
2065 lines
107 KiB

import io
import json
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import random
import struct
import subprocess
from BaseClasses import ShopType, Region, Location, Item
from Dungeons import dungeon_music_addresses
from Text import MultiByteTextMapper, CompressedTextMapper, text_addresses, Credits, TextTable
from Text import Uncle_texts, Ganon1_texts, TavernMan_texts, Sahasrahla2_texts, Triforce_texts, Blind_texts, BombShop2_texts, junk_texts
from Text import KingsReturn_texts, Sanctuary_texts, Kakariko_texts, Blacksmiths_texts, DeathMountain_texts, LostWoods_texts, WishingWell_texts, DesertPalace_texts, MountainTower_texts, LinksHouse_texts, Lumberjacks_texts, SickKid_texts, FluteBoy_texts, Zora_texts, MagicShop_texts, Sahasrahla_names
from Utils import output_path, local_path, int16_as_bytes, int32_as_bytes, snes_to_pc
from Items import ItemFactory, item_table
from EntranceShuffle import door_addresses
JAP10HASH = '03a63945398191337e896e5771f77173'
# RANDOMIZERBASEHASH = '1907d4caccffe60fc69940cfa11b2dab'
class JsonRom(object):
def __init__(self): = None
self.patches = {}
def write_byte(self, address, value):
self.patches[str(address)] = [value]
def write_bytes(self, startaddress, values):
if not values:
self.patches[str(startaddress)] = list(values)
def write_to_file(self, file):
with open(file, 'w') as stream:
json.dump([self.patches], stream)
def get_hash(self):
h = hashlib.md5()
return h.hexdigest()
class LocalRom(object):
def __init__(self, file, patch=True): = None
with open(file, 'rb') as stream:
self.buffer = read_rom(stream)
if patch:
def write_byte(self, address, value):
self.buffer[address] = value
def write_bytes(self, startaddress, values):
for i, value in enumerate(values):
self.write_byte(startaddress + i, value)
def write_to_file(self, file):
with open(file, 'wb') as outfile:
def patch_base_rom(self):
# verify correct checksum of baserom
basemd5 = hashlib.md5()
if JAP10HASH != basemd5.hexdigest():
logging.getLogger('').warning('Supplied Base Rom does not match known MD5 for JAP(1.0) release. Will try to patch anyway.')
# extend to 2MB
self.buffer.extend(bytearray([0x00] * (0x200000 - len(self.buffer))))
# load randomizer patches
with open(local_path('data/base2current.json'), 'r') as stream:
patches = json.load(stream)
for patch in patches:
if isinstance(patch, dict):
for baseaddress, values in patch.items():
self.write_bytes(int(baseaddress), values)
# verify md5
# patchedmd5 = hashlib.md5()
# patchedmd5.update(self.buffer)
# if RANDOMIZERBASEHASH != patchedmd5.hexdigest():
# raise RuntimeError('Provided Base Rom unsuitable for patching. Please provide a JAP(1.0) "Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc" rom to use as a base.')
def patch_enemizer(self, rando_patch, base_enemizer_patch_path, enemizer_patch):
# extend to 4MB
self.buffer.extend(bytearray([0x00] * (0x400000 - len(self.buffer))))
# apply randomizer patches
for address, values in rando_patch.items():
self.write_bytes(int(address), values)
# load base enemizer patches
with open(base_enemizer_patch_path, 'r') as f:
base_enemizer_patch = json.load(f)
for patch in base_enemizer_patch:
self.write_bytes(patch["address"], patch["patchData"])
# apply enemizer patches
for patch in enemizer_patch:
self.write_bytes(patch["address"], patch["patchData"])
def write_crc(self):
crc = (sum(self.buffer[:0x7FDC] + self.buffer[0x7FE0:]) + 0x01FE) & 0xFFFF
inv = crc ^ 0xFFFF
self.write_bytes(0x7FDC, [inv & 0xFF, (inv >> 8) & 0xFF, crc & 0xFF, (crc >> 8) & 0xFF])
def get_hash(self):
h = hashlib.md5()
return h.hexdigest()
def write_int16(rom, address, value):
rom.write_bytes(address, int16_as_bytes(value))
def write_int32(rom, address, value):
rom.write_bytes(address, int32_as_bytes(value))
def write_int16s(rom, startaddress, values):
for i, value in enumerate(values):
write_int16(rom, startaddress + (i * 2), value)
def write_int32s(rom, startaddress, values):
for i, value in enumerate(values):
write_int32(rom, startaddress + (i * 4), value)
def read_rom(stream):
"Reads rom into bytearray and strips off any smc header"
buffer = bytearray(
if len(buffer)%0x400 == 0x200:
buffer = buffer[0x200:]
return buffer
def get_enemizer_patch(world, player, rom, baserom_path, enemizercli, shuffleenemies, enemy_health, enemy_damage, shufflepalette, shufflepots):
baserom_path = os.path.abspath(baserom_path)
basepatch_path = os.path.abspath(local_path('data/base2current.json'))
randopatch_path = os.path.abspath(output_path('enemizer_randopatch.json'))
options_path = os.path.abspath(output_path('enemizer_options.json'))
enemizer_output_path = os.path.abspath(output_path('enemizer_output.json'))
# write options file for enemizer
options = {
'RandomizeEnemies': shuffleenemies,
'RandomizeEnemiesType': 3,
'RandomizeBushEnemyChance': True,
'RandomizeEnemyHealthRange': enemy_health != 'default',
'RandomizeEnemyHealthType': {'default': 0, 'easy': 0, 'normal': 1, 'hard': 2, 'expert': 3}[enemy_health],
'OHKO': False,
'RandomizeEnemyDamage': enemy_damage != 'default',
'AllowEnemyZeroDamage': True,
'ShuffleEnemyDamageGroups': enemy_damage != 'default',
'EnemyDamageChaosMode': enemy_damage == 'chaos',
'EasyModeEscape': False,
'EnemiesAbsorbable': False,
'AbsorbableSpawnRate': 10,
'AbsorbableTypes': {
'FullMagic': True, 'SmallMagic': True, 'Bomb_1': True, 'BlueRupee': True, 'Heart': True, 'BigKey': True, 'Key': True,
'Fairy': True, 'Arrow_10': True, 'Arrow_5': True, 'Bomb_8': True, 'Bomb_4': True, 'GreenRupee': True, 'RedRupee': True
'BossMadness': False,
'RandomizeBosses': True,
'RandomizeBossesType': 0,
'RandomizeBossHealth': False,
'RandomizeBossHealthMinAmount': 0,
'RandomizeBossHealthMaxAmount': 300,
'RandomizeBossDamage': False,
'RandomizeBossDamageMinAmount': 0,
'RandomizeBossDamageMaxAmount': 200,
'RandomizeBossBehavior': False,
'RandomizeDungeonPalettes': shufflepalette,
'SetBlackoutMode': False,
'RandomizeOverworldPalettes': shufflepalette,
'RandomizeSpritePalettes': shufflepalette,
'SetAdvancedSpritePalettes': False,
'PukeMode': False,
'NegativeMode': False,
'GrayscaleMode': False,
'GenerateSpoilers': False,
'RandomizeLinkSpritePalette': False,
'RandomizePots': shufflepots,
'ShuffleMusic': False,
'BootlegMagic': True,
'CustomBosses': False,
'AndyMode': False,
'HeartBeepSpeed': 0,
'AlternateGfx': False,
'ShieldGraphics': "shield_gfx/normal.gfx",
'SwordGraphics': "sword_gfx/normal.gfx",
'BeeMizer': False,
'BeesLevel': 0,
'RandomizeTileTrapPattern': True,
'RandomizeTileTrapFloorTile': False,
'AllowKillableThief': shuffleenemies,
'RandomizeSpriteOnHit': False,
'DebugMode': False,
'DebugForceEnemy': False,
'DebugForceEnemyId': 0,
'DebugForceBoss': False,
'DebugForceBossId': 0,
'DebugOpenShutterDoors': False,
'DebugForceEnemyDamageZero': False,
'DebugShowRoomIdInRupeeCounter': False,
'UseManualBosses': True,
'ManualBosses': {
'EasternPalace': world.get_dungeon("Eastern Palace", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'DesertPalace': world.get_dungeon("Desert Palace", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'TowerOfHera': world.get_dungeon("Tower of Hera", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'AgahnimsTower': 'Agahnim',
'PalaceOfDarkness': world.get_dungeon("Palace of Darkness", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'SwampPalace': world.get_dungeon("Swamp Palace", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'SkullWoods': world.get_dungeon("Skull Woods", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'ThievesTown': world.get_dungeon("Thieves Town", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'IcePalace': world.get_dungeon("Ice Palace", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'MiseryMire': world.get_dungeon("Misery Mire", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'TurtleRock': world.get_dungeon("Turtle Rock", player).boss.enemizer_name,
'GanonsTower4': 'Agahnim2',
'Ganon': 'Ganon',
if world.mode != 'inverted':
options['ManualBosses']['GanonsTower1'] = world.get_dungeon('Ganons Tower', player).bosses['bottom'].enemizer_name
options['ManualBosses']['GanonsTower2'] = world.get_dungeon('Ganons Tower', player).bosses['middle'].enemizer_name
options['ManualBosses']['GanonsTower3'] = world.get_dungeon('Ganons Tower', player).bosses['top'].enemizer_name
options['ManualBosses']['GanonsTower1'] = world.get_dungeon('Inverted Ganons Tower', player).bosses['bottom'].enemizer_name
options['ManualBosses']['GanonsTower2'] = world.get_dungeon('Inverted Ganons Tower', player).bosses['middle'].enemizer_name
options['ManualBosses']['GanonsTower3'] = world.get_dungeon('Inverted Ganons Tower', player).bosses['top'].enemizer_name
with open(options_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(options, f)
'--rom', baserom_path,
'--seed', str(world.rom_seeds[player]),
'--base', basepatch_path,
'--randomizer', randopatch_path,
'--enemizer', options_path,
'--output', enemizer_output_path],
cwd=os.path.dirname(enemizercli), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
with open(enemizer_output_path, 'r') as f:
ret = json.load(f)
if os.path.exists(randopatch_path):
if os.path.exists(options_path):
if os.path.exists(enemizer_output_path):
return ret
class Sprite(object):
default_palette = [255, 127, 126, 35, 183, 17, 158, 54, 165, 20, 255, 1, 120, 16, 157,
89, 71, 54, 104, 59, 74, 10, 239, 18, 92, 42, 113, 21, 24, 122,
255, 127, 126, 35, 183, 17, 158, 54, 165, 20, 255, 1, 120, 16, 157,
89, 128, 105, 145, 118, 184, 38, 127, 67, 92, 42, 153, 17, 24, 122,
255, 127, 126, 35, 183, 17, 158, 54, 165, 20, 255, 1, 120, 16, 157,
89, 87, 16, 126, 69, 243, 109, 185, 126, 92, 42, 39, 34, 24, 122,
255, 127, 126, 35, 218, 17, 158, 54, 165, 20, 255, 1, 120, 16, 151,
61, 71, 54, 104, 59, 74, 10, 239, 18, 126, 86, 114, 24, 24, 122]
default_glove_palette = [246, 82, 118, 3]
def __init__(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
filedata = bytearray( = os.path.basename(filename)
self.author_name = None
self.valid = True
if len(filedata) == 0x7000:
# sprite file with graphics and without palette data
self.sprite = filedata[:0x7000]
self.palette = list(self.default_palette)
self.glove_palette = list(self.default_glove_palette)
elif len(filedata) == 0x7078:
# sprite file with graphics and palette data
self.sprite = filedata[:0x7000]
self.palette = filedata[0x7000:]
self.glove_palette = filedata[0x7036:0x7038] + filedata[0x7054:0x7056]
elif len(filedata) == 0x707C:
# sprite file with graphics and palette data including gloves
self.sprite = filedata[:0x7000]
self.palette = filedata[0x7000:0x7078]
self.glove_palette = filedata[0x7078:]
elif len(filedata) in [0x100000, 0x200000]:
# full rom with patched sprite, extract it
self.sprite = filedata[0x80000:0x87000]
self.palette = filedata[0xDD308:0xDD380]
self.glove_palette = filedata[0xDEDF5:0xDEDF9]
elif filedata.startswith(b'ZSPR'):
result = self.parse_zspr(filedata, 1)
if result is None:
self.valid = False
(sprite, palette,, self.author_name) = result
if len(sprite) != 0x7000:
self.valid = False
self.sprite = sprite
if len(palette) == 0:
self.palette = list(self.default_palette)
self.glove_palette = list(self.default_glove_palette)
elif len(palette) == 0x78:
self.palette = palette
self.glove_palette = list(self.default_glove_palette)
elif len(palette) == 0x7C:
self.palette = palette[:0x78]
self.glove_palette = palette[0x78:]
self.valid = False
self.valid = False
def default_link_sprite():
return Sprite(local_path('data/default.zspr'))
def decode8(self, pos):
arr = [[0 for _ in range(8)] for _ in range(8)]
for y in range(8):
for x in range(8):
position = 1<<(7-x)
val = 0
if self.sprite[pos+2*y] & position:
val += 1
if self.sprite[pos+2*y+1] & position:
val += 2
if self.sprite[pos+2*y+16] & position:
val += 4
if self.sprite[pos+2*y+17] & position:
val += 8
arr[y][x] = val
return arr
def decode16(self, pos):
arr = [[0 for _ in range(16)] for _ in range(16)]
top_left = self.decode8(pos)
top_right = self.decode8(pos+0x20)
bottom_left = self.decode8(pos+0x200)
bottom_right = self.decode8(pos+0x220)
for x in range(8):
for y in range(8):
arr[y][x] = top_left[y][x]
arr[y][x+8] = top_right[y][x]
arr[y+8][x] = bottom_left[y][x]
arr[y+8][x+8] = bottom_right[y][x]
return arr
def parse_zspr(self, filedata, expected_kind):
logger = logging.getLogger('')
headerstr = "<4xBHHIHIHH6x"
headersize = struct.calcsize(headerstr)
if len(filedata) < headersize:
return None
(version, csum, icsum, sprite_offset, sprite_size, palette_offset, palette_size, kind) = struct.unpack_from(headerstr, filedata)
if version not in [1]:
logger.error('Error parsing ZSPR file: Version %g not supported', version)
return None
if kind != expected_kind:
return None
stream = io.BytesIO(filedata)
def read_utf16le(stream):
"Decodes a null-terminated UTF-16_LE string of unknown size from a stream"
raw = bytearray()
while True:
char =
if char in [b'', b'\x00\x00']:
raw += char
return raw.decode('utf-16_le')
sprite_name = read_utf16le(stream)
author_name = read_utf16le(stream)
# Ignoring the Author Rom name for the time being.
real_csum = sum(filedata) % 0x10000
if real_csum != csum or real_csum ^ 0xFFFF != icsum:
logger.warning('ZSPR file has incorrect checksum. It may be corrupted.')
sprite = filedata[sprite_offset:sprite_offset + sprite_size]
palette = filedata[palette_offset:palette_offset + palette_size]
if len(sprite) != sprite_size or len(palette) != palette_size:
logger.error('Error parsing ZSPR file: Unexpected end of file')
return None
return (sprite, palette, sprite_name, author_name)
def decode_palette(self):
"Returns the palettes as an array of arrays of 15 colors"
def array_chunk(arr, size):
return list(zip(*[iter(arr)] * size))
def make_int16(pair):
return pair[1]<<8 | pair[0]
def expand_color(i):
return ((i & 0x1F) * 8, (i>>5 & 0x1F) * 8, (i>>10 & 0x1F) * 8)
raw_palette = self.palette
if raw_palette is None:
raw_palette = Sprite.default_palette
# turn palette data into a list of RGB tuples with 8 bit values
palette_as_colors = [expand_color(make_int16(chnk)) for chnk in array_chunk(raw_palette, 2)]
# split into palettes of 15 colors
return array_chunk(palette_as_colors, 15)
def patch_rom(world, player, rom, enemized):
# progressive bow silver arrow hint hack
prog_bow_locs = world.find_items('Progressive Bow', player)
if len(prog_bow_locs) > 1:
# only pick a distingushed bow if we have at least two
distinguished_prog_bow_loc = random.choice(prog_bow_locs)
distinguished_prog_bow_loc.item.code = 0x65
# patch items
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.player != player:
itemid = location.item.code if location.item is not None else 0x5A
if location.address is None:
if not location.crystal:
# Keys in their native dungeon should use the orignal item code for keys
if location.parent_region.dungeon:
dungeon = location.parent_region.dungeon
if location.item is not None and dungeon.is_dungeon_item(location.item):
if location.item.bigkey:
itemid = 0x32
if location.item.smallkey:
itemid = 0x24
if location.item and location.item.player != player:
if location.player_address is not None:
rom.write_byte(location.player_address, location.item.player)
itemid = 0x5A
rom.write_byte(location.address, itemid)
# crystals
for address, value in zip(location.address, itemid):
rom.write_byte(address, value)
# patch music
music_addresses = dungeon_music_addresses[]
if world.mapshuffle:
music = random.choice([0x11, 0x16])
music = 0x11 if 'Pendant' in else 0x16
for music_address in music_addresses:
rom.write_byte(music_address, music)
if world.mapshuffle:
rom.write_byte(0x155C9, random.choice([0x11, 0x16])) # Randomize GT music too with map shuffle
# patch entrance/exits/holes
for region in world.regions:
for exit in region.exits:
if is not None and exit.player == player:
if isinstance(exit.addresses, tuple):
offset =
room_id, ow_area, vram_loc, scroll_y, scroll_x, link_y, link_x, camera_y, camera_x, unknown_1, unknown_2, door_1, door_2 = exit.addresses
#room id is deliberately not written
rom.write_byte(0x15B8C + offset, ow_area)
write_int16(rom, 0x15BDB + 2 * offset, vram_loc)
write_int16(rom, 0x15C79 + 2 * offset, scroll_y)
write_int16(rom, 0x15D17 + 2 * offset, scroll_x)
# for positioning fixups we abuse the roomid as a way of identifying which exit data we are appling
# Thanks to Zarby89 for originally finding these values
# todo fix screen scrolling
if world.shuffle not in ['insanity', 'insanity_legacy', 'madness_legacy'] and \ in ['Eastern Palace Exit', 'Tower of Hera Exit', 'Thieves Town Exit', 'Skull Woods Final Section Exit', 'Ice Palace Exit', 'Misery Mire Exit',
'Palace of Darkness Exit', 'Swamp Palace Exit', 'Ganons Tower Exit', 'Desert Palace Exit (North)', 'Agahnims Tower Exit', 'Spiral Cave Exit (Top)',
'Superbunny Cave Exit (Bottom)', 'Turtle Rock Ledge Exit (East)']:
# For exits that connot be reached from another, no need to apply offset fixes.
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * offset, link_y) # same as final else
elif room_id == 0x0059 and world.fix_skullwoods_exit:
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * offset, 0x00F8)
elif room_id == 0x004a and world.fix_palaceofdarkness_exit:
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * offset, 0x0640)
elif room_id == 0x00d6 and world.fix_trock_exit:
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * offset, 0x0134)
elif room_id == 0x000c and world.fix_gtower_exit: # fix ganons tower exit point
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * offset, 0x00A4)
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * offset, link_y)
write_int16(rom, 0x15E53 + 2 * offset, link_x)
write_int16(rom, 0x15EF1 + 2 * offset, camera_y)
write_int16(rom, 0x15F8F + 2 * offset, camera_x)
rom.write_byte(0x1602D + offset, unknown_1)
rom.write_byte(0x1607C + offset, unknown_2)
write_int16(rom, 0x160CB + 2 * offset, door_1)
write_int16(rom, 0x16169 + 2 * offset, door_2)
elif isinstance(exit.addresses, list):
# is hole
for address in exit.addresses:
# patch door table
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + exit.addresses,
if world.mode == 'inverted':
patch_shuffled_dark_sanc(world, rom, player)
write_custom_shops(rom, world, player)
# patch medallion requirements
if world.required_medallions[player][0] == 'Bombos':
rom.write_byte(0x180022, 0x00) # requirement
rom.write_byte(0x4FF2, 0x31) # sprite
rom.write_byte(0x50D1, 0x80)
rom.write_byte(0x51B0, 0x00)
elif world.required_medallions[player][0] == 'Quake':
rom.write_byte(0x180022, 0x02) # requirement
rom.write_byte(0x4FF2, 0x31) # sprite
rom.write_byte(0x50D1, 0x88)
rom.write_byte(0x51B0, 0x00)
if world.required_medallions[player][1] == 'Bombos':
rom.write_byte(0x180023, 0x00) # requirement
rom.write_byte(0x5020, 0x31) # sprite
rom.write_byte(0x50FF, 0x90)
rom.write_byte(0x51DE, 0x00)
elif world.required_medallions[player][1] == 'Ether':
rom.write_byte(0x180023, 0x01) # requirement
rom.write_byte(0x5020, 0x31) # sprite
rom.write_byte(0x50FF, 0x98)
rom.write_byte(0x51DE, 0x00)
# set open mode:
if world.mode in ['open', 'inverted']:
rom.write_byte(0x180032, 0x01) # open mode
if world.mode == 'inverted':
set_inverted_mode(world, rom)
elif world.mode == 'standard':
rom.write_byte(0x180032, 0x00) # standard mode
uncle_location = world.get_location('Link\'s Uncle', player)
if uncle_location.item is None or not in ['Master Sword', 'Tempered Sword', 'Fighter Sword', 'Golden Sword', 'Progressive Sword']:
# disable sword sprite from uncle
rom.write_bytes(0x6D263, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D26B, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D293, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D29B, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D2B3, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x02, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D2BB, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x02, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D2E3, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x02, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D2EB, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x02, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D31B, [0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0xff, 0x08, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D323, [0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0xff, 0x08, 0x0E])
# set light cones
rom.write_byte(0x180038, 0x01 if world.sewer_light_cone else 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x180039, 0x01 if world.light_world_light_cone else 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x18003A, 0x01 if world.dark_world_light_cone else 0x00)
TRIFORCE_PIECE = ItemFactory('Triforce Piece', player).code
GREEN_CLOCK = ItemFactory('Green Clock', player).code
rom.write_byte(0x18004F, 0x01) # Byrna Invulnerability: on
# handle difficulty_adjustments
if world.difficulty_adjustments == 'hard':
# Powdered Fairies Prize
rom.write_byte(0x36DD0, 0xD8) # One Heart
# potion heal amount
rom.write_byte(0x180084, 0x38) # Seven Hearts
# potion magic restore amount
rom.write_byte(0x180085, 0x40) # Half Magic
#Cape magic cost
rom.write_bytes(0x3ADA7, [0x02, 0x04, 0x08])
# Byrna Invulnerability: off
rom.write_byte(0x18004F, 0x00)
#Disable catching fairies
rom.write_byte(0x34FD6, 0x80)
overflow_replacement = GREEN_TWENTY_RUPEES
# Rupoor negative value
write_int16(rom, 0x180036, world.rupoor_cost)
# Set stun items
rom.write_byte(0x180180, 0x02) # Hookshot only
elif world.difficulty_adjustments == 'expert':
# Powdered Fairies Prize
rom.write_byte(0x36DD0, 0xD8) # One Heart
# potion heal amount
rom.write_byte(0x180084, 0x20) # 4 Hearts
# potion magic restore amount
rom.write_byte(0x180085, 0x20) # Quarter Magic
#Cape magic cost
rom.write_bytes(0x3ADA7, [0x02, 0x04, 0x08])
# Byrna Invulnerability: off
rom.write_byte(0x18004F, 0x00)
#Disable catching fairies
rom.write_byte(0x34FD6, 0x80)
overflow_replacement = GREEN_TWENTY_RUPEES
# Rupoor negative value
write_int16(rom, 0x180036, world.rupoor_cost)
# Set stun items
rom.write_byte(0x180180, 0x00) # Nothing
# Powdered Fairies Prize
rom.write_byte(0x36DD0, 0xE3) # fairy
# potion heal amount
rom.write_byte(0x180084, 0xA0) # full
# potion magic restore amount
rom.write_byte(0x180085, 0x80) # full
#Cape magic cost
rom.write_bytes(0x3ADA7, [0x04, 0x08, 0x10])
# Byrna Invulnerability: on
rom.write_byte(0x18004F, 0x01)
#Enable catching fairies
rom.write_byte(0x34FD6, 0xF0)
# Rupoor negative value
write_int16(rom, 0x180036, world.rupoor_cost)
# Set stun items
rom.write_byte(0x180180, 0x03) # All standard items
#Set overflow items for progressive equipment
if world.timer in ['timed', 'timed-countdown', 'timed-ohko']:
overflow_replacement = GREEN_CLOCK
overflow_replacement = GREEN_TWENTY_RUPEES
rom.write_byte(0x180181, 0x00) # Make silver arrows freely usable
rom.write_byte(0x180182, 0x01) # auto equip silvers on pickup
#Byrna residual magic cost
rom.write_bytes(0x45C42, [0x04, 0x02, 0x01])
difficulty = world.difficulty_requirements
#Set overflow items for progressive equipment
mw_sword_replacements = {0: overflow_replacement,
1: item_table['Fighter Sword'][3],
2: item_table['Master Sword'][3],
3: item_table['Tempered Sword'][3],
4: item_table['Golden Sword'][3]}
mw_shield_replacements = {0: overflow_replacement,
1: item_table['Blue Shield'][3],
2: item_table['Red Shield'][3],
3: item_table['Mirror Shield'][3]}
mw_armor_replacements = {0: overflow_replacement,
1: item_table['Blue Mail'][3],
2: item_table['Red Mail'][3]}
mw_bottle_replacements = {0: overflow_replacement,
1: item_table['Blue Potion'][3],
2: item_table['Blue Potion'][3],
3: item_table['Blue Potion'][3],
4: item_table['Blue Potion'][3]}
mw_bow_replacements = {0: overflow_replacement,
1: item_table['Bow'][3],
2: item_table['Bow'][3]}
[difficulty.progressive_sword_limit, mw_sword_replacements[difficulty.progressive_sword_limit] if world.players > 1 else overflow_replacement,
difficulty.progressive_shield_limit, mw_shield_replacements[difficulty.progressive_shield_limit] if world.players > 1 else overflow_replacement,
difficulty.progressive_armor_limit, mw_armor_replacements[difficulty.progressive_armor_limit] if world.players > 1 else overflow_replacement,
difficulty.progressive_bottle_limit, mw_bottle_replacements[difficulty.progressive_bottle_limit] if world.players > 1 else overflow_replacement,
difficulty.progressive_bow_limit, mw_bow_replacements[difficulty.progressive_bow_limit] if world.players > 1 else overflow_replacement])
if difficulty.progressive_bow_limit < 2 and world.swords == 'swordless':
rom.write_bytes(0x180098, [2, mw_bow_replacements[difficulty.progressive_bow_limit] if world.players > 1 else overflow_replacement])
rom.write_byte(0x180181, 0x01) # Make silver arrows work only on ganon
# set up game internal RNG seed
for i in range(1024):
rom.write_byte(0x178000 + i, random.randint(0, 255))
# shuffle prize packs
prizes = [0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD9, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xDB, 0xDA, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xE0, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDA, 0xE0, 0xDF, 0xD8, 0xDF,
0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDD, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDE, 0xDC, 0xE1, 0xD8, 0xE1, 0xE2, 0xE1, 0xD8, 0xE1, 0xE2, 0xDF, 0xD9, 0xD8, 0xE1, 0xDF, 0xDC, 0xD9, 0xD8,
0xD8, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0xDB, 0xDE, 0xD8, 0xDB, 0xE2, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xDB, 0xD9, 0xDB, 0xD9, 0xDB]
dig_prizes = [0xB2, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8,
0xD9, 0xD9, 0xD9, 0xD9, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xDA,
0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC,
0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xDE,
0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0,
0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE2, 0xE2, 0xE2, 0xE2, 0xE2,
0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3]
def chunk(l,n):
return [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
# randomize last 7 slots
prizes [-7:] = random.sample(prizes, 7)
#shuffle order of 7 main packs
packs = chunk(prizes[:56], 8)
prizes[:56] = [drop for pack in packs for drop in pack]
if world.difficulty_adjustments in ['hard', 'expert']:
prize_replacements = {0xE0: 0xDF, # Fairy -> heart
0xE3: 0xD8} # Big magic -> small magic
prizes = [prize_replacements.get(prize, prize) for prize in prizes]
dig_prizes = [prize_replacements.get(prize, prize) for prize in dig_prizes]
if world.retro:
prize_replacements = {0xE1: 0xDA, #5 Arrows -> Blue Rupee
0xE2: 0xDB} #10 Arrows -> Red Rupee
prizes = [prize_replacements.get(prize, prize) for prize in prizes]
dig_prizes = [prize_replacements.get(prize, prize) for prize in dig_prizes]
rom.write_bytes(0x180100, dig_prizes)
# write tree pull prizes
rom.write_byte(0xEFBD4, prizes.pop())
rom.write_byte(0xEFBD5, prizes.pop())
rom.write_byte(0xEFBD6, prizes.pop())
# rupee crab prizes
rom.write_byte(0x329C8, prizes.pop()) # first prize
rom.write_byte(0x329C4, prizes.pop()) # final prize
# stunned enemy prize
rom.write_byte(0x37993, prizes.pop())
# saved fish prize
rom.write_byte(0xE82CC, prizes.pop())
# fill enemy prize packs
rom.write_bytes(0x37A78, prizes)
# set bonk prizes
bonk_prizes = [0x79, 0xE3, 0x79, 0xAC, 0xAC, 0xE0, 0xDC, 0xAC, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xDA, 0xE3, 0xDA, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xAC, 0xE3, 0xD8, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xDC, 0xDB, 0xE3, 0xDA, 0x79, 0x79, 0xE3, 0xE3,
0xDA, 0x79, 0xAC, 0xAC, 0x79, 0xE3, 0x79, 0xAC, 0xAC, 0xE0, 0xDC, 0xE3, 0x79, 0xDE, 0xE3, 0xAC, 0xDB, 0x79, 0xE3, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x79, 0xE3, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0x79, 0xD8, 0xDD]
bonk_addresses = [0x4CF6C, 0x4CFBA, 0x4CFE0, 0x4CFFB, 0x4D018, 0x4D01B, 0x4D028, 0x4D03C, 0x4D059, 0x4D07A, 0x4D09E, 0x4D0A8, 0x4D0AB, 0x4D0AE, 0x4D0BE, 0x4D0DD,
0x4D16A, 0x4D1E5, 0x4D1EE, 0x4D20B, 0x4CBBF, 0x4CBBF, 0x4CC17, 0x4CC1A, 0x4CC4A, 0x4CC4D, 0x4CC53, 0x4CC69, 0x4CC6F, 0x4CC7C, 0x4CCEF, 0x4CD51,
0x4CDC0, 0x4CDC3, 0x4CDC6, 0x4CE37, 0x4D2DE, 0x4D32F, 0x4D355, 0x4D367, 0x4D384, 0x4D387, 0x4D397, 0x4D39E, 0x4D3AB, 0x4D3AE, 0x4D3D1, 0x4D3D7,
0x4D3F8, 0x4D416, 0x4D420, 0x4D423, 0x4D42D, 0x4D449, 0x4D48C, 0x4D4D9, 0x4D4DC, 0x4D4E3, 0x4D504, 0x4D507, 0x4D55E, 0x4D56A]
if world.shuffle_bonk_prizes:
for prize, address in zip(bonk_prizes, bonk_addresses):
rom.write_byte(address, prize)
# Fill in item substitutions table
rom.write_bytes(0x184000, [
# original_item, limit, replacement_item, filler
0x12, 0x01, 0x35, 0xFF, # lamp -> 5 rupees
0x51, 0x06, 0x52, 0xFF, # 6 +5 bomb upgrades -> +10 bomb upgrade
0x53, 0x06, 0x54, 0xFF, # 6 +5 arrow upgrades -> +10 arrow upgrade
0x58, 0x01, 0x36 if world.retro else 0x43, 0xFF, # silver arrows -> single arrow (red 20 in retro mode)
0x3E, difficulty.boss_heart_container_limit, 0x47, 0xff, # boss heart -> green 20
0x17, difficulty.heart_piece_limit, 0x47, 0xff, # piece of heart -> green 20
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, # end of table sentinel
# set Fountain bottle exchange items
if world.difficulty in ['hard', 'expert']:
rom.write_byte(0x348FF, [0x16, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x3C, 0x48][random.randint(0, 5)])
rom.write_byte(0x3493B, [0x16, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x3C, 0x48][random.randint(0, 5)])
rom.write_byte(0x348FF, [0x16, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x48][random.randint(0, 6)])
rom.write_byte(0x3493B, [0x16, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x48][random.randint(0, 6)])
#enable Fat Fairy Chests
rom.write_bytes(0x1FC16, [0xB1, 0xC6, 0xF9, 0xC9, 0xC6, 0xF9])
# set Fat Fairy Bow/Sword prizes to be disappointing
rom.write_byte(0x34914, 0x3A) # Bow and Arrow
rom.write_byte(0x180028, 0x49) # Fighter Sword
# enable Waterfall fairy chests
rom.write_bytes(0xE9AE, [0x14, 0x01])
rom.write_bytes(0xE9CF, [0x14, 0x01])
rom.write_bytes(0x1F714, [225, 0, 16, 172, 13, 41, 154, 1, 88, 152, 15, 17, 177, 97, 252, 77, 129, 32, 218, 2, 44, 225, 97, 252, 190, 129, 97, 177, 98, 84, 218, 2,
253, 141, 131, 68, 225, 98, 253, 30, 131, 49, 165, 201, 49, 164, 105, 49, 192, 34, 77, 164, 105, 49, 198, 249, 73, 198, 249, 16, 153, 160, 92, 153,
162, 11, 152, 96, 13, 232, 192, 85, 232, 192, 11, 146, 0, 115, 152, 96, 254, 105, 0, 152, 163, 97, 254, 107, 129, 254, 171, 133, 169, 200, 97, 254,
174, 129, 255, 105, 2, 216, 163, 98, 255, 107, 131, 255, 43, 135, 201, 200, 98, 255, 46, 131, 254, 161, 0, 170, 33, 97, 254, 166, 129, 255, 33, 2,
202, 33, 98, 255, 38, 131, 187, 35, 250, 195, 35, 250, 187, 43, 250, 195, 43, 250, 187, 83, 250, 195, 83, 250, 176, 160, 61, 152, 19, 192, 152, 82,
192, 136, 0, 96, 144, 0, 96, 232, 0, 96, 240, 0, 96, 152, 202, 192, 216, 202, 192, 216, 19, 192, 216, 82, 192, 252, 189, 133, 253, 29, 135, 255,
255, 255, 255, 240, 255, 128, 46, 97, 14, 129, 14, 255, 255])
# set Waterfall fairy prizes to be disappointing
rom.write_byte(0x348DB, 0x3A) # Red Boomerang becomes Red Boomerang
rom.write_byte(0x348EB, 0x05) # Blue Shield becomes Blue Shield
# Remove Statues for upgrade fairy
rom.write_bytes(0x01F810, [0x1A, 0x1E, 0x01, 0x1A, 0x1E, 0x01])
rom.write_byte(0x180029, 0x01) # Smithy quick item give
# set swordless mode settings
rom.write_byte(0x18003F, 0x01 if world.swords == 'swordless' else 0x00) # hammer can harm ganon
rom.write_byte(0x180040, 0x01 if world.swords == 'swordless' else 0x00) # open curtains
rom.write_byte(0x180041, 0x01 if world.swords == 'swordless' else 0x00) # swordless medallions
rom.write_byte(0x180043, 0xFF if world.swords == 'swordless' else 0x00) # starting sword for link
rom.write_byte(0x180044, 0x01 if world.swords == 'swordless' else 0x00) # hammer activates tablets
# set up clocks for timed modes
if world.shuffle == 'vanilla':
ERtimeincrease = 0
elif world.shuffle in ['dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull']:
ERtimeincrease = 10
ERtimeincrease = 20
if world.keyshuffle or world.bigkeyshuffle or world.mapshuffle:
ERtimeincrease = ERtimeincrease + 15
if world.clock_mode == 'off':
rom.write_bytes(0x180190, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # turn off clock mode
write_int32(rom, 0x180200, 0) # red clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180204, 0) # blue clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180208, 0) # green clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x18020C, 0) # starting time (in frames, sint32)
elif world.clock_mode == 'ohko':
rom.write_bytes(0x180190, [0x01, 0x02, 0x01]) # ohko timer with resetable timer functionality
write_int32(rom, 0x180200, 0) # red clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180204, 0) # blue clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180208, 0) # green clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x18020C, 0) # starting time (in frames, sint32)
elif world.clock_mode == 'countdown-ohko':
rom.write_bytes(0x180190, [0x01, 0x02, 0x01]) # ohko timer with resetable timer functionality
write_int32(rom, 0x180200, -100 * 60 * 60 * 60) # red clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180204, 2 * 60 * 60) # blue clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180208, 4 * 60 * 60) # green clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
if world.difficulty_adjustments == 'normal':
write_int32(rom, 0x18020C, (10 + ERtimeincrease) * 60 * 60) # starting time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x18020C, int((5 + ERtimeincrease / 2) * 60 * 60)) # starting time (in frames, sint32)
if world.clock_mode == 'stopwatch':
rom.write_bytes(0x180190, [0x02, 0x01, 0x00]) # set stopwatch mode
write_int32(rom, 0x180200, -2 * 60 * 60) # red clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180204, 2 * 60 * 60) # blue clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180208, 4 * 60 * 60) # green clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x18020C, 0) # starting time (in frames, sint32)
if world.clock_mode == 'countdown':
rom.write_bytes(0x180190, [0x01, 0x01, 0x00]) # set countdown, with no reset available
write_int32(rom, 0x180200, -2 * 60 * 60) # red clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180204, 2 * 60 * 60) # blue clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x180208, 4 * 60 * 60) # green clock adjustment time (in frames, sint32)
write_int32(rom, 0x18020C, (40 + ERtimeincrease) * 60 * 60) # starting time (in frames, sint32)
# set up goals for treasure hunt
rom.write_bytes(0x180165, [0x0E, 0x28] if world.treasure_hunt_icon == 'Triforce Piece' else [0x0D, 0x28])
rom.write_byte(0x180167, world.treasure_hunt_count % 256)
rom.write_byte(0x180194, 1) # Must turn in triforced pieces (instant win not enabled)
# TODO: a proper race rom mode should be implemented, that changes the following flag, and rummages the table (or uses the future encryption feature, etc)
rom.write_bytes(0x180213, [0x00, 0x01]) # Not a Tournament Seed
gametype = 0x04 # item
if world.shuffle != 'vanilla':
gametype |= 0x02 # entrance
if enemized:
gametype |= 0x01 # enemizer
rom.write_byte(0x180211, gametype) # Game type
# assorted fixes
rom.write_byte(0x1800A2, 0x01) # remain in real dark world when dying in dark world dungeon before killing aga1
rom.write_byte(0x180169, 0x01 if world.lock_aga_door_in_escape else 0x00) # Lock or unlock aga tower door during escape sequence.
if world.mode == 'inverted':
rom.write_byte(0x180169, 0x02) # lock aga/ganon tower door with crystals in inverted
rom.write_byte(0x180171, 0x01 if world.ganon_at_pyramid[player] else 0x00) # Enable respawning on pyramid after ganon death
rom.write_byte(0x180173, 0x01) # Bob is enabled
rom.write_byte(0x180168, 0x08) # Spike Cave Damage
rom.write_bytes(0x18016B, [0x04, 0x02, 0x01]) #Set spike cave and MM spike room Cape usage
rom.write_bytes(0x18016E, [0x04, 0x08, 0x10]) #Set spike cave and MM spike room Cape usage
rom.write_bytes(0x50563, [0x3F, 0x14]) # disable below ganon chest
rom.write_byte(0x50599, 0x00) # disable below ganon chest
rom.write_bytes(0xE9A5, [0x7E, 0x00, 0x24]) # disable below ganon chest
rom.write_byte(0x18008B, 0x01 if world.open_pyramid else 0x00) # pre-open Pyramid Hole
rom.write_byte(0x18008C, 0x01 if world.crystals_needed_for_gt == 0 else 0x00) # GT pre-opened if crystal requirement is 0
rom.write_byte(0xF5D73, 0xF0) # bees are catchable
rom.write_byte(0xF5F10, 0xF0) # bees are catchable
rom.write_byte(0x180086, 0x00 if world.aga_randomness else 0x01) # set blue ball and ganon warp randomness
rom.write_byte(0x1800A0, 0x01) # return to light world on s+q without mirror
rom.write_byte(0x1800A1, 0x01) # enable overworld screen transition draining for water level inside swamp
rom.write_byte(0x180174, 0x01 if world.fix_fake_world else 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x18017E, 0x01) # Fairy fountains only trade in bottles
rom.write_byte(0x180034, 0x0A) # starting max bombs
rom.write_byte(0x180035, 30) # starting max arrows
for x in range(0x183000, 0x18304F):
rom.write_byte(x, 0) # Zero the initial equipment array
rom.write_byte(0x18302C, 0x18) # starting max health
rom.write_byte(0x18302D, 0x18) # starting current health
rom.write_byte(0x183039, 0x68) # starting abilities, bit array
for item in world.precollected_items:
if item.player != player:
if == 'Fighter Sword':
rom.write_byte(0x183000+0x19, 0x01)
rom.write_byte(0x0271A6+0x19, 0x01)
rom.write_byte(0x180043, 0x01) # special starting sword byte
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported pre-collected item: {}".format(item))
rom.write_byte(0x18004A, 0x00 if world.mode != 'inverted' else 0x01) # Inverted mode
rom.write_byte(0x18005D, 0x00) # Hammer always breaks barrier
rom.write_byte(0x2AF79, 0xD0 if world.mode != 'inverted' else 0xF0) # vortexes: Normal (D0=light to dark, F0=dark to light, 42 = both)
rom.write_byte(0x3A943, 0xD0 if world.mode != 'inverted' else 0xF0) # Mirror: Normal (D0=Dark to Light, F0=light to dark, 42 = both)
rom.write_byte(0x3A96D, 0xF0 if world.mode != 'inverted' else 0xD0) # Residual Portal: Normal (F0= Light Side, D0=Dark Side, 42 = both (Darth Vader))
rom.write_byte(0x3A9A7, 0xD0) # Residual Portal: Normal (D0= Light Side, F0=Dark Side, 42 = both (Darth Vader))
rom.write_bytes(0x180080, [50, 50, 70, 70]) # values to fill for Capacity Upgrades (Bomb5, Bomb10, Arrow5, Arrow10)
rom.write_byte(0x18004D, 0x00) # Escape assist (off)
if world.goal in ['pedestal', 'triforcehunt']:
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x01) # make ganon invincible
elif world.goal in ['dungeons']:
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x02) # make ganon invincible until all dungeons are beat
elif world.goal in ['crystals']:
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x04) # make ganon invincible until all crystals
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x03) # make ganon invincible until all crystals and aga 2 are collected
rom.write_byte(0x18005E, world.crystals_needed_for_gt)
rom.write_byte(0x18005F, world.crystals_needed_for_ganon)
rom.write_byte(0x18008A, 0x01 if world.mode == "standard" else 0x00) # block HC upstairs doors in rain state in standard mode
rom.write_byte(0x18016A, 0x10 | ((0x01 if world.keyshuffle else 0x00)
| (0x02 if world.compassshuffle else 0x00)
| (0x04 if world.mapshuffle else 0x00)
| (0x08 if world.bigkeyshuffle else 0x00))) # free roaming item text boxes
rom.write_byte(0x18003B, 0x01 if world.mapshuffle else 0x00) # maps showing crystals on overworld
# compasses showing dungeon count
if world.clock_mode != 'off':
rom.write_byte(0x18003C, 0x00) # Currently must be off if timer is on, because they use same HUD location
elif world.compassshuffle:
rom.write_byte(0x18003C, 0x01) # show on pickup
rom.write_byte(0x18003C, 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x180045, ((0x01 if world.keyshuffle else 0x00)
| (0x02 if world.bigkeyshuffle else 0x00)
| (0x04 if world.compassshuffle else 0x00)
| (0x08 if world.mapshuffle else 0x00))) # free roaming items in menu
# Map reveals
reveal_bytes = {
"Eastern Palace": 0x2000,
"Desert Palace": 0x1000,
"Tower of Hera": 0x0020,
"Palace of Darkness": 0x0200,
"Thieves Town": 0x0010,
"Skull Woods": 0x0080,
"Swamp Palace": 0x0400,
"Ice Palace": 0x0040,
"Misery Mire'": 0x0100,
"Turtle Rock": 0x0008,
def get_reveal_bytes(itemName):
locations = world.find_items(itemName, player)
if len(locations) < 1:
return 0x0000
location = locations[0]
if location.parent_region and location.parent_region.dungeon:
return reveal_bytes.get(, 0x0000)
return 0x0000
write_int16(rom, 0x18017A, get_reveal_bytes('Green Pendant') if world.mapshuffle else 0x0000) # Sahasrahla reveal
write_int16(rom, 0x18017C, get_reveal_bytes('Crystal 5')|get_reveal_bytes('Crystal 6') if world.mapshuffle else 0x0000) # Bomb Shop Reveal
rom.write_byte(0x180172, 0x01 if world.retro else 0x00) # universal keys
rom.write_byte(0x180175, 0x01 if world.retro else 0x00) # rupee bow
rom.write_byte(0x180176, 0x0A if world.retro else 0x00) # wood arrow cost
rom.write_byte(0x180178, 0x32 if world.retro else 0x00) # silver arrow cost
rom.write_byte(0x301FC, 0xDA if world.retro else 0xE1) # rupees replace arrows under pots
rom.write_byte(0x30052, 0xDB if world.retro else 0xE2) # replace arrows in fish prize from bottle merchant
rom.write_bytes(0xECB4E, [0xA9, 0x00, 0xEA, 0xEA] if world.retro else [0xAF, 0x77, 0xF3, 0x7E]) # Thief steals rupees instead of arrows
rom.write_bytes(0xF0D96, [0xA9, 0x00, 0xEA, 0xEA] if world.retro else [0xAF, 0x77, 0xF3, 0x7E]) # Pikit steals rupees instead of arrows
rom.write_bytes(0xEDA5, [0x35, 0x41] if world.retro else [0x43, 0x44]) # Chest game gives rupees instead of arrows
digging_game_rng = random.randint(1, 30) # set rng for digging game
rom.write_byte(0x180020, digging_game_rng)
rom.write_byte(0xEFD95, digging_game_rng)
rom.write_byte(0x1800A3, 0x01) # enable correct world setting behaviour after agahnim kills
rom.write_byte(0x1800A4, 0x01 if world.logic != 'nologic' else 0x00) # enable POD EG fix
rom.write_byte(0x180042, 0x01 if world.save_and_quit_from_boss else 0x00) # Allow Save and Quit after boss kill
# remove shield from uncle
rom.write_bytes(0x6D253, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D25B, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D283, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D28B, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D2CB, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x02, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D2FB, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x02, 0x0E])
rom.write_bytes(0x6D313, [0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0xff, 0x08, 0x0E])
rom.write_byte(0x18004E, 0) # Escape Fill (nothing)
write_int16(rom, 0x180183, 300) # Escape fill rupee bow
rom.write_bytes(0x180185, [0,0,0]) # Uncle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x180188, [0,0,0]) # Zelda respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x18018B, [0,0,0]) # Mantle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
if world.mode == 'standard':
if uncle_location.item is not None and in ['Bow', 'Progressive Bow']:
rom.write_byte(0x18004E, 1) # Escape Fill (arrows)
write_int16(rom, 0x180183, 300) # Escape fill rupee bow
rom.write_bytes(0x180185, [0,0,70]) # Uncle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x180188, [0,0,10]) # Zelda respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x18018B, [0,0,10]) # Mantle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
elif uncle_location.item is not None and in ['Bombs (10)']:
rom.write_byte(0x18004E, 2) # Escape Fill (bombs)
rom.write_bytes(0x180185, [0,50,0]) # Uncle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x180188, [0,3,0]) # Zelda respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x18018B, [0,3,0]) # Mantle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
elif uncle_location.item is not None and in ['Cane of Somaria', 'Cane of Byrna', 'Fire Rod']:
rom.write_byte(0x18004E, 4) # Escape Fill (magic)
rom.write_bytes(0x180185, [0x80,0,0]) # Uncle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x180188, [0x20,0,0]) # Zelda respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
rom.write_bytes(0x18018B, [0x20,0,0]) # Mantle respawn refills (magic, bombs, arrows)
# patch swamp: Need to enable permanent drain of water as dam or swamp were moved
rom.write_byte(0x18003D, 0x01 if world.swamp_patch_required[player] else 0x00)
# powder patch: remove the need to leave the screen after powder, since it causes problems for potion shop at race game
# temporarally we are just nopping out this check we will conver this to a rom fix soon.
rom.write_bytes(0x02F539, [0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA] if world.powder_patch_required[player] else [0xAD, 0xBF, 0x0A, 0xF0, 0x4F])
# allow smith into multi-entrance caves in appropriate shuffles
if world.shuffle in ['restricted', 'full', 'crossed', 'insanity']:
rom.write_byte(0x18004C, 0x01)
# set correct flag for hera basement item
hera_basement = world.get_location('Tower of Hera - Basement Cage', player)
if hera_basement.item is not None and == 'Small Key (Tower of Hera)' and hera_basement.item.player == player:
rom.write_byte(0x4E3BB, 0xE4)
rom.write_byte(0x4E3BB, 0xEB)
# fix trock doors for reverse entrances
if world.fix_trock_doors:
rom.write_byte(0xFED31, 0x0E) # preopen bombable exit
rom.write_byte(0xFEE41, 0x0E) # preopen bombable exit
# included unconditionally in base2current
#rom.write_byte(0xFE465, 0x1E) # remove small key door on backside of big key door
rom.write_byte(0xFED31, 0x2A) # preopen bombable exit
rom.write_byte(0xFEE41, 0x2A) # preopen bombable exit
write_strings(rom, world, player)
# set rom name
# 21 bytes
from Main import __version__ = bytearray('ER{0}_{1}_{2:09}\0'.format(__version__.split('-')[0].replace('.','')[0:3], player, world.seed), 'utf8')
# Write title screen Code
hashint = int(rom.get_hash(), 16)
code = [
(hashint >> 20) & 0x1F,
(hashint >> 15) & 0x1F,
(hashint >> 10) & 0x1F,
(hashint >> 5) & 0x1F,
hashint & 0x1F,
rom.write_bytes(0x180215, code)
return rom
def write_custom_shops(rom, world, player):
shops = [shop for shop in world.shops if shop.replaceable and and shop.region.player == player]
shop_data = bytearray()
items_data = bytearray()
sram_offset = 0
for shop_id, shop in enumerate(shops):
if shop_id == len(shops) - 1:
shop_id = 0xFF
bytes = shop.get_bytes()
bytes[0] = shop_id
bytes[-1] = sram_offset
if shop.type == ShopType.TakeAny:
sram_offset += 1
sram_offset += shop.item_count
# [id][item][price-low][price-high][max][repl_id][repl_price-low][repl_price-high]
for item in shop.inventory:
if item is None:
item_data = [shop_id, ItemFactory(item['item'], player).code] + int16_as_bytes(item['price']) + [item['max'], ItemFactory(item['replacement'], player).code if item['replacement'] else 0xFF] + int16_as_bytes(item['replacement_price'])
rom.write_bytes(0x184800, shop_data)
items_data.extend([0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF])
rom.write_bytes(0x184900, items_data)
def hud_format_text(text):
output = bytes()
for char in text.lower():
if 'a' <= char <= 'z':
output += bytes([0x5d + ord(char) - ord('a'), 0x29])
elif '0' <= char <= '8':
output += bytes([0x77 + ord(char) - ord('0'), 0x29])
elif char == '9':
output += b'\x4b\x29'
elif char == ' ':
output += b'\x7f\x00'
output += b'\x2a\x29'
while len(output) < 32:
output += b'\x7f\x00'
return output[:32]
def apply_rom_settings(rom, beep, color, quickswap, fastmenu, disable_music, sprite, names = None):
# enable instant item menu
if fastmenu == 'instant':
rom.write_byte(0x6DD9A, 0x20)
rom.write_byte(0x6DF2A, 0x20)
rom.write_byte(0x6E0E9, 0x20)
rom.write_byte(0x6DD9A, 0x11)
rom.write_byte(0x6DF2A, 0x12)
rom.write_byte(0x6E0E9, 0x12)
if fastmenu == 'instant':
rom.write_byte(0x180048, 0xE8)
elif fastmenu == 'double':
rom.write_byte(0x180048, 0x10)
elif fastmenu == 'triple':
rom.write_byte(0x180048, 0x18)
elif fastmenu == 'quadruple':
rom.write_byte(0x180048, 0x20)
elif fastmenu == 'half':
rom.write_byte(0x180048, 0x04)
rom.write_byte(0x180048, 0x08)
rom.write_byte(0x18004B, 0x01 if quickswap else 0x00)
music_volumes = [
(0x00, [0xD373B, 0xD375B, 0xD90F8]),
(0x14, [0xDA710, 0xDA7A4, 0xDA7BB, 0xDA7D2]),
(0x3C, [0xD5954, 0xD653B, 0xDA736, 0xDA752, 0xDA772, 0xDA792]),
(0x50, [0xD5B47, 0xD5B5E]),
(0x54, [0xD4306]),
[0xD6878, 0xD6883, 0xD6E48, 0xD6E76, 0xD6EFB, 0xD6F2D, 0xDA211, 0xDA35B, 0xDA37B, 0xDA38E, 0xDA39F, 0xDA5C3,
0xDA691, 0xDA6A8, 0xDA6DF]),
[0xD2349, 0xD3F45, 0xD42EB, 0xD48B9, 0xD48FF, 0xD543F, 0xD5817, 0xD5957, 0xD5ACB, 0xD5AE8, 0xD5B4A, 0xDA5DE,
0xDA608, 0xDA635,
0xDA662, 0xDA71F, 0xDA7AF, 0xDA7C6, 0xDA7DD]),
(0x82, [0xD2F00, 0xDA3D5]),
[0xD249C, 0xD24CD, 0xD2C09, 0xD2C53, 0xD2CAF, 0xD2CEB, 0xD2D91, 0xD2EE6, 0xD38ED, 0xD3C91, 0xD3CD3, 0xD3CE8,
0xD3F82, 0xD405F, 0xD4139, 0xD4198, 0xD41D5, 0xD41F6, 0xD422B, 0xD4270, 0xD42B1, 0xD4334, 0xD4371, 0xD43A6,
0xD441E, 0xD4597, 0xD4B3C, 0xD4BAB, 0xD4C03, 0xD4C53, 0xD4C7F, 0xD4D9C, 0xD5424, 0xD65D2, 0xD664F, 0xD6698,
0xD6985, 0xD6C5C, 0xD6C6F, 0xD6C8E, 0xD6CB4, 0xD6D7D, 0xD827D, 0xD960C, 0xD9828, 0xDA233, 0xDA3A2, 0xDA49E,
0xDA745, 0xDA765, 0xDA785, 0xDABF6, 0xDAC0D, 0xDAEBE, 0xDAFAC]),
(0xAA, [0xD9A02, 0xD9BD6]),
[0xD21CD, 0xD2279, 0xD2E66, 0xD2E70, 0xD2EAB, 0xD3B97, 0xD3BAC, 0xD3BE8, 0xD3C0D, 0xD3C39, 0xD3C68, 0xD3C9F,
0xD401E, 0xD4290, 0xD443E, 0xD456F, 0xD47D3, 0xD4D43, 0xD4DCC, 0xD4EBA, 0xD4F0B, 0xD4FE5, 0xD5012, 0xD54BC,
0xD54F0, 0xD5509, 0xD57D8, 0xD59B9, 0xD5A2F, 0xD5AEB, 0xD5E5E, 0xD5FE9, 0xD658F, 0xD674A, 0xD6827, 0xD69D6,
0xD6A05, 0xD6AE9, 0xD6DCF, 0xD6E20, 0xD6ECB, 0xD71D4, 0xD71E6, 0xD7203, 0xD721E, 0xD8724, 0xD8732, 0xD9652,
0xD9CBC, 0xD9DC0, 0xD9E49, 0xDAA68, 0xDAA77, 0xDAA88, 0xDAA99, 0xDAF04]),
[0xD1D28, 0xD1D41, 0xD1D5C, 0xD1D77, 0xD1EEE, 0xD311D, 0xD31D1, 0xD4148, 0xD5543, 0xD5B6F, 0xD65B3, 0xD6760,
0xD6DF6, 0xD6E0D, 0xD73A1, 0xD814C, 0xD825D, 0xD82BE, 0xD8340, 0xD8394, 0xD842C, 0xD8796, 0xD8903, 0xD892A,
0xD922B, 0xD92E0, 0xD937E, 0xD93C1, 0xDA958, 0xDA971, 0xDA98C, 0xDA9A7]),
[0xD1D92, 0xD1DBD, 0xD1DEB, 0xD1F5D, 0xD1F9F, 0xD1FBD, 0xD1FDC, 0xD1FEA, 0xD20CA, 0xD21BB, 0xD22C9, 0xD2754,
0xD2866, 0xD2887, 0xD28A0, 0xD28BA, 0xD28DB, 0xD28F4, 0xD293E, 0xD2BF3, 0xD2C1F, 0xD2C69, 0xD2CA1, 0xD2CC5,
0xD2D73, 0xD2DAF, 0xD2E3D, 0xD2F36, 0xD2F46, 0xD2F6F, 0xD2FCF, 0xD2FDF, 0xD302B, 0xD3086, 0xD3099, 0xD30A5,
0xD30F6, 0xD3154, 0xD3184, 0xD333A, 0xD33D9, 0xD349F, 0xD354A, 0xD35E5, 0xD3624, 0xD363C, 0xD3672, 0xD3691,
0xD36C6, 0xD3724, 0xD3767, 0xD38CB, 0xD3B1D, 0xD3B2F, 0xD3B55, 0xD3B70, 0xD3B81, 0xD3BBF, 0xD3F65, 0xD3FA6,
0xD4087, 0xD417A, 0xD41A0, 0xD425C, 0xD4319, 0xD433C, 0xD43EF, 0xD440C, 0xD4452, 0xD4494, 0xD44B5, 0xD4512,
0xD45EF, 0xD4682, 0xD46C3, 0xD483C, 0xD4848, 0xD4855, 0xD4862, 0xD486F, 0xD487C, 0xD4A1C, 0xD4A3B, 0xD4A60,
0xD4C7A, 0xD4D12, 0xD4D81, 0xD4E90, 0xD4ED6, 0xD4EE2, 0xD5005, 0xD502E, 0xD503C, 0xD5081, 0xD51B1, 0xD51C7,
0xD51EF, 0xD520C, 0xD5214, 0xD5231, 0xD5257, 0xD526D, 0xD5275, 0xD52AF, 0xD52BD, 0xD52CD, 0xD52DB, 0xD549C,
0xD58A4, 0xD5A68, 0xD5A7F, 0xD5C12, 0xD5D71, 0xD5E10, 0xD5E9A, 0xD5F8B, 0xD5FA4, 0xD651A, 0xD6542, 0xD65ED,
0xD66D7, 0xD6776, 0xD68BD, 0xD68E5, 0xD6956, 0xD6973, 0xD69A8, 0xD6A51, 0xD6A86, 0xD6B96, 0xD6C3E, 0xD6D4A,
0xD6F80, 0xD717E, 0xD7190, 0xD71B9, 0xD811D, 0xD8139, 0xD816B, 0xD818A, 0xD819E, 0xD81BE, 0xD829C, 0xD82E1,
0xD830E, 0xD835E, 0xD83AB, 0xD83CA, 0xD83F0, 0xD83F8, 0xD844B, 0xD8479, 0xD849E, 0xD84CB, 0xD84EB, 0xD84F3,
0xD8573, 0xD859D, 0xD85B4, 0xD85CE, 0xD862A, 0xD8681, 0xD87E3, 0xD87FF, 0xD887B, 0xD88C6, 0xD88E3, 0xD8944,
0xD8C97, 0xD8CA4, 0xD8CB3, 0xD8CC2, 0xD8CD1, 0xD8D01, 0xD917B, 0xD918C, 0xD919A, 0xD91B5, 0xD91D0, 0xD91DD,
0xD9273, 0xD9284, 0xD9292, 0xD92AD, 0xD92C8, 0xD92D5, 0xD9311, 0xD9322, 0xD9330, 0xD934B, 0xD9366, 0xD9373,
0xD97A6, 0xD97C2, 0xD97DC, 0xD97FB, 0xD9811, 0xD98FF, 0xD996F, 0xD99A8, 0xD99D5, 0xD9A30, 0xD9A4E, 0xD9A6B,
0xD9AF7, 0xD9B1D, 0xD9B43, 0xD9B7C, 0xD9BA9, 0xD9C84, 0xD9C8D, 0xD9CAC, 0xD9CE8, 0xD9CF3, 0xD9CFD, 0xD9D46,
0xDA37E, 0xDA391, 0xDA478, 0xDA4C3, 0xDA4D7, 0xDA4F6, 0xDA515, 0xDA6E2, 0xDA9C2, 0xDA9ED, 0xDAA1B, 0xDAA57,
0xDABC9, 0xDABE2, 0xDAC28, 0xDAC46, 0xDAC63, 0xDACB8, 0xDACEC, 0xDAD08, 0xDAD25, 0xDAD42, 0xDAD5F, 0xDAE17,
0xDAE51, 0xDAF2E, 0xDAF55, 0xDAF6B, 0xDAF81, 0xDB14F, 0xDB16B, 0xDB180, 0xDB195, 0xDB1AA]),
(0xD2, [0xD2B88, 0xD364A, 0xD369F, 0xD3747]),
[0xD213F, 0xD2174, 0xD229E, 0xD2426, 0xD4731, 0xD4753, 0xD4774, 0xD4795, 0xD47B6, 0xD4AA5, 0xD4AE4, 0xD4B96,
0xD5477, 0xD5A3D, 0xD6566, 0xD672C, 0xD67C0, 0xD69B8, 0xD6AB1, 0xD6C05, 0xD6DB3, 0xD71AB, 0xD8E2D, 0xD8F0D,
0xD9544, 0xD95A8, 0xD9982, 0xD9B56, 0xDA694, 0xDA6AB, 0xDAE88, 0xDAEC8, 0xDAEE6, 0xDB1BF]),
(0xE6, [0xD210A, 0xD22DC, 0xD2447, 0xD5A4D, 0xD5DDC, 0xDA251, 0xDA26C]),
(0xF0, [0xD945E, 0xD967D, 0xD96C2, 0xD9C95, 0xD9EE6, 0xDA5C6]),
[0xD2047, 0xD24C2, 0xD24EC, 0xD25A4, 0xD51A8, 0xD51E6, 0xD524E, 0xD529E, 0xD6045, 0xD81DE, 0xD821E, 0xD94AA,
0xD9AE4, 0xDA289]),
(0xFF, [0xD2085, 0xD21C5, 0xD5F28])
for volume, addresses in music_volumes:
for address in addresses:
rom.write_byte(address, volume if not disable_music else 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x18021A, 1 if disable_music else 0x00)
# restore Mirror sound effect volumes (for existing seeds that lack it)
rom.write_byte(0xD3E04, 0xC8)
rom.write_byte(0xD3DC6, 0xC8)
rom.write_byte(0xD3D6E, 0xC8)
rom.write_byte(0xD3D34, 0xC8)
rom.write_byte(0xD3D55, 0xC8)
rom.write_byte(0xD3E38, 0xC8)
rom.write_byte(0xD3DAA, 0xFA)
# set heart beep rate
rom.write_byte(0x180033, {'off': 0x00, 'half': 0x40, 'quarter': 0x80, 'normal': 0x20, 'double': 0x10}[beep])
# set heart color
if color == 'random':
color = random.choice(['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA1E, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA20, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA22, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA24, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA26, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA28, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA2A, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA2C, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA2E, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x6FA30, {'red': 0x24, 'blue': 0x2C, 'green': 0x3C, 'yellow': 0x28}[color])
rom.write_byte(0x65561, {'red': 0x05, 'blue': 0x0D, 'green': 0x19, 'yellow': 0x09}[color])
# write link sprite if required
if sprite is not None:
write_sprite(rom, sprite)
# set player names
for player, name in names.items():
if 0 < player <= 64:
rom.write_bytes(0x185380 + ((player - 1) * 32), hud_format_text(name))
if isinstance(rom, LocalRom):
def write_sprite(rom, sprite):
if not sprite.valid:
rom.write_bytes(0x80000, sprite.sprite)
rom.write_bytes(0xDD308, sprite.palette)
rom.write_bytes(0xDEDF5, sprite.glove_palette)
def write_string_to_rom(rom, target, string):
address, maxbytes = text_addresses[target]
rom.write_bytes(address, MultiByteTextMapper.convert(string, maxbytes))
def write_strings(rom, world, player):
tt = TextTable()
# Let's keep this guy's text accurate to the shuffle setting.
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonssimple']:
tt['kakariko_flophouse_man_no_flippers'] = 'I really hate mowing my yard.\n{PAGEBREAK}\nI should move.'
tt['kakariko_flophouse_man'] = 'I really hate mowing my yard.\n{PAGEBREAK}\nI should move.'
def hint_text(dest, ped_hint=False):
hint = dest.hint_text if not ped_hint else dest.pedestal_hint_text
if dest.player != player:
if ped_hint:
hint += " for p%d!" % dest.player
elif type(dest) in [Region, Location]:
hint += " in p%d's world" % dest.player
elif type(dest) is Item:
hint += " for p%d" % dest.player
return hint
# For hints, first we write hints about entrances, some from the inconvenient list others from all reasonable entrances.
if world.hints:
tt['sign_north_of_links_house'] = '> Randomizer The telepathic tiles can have hints!'
hint_locations = HintLocations.copy()
all_entrances = [entrance for entrance in world.get_entrances() if entrance.player == player]
#First we take care of the one inconvenient dungeon in the appropriately simple shuffles.
entrances_to_hint = {}
if world.shuffle_ganon:
if world.mode == 'inverted':
entrances_to_hint.update({'Inverted Ganons Tower': 'The sealed castle door'})
entrances_to_hint.update({'Ganons Tower': 'Ganon\'s Tower'})
if world.shuffle in ['simple', 'restricted', 'restricted_legacy']:
for entrance in all_entrances:
if in entrances_to_hint:
this_hint = entrances_to_hint[] + ' leads to ' + hint_text(entrance.connected_region) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
entrances_to_hint = {}
#Now we write inconvenient locations for most shuffles and finish taking care of the less chaotic ones.
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull']:
hint_count = 0
elif world.shuffle in ['simple', 'restricted', 'restricted_legacy']:
hint_count = 2
hint_count = 4
for entrance in all_entrances:
if in entrances_to_hint:
if hint_count > 0:
this_hint = entrances_to_hint[] + ' leads to ' + hint_text(entrance.connected_region) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
hint_count -= 1
#Next we handle hints for randomly selected other entrances, curating the selection intelligently based on shuffle.
if world.shuffle not in ['simple', 'restricted', 'restricted_legacy']:
if world.mode == 'inverted':
entrances_to_hint.update({'Inverted Agahnims Tower': 'The dark mountain tower'})
entrances_to_hint.update({'Agahnims Tower': 'The sealed castle door'})
elif world.shuffle == 'restricted':
if world.mode == 'inverted':
entrances_to_hint.update({'Inverted Dark Sanctuary': 'The dark sanctuary cave'})
entrances_to_hint.update({'Inverted Big Bomb Shop': 'The old hero\'s dark home'})
entrances_to_hint.update({'Inverted Links House': 'The old hero\'s light home'})
entrances_to_hint.update({'Dark Sanctuary Hint': 'The dark sanctuary cave'})
entrances_to_hint.update({'Big Bomb Shop': 'The old bomb shop'})
if world.shuffle in ['insanity', 'madness_legacy', 'insanity_legacy']:
if world.shuffle_ganon:
if world.mode == 'inverted':
entrances_to_hint.update({'Inverted Pyramid Entrance': 'The extra castle passage'})
entrances_to_hint.update({'Pyramid Ledge': 'The pyramid ledge'})
hint_count = 4 if world.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull'] else 0
for entrance in all_entrances:
if in entrances_to_hint:
if hint_count > 0:
this_hint = entrances_to_hint[] + ' leads to ' + hint_text(entrance.connected_region) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
hint_count -= 1
# Next we write a few hints for specific inconvenient locations. We don't make many because in entrance this is highly unpredictable.
locations_to_hint = InconvenientLocations.copy()
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull']:
hint_count = 3 if world.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull'] else 5
del locations_to_hint[hint_count:]
for location in locations_to_hint:
if location == 'Swamp Left':
if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
first_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Swamp Palace - West Chest', player).item)
second_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest', player).item)
second_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Swamp Palace - West Chest', player).item)
first_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest', player).item)
this_hint = ('The westmost chests in Swamp Palace contain ' + first_item + ' and ' + second_item + '.')
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Mire Left':
if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
first_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Compass Chest', player).item)
second_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Big Key Chest', player).item)
second_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Compass Chest', player).item)
first_item = hint_text(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Big Key Chest', player).item)
this_hint = ('The westmost chests in Misery Mire contain ' + first_item + ' and ' + second_item + '.')
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest':
this_hint = 'Waiting in the Tower of Hera basement leads to ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Ganons Tower - Big Chest':
this_hint = 'The big chest in Ganon\'s Tower contains ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Thieves\' Town - Big Chest':
this_hint = 'The big chest in Thieves\' Town contains ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Ice Palace - Big Chest':
this_hint = 'The big chest in Ice Palace contains ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest':
this_hint = 'The antifairy guarded chest in Eastern Palace contains ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Sahasrahla':
this_hint = 'Sahasrahla seeks a green pendant for ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
elif location == 'Graveyard Cave':
this_hint = 'The cave north of the graveyard contains ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
this_hint = location + ' contains ' + hint_text(world.get_location(location, player).item) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
# Lastly we write hints to show where certain interesting items are. It is done the way it is to re-use the silver code and also to give one hint per each type of item regardless of how many exist. This supports many settings well.
items_to_hint = RelevantItems.copy()
if world.keyshuffle:
if world.bigkeyshuffle:
hint_count = 5 if world.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull'] else 8
while hint_count > 0:
this_item = items_to_hint.pop(0)
this_location = world.find_items(this_item, player)
#This looks dumb but prevents hints for Skull Woods Pinball Room's key safely with any item pool.
if this_location:
if this_location[0].name == 'Skull Woods - Pinball Room':
if this_location:
this_hint = this_location[0].item.hint_text + ' can be found ' + hint_text(this_location[0]) + '.'
tt[hint_locations.pop(0)] = this_hint
hint_count -= 1
# All remaining hint slots are filled with junk hints. It is done this way to ensure the same junk hint isn't selected twice.
junk_hints = junk_texts.copy()
for location in hint_locations:
tt[location] = junk_hints.pop(0)
# We still need the older hints of course. Those are done here.
silverarrows = world.find_items('Silver Arrows', player)
silverarrow_hint = (' %s?' % hint_text(silverarrows[0]).replace('Ganon\'s', 'my')) if silverarrows else '?\nI think not!'
tt['ganon_phase_3_no_silvers'] = 'Did you find the silver arrows%s' % silverarrow_hint
tt['ganon_phase_3_no_silvers_alt'] = 'Did you find the silver arrows%s' % silverarrow_hint
prog_bow_locs = world.find_items('Progressive Bow', player)
distinguished_prog_bow_loc = next((location for location in prog_bow_locs if location.item.code == 0x65), None)
if distinguished_prog_bow_loc:
silverarrow_hint = (' %s?' % hint_text(distinguished_prog_bow_loc).replace('Ganon\'s', 'my'))
tt['ganon_phase_3_no_silvers_alt'] = 'Did you find the silver arrows%s' % silverarrow_hint
if any(prog_bow_locs):
silverarrow_hint = (' %s?' % hint_text(random.choice(prog_bow_locs)).replace('Ganon\'s', 'my'))
tt['ganon_phase_3_no_silvers'] = 'Did you find the silver arrows%s' % silverarrow_hint
silverarrow_hint = (' %s?' % hint_text(silverarrows[0]).replace('Ganon\'s', 'my')) if silverarrows else '?\nI think not!'
crystal5 = world.find_items('Crystal 5', player)[0]
crystal6 = world.find_items('Crystal 6', player)[0]
tt['bomb_shop'] = 'Big Bomb?\nMy supply is blocked until you clear %s and %s.' % (crystal5.hint_text, crystal6.hint_text)
greenpendant = world.find_items('Green Pendant', player)[0]
tt['sahasrahla_bring_courage'] = 'I lost my family heirloom in %s' % greenpendant.hint_text
tt['sign_ganons_tower'] = ('You need %d crystal to enter.' if world.crystals_needed_for_gt == 1 else 'You need %d crystals to enter.') % world.crystals_needed_for_gt
tt['sign_ganon'] = ('You need %d crystal to beat Ganon.' if world.crystals_needed_for_ganon == 1 else 'You need %d crystals to beat Ganon.') % world.crystals_needed_for_ganon
if world.goal in ['dungeons']:
tt['sign_ganon'] = 'You need to complete all the dungeons.'
tt['uncle_leaving_text'] = Uncle_texts[random.randint(0, len(Uncle_texts) - 1)]
tt['end_triforce'] = "{NOBORDER}\n" + Triforce_texts[random.randint(0, len(Triforce_texts) - 1)]
tt['bomb_shop_big_bomb'] = BombShop2_texts[random.randint(0, len(BombShop2_texts) - 1)]
# this is what shows after getting the green pendant item in rando
tt['sahasrahla_quest_have_master_sword'] = Sahasrahla2_texts[random.randint(0, len(Sahasrahla2_texts) - 1)]
tt['blind_by_the_light'] = Blind_texts[random.randint(0, len(Blind_texts) - 1)]
if world.goal in ['triforcehunt']:
tt['ganon_fall_in_alt'] = 'Why are you even here?\n You can\'t even hurt me! Get the Triforce Pieces.'
tt['ganon_phase_3_alt'] = 'Seriously? Go Away, I will not Die.'
tt['sign_ganon'] = 'Go find the Triforce pieces... Ganon is invincible!'
tt['murahdahla'] = "Hello @. I\nam Murahdahla, brother of\nSahasrahla and Aginah. Behold the power of\ninvisibility.\n\n\n\n… … …\n\nWait! you can see me? I knew I should have\nhidden in a hollow tree. If you bring\n%d triforce pieces, I can reassemble it." % world.treasure_hunt_count
elif world.goal in ['pedestal']:
tt['ganon_fall_in_alt'] = 'Why are you even here?\n You can\'t even hurt me! Your goal is at the pedestal.'
tt['ganon_phase_3_alt'] = 'Seriously? Go Away, I will not Die.'
tt['sign_ganon'] = 'You need to get to the pedestal... Ganon is invincible!'
tt['ganon_fall_in'] = Ganon1_texts[random.randint(0, len(Ganon1_texts) - 1)]
tt['ganon_fall_in_alt'] = 'You cannot defeat me until you finish your goal!'
tt['ganon_phase_3_alt'] = 'Got wax in\nyour ears?\nI can not die!'
tt['kakariko_tavern_fisherman'] = TavernMan_texts[random.randint(0, len(TavernMan_texts) - 1)]
pedestalitem = world.get_location('Master Sword Pedestal', player).item
pedestal_text = 'Some Hot Air' if pedestalitem is None else hint_text(pedestalitem, True) if pedestalitem.pedestal_hint_text is not None else 'Unknown Item'
tt['mastersword_pedestal_translated'] = pedestal_text
pedestal_credit_text = 'and the Hot Air' if pedestalitem is None else pedestalitem.pedestal_credit_text if pedestalitem.pedestal_credit_text is not None else 'and the Unknown Item'
etheritem = world.get_location('Ether Tablet', player).item
ether_text = 'Some Hot Air' if etheritem is None else hint_text(etheritem, True) if etheritem.pedestal_hint_text is not None else 'Unknown Item'
tt['tablet_ether_book'] = ether_text
bombositem = world.get_location('Bombos Tablet', player).item
bombos_text = 'Some Hot Air' if bombositem is None else hint_text(bombositem, True) if bombositem.pedestal_hint_text is not None else 'Unknown Item'
tt['tablet_bombos_book'] = bombos_text
# inverted spawn menu changes
if world.mode == 'inverted':
tt['menu_start_2'] = "{MENU}\n{SPEED0}\n≥@'s house\n Dark Chapel\n{CHOICE3}"
tt['menu_start_3'] = "{MENU}\n{SPEED0}\n≥@'s house\n Dark Chapel\n Mountain Cave\n{CHOICE2}"
tt['intro_main'] = CompressedTextMapper.convert(
"{INTRO}\n Episode III\n{PAUSE3}\n A Link to\n the Past\n"
+ "{PAUSE3}\nInverted\n Randomizer\n{PAUSE3}\nAfter mostly disregarding what happened in the first two games.\n"
+ "{PAUSE3}\nLink has been transported to the Dark World\n{PAUSE3}\nWhile he was slumbering\n"
+ "{PAUSE3}\nWhatever will happen?\n{PAUSE3}\n{CHANGEPIC}\nGanon has moved around all the items in Hyrule.\n"
+ "{PAUSE7}\nYou will have to find all the items necessary to beat Ganon.\n"
+ "{PAUSE7}\nThis is your chance to be a hero.\n{PAUSE3}\n{CHANGEPIC}\n"
+ "You must get the 7 crystals to beat Ganon.\n{PAUSE9}\n{CHANGEPIC}", False)
rom.write_bytes(0xE0000, tt.getBytes())
credits = Credits()
sickkiditem = world.get_location('Sick Kid', player).item
sickkiditem_text = random.choice(SickKid_texts) if sickkiditem is None or sickkiditem.sickkid_credit_text is None else sickkiditem.sickkid_credit_text
zoraitem = world.get_location('King Zora', player).item
zoraitem_text = random.choice(Zora_texts) if zoraitem is None or zoraitem.zora_credit_text is None else zoraitem.zora_credit_text
magicshopitem = world.get_location('Potion Shop', player).item
magicshopitem_text = random.choice(MagicShop_texts) if magicshopitem is None or magicshopitem.magicshop_credit_text is None else magicshopitem.magicshop_credit_text
fluteboyitem = world.get_location('Flute Spot', player).item
fluteboyitem_text = random.choice(FluteBoy_texts) if fluteboyitem is None or fluteboyitem.fluteboy_credit_text is None else fluteboyitem.fluteboy_credit_text
credits.update_credits_line('castle', 0, random.choice(KingsReturn_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('sanctuary', 0, random.choice(Sanctuary_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('kakariko', 0, random.choice(Kakariko_texts).format(random.choice(Sahasrahla_names)))
credits.update_credits_line('desert', 0, random.choice(DesertPalace_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('hera', 0, random.choice(MountainTower_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('house', 0, random.choice(LinksHouse_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('zora', 0, zoraitem_text)
credits.update_credits_line('witch', 0, magicshopitem_text)
credits.update_credits_line('lumberjacks', 0, random.choice(Lumberjacks_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('grove', 0, fluteboyitem_text)
credits.update_credits_line('well', 0, random.choice(WishingWell_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('smithy', 0, random.choice(Blacksmiths_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('kakariko2', 0, sickkiditem_text)
credits.update_credits_line('bridge', 0, random.choice(DeathMountain_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('woods', 0, random.choice(LostWoods_texts))
credits.update_credits_line('pedestal', 0, pedestal_credit_text)
(pointers, data) = credits.get_bytes()
rom.write_bytes(0x181500, data)
rom.write_bytes(0x76CC0, [byte for p in pointers for byte in [p & 0xFF, p >> 8 & 0xFF]])
def set_inverted_mode(world, rom):
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x0283E0), 0xF0) # residual portals
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02B34D), 0xF0)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x06DB78), 0x8B)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x05AF79), 0xF0)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x0DB3C5), 0xC6)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x07A3F4), 0xF0) # duck
write_int16s(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E849), [0x0043, 0x0056, 0x0058, 0x006C, 0x006F, 0x0070, 0x007B, 0x007F, 0x001B]) # dw flute
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E8D5), 0x07C8)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E8F7), 0x01F8)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x08D40C), 0xD0) # morph proof
# the following bytes should only be written in vanilla
# or they'll overwrite the randomizer's shuffles
if world.shuffle == 'vanilla':
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x23, 0x37) # switch AT and GT
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x36, 0x24)
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2*0x38, 0x00E0)
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2*0x25, 0x000C)
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull']:
rom.write_byte(0x15B8C, 0x6C)
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x00, 0x53) # switch bomb shop and links house
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x52, 0x01)
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x15, 0x06) # bumper and old man cave
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2*0x17, 0x00F0)
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x05, 0x16)
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2*0x07, 0x00FB)
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x2D, 0x17)
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2*0x2F, 0x00EB)
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x06, 0x2E)
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2*0x08, 0x00E6)
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x16, 0x5E)
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x6F, 0x07) # DDM fairy to old man cave
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2*0x18, 0x00F1)
rom.write_byte(0x15B8C + 0x18, 0x43)
write_int16(rom, 0x15BDB + 2 * 0x18, 0x1400)
write_int16(rom, 0x15C79 + 2 * 0x18, 0x0294)
write_int16(rom, 0x15D17 + 2 * 0x18, 0x0600)
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * 0x18, 0x02E8)
write_int16(rom, 0x15E53 + 2 * 0x18, 0x0678)
write_int16(rom, 0x15EF1 + 2 * 0x18, 0x0303)
write_int16(rom, 0x15F8F + 2 * 0x18, 0x0685)
rom.write_byte(0x1602D + 0x18, 0x0A)
rom.write_byte(0x1607C + 0x18, 0xF6)
write_int16(rom, 0x160CB + 2 * 0x18, 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, 0x16169 + 2 * 0x18, 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2 * 0x3D, 0x0003) # pyramid exit and houlihan
rom.write_byte(0x15B8C + 0x3D, 0x5B)
write_int16(rom, 0x15BDB + 2 * 0x3D, 0x0B0E)
write_int16(rom, 0x15C79 + 2 * 0x3D, 0x075A)
write_int16(rom, 0x15D17 + 2 * 0x3D, 0x0674)
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * 0x3D, 0x07A8)
write_int16(rom, 0x15E53 + 2 * 0x3D, 0x06E8)
write_int16(rom, 0x15EF1 + 2 * 0x3D, 0x07C7)
write_int16(rom, 0x15F8F + 2 * 0x3D, 0x06F3)
rom.write_byte(0x1602D + 0x3D, 0x06)
rom.write_byte(0x1607C + 0x3D, 0xFA)
write_int16(rom, 0x160CB + 2 * 0x3D, 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, 0x16169 + 2 * 0x3D, 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D8D4), 0x112) # change sactuary spawn point to dark sanc
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x02D8E8), [0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x23, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05])
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D91A), 0x0400)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D928), 0x222E)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D936), 0x229A)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D944), 0x0480)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D952), 0x00A5)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D960), 0x007F)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D96D), 0x14)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D974), 0x00)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D97B), 0xFF)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D982), 0x00)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D989), 0x02)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D990), 0x00)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D998), 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D9A6), 0x005A)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D9B3), 0x12)
# keep the old man spawn point at old man house unless shuffle is vanilla
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonssimple']:
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x308350), [0x00, 0x00, 0x01])
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D8DE), 0x00F1)
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x02D910), [0x1F, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03])
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D924), 0x0300)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D932), 0x1F10)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D940), 0x1FC0)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D94E), 0x0378)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D95C), 0x0187)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D96A), 0x017F)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D972), 0x06)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D979), 0x00)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D980), 0xFF)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D987), 0x00)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D98E), 0x22)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D995), 0x12)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D9A2), 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02D9B0), 0x0007)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x02D9B8), 0x12)
rom.write_bytes(0x180247, [0x00, 0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2 * 0x06, 0x0020) # post aga hyrule castle spawn
rom.write_byte(0x15B8C + 0x06, 0x1B)
write_int16(rom, 0x15BDB + 2 * 0x06, 0x00AE)
write_int16(rom, 0x15C79 + 2 * 0x06, 0x0610)
write_int16(rom, 0x15D17 + 2 * 0x06, 0x077E)
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * 0x06, 0x0672)
write_int16(rom, 0x15E53 + 2 * 0x06, 0x07F8)
write_int16(rom, 0x15EF1 + 2 * 0x06, 0x067D)
write_int16(rom, 0x15F8F + 2 * 0x06, 0x0803)
rom.write_byte(0x1602D + 0x06, 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x1607C + 0x06, 0xF2)
write_int16(rom, 0x160CB + 2 * 0x06, 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, 0x16169 + 2 * 0x06, 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E87B), 0x00AE) # move flute splot 9
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E89D), 0x0610)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E8BF), 0x077E)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E8E1), 0x0672)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E903), 0x07F8)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E925), 0x067D)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E947), 0x0803)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E969), 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x02E98B), 0xFFF2)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x1AF696), 0xF0) # bat sprite retreat
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x1AF6B2), 0x33)
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1AF730), [0x6A, 0x9E, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x7A, 0x9E, 0x0C,
0x00, 0x8A, 0x9E, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x6A, 0xAE,
0x0C, 0x00, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x8A,
0xAE, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x67, 0x97, 0x0C, 0x00,
0x8D, 0x97, 0x0C, 0x00])
write_int16s(rom, snes_to_pc(0x0FF1C8), [0x190F, 0x190F, 0x190F, 0x194C, 0x190F,
0x194B, 0x190F, 0x195C, 0x594B, 0x194C,
0x19EE, 0x19EE, 0x194B, 0x19EE, 0x19EE,
0x19EE, 0x594B, 0x190F, 0x595C, 0x190F,
0x190F, 0x195B, 0x190F, 0x190F, 0x19EE,
0x19EE, 0x195C, 0x19EE, 0x19EE, 0x19EE,
0x19EE, 0x595C, 0x595B, 0x190F, 0x190F,
write_int16s(rom, snes_to_pc(0x0FA480), [0x190F, 0x196B, 0x9D04, 0x9D04, 0x196B,
0x190F, 0x9D04, 0x9D04])
write_int16s(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1bb810), [0x00BE, 0x00C0, 0x013E])
write_int16s(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1bb836), [0x001B, 0x001B, 0x001B])
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x308300), 0x0140) # new pyramid hole entrance
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x308320), 0x001B)
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull']:
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x308340), 0x7B)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af504), 0x148B)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af50c), 0x149B)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af514), 0x14A4)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af51c), 0x1489)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af524), 0x14AC)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af52c), 0x54AC)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af534), 0x148C)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af53c), 0x548C)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af544), 0x1484)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af54c), 0x5484)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af554), 0x14A2)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af55c), 0x54A2)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af564), 0x14A0)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af56c), 0x54A0)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af574), 0x148E)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af57c), 0x548E)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af584), 0x14AE)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1af58c), 0x54AE)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x00DB9D), 0x1A) # castle hole graphics
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x00DC09), 0x1A)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x00D009), 0x31)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x00D0e8), 0xE0)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x00D1c7), 0x00)
write_int16(rom, snes_to_pc(0x1BE8DA), 0x39AD)
rom.write_byte(0xF6E58, 0x80) # no whirlpool under castle gate
rom.write_bytes(0x0086E, [0x5C, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xA1]) # TR tail
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BC67A), [0x2E, 0x0B, 0x82]) # add warps under rocks
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BC81E), [0x94, 0x1D, 0x82])
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BC655), [0x4A, 0x1D, 0x82])
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BC80D), [0xB2, 0x0B, 0x82])
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BC3DF), [0xD8, 0xD1])
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BD1D8), [0xA8, 0x02, 0x82, 0xFF, 0xFF])
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BC85A), [0x50, 0x0F, 0x82])
write_int16(rom, 0xDB96F + 2 * 0x35, 0x001B) # move pyramid exit door
write_int16(rom, 0xDBA71 + 2 * 0x35, 0x06A4)
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull']:
rom.write_byte(0xDBB73 + 0x35, 0x36)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x09D436), 0xF3) # remove castle gate warp
if world.shuffle in ['vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull']:
write_int16(rom, 0x15AEE + 2 * 0x37, 0x0010) # pyramid exit to new hc area
rom.write_byte(0x15B8C + 0x37, 0x1B)
write_int16(rom, 0x15BDB + 2 * 0x37, 0x0418)
write_int16(rom, 0x15C79 + 2 * 0x37, 0x0679)
write_int16(rom, 0x15D17 + 2 * 0x37, 0x06B4)
write_int16(rom, 0x15DB5 + 2 * 0x37, 0x06C6)
write_int16(rom, 0x15E53 + 2 * 0x37, 0x0738)
write_int16(rom, 0x15EF1 + 2 * 0x37, 0x06E6)
write_int16(rom, 0x15F8F + 2 * 0x37, 0x0733)
rom.write_byte(0x1602D + 0x37, 0x07)
rom.write_byte(0x1607C + 0x37, 0xF9)
write_int16(rom, 0x160CB + 2 * 0x37, 0x0000)
write_int16(rom, 0x16169 + 2 * 0x37, 0x0000)
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BC387), [0xDD, 0xD1])
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x1BD1DD), [0xA4, 0x06, 0x82, 0x9E, 0x06, 0x82, 0xFF, 0xFF])
rom.write_byte(0x180089, 0x01) # open TR after exit
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x0ABFBB), 0x90)
rom.write_byte(snes_to_pc(0x0280A6), 0xD0)
rom.write_bytes(snes_to_pc(0x06B2AB), [0xF0, 0xE1, 0x05])
def patch_shuffled_dark_sanc(world, rom, player):
dark_sanc_entrance = str(world.get_region('Inverted Dark Sanctuary', player).entrances[0].name)
room_id, ow_area, vram_loc, scroll_y, scroll_x, link_y, link_x, camera_y, camera_x, unknown_1, unknown_2, door_1, door_2 = door_addresses[dark_sanc_entrance][1]
door_index = door_addresses[str(dark_sanc_entrance)][0]
rom.write_byte(0x180241, 0x01)
rom.write_byte(0x180248, door_index + 1)
write_int16(rom, 0x180250, room_id)
rom.write_byte(0x180252, ow_area)
write_int16s(rom, 0x180253, [vram_loc, scroll_y, scroll_x, link_y, link_x, camera_y, camera_x])
rom.write_bytes(0x180262, [unknown_1, unknown_2, 0x00])
InconvenientDungeonEntrances = {'Turtle Rock': 'Turtle Rock Main',
'Misery Mire': 'Misery Mire',
'Ice Palace': 'Ice Palace',
'Skull Woods Final Section': 'The back of Skull Woods',
InconvenientOtherEntrances = {'Death Mountain Return Cave (West)': 'The SW DM foothills cave',
'Mimic Cave': 'Mimic Ledge',
'Dark World Hammer Peg Cave': 'The rows of pegs',
'Pyramid Fairy': 'The crack on the pyramid'
ConnectorEntrances = {'Elder House (East)': 'Elder House',
'Elder House (West)': 'Elder House',
'Two Brothers House (East)': 'Eastern Quarreling Brothers\' house',
'Old Man Cave (West)': 'The lower DM entrance',
'Bumper Cave (Bottom)': 'The lower Bumper Cave',
'Superbunny Cave (Top)': 'The summit of dark DM cave',
'Superbunny Cave (Bottom)': 'The base of east dark DM',
'Hookshot Cave': 'The rock on dark DM',
'Two Brothers House (West)': 'The door near the race game',
'Old Man Cave (East)': 'The SW-most cave on west DM',
'Old Man House (Bottom)': 'A cave with a door on west DM',
'Old Man House (Top)': 'The eastmost cave on west DM',
'Death Mountain Return Cave (East)': 'The westmost cave on west DM',
'Spectacle Rock Cave Peak': 'The highest cave on west DM',
'Spectacle Rock Cave': 'The right ledge on west DM',
'Spectacle Rock Cave (Bottom)': 'The left ledge on west DM',
'Paradox Cave (Bottom)': 'The right paired cave on east DM',
'Paradox Cave (Middle)': 'The southmost cave on east DM',
'Paradox Cave (Top)': 'The east DM summit cave',
'Fairy Ascension Cave (Bottom)': 'The east DM cave behind rocks',
'Fairy Ascension Cave (Top)': 'The central ledge on east DM',
'Spiral Cave': 'The left ledge on east DM',
'Spiral Cave (Bottom)': 'The SWmost cave on east DM'
DungeonEntrances = {'Eastern Palace': 'Eastern Palace',
'Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)': 'The ground level castle door',
'Thieves Town': 'Thieves\' Town',
'Swamp Palace': 'Swamp Palace',
'Dark Death Mountain Ledge (West)': 'The East dark DM connector ledge',
'Dark Death Mountain Ledge (East)': 'The East dark DM connector ledge',
'Desert Palace Entrance (South)': 'The book sealed passage',
'Tower of Hera': 'The Tower of Hera',
'Palace of Darkness': 'Palace of Darkness',
'Hyrule Castle Entrance (West)': 'The left castle door',
'Hyrule Castle Entrance (East)': 'The right castle door',
'Desert Palace Entrance (West)': 'The westmost building in the desert',
'Desert Palace Entrance (North)': 'The northmost cave in the desert'
OtherEntrances = {'Blinds Hideout': 'Blind\'s old house',
'Lake Hylia Fairy': 'A cave NE of Lake Hylia',
'Light Hype Fairy': 'The cave south of your house',
'Desert Fairy': 'The cave near the desert',
'Chicken House': 'The chicken lady\'s house',
'Aginahs Cave': 'The open desert cave',
'Sahasrahlas Hut': 'The house near armos',
'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': 'The cave NW Lake Hylia',
'Blacksmiths Hut': 'The old smithery',
'Sick Kids House': 'The central house in Kakariko',
'Lost Woods Gamble': 'A tree trunk door',
'Fortune Teller (Light)': 'A building NE of Kakariko',
'Snitch Lady (East)': 'A house guarded by a snitch',
'Snitch Lady (West)': 'A house guarded by a snitch',
'Bush Covered House': 'A house with an uncut lawn',
'Tavern (Front)': 'A building with a backdoor',
'Light World Bomb Hut': 'A Kakariko building with no door',
'Kakariko Shop': 'The old Kakariko shop',
'Mini Moldorm Cave': 'The cave south of Lake Hylia',
'Long Fairy Cave': 'The eastmost portal cave',
'Good Bee Cave': 'The open cave SE Lake Hylia',
'20 Rupee Cave': 'The rock SE Lake Hylia',
'50 Rupee Cave': 'The rock near the desert',
'Ice Rod Cave': 'The sealed cave SE Lake Hylia',
'Library': 'The old library',
'Potion Shop': 'The witch\'s building',
'Dam': 'The old dam',
'Lumberjack House': 'The lumberjack house',
'Lake Hylia Fortune Teller': 'The building NW Lake Hylia',
'Kakariko Gamble Game': 'The old Kakariko gambling den',
'Waterfall of Wishing': 'Going behind the waterfall',
'Capacity Upgrade': 'The cave on the island',
'Bonk Rock Cave': 'The rock pile near Sanctuary',
'Graveyard Cave': 'The graveyard ledge',
'Checkerboard Cave': 'The NE desert ledge',
'Cave 45': 'The ledge south of haunted grove',
'Kings Grave': 'The northeastmost grave',
'Bonk Fairy (Light)': 'The rock pile near your home',
'Hookshot Fairy': 'The left paired cave on east DM',
'Bonk Fairy (Dark)': 'The rock pile near the old bomb shop',
'Dark Lake Hylia Fairy': 'The cave NE dark Lake Hylia',
'C-Shaped House': 'The NE house in Village of Outcasts',
'Dark Death Mountain Fairy': 'The SW cave on dark DM',
'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': 'The building NW dark Lake Hylia',
'Dark World Shop': 'The hammer sealed building',
'Red Shield Shop': 'The fenced in building',
'Mire Shed': 'The western hut in the mire',
'East Dark World Hint': 'The dark cave near the eastmost portal',
'Dark Desert Hint': 'The cave east of the mire',
'Spike Cave': 'The ledge cave on west dark DM',
'Palace of Darkness Hint': 'The building south of Kiki',
'Dark Lake Hylia Ledge Spike Cave': 'The rock SE dark Lake Hylia',
'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': 'The base of east dark DM',
'Dark World Potion Shop': 'The building near the catfish',
'Archery Game': 'The old archery game',
'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': 'The northmost Dark World building',
'Hype Cave': 'The cave south of the old bomb shop',
'Brewery': 'The Village of Outcasts building with no door',
'Dark Lake Hylia Ledge Hint': 'The open cave SE dark Lake Hylia',
'Chest Game': 'The westmost building in the Village of Outcasts',
'Dark Desert Fairy': 'The eastern hut in the mire',
'Dark Lake Hylia Ledge Fairy': 'The sealed cave SE dark Lake Hylia',
'Fortune Teller (Dark)': 'The building NE the Village of Outcasts'
InsanityEntrances = {'Sanctuary': 'Sanctuary',
'Lumberjack Tree Cave': 'The cave Behind Lumberjacks',
'Lost Woods Hideout Stump': 'The stump in Lost Woods',
'North Fairy Cave': 'The cave East of Graveyard',
'Bat Cave Cave': 'The cave in eastern Kakariko',
'Kakariko Well Cave': 'The cave in northern Kakariko',
'Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance Stairs': 'The tunnel near the castle',
'Skull Woods First Section Door': 'The southeastmost skull',
'Skull Woods Second Section Door (East)': 'The central open skull',
'Skull Woods Second Section Door (West)': 'The westmost open skull',
'Desert Palace Entrance (East)': 'The eastern building in the desert',
'Turtle Rock Isolated Ledge Entrance': 'The isolated ledge on east dark DM',
'Bumper Cave (Top)': 'The upper Bumper Cave',
'Hookshot Cave Back Entrance': 'The stairs on the floating island'
HintLocations = ['telepathic_tile_eastern_palace',
InconvenientLocations = ['Spike Cave',
'Purple Chest',
'Swamp Left',
'Mire Left',
'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest',
'Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest',
'Thieves\' Town - Big Chest',
'Ice Palace - Big Chest',
'Ganons Tower - Big Chest',
'Magic Bat']
InconvenientVanillaLocations = ['Graveyard Cave',
'Mimic Cave']
RelevantItems = ['Bow',
'Progressive Bow',
'Book of Mudora',
'Magic Mirror',
'Pegasus Boots',
'Power Glove',
'Magic Powder',
'Moon Pearl',
'Cane of Somaria',
'Fire Rod',
'Ice Rod',
'Titans Mitts',
'Bottle (Red Potion)',
'Bottle (Green Potion)',
'Bottle (Blue Potion)',
'Bottle (Fairy)',
'Bottle (Bee)',
'Bottle (Good Bee)',
'Master Sword',
'Tempered Sword',
'Fighter Sword',
'Golden Sword',
'Progressive Sword',
'Progressive Glove',
'Master Sword',
'Power Star',
'Triforce Piece',
'Single Arrow',
'Blue Mail',
'Red Mail',
'Progressive Armor',
'Blue Boomerang',
'Red Boomerang',
'Blue Shield',
'Red Shield',
'Mirror Shield',
'Progressive Shield',
'Bug Catching Net',
'Cane of Byrna',
'Magic Upgrade (1/2)',
'Magic Upgrade (1/4)'
SmallKeys = ['Small Key (Eastern Palace)',
'Small Key (Escape)',
'Small Key (Desert Palace)',
'Small Key (Tower of Hera)',
'Small Key (Agahnims Tower)',
'Small Key (Palace of Darkness)',
'Small Key (Thieves Town)',
'Small Key (Swamp Palace)',
'Small Key (Skull Woods)',
'Small Key (Ice Palace)',
'Small Key (Misery Mire)',
'Small Key (Turtle Rock)',
'Small Key (Ganons Tower)',
BigKeys = ['Big Key (Eastern Palace)',
'Big Key (Desert Palace)',
'Big Key (Tower of Hera)',
'Big Key (Palace of Darkness)',
'Big Key (Thieves Town)',
'Big Key (Swamp Palace)',
'Big Key (Skull Woods)',
'Big Key (Ice Palace)',
'Big Key (Misery Mire)',
'Big Key (Turtle Rock)',
'Big Key (Ganons Tower)'