
520 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

text_addresses = {'Pedestal': (0x180300, 256),
'Triforce': (0x180400, 256),
'Uncle': (0x180500, 256),
'Ganon1': (0x180600, 256),
'Ganon2': (0x180700, 256),
'Blind': (0x180800, 256),
'TavernMan': (0x180C00, 256),
'Sahasrahla1': (0x180A00, 256),
'Sahasrahla2': (0x180B00, 256),
'BombShop1': (0x180E00, 256),
'BombShop2': (0x180D00, 256),
'PyramidFairy': (0x180900, 256),
'EtherTablet': (0x180F00, 256),
'BombosTablet': (0x181000, 256),
'Ganon1Invincible': (0x181100, 256),
'Ganon2Invincible': (0x181200, 256)}
Uncle_texts = ['Good Luck!\nYou will need it.', 'Forward this message to 10 other people or this seed will be awful.', 'I hope you like your seeds bootless and fluteless.',
'10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\nGo!', 'I have crippling depression.', 'I\'m off to visit cousin Fritzl.']
Triforce_texts = ['Product has Hole in center. Bad seller, 0 out of 5.', 'Who stole the fourth triangle?', 'Trifource?\nMore Like Tritrice, am I right?'
'\n Well Done!', 'You just wasted 2 hours of your life.', 'This was meant to be a trapezoid']
BombShop2_texts = ['Bombs!\nBombs!\nBiggest!\nBestest!\nGreatest!\nBoomest!']
PyramidFairy_texts = ['May I talk to you about our lord and savior, Ganon?']
Sahasrahla2_texts = ['You already got my item, idiot.', 'Why are you still talking to me?', 'This text won\'t change.', 'Have you met my brother, Hasarahshla?']
Blind_texts = ['I bet you expected a vision related pun?\n\nNot Today.\n Didn\'t see that coming, did you?', 'What do you call a blind dinosaur?\n A Doyouthinkhe-saurus',
'A blind man walks into a bar...\n\n\n and a table\n\n\n and a door.',
'Why can\'t blind people eat fish?\n Because it\'s see food']
Ganon1_texts = ['\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhy are you reading an empty textbox?', 'Hi', 'Hey, can you turn off the lights?', 'Oink Oink',
'Uncle: How do you like my Ganon cosplay?', 'I\'ll try spinning - that\'s a good trick!', 'Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?']
TavernMan_texts = ['Did you know that talking to random NPCs wastes time in a race? I hope this information may be of use to you in the future.']
KingsReturn_texts = ['Who is this even', 'The Harem']
Sanctuary_texts = ['A Priest\'s love']
Kakariko_texts = ['Shasschahshahsahahrahsashsa', 'Schaschlik']
Blacksmiths_texts = ['frogs for bread', 'That\'s not a sword', 'The Rupeesmiths']
DeathMountain_texts = ['lost again', 'Alzheimer']
LostWoods_texts = ['thieves\' stump', 'He\'s got wood', 'Dancing pickles']
WishingWell_texts = ['Bottle for Bottle']
DesertPalace_texts = ['literacy moves']
MountainTower_texts = ['up up and away']
LinksHouse_texts = ['Home Sweet Home', 'Only one bed']
Lumberjacks_texts = ['Chop Chop', 'logfellas']
SickKid_texts = ['Next Time Stay Down']
Zora_texts = ['Splashes For Sale', 'Slippery when wet']
MagicShop_texts = ['Drug deal', 'Shrooms for days']
FluteBoy_texts = ['Stumped']
class Credits(object):
def __init__(self):
self.credit_scenes = {
'castle': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'The return of the King'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Hyrule Castle'),
'sancturary': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'The loyal priest'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Sanctuary'),
'kakariko': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, "Sahasralah's Homecoming"),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Kakariko Town'),
'desert': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'vultures rule the desert'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Desert Palace'),
'hera': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'the bully makes a friend'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Mountain Tower'),
'house': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'your uncle recovers'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Your House'),
'zora': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'finger webs for sale'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, "Zora's Waterfall"),
'witch': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'the witch and assistant'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Magic Shop'),
'lumberjacks': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'twin lumberjacks'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, "Woodsmen's Hut"),
'grove': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'ocarina boy plays again'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Haunted Grove'),
'well': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'venus, queen of faeries'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Wishing Well'),
'smithy': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'the dwarven swordsmiths'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Smithery'),
'kakariko2': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'the bug-catching kid'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Kakariko Town'),
'bridge': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'the lost old man'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Death Mountain'),
'woods': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'the forest thief'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Lost Woods'),
'pedestal': [
SceneSmallCreditLine(19, 'and the master sword'),
SceneSmallAltCreditLine(21, 'sleeps again...'),
SceneLargeCreditLine(23, 'Forever!'),
self.scene_order = ['castle', 'sancturary', 'kakariko', 'desert', 'hera', 'house', 'zora', 'witch',
'lumberjacks', 'grove', 'well', 'smithy', 'kakariko2', 'bridge', 'woods', 'pedestal']
def update_credits_line(self, scene, line, text):
scenes = self.credit_scenes
text = text[:32]
scenes[scene][line].text = text
def get_bytes(self):
pointers = []
data = bytearray()
for scene_name in self.scene_order:
scene = self.credit_scenes[scene_name]
for part in scene:
data += part.as_bytes()
return (pointers, data)
class CreditLine(object):
"""Base class of credit lines"""
def __init__(self, text, align='center'):
self.text = text
self.align = align
def x(self):
x = 0
if self.align == 'left':
x = 0
elif self.align == 'right':
x = 32 - len(self.text)
else: # center
x = (32 - len(self.text)) // 2
return x
class SceneCreditLine(CreditLine):
"""Base class for credit lines for the scene portion of the credits"""
def __init__(self, y, text, align='center'):
self.y = y
super().__init__(text, align)
def header(self, x=None, y=None, length=None):
if x is None:
x = self.x
if y is None:
y = self.y
if length is None:
length = len(self.text)
header = (0x6000 | (y >> 5 << 11) | ((y & 0x1F) << 5) | (x >> 5 << 10) | (x & 0x1F)) << 16 | (length * 2 - 1)
return bytearray([header >> 24 & 0xFF, header >> 16 & 0xFF, header >> 8 & 0xFF, header & 0xFF])
class SceneSmallCreditLine(SceneCreditLine):
def as_bytes(self):
buf = bytearray()
# handle upper half of apostrophe character if present
if "'" in self.text:
apos = "".join([',' if x == "'" else ' ' for x in self.text])
buf.extend(self.header(self.x + apos.index(','), self.y - 1, len(apos.strip())))
# handle lower half of comma character if present
if ',' in self.text:
commas = "".join(["'" if x == ',' else ' ' for x in self.text])
buf.extend(self.header(self.x + commas.index("'"), self.y + 1, len(commas.strip())))
return buf
class SceneSmallAltCreditLine(SceneCreditLine):
def as_bytes(self):
buf = bytearray()
buf += self.header()
buf += GreenCreditMapper.convert(self.text)
return buf
class SceneLargeCreditLine(SceneCreditLine):
def as_bytes(self):
buf = bytearray()
buf += self.header()
buf += LargeCreditTopMapper.convert(self.text)
buf += self.header(self.x, self.y + 1)
buf += LargeCreditBottomMapper.convert(self.text)
return buf
def string_to_alttp_text(s, maxbytes=256):
lines = s.upper().split('\n')
outbuf = bytearray()
lineindex = 0
while lines:
linespace = 14
line = lines.pop(0)
words = line.split(' ')
outbuf.append(0x74 if lineindex == 0 else 0x75 if lineindex == 1 else 0x76) # line starter
while words:
word = words.pop(0)
# sanity check: if the word we have is more than 14 characters, we take as much as we can still fit and push the rest back for later
if len(word) > 14:
if linespace < 14:
word = ' ' + word
word_first = word[:linespace]
words.insert(0, word[linespace:])
lines.insert(0, ' '.join(words))
write_word(outbuf, word_first)
if len(word) <= (linespace if linespace == 14 else linespace - 1):
if linespace < 14:
word = ' ' + word
linespace -= len(word)
write_word(outbuf, word)
# ran out of space, push word and lines back and continue with next line
words.insert(0, word)
lines.insert(0, ' '.join(words))
lineindex += 1
if lineindex % 3 == 0 and lines:
if lineindex >= 3 and lines:
# check for max length
if len(outbuf) > maxbytes - 1:
outbuf = outbuf[:maxbytes - 1]
# make sure we interpret the end of box character
if outbuf[-1] == 0x00:
outbuf[-1] = 0x73
return outbuf
def write_word(buf, word):
for char in word:
buf.extend([0x00, char_to_alttp_char(char)])
char_map = {' ': 0xFF,
'?': 0xC6,
'!': 0xC7,
',': 0xC8,
'-': 0xC9,
'': 0xCC,
'.': 0xCD,
'~': 0xCE,
'': 0xCE,
"'": 0xD8,
'': 0xD8,
'': 0xE0,
'': 0xE1,
'': 0xE2,
'': 0xE3,
'': 0x00,
'': 0x01,
'': 0x02,
'': 0x03,
'': 0x04,
'': 0x05,
'': 0x06,
'': 0x07,
'': 0x08,
'': 0x09,
'': 0x0A,
'': 0x0B,
'': 0x0C,
'': 0x0D,
'': 0x0E,
'': 0x0F,
'': 0x10,
'': 0x11,
'': 0x12,
'': 0x13,
'': 0x14,
'': 0x15,
'': 0x16,
'': 0x17,
'': 0x18,
'': 0x19,
'': 0x1A,
'': 0x1B,
'': 0x1C,
'': 0x1D,
'': 0x1E,
'': 0x1F,
'': 0x20,
'': 0x21,
'': 0x22,
'': 0x23,
'': 0x24,
'': 0x25,
'': 0x26,
'': 0x27,
'': 0x28,
'': 0x29,
'': 0x2A,
'': 0x2B,
'': 0x2C,
'': 0x2D,
'': 0x2E,
'': 0x2F,
'': 0x30,
'': 0x31,
'': 0x32,
'': 0x33,
'': 0x34,
'': 0x35,
'': 0x36,
'': 0x37,
'': 0x38,
'': 0x39,
'': 0x3A,
'': 0x3B,
'': 0x3C,
'': 0x3D,
'': 0x3E,
'': 0x3F,
'': 0x40,
'': 0x41,
'': 0x42,
'': 0x43,
'': 0x44,
'': 0x45,
'': 0x46,
'': 0x47,
'': 0x48,
'': 0x49,
'': 0x4A,
'': 0x4B,
'': 0x4C,
'': 0x4D,
'': 0x4E,
'': 0x4F,
'': 0x50,
'': 0x51,
'': 0x52,
'': 0x53,
'': 0x54,
'': 0x55,
'': 0x56,
'': 0x57,
'': 0x58,
'': 0x59,
'': 0x5A,
'': 0x5B,
'': 0x5C,
'': 0x5D,
'': 0x5E,
'': 0x5F,
'': 0x60,
'': 0x61,
'': 0x62,
'': 0x63,
'': 0x64,
'': 0x65,
'': 0x66,
'': 0x67,
'': 0x68,
'': 0x69,
'': 0x6A,
'': 0x6B,
'': 0x6C,
'': 0x6D,
'': 0x6E,
'': 0x6F,
'': 0x70,
'': 0x71,
'': 0x72,
'': 0x73,
'': 0x74,
'': 0x75,
'': 0x76,
'': 0x77,
'': 0x78,
'': 0x79,
'': 0x7A,
'': 0x7B,
'': 0x7C,
'': 0x7D,
'': 0x7E,
'': 0x80,
'': 0x81,
'': 0x82,
'': 0x83,
'': 0x84,
'': 0x85,
'': 0x86,
'': 0x87,
'': 0x88,
'': 0x89,
'': 0x8A,
'': 0x8B,
'': 0x8C,
'': 0x8D,
'': 0x8E,
'': 0x8F,
'': 0x90,
'': 0x91,
'': 0x92,
'': 0x93,
'': 0x94,
'': 0x95,
'': 0x96,
'': 0x97,
'': 0x98,
'': 0x99,
'': 0x9A,
'': 0x9B,
'': 0x9C,
'': 0x9D,
'': 0x9E,
'': 0x9F}
def char_to_alttp_char(char):
if 0x30 <= ord(char) <= 0x39:
return ord(char) + 0x70
if 0x41 <= ord(char) <= 0x5A:
return ord(char) + 0x69
return char_map.get(char, 0xFF)
class TextMapper(object):
number_offset = None
alpha_offset = 0
char_map = {}
def map_char(cls, char):
if cls.number_offset is not None:
if 0x30 <= ord(char) <= 0x39:
return ord(char) + cls.number_offset
if 0x61 <= ord(char) <= 0x7A:
return ord(char) + cls.alpha_offset
return cls.char_map.get(char, cls.char_map[' '])
def convert(cls, text):
buf = bytearray()
for char in text.lower():
return buf
class GoldCreditMapper(TextMapper):
char_map = {' ': 0x9F,
',': 0x34,
'.': 0x37,
'-': 0x36,
"'": 0x35}
alpha_offset = -0x47
class GreenCreditMapper(TextMapper):
char_map = {' ': 0x9F,
'.': 0x52}
alpha_offset = -0x29
class RedCreditMapper(TextMapper):
char_map = {' ': 0x9F} #fixme
alpha_offset = -0x61
class LargeCreditTopMapper(TextMapper):
char_map = {' ': 0x9F,
"'": 0x77,
'!': 0x78,
'.': 0xA0,
'#': 0xA1,
'/': 0xA2,
':': 0xA3}
alpha_offset = -0x04
number_offset = 0x23
class LargeCreditBottomMapper(TextMapper):
char_map = {' ': 0x9F,
"'": 0x9D,
'!': 0x9E,
'.': 0xC0,
'#': 0xC1,
'/': 0xC2,
':': 0xC3}
alpha_offset = 0x22
number_offset = 0x49