58 lines
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58 lines
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from test.TestBase import TestBase
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld
from worlds.minecraft import minecraft_gen_item_pool
from worlds.minecraft.Regions import minecraft_create_regions, link_minecraft_structures
from worlds.minecraft.Rules import set_rules
from worlds.minecraft.Items import MinecraftItem, item_table
import Options
# Converts the name of an item into an item object
def MCItemFactory(items, player: int):
ret = []
singleton = False
if isinstance(items, str):
items = [items]
singleton = True
for item in items:
if item in item_table:
ret.append(MinecraftItem(item, item_table[item].progression, item_table[item].code, player))
raise Exception(f"Unknown item {item}")
if singleton:
return ret[0]
return ret
class TestMinecraft(TestBase):
def setUp(self):
self.world = MultiWorld(1)
self.world.game[1] = "Minecraft"
exclusion_pools = ['hard', 'insane', 'postgame']
for pool in exclusion_pools:
setattr(self.world, f"include_{pool}_advancements", [False, False])
setattr(self.world, "advancement_goal", [0, Options.AdvancementGoal(value=0)])
setattr(self.world, "shuffle_structures", [False, False])
setattr(self.world, "combat_difficulty", [0, Options.CombatDifficulty(value=1)])
minecraft_create_regions(self.world, 1)
link_minecraft_structures(self.world, 1)
minecraft_gen_item_pool(self.world, 1)
set_rules(self.world, 1)
def _get_items(self, item_pool, all_except):
if all_except and len(all_except) > 0:
items = self.world.itempool[:]
items = [item for item in items if
item.name not in all_except and not ("Bottle" in item.name and "AnyBottle" in all_except)]
items.extend(MCItemFactory(item_pool[0], 1))
items = MCItemFactory(item_pool[0], 1)
return self.get_state(items)
def _get_items_partial(self, item_pool, missing_item):
new_items = item_pool[0].copy()
items = MCItemFactory(new_items, 1)
return self.get_state(items)