', ['Port Sarim', 'Karamja', 'Falador', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Rune Mysteries', 'quest', ['Lumbridge', 'Wizard Tower', 'Central Varrock', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Misthalin Mystery', 'quest', ['Lumbridge Swamp', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: The Corsair Curse', 'quest', ['Rimmington', 'Falador Farms', 'Corsair Cove', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: X Marks the Spot', 'quest', ['Lumbridge', 'Draynor Village', 'Port Sarim', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Quest: Below Ice Mountain', 'quest', ['Dwarven Mines', 'Dwarven Mountain Pass', 'Ice Mountain', 'Barbarian Village', 'Falador', 'Central Varrock', 'Edgeville', ], [], [], 16),
LocationRow('Quest: Dragon Slayer', 'goal', ['Crandor', 'South of Varrock', 'Edgeville', 'Lumbridge', 'Rimmington', 'Monastery', 'Dwarven Mines', 'Port Sarim', 'Draynor Village', ], [], [], 32),
LocationRow('Activate the "Rock Skin" Prayer', 'prayer', [], [SkillRequirement('Prayer', 10), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Activate the "Protect Item" Prayer', 'prayer', [], [SkillRequirement('Prayer', 25), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Pray at the Edgeville Monastery', 'prayer', ['Monastery', ], [SkillRequirement('Prayer', 31), ], [], 6),
LocationRow('Cast Bones To Bananas', 'magic', ['Nature Runes', ], [SkillRequirement('Magic', 15), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Teleport to Varrock', 'magic', ['Central Varrock', 'Law Runes', ], [SkillRequirement('Magic', 25), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Teleport to Lumbridge', 'magic', ['Lumbridge', 'Law Runes', ], [SkillRequirement('Magic', 31), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Teleport to Falador', 'magic', ['Falador', 'Law Runes', ], [SkillRequirement('Magic', 37), ], [], 6),
LocationRow('Craft an Air Rune', 'runecraft', ['Rune Essence', 'Falador Farms', ], [SkillRequirement('Runecraft', 1), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Craft runes with a Mind Core', 'runecraft', ['Camdozaal', 'Goblin Village', ], [SkillRequirement('Runecraft', 2), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Craft runes with a Body Core', 'runecraft', ['Camdozaal', 'Dwarven Mountain Pass', ], [SkillRequirement('Runecraft', 20), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Make an Unblessed Symbol', 'crafting', ['Silver Ore', 'Furnace', 'Al Kharid', 'Sheep', 'Spinning Wheel', ], [SkillRequirement('Crafting', 16), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Cut a Sapphire', 'crafting', ['Chisel', ], [SkillRequirement('Crafting', 20), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Cut an Emerald', 'crafting', ['Chisel', ], [SkillRequirement('Crafting', 27), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Cut a Ruby', 'crafting', ['Chisel', ], [SkillRequirement('Crafting', 34), ], [], 4),
LocationRow('Cut a Diamond', 'crafting', ['Chisel', ], [SkillRequirement('Crafting', 43), ], [], 8),
LocationRow('Mine a Blurite Ore', 'mining', ['Mudskipper Point', 'Port Sarim', ], [SkillRequirement('Mining', 10), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Crush a Barronite Deposit', 'mining', ['Camdozaal', ], [SkillRequirement('Mining', 14), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Mine Silver', 'mining', ['Silver Ore', ], [SkillRequirement('Mining', 20), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Mine Coal', 'mining', ['Coal Ore', ], [SkillRequirement('Mining', 30), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Mine Gold', 'mining', ['Gold Ore', ], [SkillRequirement('Mining', 40), ], [], 6),
LocationRow('Smelt an Iron Bar', 'smithing', ['Iron Ore', 'Furnace', ], [SkillRequirement('Smithing', 15), SkillRequirement('Mining', 15), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Smelt a Silver Bar', 'smithing', ['Silver Ore', 'Furnace', ], [SkillRequirement('Smithing', 20), SkillRequirement('Mining', 20), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Smelt a Steel Bar', 'smithing', ['Coal Ore', 'Iron Ore', 'Furnace', ], [SkillRequirement('Smithing', 30), SkillRequirement('Mining', 30), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Smelt a Gold Bar', 'smithing', ['Gold Ore', 'Furnace', ], [SkillRequirement('Smithing', 40), SkillRequirement('Mining', 40), ], [], 6),
LocationRow('Catch some Anchovies', 'fishing', ['Shrimp Spot', ], [SkillRequirement('Fishing', 15), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Catch a Trout', 'fishing', ['Fly Fishing Spot', ], [SkillRequirement('Fishing', 20), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Prepare a Tetra', 'fishing', ['Camdozaal', ], [SkillRequirement('Fishing', 33), SkillRequirement('Cooking', 33), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Catch a Lobster', 'fishing', ['Lobster Spot', ], [SkillRequirement('Fishing', 40), ], [], 6),
LocationRow('Catch a Swordfish', 'fishing', ['Lobster Spot', ], [SkillRequirement('Fishing', 50), ], [], 12),
LocationRow('Bake a Redberry Pie', 'cooking', ['Redberry Bush', 'Wheat', 'Windmill', 'Pie Dish', ], [SkillRequirement('Cooking', 10), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Cook some Stew', 'cooking', ['Bowl', 'Meat', 'Potato', ], [SkillRequirement('Cooking', 25), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Bake an Apple Pie', 'cooking', ['Cooking Apple', 'Wheat', 'Windmill', 'Pie Dish', ], [SkillRequirement('Cooking', 32), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Bake a Cake', 'cooking', ['Wheat', 'Windmill', 'Egg', 'Milk', 'Cake Tin', ], [SkillRequirement('Cooking', 40), ], [], 6),
LocationRow('Bake a Meat Pizza', 'cooking', ['Wheat', 'Windmill', 'Cheese', 'Tomato', 'Meat', ], [SkillRequirement('Cooking', 45), ], [], 8),
LocationRow('Burn some Oak Logs', 'firemaking', ['Oak Tree', ], [SkillRequirement('Firemaking', 15), SkillRequirement('Woodcutting', 15), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Burn some Willow Logs', 'firemaking', ['Willow Tree', ], [SkillRequirement('Firemaking', 30), SkillRequirement('Woodcutting', 30), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Travel on a Canoe', 'woodcutting', ['Canoe Tree', ], [SkillRequirement('Woodcutting', 12), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Cut an Oak Log', 'woodcutting', ['Oak Tree', ], [SkillRequirement('Woodcutting', 15), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Cut a Willow Log', 'woodcutting', ['Willow Tree', ], [SkillRequirement('Woodcutting', 30), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill Jeff', 'combat', ['Dwarven Mountain Pass', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 2), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill a Goblin', 'combat', ['Goblin', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 2), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill a Monkey', 'combat', ['Karamja', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 3), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill a Barbarian', 'combat', ['Barbarian', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 10), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill a Giant Frog', 'combat', ['Lumbridge Swamp', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 13), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill a Zombie', 'combat', ['Zombie', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 13), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill a Guard', 'combat', ['Guard', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 21), ], [], 0),
LocationRow('Kill a Hill Giant', 'combat', ['Hill Giant', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 28), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Kill a Deadly Red Spider', 'combat', ['Deadly Red Spider', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 34), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Kill a Moss Giant', 'combat', ['Moss Giant', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 42), ], [], 2),
LocationRow('Kill a Catablepon', 'combat', ['Barbarian Village', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 49), ], [], 4),
LocationRow('Kill an Ice Giant', 'combat', ['Ice Giant', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 53), ], [], 4),
LocationRow('Kill a Lesser Demon', 'combat', ['Lesser Demon', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 82), ], [], 8),
LocationRow('Kill an Ogress Shaman', 'combat', ['Corsair Cove', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 82), ], [], 8),
LocationRow('Kill Obor', 'combat', ['Edgeville', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 106), ], [], 28),
LocationRow('Kill Bryophyta', 'combat', ['Central Varrock', ], [SkillRequirement('Combat', 128), ], [], 28),
LocationRow('Total XP 5,000', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Combat Level 5', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Total XP 10,000', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Total Level 50', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Total XP 25,000', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Total Level 100', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Total XP 50,000', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Combat Level 15', 'general', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Total Level 150', 'general', [], [], [], 2),
LocationRow('Total XP 75,000', 'general', [], [], [], 2),
LocationRow('Combat Level 25', 'general', [], [], [], 2),
LocationRow('Total XP 100,000', 'general', [], [], [], 6),
LocationRow('Total Level 200', 'general', [], [], [], 6),
LocationRow('Total XP 125,000', 'general', [], [], [], 6),
LocationRow('Combat Level 30', 'general', [], [], [], 10),
LocationRow('Total Level 250', 'general', [], [], [], 10),
LocationRow('Total XP 150,000', 'general', [], [], [], 10),
LocationRow('Total Level 300', 'general', [], [], [], 16),
LocationRow('Combat Level 40', 'general', [], [], [], 16),
LocationRow('Open a Simple Lockbox', 'general', ['Camdozaal', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Open an Elaborate Lockbox', 'general', ['Camdozaal', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Open an Ornate Lockbox', 'general', ['Camdozaal', ], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Cook\'s Assistant', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Demon Slayer', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: The Restless Ghost', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Romeo & Juliet', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Sheep Shearer', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Shield of Arrav', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Ernest the Chicken', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Vampyre Slayer', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Imp Catcher', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Prince Ali Rescue', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Doric\'s Quest', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Black Knights\' Fortress', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Witch\'s Potion', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: The Knight\'s Sword', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Goblin Diplomacy', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Pirate\'s Treasure', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Rune Mysteries', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Misthalin Mystery', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: The Corsair Curse', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: X Marks the Spot', 'points', [], [], [], 0),
LocationRow('Points: Below Ice Mountain', 'points', [], [], [], 0),