
1037 lines
50 KiB

# text details:
import logging
import random
from .TextBox import line_wrap
TEXT_START = 0x92D000
EXTENDED_TABLE_START = JPN_TABLE_START # start writing entries to the jp table instead of english for more space
EXTENDED_TABLE_SIZE = JPN_TABLE_SIZE + ENG_TABLE_SIZE # 0x8360 bytes, 4204 entries
# name of type, followed by number of additional bytes to read, follwed by a function that prints the code
0x00: ('pad', 0, lambda _: '<pad>' ),
0x01: ('line-break', 0, lambda _: '\n' ),
0x02: ('end', 0, lambda _: '' ),
0x04: ('box-break', 0, lambda _: '\n\n' ),
0x05: ('color', 1, lambda d: '<color ' + "{:02x}".format(d) + '>' ),
0x06: ('gap', 1, lambda d: '<' + str(d) + 'px gap>' ),
0x07: ('goto', 2, lambda d: '<goto ' + "{:04x}".format(d) + '>' ),
0x08: ('instant', 0, lambda _: '<allow instant text>' ),
0x09: ('un-instant', 0, lambda _: '<disallow instant text>' ),
0x0A: ('keep-open', 0, lambda _: '<keep open>' ),
0x0B: ('event', 0, lambda _: '<event>' ),
0x0C: ('box-break-delay', 1, lambda d: '\n▼<wait ' + str(d) + ' frames>\n' ),
0x0E: ('fade-out', 1, lambda d: '<fade after ' + str(d) + ' frames?>' ),
0x0F: ('name', 0, lambda _: '<name>' ),
0x10: ('ocarina', 0, lambda _: '<ocarina>' ),
0x12: ('sound', 2, lambda d: '<play SFX ' + "{:04x}".format(d) + '>' ),
0x13: ('icon', 1, lambda d: '<icon ' + "{:02x}".format(d) + '>' ),
0x14: ('speed', 1, lambda d: '<delay each character by ' + str(d) + ' frames>' ),
0x15: ('background', 3, lambda d: '<set background to ' + "{:06x}".format(d) + '>' ),
0x16: ('marathon', 0, lambda _: '<marathon time>' ),
0x17: ('race', 0, lambda _: '<race time>' ),
0x18: ('points', 0, lambda _: '<points>' ),
0x19: ('skulltula', 0, lambda _: '<skulltula count>' ),
0x1A: ('unskippable', 0, lambda _: '<text is unskippable>' ),
0x1B: ('two-choice', 0, lambda _: '<start two choice>' ),
0x1C: ('three-choice', 0, lambda _: '<start three choice>' ),
0x1D: ('fish', 0, lambda _: '<fish weight>' ),
0x1E: ('high-score', 1, lambda d: '<high-score ' + "{:02x}".format(d) + '>' ),
0x1F: ('time', 0, lambda _: '<current time>' ),
0x80: 'À',
0x81: 'Á',
0x82: 'Â',
0x83: 'Ä',
0x84: 'Ç',
0x85: 'È',
0x86: 'É',
0x87: 'Ê',
0x88: 'Ë',
0x89: 'Ï',
0x8A: 'Ô',
0x8B: 'Ö',
0x8C: 'Ù',
0x8D: 'Û',
0x8E: 'Ü',
0x8F: 'ß',
0x90: 'à',
0x91: 'á',
0x92: 'â',
0x93: 'ä',
0x94: 'ç',
0x95: 'è',
0x96: 'é',
0x97: 'ê',
0x98: 'ë',
0x99: 'ï',
0x9A: 'ô',
0x9B: 'ö',
0x9C: 'ù',
0x9D: 'û',
0x9E: 'ü',
0x9F: '[A]',
0xA0: '[B]',
0xA1: '[C]',
0xA2: '[L]',
0xA3: '[R]',
0xA4: '[Z]',
0xA5: '[C Up]',
0xA6: '[C Down]',
0xA7: '[C Left]',
0xA8: '[C Right]',
0xA9: '[Triangle]',
0xAA: '[Control Stick]',
(0xc3, 0x80): 0x80,
(0xc3, 0xae): 0x81,
(0xc3, 0x82): 0x82,
(0xc3, 0x84): 0x83,
(0xc3, 0x87): 0x84,
(0xc3, 0x88): 0x85,
(0xc3, 0x89): 0x86,
(0xc3, 0x8a): 0x87,
(0xc3, 0x8b): 0x88,
(0xc3, 0x8f): 0x89,
(0xc3, 0x94): 0x8A,
(0xc3, 0x96): 0x8B,
(0xc3, 0x99): 0x8C,
(0xc3, 0x9b): 0x8D,
(0xc3, 0x9c): 0x8E,
(0xc3, 0x9f): 0x8F,
(0xc3, 0xa0): 0x90,
(0xc3, 0xa1): 0x91,
(0xc3, 0xa2): 0x92,
(0xc3, 0xa4): 0x93,
(0xc3, 0xa7): 0x94,
(0xc3, 0xa8): 0x95,
(0xc3, 0xa9): 0x96,
(0xc3, 0xaa): 0x97,
(0xc3, 0xab): 0x98,
(0xc3, 0xaf): 0x99,
(0xc3, 0xb4): 0x9A,
(0xc3, 0xb6): 0x9B,
(0xc3, 0xb9): 0x9C,
(0xc3, 0xbb): 0x9D,
(0xc3, 0xbc): 0x9E,
GOSSIP_STONE_MESSAGES = list( range(0x0401, 0x04FF) ) # ids of the actual hints
GOSSIP_STONE_MESSAGES += [0x2053, 0x2054] # shared initial stone messages
TEMPLE_HINTS_MESSAGES = [0x7057, 0x707A] # dungeon reward hints from the temple of time pedestal
LIGHT_ARROW_HINT = [0x70CC] # ganondorf's light arrow hint line
GS_TOKEN_MESSAGES = [0x00B4, 0x00B5] # Get Gold Skulltula Token messages
# messages for shorter item messages
# ids are in the space freed up by move_shop_item_messages()
0x0001: "\x08\x06\x30\x05\x41TEXT ID ERROR!\x05\x40",
0x9001: "\x08\x13\x2DYou borrowed a \x05\x41Pocket Egg\x05\x40!\x01A Pocket Cucco will hatch from\x01it overnight. Be sure to give it\x01back.",
0x0002: "\x08\x13\x2FYou returned the Pocket Cucco\x01and got \x05\x41Cojiro\x05\x40 in return!\x01Unlike other Cuccos, Cojiro\x01rarely crows.",
0x0003: "\x08\x13\x30You got an \x05\x41Odd Mushroom\x05\x40!\x01It is sure to spoil quickly! Take\x01it to the Kakariko Potion Shop.",
0x0004: "\x08\x13\x31You received an \x05\x41Odd Potion\x05\x40!\x01It may be useful for something...\x01Hurry to the Lost Woods!",
0x0005: "\x08\x13\x32You returned the Odd Potion \x01and got the \x05\x41Poacher's Saw\x05\x40!\x01The young punk guy must have\x01left this.",
0x0007: "\x08\x13\x48You got a \x01\x05\x41Deku Seeds Bullet Bag\x05\x40.\x01This bag can hold up to \x05\x4640\x05\x40\x01slingshot bullets.",
0x0008: "\x08\x13\x33You traded the Poacher's Saw \x01for a \x05\x41Broken Goron's Sword\x05\x40!\x01Visit Biggoron to get it repaired!",
0x0009: "\x08\x13\x34You checked in the Broken \x01Goron's Sword and received a \x01\x05\x41Prescription\x05\x40!\x01Go see King Zora!",
0x000A: "\x08\x13\x37The Biggoron's Sword...\x01You got a \x05\x41Claim Check \x05\x40for it!\x01You can't wait for the sword!",
0x000B: "\x08\x13\x2EYou got a \x05\x41Pocket Cucco, \x05\x40one\x01of Anju's prized hens! It fits \x01in your pocket.",
0x000C: "\x08\x13\x3DYou got the \x05\x41Biggoron's Sword\x05\x40!\x01This blade was forged by a \x01master smith and won't break!",
0x000D: "\x08\x13\x35You used the Prescription and\x01received an \x05\x41Eyeball Frog\x05\x40!\x01Be quick and deliver it to Lake \x01Hylia!",
0x000E: "\x08\x13\x36You traded the Eyeball Frog \x01for the \x05\x41World's Finest Eye Drops\x05\x40!\x01Hurry! Take them to Biggoron!",
0x0010: "\x08\x13\x25You borrowed a \x05\x41Skull Mask\x05\x40.\x01You feel like a monster while you\x01wear this mask!",
0x0011: "\x08\x13\x26You borrowed a \x05\x41Spooky Mask\x05\x40.\x01You can scare many people\x01with this mask!",
0x0012: "\x08\x13\x24You borrowed a \x05\x41Keaton Mask\x05\x40.\x01You'll be a popular guy with\x01this mask on!",
0x0013: "\x08\x13\x27You borrowed a \x05\x41Bunny Hood\x05\x40.\x01The hood's long ears are so\x01cute!",
0x0014: "\x08\x13\x28You borrowed a \x05\x41Goron Mask\x05\x40.\x01It will make your head look\x01big, though.",
0x0015: "\x08\x13\x29You borrowed a \x05\x41Zora Mask\x05\x40.\x01With this mask, you can\x01become one of the Zoras!",
0x0016: "\x08\x13\x2AYou borrowed a \x05\x41Gerudo Mask\x05\x40.\x01This mask will make you look\x01like...a girl?",
0x0017: "\x08\x13\x2BYou borrowed a \x05\x41Mask of Truth\x05\x40.\x01Show it to many people!",
0x0030: "\x08\x13\x06You found the \x05\x41Fairy Slingshot\x05\x40!",
0x0031: "\x08\x13\x03You found the \x05\x41Fairy Bow\x05\x40!",
0x0032: "\x08\x13\x02You got \x05\x41Bombs\x05\x40!\x01If you see something\x01suspicious, bomb it!",
0x0033: "\x08\x13\x09You got \x05\x41Bombchus\x05\x40!",
0x0034: "\x08\x13\x01You got a \x05\x41Deku Nut\x05\x40!",
0x0035: "\x08\x13\x0EYou found the \x05\x41Boomerang\x05\x40!",
0x0036: "\x08\x13\x0AYou found the \x05\x41Hookshot\x05\x40!\x01It's a spring-loaded chain that\x01you can cast out to hook things.",
0x0037: "\x08\x13\x00You got a \x05\x41Deku Stick\x05\x40!",
0x0038: "\x08\x13\x11You found the \x05\x41Megaton Hammer\x05\x40!\x01It's so heavy, you need to\x01use two hands to swing it!",
0x0039: "\x08\x13\x0FYou found the \x05\x41Lens of Truth\x05\x40!\x01Mysterious things are hidden\x01everywhere!",
0x003A: "\x08\x13\x08You found the \x05\x41Ocarina of Time\x05\x40!\x01It glows with a mystical light...",
0x003C: "\x08\x13\x67You received the \x05\x41Fire\x01Medallion\x05\x40!\x01Darunia awakens as a Sage and\x01adds his power to yours!",
0x003D: "\x08\x13\x68You received the \x05\x43Water\x01Medallion\x05\x40!\x01Ruto awakens as a Sage and\x01adds her power to yours!",
0x003E: "\x08\x13\x66You received the \x05\x42Forest\x01Medallion\x05\x40!\x01Saria awakens as a Sage and\x01adds her power to yours!",
0x003F: "\x08\x13\x69You received the \x05\x46Spirit\x01Medallion\x05\x40!\x01Nabooru awakens as a Sage and\x01adds her power to yours!",
0x0040: "\x08\x13\x6BYou received the \x05\x44Light\x01Medallion\x05\x40!\x01Rauru the Sage adds his power\x01to yours!",
0x0041: "\x08\x13\x6AYou received the \x05\x45Shadow\x01Medallion\x05\x40!\x01Impa awakens as a Sage and\x01adds her power to yours!",
0x0042: "\x08\x13\x14You got an \x05\x41Empty Bottle\x05\x40!\x01You can put something in this\x01bottle.",
0x0043: "\x08\x13\x15You got a \x05\x41Red Potion\x05\x40!\x01It will restore your health",
0x0044: "\x08\x13\x16You got a \x05\x42Green Potion\x05\x40!\x01It will restore your magic.",
0x0045: "\x08\x13\x17You got a \x05\x43Blue Potion\x05\x40!\x01It will recover your health\x01and magic.",
0x0046: "\x08\x13\x18You caught a \x05\x41Fairy\x05\x40 in a bottle!\x01It will revive you\x01the moment you run out of life \x01energy.",
0x0047: "\x08\x13\x19You got a \x05\x41Fish\x05\x40!\x01It looks so fresh and\x01delicious!",
0x0048: "\x08\x13\x10You got a \x05\x41Magic Bean\x05\x40!\x01Find a suitable spot for a garden\x01and plant it.",
0x9048: "\x08\x13\x10You got a \x05\x41Pack of Magic Beans\x05\x40!\x01Find suitable spots for a garden\x01and plant them.",
0x004A: "\x08\x13\x07You received the \x05\x41Fairy Ocarina\x05\x40!\x01This is a memento from Saria.",
0x004B: "\x08\x13\x3DYou got the \x05\x42Giant's Knife\x05\x40!\x01Hold it with both hands to\x01attack! It's so long, you\x01can't use it with a \x05\x44shield\x05\x40.",
0x004C: "\x08\x13\x3EYou got a \x05\x44Deku Shield\x05\x40!",
0x004D: "\x08\x13\x3FYou got a \x05\x44Hylian Shield\x05\x40!",
0x004E: "\x08\x13\x40You found the \x05\x44Mirror Shield\x05\x40!\x01The shield's polished surface can\x01reflect light or energy.",
0x004F: "\x08\x13\x0BYou found the \x05\x41Longshot\x05\x40!\x01It's an upgraded Hookshot.\x01It extends \x05\x41twice\x05\x40 as far!",
0x0050: "\x08\x13\x42You got a \x05\x41Goron Tunic\x05\x40!\x01Going to a hot place? No worry!",
0x0051: "\x08\x13\x43You got a \x05\x43Zora Tunic\x05\x40!\x01Wear it, and you won't drown\x01underwater.",
0x0052: "\x08You got a \x05\x42Magic Jar\x05\x40!\x01Your Magic Meter is filled!",
0x0053: "\x08\x13\x45You got the \x05\x41Iron Boots\x05\x40!\x01So heavy, you can't run.\x01So heavy, you can't float.",
0x0054: "\x08\x13\x46You got the \x05\x41Hover Boots\x05\x40!\x01With these mysterious boots\x01you can hover above the ground.",
0x0055: "\x08You got a \x05\x45Recovery Heart\x05\x40!\x01Your life energy is recovered!",
0x0056: "\x08\x13\x4BYou upgraded your quiver to a\x01\x05\x41Big Quiver\x05\x40!\x01Now you can carry more arrows-\x01\x05\x4640 \x05\x40in total!",
0x0057: "\x08\x13\x4CYou upgraded your quiver to\x01the \x05\x41Biggest Quiver\x05\x40!\x01Now you can carry to a\x01maximum of \x05\x4650\x05\x40 arrows!",
0x0058: "\x08\x13\x4DYou found a \x05\x41Bomb Bag\x05\x40!\x01You found \x05\x4120 Bombs\x05\x40 inside!",
0x0059: "\x08\x13\x4EYou got a \x05\x41Big Bomb Bag\x05\x40!\x01Now you can carry more \x01Bombs, up to a maximum of \x05\x4630\x05\x40!",
0x005A: "\x08\x13\x4FYou got the \x01\x05\x41Biggest Bomb Bag\x05\x40!\x01Now, you can carry up to \x01\x05\x4640\x05\x40 Bombs!",
0x005B: "\x08\x13\x51You found the \x05\x43Silver Gauntlets\x05\x40!\x01You feel the power to lift\x01big things with it!",
0x005C: "\x08\x13\x52You found the \x05\x43Golden Gauntlets\x05\x40!\x01You can feel even more power\x01coursing through your arms!",
0x005D: "\x08\x13\x1CYou put a \x05\x44Blue Fire\x05\x40\x01into the bottle!\x01This is a cool flame you can\x01use on red ice.",
0x005E: "\x08\x13\x56You got an \x05\x43Adult's Wallet\x05\x40!\x01Now you can hold\x01up to \x05\x46200\x05\x40 \x05\x46Rupees\x05\x40.",
0x005F: "\x08\x13\x57You got a \x05\x43Giant's Wallet\x05\x40!\x01Now you can hold\x01up to \x05\x46500\x05\x40 \x05\x46Rupees\x05\x40.",
0x0060: "\x08\x13\x77You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40!\x01This key will open a locked \x01door. You can use it only\x01in this dungeon.",
0x0066: "\x08\x13\x76You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40!\x01It's the map to this dungeon.",
0x0067: "\x08\x13\x75You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40!\x01Now you can see the locations\x01of many hidden things in the\x01dungeon!",
0x0068: "\x08\x13\x6FYou obtained the \x05\x41Stone of Agony\x05\x40!\x01If you equip a \x05\x44Rumble Pak\x05\x40, it\x01will react to nearby...secrets.",
0x0069: "\x08\x13\x23You received \x05\x41Zelda's Letter\x05\x40!\x01Wow! This letter has Princess\x01Zelda's autograph!",
0x006C: "\x08\x13\x49Your \x05\x41Deku Seeds Bullet Bag \x01\x05\x40has become bigger!\x01This bag can hold \x05\x4650\x05\x41 \x05\x40bullets!",
0x006F: "\x08You got a \x05\x42Green Rupee\x05\x40!\x01That's \x05\x42one Rupee\x05\x40!",
0x0070: "\x08\x13\x04You got the \x05\x41Fire Arrow\x05\x40!\x01If you hit your target,\x01it will catch fire.",
0x0071: "\x08\x13\x0CYou got the \x05\x43Ice Arrow\x05\x40!\x01If you hit your target,\x01it will freeze.",
0x0072: "\x08\x13\x12You got the \x05\x44Light Arrow\x05\x40!\x01The light of justice\x01will smite evil!",
0x0073: "\x08\x06\x28You have learned the\x01\x06\x2F\x05\x42Minuet of Forest\x05\x40!",
0x0074: "\x08\x06\x28You have learned the\x01\x06\x37\x05\x41Bolero of Fire\x05\x40!",
0x0075: "\x08\x06\x28You have learned the\x01\x06\x29\x05\x43Serenade of Water\x05\x40!",
0x0076: "\x08\x06\x28You have learned the\x01\x06\x2D\x05\x46Requiem of Spirit\x05\x40!",
0x0077: "\x08\x06\x28You have learned the\x01\x06\x28\x05\x45Nocturne of Shadow\x05\x40!",
0x0078: "\x08\x06\x28You have learned the\x01\x06\x32\x05\x44Prelude of Light\x05\x40!",
0x0079: "\x08\x13\x50You got the \x05\x41Goron's Bracelet\x05\x40!\x01Now you can pull up Bomb\x01Flowers.",
0x007A: "\x08\x13\x1DYou put a \x05\x41Bug \x05\x40in the bottle!\x01This kind of bug prefers to\x01live in small holes in the ground.",
0x007B: "\x08\x13\x70You obtained the \x05\x41Gerudo's \x01Membership Card\x05\x40!\x01You can get into the Gerudo's\x01training ground.",
0x0080: "\x08\x13\x6CYou got the \x05\x42Kokiri's Emerald\x05\x40!\x01This is the Spiritual Stone of \x01Forest passed down by the\x01Great Deku Tree.",
0x0081: "\x08\x13\x6DYou obtained the \x05\x41Goron's Ruby\x05\x40!\x01This is the Spiritual Stone of \x01Fire passed down by the Gorons!",
0x0082: "\x08\x13\x6EYou obtained \x05\x43Zora's Sapphire\x05\x40!\x01This is the Spiritual Stone of\x01Water passed down by the\x01Zoras!",
0x0090: "\x08\x13\x00Now you can pick up \x01many \x05\x41Deku Sticks\x05\x40!\x01You can carry up to \x05\x4620\x05\x40 of them!",
0x0091: "\x08\x13\x00You can now pick up \x01even more \x05\x41Deku Sticks\x05\x40!\x01You can carry up to \x05\x4630\x05\x40 of them!",
0x0097: "\x08\x13\x20You caught a \x05\x41Poe \x05\x40in a bottle!\x01Something good might happen!",
0x0098: "\x08\x13\x1AYou got \x05\x41Lon Lon Milk\x05\x40!\x01This milk is very nutritious!\x01There are two drinks in it.",
0x0099: "\x08\x13\x1BYou found \x05\x41Ruto's Letter\x05\x40 in a\x01bottle! Show it to King Zora.",
0x9099: "\x08\x13\x1BYou found \x05\x41a letter in a bottle\x05\x40!\x01You remove the letter from the\x01bottle, freeing it for other uses.",
0x009A: "\x08\x13\x21You got a \x05\x41Weird Egg\x05\x40!\x01Feels like there's something\x01moving inside!",
0x00A4: "\x08\x13\x3BYou got the \x05\x42Kokiri Sword\x05\x40!\x01This is a hidden treasure of\x01the Kokiri.",
0x00A7: "\x08\x13\x01Now you can carry\x01many \x05\x41Deku Nuts\x05\x40!\x01You can hold up to \x05\x4630\x05\x40 nuts!",
0x00A8: "\x08\x13\x01You can now carry even\x01more \x05\x41Deku Nuts\x05\x40! You can carry\x01up to \x05\x4640\x05\x41 \x05\x40nuts!",
0x00AD: "\x08\x13\x05You got \x05\x41Din's Fire\x05\x40!\x01Its fireball engulfs everything!",
0x00AE: "\x08\x13\x0DYou got \x05\x42Farore's Wind\x05\x40!\x01This is warp magic you can use!",
0x00AF: "\x08\x13\x13You got \x05\x43Nayru's Love\x05\x40!\x01Cast this to create a powerful\x01protective barrier.",
0x00B4: "\x08You got a \x05\x41Gold Skulltula Token\x05\x40!\x01You've collected \x05\x41\x19\x05\x40 tokens in total.",
0x00B5: "\x08You destroyed a \x05\x41Gold Skulltula\x05\x40.\x01You got a token proving you \x01destroyed it!", #Unused
0x00C2: "\x08\x13\x73You got a \x05\x41Piece of Heart\x05\x40!\x01Collect four pieces total to get\x01another Heart Container.",
0x00C3: "\x08\x13\x73You got a \x05\x41Piece of Heart\x05\x40!\x01So far, you've collected two \x01pieces.",
0x00C4: "\x08\x13\x73You got a \x05\x41Piece of Heart\x05\x40!\x01Now you've collected three \x01pieces!",
0x00C5: "\x08\x13\x73You got a \x05\x41Piece of Heart\x05\x40!\x01You've completed another Heart\x01Container!",
0x00C6: "\x08\x13\x72You got a \x05\x41Heart Container\x05\x40!\x01Your maximum life energy is \x01increased by one heart.",
0x00C7: "\x08\x13\x74You got the \x05\x41Boss Key\x05\x40!\x01Now you can get inside the \x01chamber where the Boss lurks.",
0x9002: "\x08You are a \x05\x43FOOL\x05\x40!",
0x00CC: "\x08You got a \x05\x43Blue Rupee\x05\x40!\x01That's \x05\x43five Rupees\x05\x40!",
0x00CD: "\x08\x13\x53You got the \x05\x43Silver Scale\x05\x40!\x01You can dive deeper than you\x01could before.",
0x00CE: "\x08\x13\x54You got the \x05\x43Golden Scale\x05\x40!\x01Now you can dive much\x01deeper than you could before!",
0x00D1: "\x08\x06\x14You've learned \x05\x42Saria's Song\x05\x40!",
0x00D2: "\x08\x06\x11You've learned \x05\x41Epona's Song\x05\x40!",
0x00D3: "\x08\x06\x0BYou've learned the \x05\x46Sun's Song\x05\x40!",
0x00D4: "\x08\x06\x15You've learned \x05\x43Zelda's Lullaby\x05\x40!",
0x00D5: "\x08\x06\x05You've learned the \x05\x44Song of Time\x05\x40!",
0x00D6: "\x08You've learned the \x05\x45Song of Storms\x05\x40!",
0x00DC: "\x08\x13\x58You got \x05\x41Deku Seeds\x05\x40!\x01Use these as bullets\x01for your Slingshot.",
0x00DD: "\x08You mastered the secret sword\x01technique of the \x05\x41Spin Attack\x05\x40!",
0x00E4: "\x08You can now use \x05\x42Magic\x05\x40!",
0x00E5: "\x08Your \x05\x44defensive power\x05\x40 is enhanced!",
0x00E6: "\x08You got a \x05\x46bundle of arrows\x05\x40!",
0x00E8: "\x08Your magic power has been \x01enhanced! Now you have twice\x01as much \x05\x41Magic Power\x05\x40!",
0x00E9: "\x08Your defensive power has been \x01enhanced! Damage inflicted by \x01enemies will be \x05\x41reduced by half\x05\x40.",
0x00F0: "\x08You got a \x05\x41Red Rupee\x05\x40!\x01That's \x05\x41twenty Rupees\x05\x40!",
0x00F1: "\x08You got a \x05\x45Purple Rupee\x05\x40!\x01That's \x05\x45fifty Rupees\x05\x40!",
0x00F2: "\x08You got a \x05\x46Huge Rupee\x05\x40!\x01This Rupee is worth a whopping\x01\x05\x46two hundred Rupees\x05\x40!",
0x00F9: "\x08\x13\x1EYou put a \x05\x41Big Poe \x05\x40in a bottle!\x01Let's sell it at the \x05\x41Ghost Shop\x05\x40!\x01Something good might happen!",
0x9003: "\x08You found a piece of the \x05\x41Triforce\x05\x40!",
0x9097: "\x08You got an \x05\x41Archipelago item\x05\x40!\x01It seems \x05\x41important\x05\x40!",
0x9098: "\x08You got an \x05\x43Archipelago item\x05\x40!\x01Doesn't seem like it's needed.",
0x001C: "\x13\x74\x08You got the \x05\x41Boss Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x41Fire Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0006: "\x13\x74\x08You got the \x05\x41Boss Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x42Forest Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x001D: "\x13\x74\x08You got the \x05\x41Boss Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x43Water Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x001E: "\x13\x74\x08You got the \x05\x41Boss Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x46Spirit Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x002A: "\x13\x74\x08You got the \x05\x41Boss Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x45Shadow Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0061: "\x13\x74\x08You got the \x05\x41Boss Key\x05\x40\x01for \x05\x41Ganon's Castle\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0062: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x42Deku Tree\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0063: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for \x05\x41Dodongo's Cavern\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0064: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for \x05\x43Jabu Jabu's Belly\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0065: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x42Forest Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x007C: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x41Fire Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x007D: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x43Water Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x007E: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x46Spirit Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x007F: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x45Shadow Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0087: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x44Ice Cavern\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0088: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x42Deku Tree\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0089: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for \x05\x41Dodongo's Cavern\x05\x40!\x09",
0x008A: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for \x05\x43Jabu Jabu's Belly\x05\x40!\x09",
0x008B: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x42Forest Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x008C: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x41Fire Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x008E: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x43Water Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x008F: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x46Spirit Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0092: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x44Ice Cavern\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0093: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x42Forest Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0094: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x41Fire Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x0095: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x43Water Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x009B: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x45Bottom of the Well\x05\x40!\x09",
0x009F: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x46Gerudo Training\x01Grounds\x05\x40!\x09",
0x00A0: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x46Thieves' Hideout\x05\x40!\x09",
0x00A1: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for \x05\x41Ganon's Castle\x05\x40!\x09",
0x00A2: "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x45Bottom of the Well\x05\x40!\x09",
0x00A3: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x45Shadow Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x00A5: "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x45Bottom of the Well\x05\x40!\x09",
0x00A6: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x46Spirit Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
0x00A9: "\x13\x77\x08You found a \x05\x41Small Key\x05\x40\x01for the \x05\x45Shadow Temple\x05\x40!\x09",
'White': '\x40',
'Red': '\x41',
'Green': '\x42',
'Blue': '\x43',
'Light Blue': '\x44',
'Pink': '\x45',
'Yellow': '\x46',
'Black': '\x47',
0x507B: (bytearray(
b"\x08I tell you, I saw him!\x04" \
b"\x08I saw the ghostly figure of Damp\x96\x01" \
b"the gravekeeper sinking into\x01" \
b"his grave. It looked like he was\x01" \
b"holding some kind of \x05\x41treasure\x05\x40!\x02"
), None),
0x0422: ("They say that once \x05\x41Morpha's Curse\x05\x40\x01is lifted, striking \x05\x42this stone\x05\x40 can\x01shift the tides of \x05\x44Lake Hylia\x05\x40.\x02", 0x23),
0x401C: ("Please find my dear \05\x41Princess Ruto\x05\x40\x01immediately... Zora!\x12\x68\x7A", 0x23),
0x9100: ("I am out of goods now.\x01Sorry!\x04The mark that will lead you to\x01the Spirit Temple is the \x05\x41flag on\x01the left \x05\x40outside the shop.\x01Be seeing you!\x02", 0x00)
# convert byte array to an integer
def bytes_to_int(bytes, signed=False):
return int.from_bytes(bytes, byteorder='big', signed=signed)
# convert int to an array of bytes of the given width
def int_to_bytes(num, width, signed=False):
return int.to_bytes(num, width, byteorder='big', signed=signed)
def display_code_list(codes):
message = ""
for code in codes:
message += str(code)
return message
def parse_control_codes(text):
if isinstance(text, list):
bytes = text
elif isinstance(text, bytearray):
bytes = list(text)
bytes = list(text.encode('utf-8'))
# Special characters encoded to utf-8 must be re-encoded to OoT's values for them.
# Tuple is used due to utf-8 encoding using two bytes.
i = 0
while i < len(bytes) - 1:
if (bytes[i], bytes[i+1]) in UTF8_TO_OOT_SPECIAL:
bytes[i] = UTF8_TO_OOT_SPECIAL[(bytes[i], bytes[i+1])]
del bytes[i+1]
i += 1
text_codes = []
index = 0
while index < len(bytes):
next_char = bytes[index]
data = 0
index += 1
if next_char in CONTROL_CODES:
extra_bytes = CONTROL_CODES[next_char][1]
if extra_bytes > 0:
data = bytes_to_int(bytes[index : index + extra_bytes])
index += extra_bytes
text_code = Text_Code(next_char, data)
if text_code.code == 0x02: # message end code
return text_codes
# holds a single character or control code of a string
class Text_Code():
def display(self):
if self.code in CONTROL_CODES:
return CONTROL_CODES[self.code][2](
elif self.code in SPECIAL_CHARACTERS:
return SPECIAL_CHARACTERS[self.code]
elif self.code >= 0x7F:
return '?'
return chr(self.code)
def get_python_string(self):
if self.code in CONTROL_CODES:
ret = ''
subdata =
for _ in range(0, CONTROL_CODES[self.code][1]):
ret = ('\\x%02X' % (subdata & 0xFF)) + ret
subdata = subdata >> 8
ret = '\\x%02X' % self.code + ret
return ret
elif self.code in SPECIAL_CHARACTERS:
return '\\x%02X' % self.code
elif self.code >= 0x7F:
return '?'
return chr(self.code)
def get_string(self):
if self.code in CONTROL_CODES:
ret = ''
subdata =
for _ in range(0, CONTROL_CODES[self.code][1]):
ret = chr(subdata & 0xFF) + ret
subdata = subdata >> 8
ret = chr(self.code) + ret
return ret
return chr(self.code)
# writes the code to the given offset, and returns the offset of the next byte
def size(self):
size = 1
if self.code in CONTROL_CODES:
size += CONTROL_CODES[self.code][1]
return size
# writes the code to the given offset, and returns the offset of the next byte
def write(self, rom, offset):
rom.write_byte(TEXT_START + offset, self.code)
extra_bytes = 0
if self.code in CONTROL_CODES:
extra_bytes = CONTROL_CODES[self.code][1]
bytes_to_write = int_to_bytes(, extra_bytes)
rom.write_bytes(TEXT_START + offset + 1, bytes_to_write)
return offset + 1 + extra_bytes
def __init__(self, code, data):
self.code = code
if code in CONTROL_CODES:
self.type = CONTROL_CODES[code][0]
self.type = 'character' = data
__str__ = __repr__ = display
# holds a single message, and all its data
class Message():
def display(self):
meta_data = ["#" + str(self.index),
"ID: 0x" + "{:04x}".format(,
"Offset: 0x" + "{:06x}".format(self.offset),
"Length: 0x" + "{:04x}".format(self.unpadded_length) + "/0x" + "{:04x}".format(self.length),
"Box Type: " + str(self.box_type),
"Postion: " + str(self.position)]
return ', '.join(meta_data) + '\n' + self.text
def get_python_string(self):
ret = ''
for code in self.text_codes:
ret = ret + code.get_python_string()
return ret
# check if this is an unused message that just contains it's own id as text
def is_id_message(self):
if self.unpadded_length == 5:
for i in range(4):
code = self.text_codes[i].code
if not (code in range(ord('0'),ord('9')+1) or code in range(ord('A'),ord('F')+1) or code in range(ord('a'),ord('f')+1) ):
return False
return True
return False
def parse_text(self):
self.text_codes = parse_control_codes(self.raw_text)
index = 0
for text_code in self.text_codes:
index += text_code.size()
if text_code.code == 0x02: # message end code
if text_code.code == 0x07: # goto
self.has_goto = True
self.ending = text_code
if text_code.code == 0x0A: # keep-open
self.has_keep_open = True
self.ending = text_code
if text_code.code == 0x0B: # event
self.has_event = True
self.ending = text_code
if text_code.code == 0x0E: # fade out
self.has_fade = True
self.ending = text_code
if text_code.code == 0x10: # ocarina
self.has_ocarina = True
self.ending = text_code
if text_code.code == 0x1B: # two choice
self.has_two_choice = True
if text_code.code == 0x1C: # three choice
self.has_three_choice = True
self.text = display_code_list(self.text_codes)
self.unpadded_length = index
def is_basic(self):
return not (self.has_goto or self.has_keep_open or self.has_event or self.has_fade or self.has_ocarina or self.has_two_choice or self.has_three_choice)
# computes the size of a message, including padding
def size(self):
size = 0
for code in self.text_codes:
size += code.size()
size = (size + 3) & -4 # align to nearest 4 bytes
return size
# applies whatever transformations we want to the dialogs
def transform(self, replace_ending=False, ending=None, always_allow_skip=True, speed_up_text=True):
ending_codes = [0x02, 0x07, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x10]
box_breaks = [0x04, 0x0C]
slows_text = [0x08, 0x09, 0x14]
text_codes = []
# # speed the text
if speed_up_text:
text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x08, 0)) # allow instant
# write the message
for code in self.text_codes:
# ignore ending codes if it's going to be replaced
if replace_ending and code.code in ending_codes:
# ignore the "make unskippable flag"
elif always_allow_skip and code.code == 0x1A:
# ignore anything that slows down text
elif speed_up_text and code.code in slows_text:
elif speed_up_text and code.code in box_breaks:
# some special cases for text that needs to be on a timer
if ( == 0x605A or # twinrova transformation == 0x706C or # raru ending text == 0x70DD or # ganondorf ending text == 0x7070): # zelda ending text
text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x08, 0)) # allow instant
text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x04, 0)) # un-delayed break
text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x08, 0)) # allow instant
if replace_ending:
if ending:
if speed_up_text and ending.code == 0x10: # ocarina
text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x09, 0)) # disallow instant text
text_codes.append(ending) # write special ending
text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x02, 0)) # write end code
self.text_codes = text_codes
# writes a Message back into the rom, using the given index and offset to update the table
# returns the offset of the next message
def write(self, rom, index, offset):
# construct the table entry
id_bytes = int_to_bytes(, 2)
offset_bytes = int_to_bytes(offset, 3)
entry = id_bytes + bytes([self.opts, 0x00, 0x07]) + offset_bytes
# write it back
entry_offset = EXTENDED_TABLE_START + 8 * index
rom.write_bytes(entry_offset, entry)
for code in self.text_codes:
offset = code.write(rom, offset)
while offset % 4 > 0:
offset = Text_Code(0x00, 0).write(rom, offset) # pad to 4 byte align
return offset
def __init__(self, raw_text, index, id, opts, offset, length):
self.raw_text = raw_text
self.index = index = id
self.opts = opts # Textbox type and y position
self.box_type = (self.opts & 0xF0) >> 4
self.position = (self.opts & 0x0F)
self.offset = offset
self.length = length
self.has_goto = False
self.has_keep_open = False
self.has_event = False
self.has_fade = False
self.has_ocarina = False
self.has_two_choice = False
self.has_three_choice = False
self.ending = None
# read a single message from rom
def from_rom(cls, rom, index):
entry_offset = ENG_TABLE_START + 8 * index
entry = rom.read_bytes(entry_offset, 8)
next = rom.read_bytes(entry_offset + 8, 8)
id = bytes_to_int(entry[0:2])
opts = entry[2]
offset = bytes_to_int(entry[5:8])
length = bytes_to_int(next[5:8]) - offset
raw_text = rom.read_bytes(TEXT_START + offset, length)
return cls(raw_text, index, id, opts, offset, length)
def from_string(cls, text, id=0, opts=0x00):
bytes = list(text.encode('utf-8')) + [0x02]
# Clean up garbage values added when encoding special characters again.
bytes = list(filter(lambda a: a != 194, bytes)) # 0xC2 added before each accent char.
i = 0
while i < len(bytes) - 1:
if bytes[i] in SPECIAL_CHARACTERS and bytes[i] not in UTF8_TO_OOT_SPECIAL.values(): # This indicates it's one of the button chars (A button, etc).
# Have to delete 2 inserted garbage values.
del bytes[i-1]
del bytes[i-2]
i -= 2
i+= 1
return cls(bytes, 0, id, opts, 0, len(bytes) + 1)
def from_bytearray(cls, bytearray, id=0, opts=0x00):
bytes = list(bytearray) + [0x02]
return cls(bytes, 0, id, opts, 0, len(bytes) + 1)
__str__ = __repr__ = display
# wrapper for updating the text of a message, given its message id
# if the id does not exist in the list, then it will add it
def update_message_by_id(messages, id, text, opts=None):
# get the message index
index = next( (m.index for m in messages if == id), -1)
# update if it was found
if index >= 0:
update_message_by_index(messages, index, text, opts)
add_message(messages, text, id, opts)
# Gets the message by its ID. Returns None if the index does not exist
def get_message_by_id(messages, id):
# get the message index
index = next( (m.index for m in messages if == id), -1)
if index >= 0:
return messages[index]
return None
# wrapper for updating the text of a message, given its index in the list
def update_message_by_index(messages, index, text, opts=None):
if opts is None:
opts = messages[index].opts
if isinstance(text, bytearray):
messages[index] = Message.from_bytearray(text, messages[index].id, opts)
messages[index] = Message.from_string(text, messages[index].id, opts)
messages[index].index = index
# wrapper for adding a string message to a list of messages
def add_message(messages, text, id=0, opts=0x00):
if isinstance(text, bytearray):
messages.append( Message.from_bytearray(text, id, opts) )
messages.append( Message.from_string(text, id, opts) )
messages[-1].index = len(messages) - 1
# holds a row in the shop item table (which contains pointers to the description and purchase messages)
class Shop_Item():
def display(self):
meta_data = ["#" + str(self.index),
"Item: 0x" + "{:04x}".format(self.get_item_id),
"Price: " + str(self.price),
"Amount: " + str(self.pieces),
"Object: 0x" + "{:04x}".format(self.object),
"Model: 0x" + "{:04x}".format(self.model),
"Description: 0x" + "{:04x}".format(self.description_message),
"Purchase: 0x" + "{:04x}".format(self.purchase_message),]
func_data = [
"func1: 0x" + "{:08x}".format(self.func1),
"func2: 0x" + "{:08x}".format(self.func2),
"func3: 0x" + "{:08x}".format(self.func3),
"func4: 0x" + "{:08x}".format(self.func4),]
return ', '.join(meta_data) + '\n' + ', '.join(func_data)
# write the shop item back
def write(self, rom, shop_table_address, index):
entry_offset = shop_table_address + 0x20 * index
bytes = []
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.object, 2)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.model, 2)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.func1, 4)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.price, 2, signed=True)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.pieces, 2)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.description_message, 2)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.purchase_message, 2)
bytes += [0x00, 0x00]
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.get_item_id, 2)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.func2, 4)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.func3, 4)
bytes += int_to_bytes(self.func4, 4)
rom.write_bytes(entry_offset, bytes)
# read a single message
def __init__(self, rom, shop_table_address, index):
entry_offset = shop_table_address + 0x20 * index
entry = rom.read_bytes(entry_offset, 0x20)
self.index = index
self.object = bytes_to_int(entry[0x00:0x02])
self.model = bytes_to_int(entry[0x02:0x04])
self.func1 = bytes_to_int(entry[0x04:0x08])
self.price = bytes_to_int(entry[0x08:0x0A])
self.pieces = bytes_to_int(entry[0x0A:0x0C])
self.description_message = bytes_to_int(entry[0x0C:0x0E])
self.purchase_message = bytes_to_int(entry[0x0E:0x10])
# 0x10-0x11 is always 0000 padded apparently
self.get_item_id = bytes_to_int(entry[0x12:0x14])
self.func2 = bytes_to_int(entry[0x14:0x18])
self.func3 = bytes_to_int(entry[0x18:0x1C])
self.func4 = bytes_to_int(entry[0x1C:0x20])
__str__ = __repr__ = display
# reads each of the shop items
def read_shop_items(rom, shop_table_address):
shop_items = []
for index in range(0, 100):
shop_items.append( Shop_Item(rom, shop_table_address, index) )
return shop_items
# writes each of the shop item back into rom
def write_shop_items(rom, shop_table_address, shop_items):
for s in shop_items:
s.write(rom, shop_table_address, s.index)
# these are unused shop items, and contain text ids that are used elsewhere, and should not be moved
SHOP_ITEM_EXCEPTIONS = [0x0A, 0x0B, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x29]
# returns a set of all message ids used for shop items
def get_shop_message_id_set(shop_items):
ids = set()
for shop in shop_items:
if shop.index not in SHOP_ITEM_EXCEPTIONS:
return ids
# remove all messages that easy to tell are unused to create space in the message index table
def remove_unused_messages(messages):
messages[:] = [m for m in messages if not m.is_id_message()]
for index, m in enumerate(messages):
m.index = index
# takes all messages used for shop items, and moves messages from the 00xx range into the unused 80xx range
def move_shop_item_messages(messages, shop_items):
# checks if a message id is in the item message range
def is_in_item_range(id):
bytes = int_to_bytes(id, 2)
return bytes[0] == 0x00
# get the ids we want to move
ids = set( id for id in get_shop_message_id_set(shop_items) if is_in_item_range(id) )
# update them in the message list
for id in ids:
# should be a singleton list, but in case something funky is going on, handle it as a list regardless
relevant_messages = [message for message in messages if == id]
if len(relevant_messages) >= 2:
raise(TypeError("duplicate id in move_shop_item_messages"))
for message in relevant_messages: |= 0x8000
# update them in the shop item list
for shop in shop_items:
if is_in_item_range(shop.description_message):
shop.description_message |= 0x8000
if is_in_item_range(shop.purchase_message):
shop.purchase_message |= 0x8000
def make_player_message(text):
player_text = '\x05\x42\x0F\x05\x40'
pronoun_mapping = {
"You have ": player_text + " ",
"You are ": player_text + " is ",
"You've ": player_text + " ",
"Your ": player_text + "'s ",
"You ": player_text + " ",
"you have ": player_text + " ",
"you are ": player_text + " is ",
"you've ": player_text + " ",
"your ": player_text + "'s ",
"you ": player_text + " ",
verb_mapping = {
'obtained ': 'got ',
'received ': 'got ',
'learned ': 'got ',
'borrowed ': 'got ',
'found ': 'got ',
new_text = text
# Replace the first instance of a 'You' with the player name
lower_text = text.lower()
you_index = lower_text.find('you')
if you_index != -1:
for find_text, replace_text in pronoun_mapping.items():
# if the index do not match, then it is not the first 'You'
if text.find(find_text) == you_index:
new_text = new_text.replace(find_text, replace_text, 1)
# because names are longer, we shorten the verbs to they fit in the textboxes better
for find_text, replace_text in verb_mapping.items():
new_text = new_text.replace(find_text, replace_text)
wrapped_text = line_wrap(new_text, False, False, False)
if wrapped_text != new_text:
new_text = line_wrap(new_text, True, True, False)
return new_text
# reduce item message sizes and add new item messages
# make sure to call this AFTER move_shop_item_messages()
def update_item_messages(messages, world):
new_item_messages = {**ITEM_MESSAGES, **KEYSANITY_MESSAGES}
for id, text in new_item_messages.items():
if len(world.multiworld.worlds) > 1:
update_message_by_id(messages, id, make_player_message(text), 0x23)
update_message_by_id(messages, id, text, 0x23)
for id, (text, opt) in MISC_MESSAGES.items():
update_message_by_id(messages, id, text, opt)
# run all keysanity related patching to add messages for dungeon specific items
def add_item_messages(messages, shop_items, world):
move_shop_item_messages(messages, shop_items)
update_item_messages(messages, world)
# reads each of the game's messages into a list of Message objects
def read_messages(rom):
table_offset = ENG_TABLE_START
index = 0
messages = []
while True:
entry = rom.read_bytes(table_offset, 8)
id = bytes_to_int(entry[0:2])
if id == 0xFFFD:
table_offset += 8
continue # this is only here to give an ending offset
if id == 0xFFFF:
break # this marks the end of the table
messages.append( Message.from_rom(rom, index) )
index += 1
table_offset += 8
return messages
# write the messages back
def repack_messages(rom, messages, permutation=None, always_allow_skip=True, speed_up_text=True):
if permutation is None:
permutation = range(len(messages))
# repack messages
offset = 0
text_size_limit = ENG_TEXT_SIZE_LIMIT
for old_index, new_index in enumerate(permutation):
old_message = messages[old_index]
new_message = messages[new_index]
remember_id = =
# modify message, making it represent how we want it to be written
new_message.transform(True, old_message.ending, always_allow_skip, speed_up_text)
# actually write the message
offset = new_message.write(rom, old_index, offset) = remember_id
# raise an exception if too much is written
# we raise it at the end so that we know how much overflow there is
if offset > text_size_limit:
raise(TypeError("Message Text table is too large: 0x" + "{:x}".format(offset) + " written / 0x" + "{:x}".format(ENG_TEXT_SIZE_LIMIT) + " allowed."))
# end the table
table_index = len(messages)
entry = bytes([0xFF, 0xFD, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07]) + int_to_bytes(offset, 3)
entry_offset = EXTENDED_TABLE_START + 8 * table_index
rom.write_bytes(entry_offset, entry)
table_index += 1
entry_offset = EXTENDED_TABLE_START + 8 * table_index
if 8 * (table_index + 1) > EXTENDED_TABLE_SIZE:
raise(TypeError("Message ID table is too large: 0x" + "{:x}".format(8 * (table_index + 1)) + " written / 0x" + "{:x}".format(EXTENDED_TABLE_SIZE) + " allowed."))
rom.write_bytes(entry_offset, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
# shuffles the messages in the game, making sure to keep various message types in their own group
def shuffle_messages(messages, except_hints=True, always_allow_skip=True):
permutation = [i for i, _ in enumerate(messages)]
def is_exempt(m):
hint_ids = (
list(KEYSANITY_MESSAGES.keys()) + shuffle_messages.shop_item_messages +
shuffle_messages.scrubs_message_ids +
[0x5036, 0x70F5] # Chicken count and poe count respectively
shuffle_exempt = [
0x208D, # "One more lap!" for Cow in House race.
is_hint = (except_hints and in hint_ids)
is_error_message = ( == ERROR_MESSAGE)
is_shuffle_exempt = ( in shuffle_exempt)
return (is_hint or is_error_message or m.is_id_message() or is_shuffle_exempt)
have_goto = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.has_goto, messages) )
have_keep_open = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.has_keep_open, messages) )
have_event = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.has_event, messages) )
have_fade = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.has_fade, messages) )
have_ocarina = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.has_ocarina, messages) )
have_two_choice = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.has_two_choice, messages) )
have_three_choice = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.has_three_choice, messages) )
basic_messages = list( filter(lambda m: not is_exempt(m) and m.is_basic(), messages) )
def shuffle_group(group):
group_permutation = [i for i, _ in enumerate(group)]
for index_from, index_to in enumerate(group_permutation):
permutation[group[index_to].index] = group[index_from].index
# need to use 'list' to force 'map' to actually run through
list( map( shuffle_group, [
have_goto + have_keep_open + have_event + have_fade + basic_messages,
return permutation
# Update warp song text boxes for ER
def update_warp_song_text(messages, ootworld):
msg_list = {
0x088D: 'Minuet of Forest Warp -> Sacred Forest Meadow',
0x088E: 'Bolero of Fire Warp -> DMC Central Local',
0x088F: 'Serenade of Water Warp -> Lake Hylia',
0x0890: 'Requiem of Spirit Warp -> Desert Colossus',
0x0891: 'Nocturne of Shadow Warp -> Graveyard Warp Pad Region',
0x0892: 'Prelude of Light Warp -> Temple of Time',
for id, entr in msg_list.items():
destination = ootworld.multiworld.get_entrance(entr, ootworld.player).connected_region
if destination.pretty_name:
destination_name = destination.pretty_name
elif destination.hint_text:
destination_name = destination.hint_text
elif destination.dungeon:
destination_name = destination.dungeon.hint
destination_name =
color = COLOR_MAP[destination.font_color or 'White']
new_msg = f"\x08\x05{color}Warp to {destination_name}?\x05\40\x09\x01\x01\x1b\x05{color}OK\x01No\x05\40"
update_message_by_id(messages, id, new_msg)