
162 lines
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Defines Region for The Witness, assigns locations to them,
and connects them with the proper requirements
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from BaseClasses import Entrance, Region
from worlds.generic.Rules import CollectionRule
from .data import static_logic as static_witness_logic
from .data.static_logic import StaticWitnessLogicObj
from .data.utils import WitnessRule, optimize_witness_rule
from .locations import WitnessPlayerLocations
from .player_logic import WitnessPlayerLogic
from . import WitnessWorld
class WitnessPlayerRegions:
"""Class that defines Witness Regions"""
def __init__(self, player_locations: WitnessPlayerLocations, world: "WitnessWorld") -> None:
difficulty = world.options.puzzle_randomization
self.reference_logic: StaticWitnessLogicObj
if difficulty == "sigma_normal":
self.reference_logic = static_witness_logic.sigma_normal
elif difficulty == "sigma_expert":
self.reference_logic = static_witness_logic.sigma_expert
elif difficulty == "umbra_variety":
self.reference_logic = static_witness_logic.umbra_variety
self.reference_logic = static_witness_logic.vanilla
self.player_locations = player_locations
self.two_way_entrance_register: Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Entrance]] = defaultdict(lambda: [])
self.created_region_names: Set[str] = set()
def make_lambda(item_requirement: WitnessRule, world: "WitnessWorld") -> Optional[CollectionRule]:
from .rules import _meets_item_requirements
Lambdas are made in a for loop, so the values have to be captured
This function is for that purpose
return _meets_item_requirements(item_requirement, world)
def connect_if_possible(self, world: "WitnessWorld", source: str, target: str, req: WitnessRule,
regions_by_name: Dict[str, Region]) -> None:
connect two regions and set the corresponding requirement
# Remove any possibilities where being in the target region would be required anyway.
real_requirement = frozenset({option for option in req if target not in option})
# Dissolve any "True" or "TrueOneWay"
real_requirement = frozenset({option - {"True", "TrueOneWay"} for option in real_requirement})
# If there is no way to actually use this connection, don't even bother making it.
if not real_requirement:
# We don't need to check for the accessibility of the source region.
final_requirement = frozenset({option - frozenset({source}) for option in real_requirement})
final_requirement = optimize_witness_rule(final_requirement)
source_region = regions_by_name[source]
target_region = regions_by_name[target]
connection_name = source + " to " + target
connection = Entrance(
rule = self.make_lambda(final_requirement, world)
if rule is not None:
connection.access_rule = rule
self.two_way_entrance_register[source, target].append(connection)
self.two_way_entrance_register[target, source].append(connection)
# Register any necessary indirect connections
mentioned_regions = {
single_unlock for option in final_requirement for single_unlock in option
if single_unlock in self.reference_logic.ALL_REGIONS_BY_NAME
for dependent_region in mentioned_regions:
world.multiworld.register_indirect_condition(regions_by_name[dependent_region], connection)
def create_regions(self, world: "WitnessWorld", player_logic: WitnessPlayerLogic) -> None:
Creates all the regions for The Witness
from . import create_region
all_locations: Set[str] = set()
regions_by_name: Dict[str, Region] = {}
regions_to_create = {
k: v for k, v in self.reference_logic.ALL_REGIONS_BY_NAME.items()
if k not in player_logic.UNREACHABLE_REGIONS
event_locations_per_region = defaultdict(dict)
for event_location, event_item_and_entity in player_logic.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS.items():
region = static_witness_logic.ENTITIES_BY_HEX[event_item_and_entity[1]]["region"]
if region is None:
region_name = "Entry"
region_name = region["name"]
order = self.reference_logic.ENTITIES_BY_HEX[event_item_and_entity[1]]["order"]
event_locations_per_region[region_name][event_location] = order
for region_name, region in regions_to_create.items():
location_entities_for_this_region = [
self.reference_logic.ENTITIES_BY_HEX[entity] for entity in region["entities"]
locations_for_this_region = {
entity["checkName"]: entity["order"] for entity in location_entities_for_this_region
if entity["checkName"] in self.player_locations.CHECK_LOCATION_TABLE
events = event_locations_per_region[region_name]
# First, sort by keys.
locations_for_this_region = dict(sorted(locations_for_this_region.items()))
# Then, sort by game order (values)
locations_for_this_region = dict(sorted(
key=lambda location_name_and_order: location_name_and_order[1]
all_locations = all_locations | set(locations_for_this_region)
new_region = create_region(world, region_name, self.player_locations, list(locations_for_this_region))
regions_by_name[region_name] = new_region
self.created_region_names = set(regions_by_name)
world.multiworld.regions += regions_by_name.values()
for region_name, region in regions_to_create.items():
for connection in player_logic.CONNECTIONS_BY_REGION_NAME[region_name]:
self.connect_if_possible(world, region_name, connection[0], connection[1], regions_by_name)