
48 lines
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from ..Regions import RegionRow
region_rows = [
RegionRow('Lumbridge', 'Area: Lumbridge', ['Lumbridge Farms East', 'Lumbridge Farms West', 'Al Kharid', 'Lumbridge Swamp', 'HAM Hideout', 'South of Varrock', 'Barbarian Village', 'Edgeville', 'Wilderness', ], ['Mind Runes', 'Spinning Wheel', 'Furnace', 'Chisel', 'Bronze Anvil', 'Fly Fishing Spot', 'Bowl', 'Cake Tin', 'Oak Tree', 'Willow Tree', 'Canoe Tree', 'Goblin', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Lumbridge Swamp', 'Area: Lumbridge Swamp', ['Lumbridge', 'HAM Hideout', ], ['Bronze Ores', 'Coal Ore', 'Shrimp Spot', 'Meat', 'Goblin', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('HAM Hideout', 'Area: HAM Hideout', ['Lumbridge Farms West', 'Lumbridge', 'Lumbridge Swamp', 'Draynor Village', ], ['Goblin', ]),
RegionRow('Lumbridge Farms West', 'Area: Lumbridge Farms', ['Sourhog\'s Lair', 'HAM Hideout', 'Draynor Village', ], ['Sheep', 'Meat', 'Wheat', 'Windmill', 'Egg', 'Milk', 'Willow Tree', 'Imps', 'Potato', ]),
RegionRow('Lumbridge Farms East', 'Area: Lumbridge Farms', ['South of Varrock', 'Lumbridge', ], ['Meat', 'Egg', 'Milk', 'Willow Tree', 'Goblin', 'Imps', 'Potato', ]),
RegionRow('Sourhog\'s Lair', 'Area: South of Varrock', ['Lumbridge Farms West', 'Draynor Manor Outskirts', ], ['', ]),
RegionRow('South of Varrock', 'Area: South of Varrock', ['Al Kharid', 'West Varrock', 'Central Varrock', 'East Varrock', 'Lumbridge Farms East', 'Lumbridge', 'Barbarian Village', 'Edgeville', 'Wilderness', ], ['Sheep', 'Bronze Ores', 'Iron Ore', 'Silver Ore', 'Redberry Bush', 'Meat', 'Wheat', 'Oak Tree', 'Willow Tree', 'Canoe Tree', 'Guard', 'Imps', 'Clay Ore', ]),
RegionRow('East Varrock', 'Area: East Varrock', ['Wilderness', 'South of Varrock', 'Central Varrock', 'Varrock Palace', ], ['Guard', ]),
RegionRow('Central Varrock', 'Area: Central Varrock', ['Varrock Palace', 'East Varrock', 'South of Varrock', 'West Varrock', ], ['Mind Runes', 'Chisel', 'Anvil', 'Bowl', 'Cake Tin', 'Oak Tree', 'Barbarian', 'Guard', 'Rune Essence', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Varrock Palace', 'Area: Varrock Palace', ['Wilderness', 'East Varrock', 'Central Varrock', 'West Varrock', ], ['Pie Dish', 'Oak Tree', 'Zombie', 'Guard', 'Deadly Red Spider', 'Moss Giant', 'Nature Runes', 'Law Runes', ]),
RegionRow('West Varrock', 'Area: West Varrock', ['Wilderness', 'Varrock Palace', 'South of Varrock', 'Barbarian Village', 'Edgeville', 'Cook\'s Guild', ], ['Anvil', 'Wheat', 'Oak Tree', 'Goblin', 'Guard', 'Onion', ]),
RegionRow('Cook\'s Guild', 'Area: West Varrock*', ['West Varrock', ], ['Bowl', 'Cooking Apple', 'Pie Dish', 'Cake Tin', 'Windmill', ]),
RegionRow('Edgeville', 'Area: Edgeville', ['Wilderness', 'West Varrock', 'Barbarian Village', 'South of Varrock', 'Lumbridge', ], ['Furnace', 'Chisel', 'Bronze Ores', 'Iron Ore', 'Coal Ore', 'Bowl', 'Meat', 'Cake Tin', 'Willow Tree', 'Canoe Tree', 'Zombie', 'Guard', 'Hill Giant', 'Nature Runes', 'Law Runes', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Barbarian Village', 'Area: Barbarian Village', ['Edgeville', 'West Varrock', 'Draynor Manor Outskirts', 'Dwarven Mountain Pass', ], ['Spinning Wheel', 'Coal Ore', 'Anvil', 'Fly Fishing Spot', 'Meat', 'Canoe Tree', 'Barbarian', 'Zombie', 'Law Runes', ]),
RegionRow('Draynor Manor Outskirts', 'Area: Draynor Manor', ['Barbarian Village', 'Sourhog\'s Lair', 'Draynor Village', 'Falador East Outskirts', ], ['Goblin', ]),
RegionRow('Draynor Manor', 'Area: Draynor Manor', ['Draynor Village', ], ['', ]),
RegionRow('Falador East Outskirts', 'Area: Falador', ['Dwarven Mountain Pass', 'Draynor Manor Outskirts', 'Falador Farms', ], ['', ]),
RegionRow('Dwarven Mountain Pass', 'Area: Dwarven Mines', ['Goblin Village', 'Monastery', 'Barbarian Village', 'Falador East Outskirts', 'Falador', ], ['Anvil*', 'Wheat', ]),
RegionRow('Dwarven Mines', 'Area: Dwarven Mines', ['Monastery', 'Ice Mountain', 'Falador', ], ['Chisel', 'Bronze Ores', 'Iron Ore', 'Coal Ore', 'Gold Ore', 'Anvil', 'Pie Dish', 'Clay Ore', ]),
RegionRow('Goblin Village', 'Area: Ice Mountain', ['Wilderness', 'Dwarven Mountain Pass', ], ['Meat', ]),
RegionRow('Ice Mountain', 'Area: Ice Mountain', ['Wilderness', 'Monastery', 'Dwarven Mines', 'Camdozaal*', ], ['', ]),
RegionRow('Camdozaal', 'Area: Ice Mountain', ['Ice Mountain', ], ['Clay Ore', ]),
RegionRow('Monastery', 'Area: Monastery', ['Wilderness', 'Dwarven Mountain Pass', 'Dwarven Mines', 'Ice Mountain', ], ['Sheep', ]),
RegionRow('Falador', 'Area: Falador', ['Dwarven Mountain Pass', 'Falador Farms', 'Dwarven Mines', ], ['Furnace', 'Chisel', 'Bowl', 'Cake Tin', 'Oak Tree', 'Guard', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Falador Farms', 'Area: Falador Farms', ['Falador', 'Falador East Outskirts', 'Draynor Village', 'Port Sarim', 'Rimmington', 'Crafting Guild Outskirts', ], ['Spinning Wheel', 'Meat', 'Egg', 'Milk', 'Oak Tree', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Port Sarim', 'Area: Port Sarim', ['Falador Farms', 'Mudskipper Point', 'Rimmington', 'Karamja Docks', 'Crandor', ], ['Mind Runes', 'Shrimp Spot', 'Meat', 'Cheese', 'Tomato', 'Oak Tree', 'Willow Tree', 'Goblin', 'Potato', ]),
RegionRow('Karamja Docks', 'Area: Mudskipper Point', ['Port Sarim', 'Karamja', ], ['', ]),
RegionRow('Mudskipper Point', 'Area: Mudskipper Point', ['Rimmington', 'Port Sarim', ], ['Anvil', 'Ice Giant', 'Nature Runes', 'Law Runes', ]),
RegionRow('Karamja', 'Area: Karamja', ['Karamja Docks', 'Crandor', ], ['Gold Ore', 'Lobster Spot', 'Bowl', 'Cake Tin', 'Deadly Red Spider', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Crandor', 'Area: Crandor', ['Karamja', 'Port Sarim', ], ['Coal Ore', 'Gold Ore', 'Moss Giant', 'Lesser Demon', 'Nature Runes', 'Law Runes', ]),
RegionRow('Rimmington', 'Area: Rimmington', ['Falador Farms', 'Port Sarim', 'Mudskipper Point', 'Crafting Guild Peninsula', 'Corsair Cove', ], ['Chisel', 'Bronze Ores', 'Iron Ore', 'Gold Ore', 'Bowl', 'Cake Tin', 'Wheat', 'Oak Tree', 'Willow Tree', 'Crafting Moulds', 'Imps', 'Clay Ore', 'Onion', ]),
RegionRow('Crafting Guild Peninsula', 'Area: Crafting Guild', ['Falador Farms', 'Rimmington', ], ['', ]),
RegionRow('Crafting Guild Outskirts', 'Area: Crafting Guild', ['Falador Farms', 'Crafting Guild', ], ['Sheep', 'Willow Tree', 'Oak Tree', ]),
RegionRow('Crafting Guild', 'Area: Crafting Guild*', ['Crafting Guild', ], ['Spinning Wheel', 'Chisel', 'Silver Ore', 'Gold Ore', 'Meat', 'Milk', 'Clay Ore', ]),
RegionRow('Draynor Village', 'Area: Draynor Village', ['Draynor Manor', 'Lumbridge Farms West', 'HAM Hideout', 'Wizard Tower', ], ['Anvil', 'Shrimp Spot', 'Wheat', 'Cheese', 'Tomato', 'Willow Tree', 'Goblin', 'Zombie', 'Nature Runes', 'Law Runes', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Wizard Tower', 'Area: Wizard Tower', ['Draynor Village', ], ['Lesser Demon', 'Rune Essence', ]),
RegionRow('Corsair Cove', 'Area: Corsair Cove*', ['Rimmington', ], ['Anvil', 'Meat', ]),
RegionRow('Al Kharid', 'Area: Al Kharid', ['South of Varrock', 'Citharede Abbey', 'Lumbridge', 'Port Sarim', ], ['Furnace', 'Chisel', 'Bronze Ores', 'Iron Ore', 'Silver Ore', 'Coal Ore', 'Gold Ore', 'Shrimp Spot', 'Bowl', 'Cake Tin', 'Cheese', 'Crafting Moulds', 'Imps', ]),
RegionRow('Citharede Abbey', 'Area: Citharede Abbey', ['Al Kharid', ], ['Iron Ore', 'Coal Ore', 'Anvil', 'Hill Giant', 'Nature Runes', 'Law Runes', ]),
RegionRow('Wilderness', 'Area: Wilderness', ['East Varrock', 'Varrock Palace', 'West Varrock', 'Edgeville', 'Monastery', 'Ice Mountain', 'Goblin Village', 'South of Varrock', 'Lumbridge', ], ['Furnace', 'Chisel', 'Iron Ore', 'Coal Ore', 'Anvil', 'Meat', 'Cake Tin', 'Cheese', 'Tomato', 'Oak Tree', 'Canoe Tree', 'Zombie', 'Hill Giant', 'Deadly Red Spider', 'Moss Giant', 'Ice Giant', 'Lesser Demon', 'Nature Runes', 'Law Runes', ]),