
779 lines
38 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import copy
import os
import threading
import base64
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Set, TextIO, TypedDict
from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, MultiWorld, Item, ItemClassification, CollectionState, Tutorial
from worlds.AutoWorld import World, AutoLogicRegister, WebWorld
logger = logging.getLogger("Super Metroid")
from .Regions import create_regions
from .Rules import set_rules, add_entrance_rule
from .Options import sm_options
from .Client import SMSNIClient
from .Rom import get_base_rom_path, SM_ROM_MAX_PLAYERID, SM_ROM_PLAYERDATA_COUNT, SMDeltaPatch, get_sm_symbols
import Utils
from .variaRandomizer.logic.smboolmanager import SMBoolManager
from .variaRandomizer.graph.vanilla.graph_locations import locationsDict
from .variaRandomizer.graph.graph_utils import getAccessPoint
from .variaRandomizer.rando.ItemLocContainer import ItemLocation
from .variaRandomizer.rando.Items import ItemManager
from .variaRandomizer.utils.parameters import *
from .variaRandomizer.utils.utils import openFile
from .variaRandomizer.logic.logic import Logic
from .variaRandomizer.randomizer import VariaRandomizer
from .variaRandomizer.utils.doorsmanager import DoorsManager
from .variaRandomizer.rom.rom_patches import RomPatches
from .variaRandomizer.graph.graph_utils import GraphUtils
class SMCollectionState(metaclass=AutoLogicRegister):
def init_mixin(self, parent: MultiWorld):
# for unit tests where MultiWorld is instantiated before worlds
if hasattr(parent, "state"):
self.smbm = {player: SMBoolManager(player, parent.state.smbm[player].maxDiff,
parent.state.smbm[player].onlyBossLeft, parent.state.smbm[player].lastAP) for player in
parent.get_game_players("Super Metroid")}
for player, group in parent.groups.items():
if (group["game"] == "Super Metroid"):
self.smbm[player] = SMBoolManager(player)
if player not in parent.state.smbm:
parent.state.smbm[player] = SMBoolManager(player)
self.smbm = {}
def copy_mixin(self, ret) -> CollectionState:
ret.smbm = {player: copy.deepcopy(self.smbm[player]) for player in self.smbm}
return ret
def get_game_players(self, multiword: MultiWorld, game_name: str):
return tuple(player for player in multiword.get_all_ids() if[player] == game_name)
class SMWeb(WebWorld):
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Super Metroid Client on your computer. This guide covers single-player, multiworld, and related software.",
["Farrak Kilhn"]
class ByteEdit(TypedDict):
sym: Dict[str, Any]
offset: int
values: Iterable[int]
locations_start_id = 82000
items_start_id = 83000
class SMWorld(World):
This is Very Adaptive Randomizer of Items and Areas for Super Metroid (VARIA SM). It supports
a wide range of options to randomize Item locations, required skills and even the connections
between the main Areas!
game: str = "Super Metroid"
topology_present = True
data_version = 2
option_definitions = sm_options
item_name_to_id = {value.Name: items_start_id + value.Id for key, value in ItemManager.Items.items() if value.Id != None}
location_name_to_id = {key: locations_start_id + value.Id for key, value in locationsDict.items() if value.Id != None}
web = SMWeb()
# changes to client DeathLink handling for 0.2.1
# changes to client Remote Item handling for 0.2.6
required_client_version = (0, 2, 6)
itemManager: ItemManager
def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int):
self.rom_name_available_event = threading.Event()
self.locations = {}
super().__init__(world, player)
def stage_assert_generate(cls, multiworld: MultiWorld):
rom_file = get_base_rom_path()
if not os.path.exists(rom_file):
raise FileNotFoundError(rom_file)
def generate_early(self):
self.variaRando = VariaRandomizer(self.multiworld, get_base_rom_path(), self.player)
self.multiworld.state.smbm[self.player] = SMBoolManager(self.player, self.variaRando.maxDifficulty, lastAP = self.variaRando.args.startLocation)
# keeps Nothing items local so no player will ever pickup Nothing
# doing so reduces contribution of this world to the Multiworld the more Nothing there is though
self.multiworld.local_items[self.player].value.add('No Energy')
if (self.variaRando.args.morphPlacement == "early"):
self.multiworld.local_early_items[self.player]['Morph Ball'] = 1
self.remote_items = self.multiworld.remote_items[self.player]
if (len(self.variaRando.randoExec.setup.restrictedLocs) > 0):
self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player] = self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player].from_text("minimal")
logger.warning(f"accessibility forced to 'minimal' for player {self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)} because of 'fun' settings")
def generate_basic(self):
itemPool = self.variaRando.container.itemPool
self.startItems = [variaItem for item in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player] for variaItem in ItemManager.Items.values() if variaItem.Name ==]
if self.multiworld.start_inventory_removes_from_pool[self.player]:
for item in self.startItems:
if (item in itemPool):
missingPool = 105 - len(itemPool) + 1
for i in range(1, missingPool):
# Generate item pool
pool = []
self.locked_items = {}
self.NothingPool = []
weaponCount = [0, 0, 0]
for item in itemPool:
isAdvancement = True
if item.Type == 'Missile':
if weaponCount[0] < 3:
weaponCount[0] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Type == 'Super':
if weaponCount[1] < 2:
weaponCount[1] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Type == 'PowerBomb':
if weaponCount[2] < 3:
weaponCount[2] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Category == 'Nothing':
isAdvancement = False
itemClass = ItemManager.Items[item.Type].Class
smitem = SMItem(item.Name, ItemClassification.progression if isAdvancement else ItemClassification.filler,
item.Type, None if itemClass == 'Boss' else self.item_name_to_id[item.Name], player=self.player)
if itemClass == 'Boss':
self.locked_items[item.Name] = smitem
elif item.Category == 'Nothing':
self.multiworld.itempool += pool
for (location, item) in self.locked_items.items():
self.multiworld.get_location(location, self.player).place_locked_item(item)
self.multiworld.get_location(location, self.player).address = None
startAP = self.multiworld.get_entrance('StartAP', self.player)
startAP.connect(self.multiworld.get_region(self.variaRando.args.startLocation, self.player))
for src, dest in self.variaRando.randoExec.areaGraph.InterAreaTransitions:
src_region = self.multiworld.get_region(src.Name, self.player)
dest_region = self.multiworld.get_region(dest.Name, self.player)
if ((src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, self.player) not in self.multiworld._entrance_cache):
src_region.exits.append(Entrance(self.player, src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, src_region))
srcDestEntrance = self.multiworld.get_entrance(src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, self.player)
add_entrance_rule(self.multiworld.get_entrance(src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, self.player), self.player, getAccessPoint(src.Name).traverse)
def set_rules(self):
set_rules(self.multiworld, self.player)
def create_regions(self):
create_locations(self, self.player)
create_regions(self, self.multiworld, self.player)
def getWordArray(self, w: int) -> List[int]:
""" little-endian convert a 16-bit number to an array of numbers <= 255 each """
return [w & 0x00FF, (w & 0xFF00) >> 8]
# used for remote location Credits Spoiler of local items
class DummyLocation:
def __init__(self, name):
self.Name = name
def isBoss(self):
return False
def convertToROMItemName(self, itemName):
charMap = { "A" : 0x3CE0,
"B" : 0x3CE1,
"C" : 0x3CE2,
"D" : 0x3CE3,
"E" : 0x3CE4,
"F" : 0x3CE5,
"G" : 0x3CE6,
"H" : 0x3CE7,
"I" : 0x3CE8,
"J" : 0x3CE9,
"K" : 0x3CEA,
"L" : 0x3CEB,
"M" : 0x3CEC,
"N" : 0x3CED,
"O" : 0x3CEE,
"P" : 0x3CEF,
"Q" : 0x3CF0,
"R" : 0x3CF1,
"S" : 0x3CF2,
"T" : 0x3CF3,
"U" : 0x3CF4,
"V" : 0x3CF5,
"W" : 0x3CF6,
"X" : 0x3CF7,
"Y" : 0x3CF8,
"Z" : 0x3CF9,
" " : 0x3C4E,
"!" : 0x3CFF,
"?" : 0x3CFE,
"'" : 0x3CFD,
"," : 0x3CFB,
"." : 0x3CFA,
"-" : 0x3CCF,
"_" : 0x000E,
"1" : 0x3C00,
"2" : 0x3C01,
"3" : 0x3C02,
"4" : 0x3C03,
"5" : 0x3C04,
"6" : 0x3C05,
"7" : 0x3C06,
"8" : 0x3C07,
"9" : 0x3C08,
"0" : 0x3C09,
"%" : 0x3C0A}
data = []
itemName = itemName.upper()[:26]
itemName = itemName.strip()
itemName =, " ")
itemName = "___" + itemName + "___"
for char in itemName:
[w0, w1] = self.getWordArray(charMap.get(char, 0x3C4E))
return data
def APPrePatchRom(self, romPatcher):
# first apply the sm multiworld code patch named 'basepatch' (also has empty tables that we'll overwrite),
# + apply some patches from varia that we want to be always-on.
# basepatch and variapatches are both generated from
"data", "SMBasepatch_prebuilt", "multiworld-basepatch.ips")))
"data", "SMBasepatch_prebuilt", "variapatches.ips")))
def APPostPatchRom(self, romPatcher):
symbols = get_sm_symbols("/".join((os.path.dirname(self.__file__),
"data", "SMBasepatch_prebuilt", "sm-basepatch-symbols.json")))
# gather all player ids and names relevant to this rom, then write player name and player id data tables
playerIdSet: Set[int] = {0} # 0 is for "Archipelago" server
for itemLoc in self.multiworld.get_locations():
assert itemLoc.item, f"World of player '{self.multiworld.player_name[itemLoc.player]}' has a loc.item " + \
f"that is {itemLoc.item} during generate_output"
# add each playerid who has a location containing an item to send to us *or* to an item_link we're part of
if itemLoc.item.player == self.player or \
(itemLoc.item.player in self.multiworld.groups and
self.player in self.multiworld.groups[itemLoc.item.player]['players']):
playerIdSet |= {itemLoc.player}
# add each playerid, including item link ids, that we'll be sending items to
if itemLoc.player == self.player:
playerIdSet |= {itemLoc.item.player}
if len(playerIdSet) > SM_ROM_PLAYERDATA_COUNT:
# max 202 entries, but it's possible for item links to add enough replacement items for us, that are placed
# in worlds that otherwise have no relation to us, that the 2*location count limit is exceeded
logger.warning("SM is interacting with too many players to fit in ROM. "
f"Removing the highest {len(playerIdSet) - SM_ROM_PLAYERDATA_COUNT} ids to fit")
playerIdSet = set(sorted(playerIdSet)[:SM_ROM_PLAYERDATA_COUNT])
otherPlayerIndex: Dict[int, int] = {} # ap player id -> rom-local player index
playerNameData: List[ByteEdit] = []
playerIdData: List[ByteEdit] = []
# sort all player data by player id so that the game can look up a player's data reasonably quickly when
# the client sends an ap playerid to the game
for i, playerid in enumerate(sorted(playerIdSet)):
playername = self.multiworld.player_name[playerid] if playerid != 0 else "Archipelago"
playerIdForRom = playerid
if playerid > SM_ROM_MAX_PLAYERID:
# note, playerIdForRom = 0 is not unique so the game cannot look it up.
# instead it will display the player received-from as "Archipelago"
playerIdForRom = 0
if playerid == self.player:
raise Exception(f"SM rom cannot fit enough bits to represent self player id {playerid}")
logger.warning(f"SM rom cannot fit enough bits to represent player id {playerid}, setting to 0 in rom")
otherPlayerIndex[playerid] = i
playerNameData.append({"sym": symbols["rando_player_name_table"],
"offset": i * 16,
"values": playername[:16].upper().center(16).encode()})
playerIdData.append({"sym": symbols["rando_player_id_table"],
"offset": i * 2,
"values": self.getWordArray(playerIdForRom)})
multiWorldLocations: List[ByteEdit] = []
multiWorldItems: List[ByteEdit] = []
idx = 0
vanillaItemTypesCount = 21
for itemLoc in self.multiworld.get_locations():
if itemLoc.player == self.player and locationsDict[].Id != None:
# item to place in this SM world: write full item data to tables
if isinstance(itemLoc.item, SMItem) and itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items:
itemId = ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type].Id
itemId = ItemManager.Items["ArchipelagoItem"].Id + idx
multiWorldItems.append({"sym": symbols["message_item_names"],
"offset": (vanillaItemTypesCount + idx)*64,
"values": self.convertToROMItemName(})
idx += 1
if itemLoc.item.player == self.player:
itemDestinationType = 0 # dest type 0 means 'regular old SM item' per itemtable.asm
elif itemLoc.item.player in self.multiworld.groups and \
self.player in self.multiworld.groups[itemLoc.item.player]['players']:
# dest type 2 means 'SM item link item that sends to the current player and others'
# per itemtable.asm (groups are synonymous with item_links, currently)
itemDestinationType = 2
itemDestinationType = 1 # dest type 1 means 'item for entirely someone else' per itemtable.asm
[w0, w1] = self.getWordArray(itemDestinationType)
[w2, w3] = self.getWordArray(itemId)
[w4, w5] = self.getWordArray(otherPlayerIndex[itemLoc.item.player] if itemLoc.item.player in
otherPlayerIndex else 0)
[w6, w7] = self.getWordArray(0 if itemLoc.item.advancement else 1)
multiWorldLocations.append({"sym": symbols["rando_item_table"],
"offset": locationsDict[].Id*8,
"values": [w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7]})
itemSprites = [{"fileName": "off_world_prog_item.bin",
"paletteSymbolName": "prog_item_eight_palette_indices",
"dataSymbolName": "offworld_graphics_data_progression_item"},
{"fileName": "off_world_item.bin",
"paletteSymbolName": "nonprog_item_eight_palette_indices",
"dataSymbolName": "offworld_graphics_data_item"}]
idx = 0
offworldSprites: List[ByteEdit] = []
for itemSprite in itemSprites:
with openFile("/".join((os.path.dirname(self.__file__), "data", "custom_sprite", itemSprite["fileName"])), 'rb') as stream:
buffer = bytearray(
offworldSprites.append({"sym": symbols[itemSprite["paletteSymbolName"]],
"offset": 0,
"values": buffer[0:8]})
offworldSprites.append({"sym": symbols[itemSprite["dataSymbolName"]],
"offset": 0,
"values": buffer[8:264]})
idx += 1
deathLink: List[ByteEdit] = [{
"sym": symbols["config_deathlink"],
"offset": 0,
"values": [self.multiworld.death_link[self.player].value]
remoteItem: List[ByteEdit] = [{
"sym": symbols["config_remote_items"],
"offset": 0,
"values": self.getWordArray(0b001 + (0b010 if self.remote_items else 0b000))
ownPlayerId: List[ByteEdit] = [{
"sym": symbols["config_player_id"],
"offset": 0,
"values": self.getWordArray(self.player)
patchDict = { 'MultiWorldLocations': multiWorldLocations,
'MultiWorldItems': multiWorldItems,
'offworldSprites': offworldSprites,
'deathLink': deathLink,
'remoteItem': remoteItem,
'ownPlayerId': ownPlayerId,
'playerNameData': playerNameData,
'playerIdData': playerIdData}
# convert an array of symbolic byte_edit dicts like {"sym": symobj, "offset": 0, "values": [1, 0]}
# to a single rom patch dict like {0x438c: [1, 0], 0xa4a5: [0, 0, 0]} which varia will understand and apply
def resolve_symbols_to_file_offset_based_dict(byte_edits_arr: List[ByteEdit]) -> Dict[int, Iterable[int]]:
this_patch_as_dict: Dict[int, Iterable[int]] = {}
for byte_edit in byte_edits_arr:
offset_within_rom_file: int = byte_edit["sym"]["offset_within_rom_file"] + byte_edit["offset"]
this_patch_as_dict[offset_within_rom_file] = byte_edit["values"]
return this_patch_as_dict
for patchname, byte_edits_arr in patchDict.items():
patchDict[patchname] = resolve_symbols_to_file_offset_based_dict(byte_edits_arr)
openTourianGreyDoors = {0x07C823 + 5: [0x0C], 0x07C831 + 5: [0x0C]}
romPatcher.applyIPSPatchDict({'openTourianGreyDoors': openTourianGreyDoors})
# set rom name
# 21 bytes
from Main import __version__
self.romName = bytearray(f'SM{__version__.replace(".", "")[0:3]}_{self.player}_{self.multiworld.seed:11}', 'utf8')[:21]
self.romName.extend([0] * (21 - len(self.romName)))
# clients should read from 0x7FC0, the location of the rom title in the SNES header.
# duplicative ROM name at 0x1C4F00 is still written here for now, since people with archipelago pre-0.3.0 client installed will still be depending on this location for connecting to SM
romPatcher.applyIPSPatch('ROMName', { 'ROMName': {0x1C4F00 : self.romName, 0x007FC0 : self.romName} })
startItemROMAddressBase = symbols["start_item_data_major"]["offset_within_rom_file"]
# array for each item:
# offset within ROM table "start_item_data_major" of this item"s info (starting status)
# item bitmask or amount per pickup (BVOB = base value or bitmask),
# offset within ROM table "start_item_data_major" of this item"s info (starting maximum/starting collected items)
# current BVOB max
# ------- ---- ---
startItemROMDict = {"ETank": [ 0x8, 0x64, 0xA],
"Missile": [ 0xC, 0x5, 0xE],
"Super": [0x10, 0x5, 0x12],
"PowerBomb": [0x14, 0x5, 0x16],
"Reserve": [0x1A, 0x64, 0x18],
"Morph": [ 0x2, 0x4, 0x0],
"Bomb": [ 0x3, 0x10, 0x1],
"SpringBall": [ 0x2, 0x2, 0x0],
"HiJump": [ 0x3, 0x1, 0x1],
"Varia": [ 0x2, 0x1, 0x0],
"Gravity": [ 0x2, 0x20, 0x0],
"SpeedBooster": [ 0x3, 0x20, 0x1],
"SpaceJump": [ 0x3, 0x2, 0x1],
"ScrewAttack": [ 0x2, 0x8, 0x0],
"Charge": [ 0x7, 0x10, 0x5],
"Ice": [ 0x6, 0x2, 0x4],
"Wave": [ 0x6, 0x1, 0x4],
"Spazer": [ 0x6, 0x4, 0x4],
"Plasma": [ 0x6, 0x8, 0x4],
"Grapple": [ 0x3, 0x40, 0x1],
"XRayScope": [ 0x3, 0x80, 0x1]
# BVOB = base value or bitmask
mergedData = {}
hasETank = False
hasSpazer = False
hasPlasma = False
for startItem in self.startItems:
item = startItem.Type
if item == "ETank": hasETank = True
if item == "Spazer": hasSpazer = True
if item == "Plasma": hasPlasma = True
if (item in ["ETank", "Missile", "Super", "PowerBomb", "Reserve"]):
(currentValue, amountPerItem, maxValue) = startItemROMDict[item]
if (startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue) in mergedData:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue] += amountPerItem
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + maxValue] += amountPerItem
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue] = amountPerItem
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + maxValue] = amountPerItem
(collected, bitmask, equipped) = startItemROMDict[item]
if (startItemROMAddressBase + collected) in mergedData:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + collected] |= bitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + equipped] |= bitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + collected] = bitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + equipped] = bitmask
if hasETank:
# we are overwriting the starting energy, so add up the E from 99 (normal starting energy) rather than from 0
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0x8] += 99
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0xA] += 99
if hasSpazer and hasPlasma:
# de-equip spazer.
# otherwise, firing the unintended spazer+plasma combo would cause massive game glitches and crashes
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0x4] &= ~0x4
for key, value in mergedData.items():
if (key - startItemROMAddressBase > 7):
[w0, w1] = self.getWordArray(value)
mergedData[key] = [w0, w1]
mergedData[key] = [value]
startItemPatch = { "startItemPatch": mergedData }
romPatcher.applyIPSPatch("startItemPatch", startItemPatch)
# commit all the changes we've made here to the ROM
itemLocs = [
if isinstance(itemLoc.item, SMItem) and itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items else
locationsDict[], True)
for itemLoc in self.multiworld.get_locations() if itemLoc.player == self.player
itemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type], locationsDict[] if in locationsDict and itemLoc.player == self.player else self.DummyLocation(self.multiworld.get_player_name(itemLoc.player) + " " +, True) for itemLoc in self.multiworld.get_locations() if itemLoc.item.player == self.player]
progItemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type], locationsDict[] if in locationsDict and itemLoc.player == self.player else self.DummyLocation(self.multiworld.get_player_name(itemLoc.player) + " " +, True) for itemLoc in self.multiworld.get_locations() if itemLoc.item.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.advancement == True]
# progItemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type if itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items else 'ArchipelagoItem'], locationsDict[], True) for itemLoc in self.multiworld.get_locations() if itemLoc.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.advancement == True]
# romPatcher.writeSplitLocs(self.variaRando.args.majorsSplit, itemLocs, progItemLocs)
romPatcher.writeSpoiler(itemLocs, progItemLocs)
romPatcher.writeRandoSettings(self.variaRando.randoExec.randoSettings, itemLocs)
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str):
outfilebase = self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player)
outputFilename = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{outfilebase}.sfc")
self.variaRando.PatchRom(outputFilename, self.APPrePatchRom, self.APPostPatchRom)
self.rom_name = self.romName
patch = SMDeltaPatch(os.path.splitext(outputFilename)[0] + SMDeltaPatch.patch_file_ending, player=self.player,
player_name=self.multiworld.player_name[self.player], patched_path=outputFilename)
if os.path.exists(outputFilename):
self.rom_name_available_event.set() # make sure threading continues and errors are collected
def checksum_mirror_sum(self, start, length, mask = 0x800000):
while not(length & mask) and mask:
mask >>= 1
part1 = sum(start[:mask]) & 0xFFFF
part2 = 0
next_length = length - mask
if next_length:
part2 = self.checksum_mirror_sum(start[mask:], next_length, mask >> 1)
while (next_length < mask):
next_length += next_length
part2 += part2
return (part1 + part2) & 0xFFFF
def write_bytes(self, buffer, startaddress: int, values):
buffer[startaddress:startaddress + len(values)] = values
def write_crc(self, romName):
with open(romName, 'rb') as stream:
buffer = bytearray(
crc = self.checksum_mirror_sum(buffer, len(buffer))
inv = crc ^ 0xFFFF
self.write_bytes(buffer, 0x7FDC, [inv & 0xFF, (inv >> 8) & 0xFF, crc & 0xFF, (crc >> 8) & 0xFF])
with open(romName, 'wb') as outfile:
def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict):
# wait for self.rom_name to be available.
rom_name = getattr(self, "rom_name", None)
# we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised
if rom_name:
new_name = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.rom_name)).decode()
multidata["connect_names"][new_name] = multidata["connect_names"][self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]]
def fill_slot_data(self):
slot_data = {}
if not self.multiworld.is_race:
for option_name in self.option_definitions:
option = getattr(self.multiworld, option_name)[self.player]
slot_data[option_name] = option.value
slot_data["Preset"] = { "Knows": {},
"Settings": {"hardRooms": Settings.SettingsDict[self.player].hardRooms,
"bossesDifficulty": Settings.SettingsDict[self.player].bossesDifficulty,
"hellRuns": Settings.SettingsDict[self.player].hellRuns},
"Controller": Controller.ControllerDict[self.player].__dict__}
for knows in Knows.__dict__:
if isKnows(knows):
slot_data["Preset"]["Knows"][knows] = [ getattr(Knows.knowsDict[self.player], knows).bool,
getattr(Knows.knowsDict[self.player], knows).difficulty]
slot_data["InterAreaTransitions"] = {}
for src, dest in self.variaRando.randoExec.areaGraph.InterAreaTransitions:
slot_data["InterAreaTransitions"][src.Name] = dest.Name
slot_data["Doors"] = {}
for door in DoorsManager.doorsDict[self.player].values():
slot_data["Doors"][] = door.getColor()
slot_data["RomPatches"] = RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player]
return slot_data
def collect(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool:
if (item.location != None and item.location.player == self.player):
for entrance in self.multiworld.get_region(, self.player).entrances:
if (entrance.parent_region.can_reach(state)):
state.smbm[self.player].lastAP =
return super(SMWorld, self).collect(state, item)
def remove(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool:
return super(SMWorld, self).remove(state, item)
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
item = next(x for x in ItemManager.Items.values() if x.Name == name)
return SMItem(item.Name, ItemClassification.progression if item.Class != 'Minor' else ItemClassification.filler, item.Type, self.item_name_to_id[item.Name],
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
if self.multiworld.random.randint(0, 100) < self.multiworld.minor_qty[self.player].value:
power_bombs = self.multiworld.power_bomb_qty[self.player].value
missiles = self.multiworld.missile_qty[self.player].value
super_missiles = self.multiworld.super_qty[self.player].value
roll = self.multiworld.random.randint(1, power_bombs + missiles + super_missiles)
if roll <= power_bombs:
return "Power Bomb"
elif roll <= power_bombs + missiles:
return "Missile"
return "Super Missile"
return "Nothing"
def pre_fill(self):
if len(self.NothingPool) > 0:
nonChozoLoc = []
chozoLoc = []
for loc in self.locations.values():
if loc.item is None:
if locationsDict[].isChozo():
missingCount = len(self.NothingPool) - len(nonChozoLoc)
locations = nonChozoLoc
if (missingCount > 0):
locations += chozoLoc[:missingCount]
locations = locations[:len(self.NothingPool)]
for item, loc in zip(self.NothingPool, locations):
loc.address = loc.item.code = None
def stage_post_fill(cls, world):
new_state = CollectionState(world)
progitempool = []
for item in world.itempool:
if == "Super Metroid" and item.advancement:
for item in progitempool:
new_state.collect(item, True)
bossesLoc = ['Draygon', 'Kraid', 'Ridley', 'Phantoon', 'Mother Brain']
for player in world.get_game_players("Super Metroid"):
for bossLoc in bossesLoc:
if not world.get_location(bossLoc, player).can_reach(new_state):
world.state.smbm[player].onlyBossLeft = True
def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO):
if self.multiworld.area_randomization[self.player].value != 0:
spoiler_handle.write('\n\nArea Transitions:\n\n')
spoiler_handle.write('\n'.join(['%s%s %s %s' % (f'{self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}: '
if self.multiworld.players > 1 else '', src.Name,
dest.Name) for src, dest in self.variaRando.randoExec.areaGraph.InterAreaTransitions if not src.Boss]))
if self.multiworld.boss_randomization[self.player].value != 0:
spoiler_handle.write('\n\nBoss Transitions:\n\n')
spoiler_handle.write('\n'.join(['%s%s %s %s' % (f'{self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}: '
if self.multiworld.players > 1 else '', src.Name,
dest.Name) for src, dest in self.variaRando.randoExec.areaGraph.InterAreaTransitions if src.Boss]))
def create_locations(self, player: int):
for name in locationsDict:
self.locations[name] = SMLocation(player, name, self.location_name_to_id.get(name, None))
def create_region(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None):
ret = Region(name, player, world)
if locations:
for loc in locations:
location = self.locations[loc]
location.parent_region = ret
if exits:
for exit in exits:
ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret))
return ret
class SMLocation(Location):
game: str = "Super Metroid"
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, address=None, parent=None):
super(SMLocation, self).__init__(player, name, address, parent)
def can_fill(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item, check_access=True) -> bool:
return self.always_allow(state, item) or (self.item_rule(item) and (not check_access or self.can_reach(state)))
def can_reach(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
# self.access_rule computes faster on average, so placing it first for faster abort
assert self.parent_region, "Can't reach location without region"
return self.access_rule(state) and self.parent_region.can_reach(state) and self.can_comeback(state)
def can_comeback(self, state: CollectionState):
# some specific early/late game checks
if == 'Bomb' or == 'Mother Brain':
return True
randoExec = state.multiworld.worlds[self.player].variaRando.randoExec
n = 2 if GraphUtils.isStandardStart(randoExec.graphSettings.startAP) else 3
# is early game
if (len([loc for loc in state.locations_checked if loc.player == self.player]) <= n):
return True
for key in locationsDict[].AccessFrom.keys():
smbm = state.smbm[self.player]
if (randoExec.areaGraph.canAccess( smbm,
return True
return False
class SMItem(Item):
game = "Super Metroid"
type: str
def __init__(self, name, classification, type: str, code, player: int):
super(SMItem, self).__init__(name, classification, code, player)
self.type = type