
240 lines
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import math
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from typing import List, Optional
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld
from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule
from .YachtWeights import yacht_weights
# This module adds logic to the apworld.
# In short, we ran a simulation for every possible combination of dice and rolls you can have, per category.
# This simulation has a good strategy for locking dice.
# This gives rise to an approximate discrete distribution per category.
# We calculate the distribution of the total score.
# We then pick a correct percentile to reflect the correct score that should be in logic.
# The score is logic is *much* lower than the actual maximum reachable score.
class Category:
def __init__(self, name, quantity=1): = name
self.quantity = quantity # how many times you have the category
# return mean score of a category
def mean_score(self, num_dice, num_rolls):
if num_dice <= 0 or num_rolls <= 0:
return 0
mean_score = 0
for key, value in yacht_weights[, min(8, num_dice), min(8, num_rolls)].items():
mean_score += key * value / 100000
return mean_score
class ListState:
def __init__(self, state: List[str]):
self.state = state
self.item_counts = Counter(state)
def count(self, item: str, player: Optional[str] = None) -> int:
return self.item_counts[item]
def extract_progression(state, player, frags_per_dice, frags_per_roll, allowed_categories):
method to obtain a list of what items the player has.
this includes categories, dice, rolls and score multiplier etc.
First, we convert the state if it's a list, so we can use state.count(item, player)
if isinstance(state, list):
state = ListState(state=state)
number_of_dice = state.count("Dice", player) + state.count("Dice Fragment", player) // frags_per_dice
number_of_rerolls = state.count("Roll", player) + state.count("Roll Fragment", player) // frags_per_roll
number_of_fixed_mults = state.count("Fixed Score Multiplier", player)
number_of_step_mults = state.count("Step Score Multiplier", player)
categories = [
Category(category_name, state.count(category_name, player))
for category_name in allowed_categories
if state.count(category_name, player) # want all categories that have count >= 1
extra_points_in_logic = state.count("1 Point", player)
extra_points_in_logic += state.count("10 Points", player) * 10
extra_points_in_logic += state.count("100 Points", player) * 100
return (
number_of_fixed_mults * 0.1,
number_of_step_mults * 0.01,
# We will store the results of this function as it is called often for the same parameters.
yachtdice_cache = {}
def dice_simulation_strings(categories, num_dice, num_rolls, fixed_mult, step_mult, diff, player):
Function that returns the feasible score in logic based on items obtained.
tup = (
tuple([ + str(c.quantity) for c in categories]),
) # identifier
if player not in yachtdice_cache:
yachtdice_cache[player] = {}
if tup in yachtdice_cache[player]:
return yachtdice_cache[player][tup]
# sort categories because for the step multiplier, you will want low-scoring categories first
categories.sort(key=lambda category: category.mean_score(num_dice, num_rolls))
# function to add two discrete distribution.
# defaultdict is a dict where you don't need to check if an id is present, you can just use += (lot faster)
def add_distributions(dist1, dist2):
combined_dist = defaultdict(float)
for val1, prob1 in dist1.items():
for val2, prob2 in dist2.items():
combined_dist[val1 + val2] += prob1 * prob2
return dict(combined_dist)
# function to take the maximum of "times" i.i.d. dist1.
# (I have tried using defaultdict here too but this made it slower.)
def max_dist(dist1, mults):
new_dist = {0: 1}
for mult in mults:
temp_dist = {}
for val1, prob1 in new_dist.items():
for val2, prob2 in dist1.items():
new_val = int(max(val1, val2 * mult))
new_prob = prob1 * prob2
# Update the probability for the new value
if new_val in temp_dist:
temp_dist[new_val] += new_prob
temp_dist[new_val] = new_prob
new_dist = temp_dist
return new_dist
# Returns percentile value of a distribution.
def percentile_distribution(dist, percentile):
sorted_values = sorted(dist.keys())
cumulative_prob = 0
for val in sorted_values:
cumulative_prob += dist[val]
if cumulative_prob >= percentile:
return val
# Return the last value if percentile is higher than all probabilities
return sorted_values[-1]
# parameters for logic.
# perc_return is, per difficulty, the percentages of total score it returns (it averages out the values)
# diff_divide determines how many shots the logic gets per category. Lower = more shots.
perc_return = [[0], [0.1, 0.5], [0.3, 0.7], [0.55, 0.85], [0.85, 0.95]][diff]
diff_divide = [0, 9, 7, 3, 2][diff]
# calculate total distribution
total_dist = {0: 1}
for j, category in enumerate(categories):
if num_dice <= 0 or num_rolls <= 0:
dist = {0: 100000}
dist = yacht_weights[, min(8, num_dice), min(8, num_rolls)].copy()
for key in dist.keys():
dist[key] /= 100000
cat_mult = 2 ** (category.quantity - 1)
# for higher difficulties, the simulation gets multiple tries for categories.
max_tries = j // diff_divide
mults = [(1 + fixed_mult + step_mult * ii) * cat_mult for ii in range(max(0, j - max_tries), j + 1)]
dist = max_dist(dist, mults)
total_dist = add_distributions(total_dist, dist)
# save result into the cache, then return it
outcome = sum([percentile_distribution(total_dist, perc) for perc in perc_return]) / len(perc_return)
yachtdice_cache[player][tup] = max(5, math.floor(outcome)) # at least 5.
# cache management; we rarely/never need more than 400 entries. But if for some reason it became large,
# delete the first entry of the player cache.
if len(yachtdice_cache[player]) > 400:
# Remove the oldest item
oldest_tup = next(iter(yachtdice_cache[player]))
del yachtdice_cache[player][oldest_tup]
return yachtdice_cache[player][tup]
def dice_simulation_fill_pool(state, frags_per_dice, frags_per_roll, allowed_categories, difficulty, player):
Returns the feasible score that one can reach with the current state, options and difficulty.
This function is called with state being a list, during filling of item pool.
categories, num_dice, num_rolls, fixed_mult, step_mult, expoints = extract_progression(
state, "state_is_a_list", frags_per_dice, frags_per_roll, allowed_categories
return (
dice_simulation_strings(categories, num_dice, num_rolls, fixed_mult, step_mult, difficulty, player) + expoints
def dice_simulation_state_change(state, player, frags_per_dice, frags_per_roll, allowed_categories, difficulty):
Returns the feasible score that one can reach with the current state, options and difficulty.
This function is called with state being a AP state object, while doing access rules.
if state.prog_items[player]["state_is_fresh"] == 0:
state.prog_items[player]["state_is_fresh"] = 1
categories, num_dice, num_rolls, fixed_mult, step_mult, expoints = extract_progression(
state, player, frags_per_dice, frags_per_roll, allowed_categories
state.prog_items[player]["maximum_achievable_score"] = (
dice_simulation_strings(categories, num_dice, num_rolls, fixed_mult, step_mult, difficulty, player)
+ expoints
return state.prog_items[player]["maximum_achievable_score"]
def set_yacht_rules(world: MultiWorld, player: int, frags_per_dice, frags_per_roll, allowed_categories, difficulty):
Sets rules on reaching scores
for location in world.get_locations(player):
lambda state, curscore=location.yacht_dice_score, player=player: dice_simulation_state_change(
state, player, frags_per_dice, frags_per_roll, allowed_categories, difficulty
>= curscore,
def set_yacht_completion_rules(world: MultiWorld, player: int):
Sets rules on completion condition
world.completion_condition[player] = lambda state: state.has("Victory", player)