136 lines
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136 lines
5.7 KiB
import copy, time, random
from ..utils import log
from ..logic.cache import RequestCache
from ..rando.RandoServices import RandoServices
from ..rando.Choice import ItemThenLocChoice
from ..rando.RandoServices import ComebackCheckType
from ..rando.ItemLocContainer import ItemLocation, getItemLocationsStr
from ..utils.parameters import infinity
from ..logic.helpers import diffValue2txt
from ..graph.graph_utils import GraphUtils
# base class for fillers. a filler responsibility is to fill a given
# ItemLocContainer while a certain condition is fulfilled (usually
# item pool is not empty).
# entry point is generateItems
class Filler(object):
def __init__(self, startAP, graph, restrictions, emptyContainer, endDate=infinity):
self.startAP = startAP
self.cache = RequestCache()
self.graph = graph
self.services = RandoServices(graph, restrictions, self.cache)
self.restrictions = restrictions
self.settings = restrictions.settings
self.endDate = endDate
self.baseContainer = emptyContainer
self.maxDiff = self.settings.maxDiff
self.log = log.get('Filler')
# reinit algo state
def initFiller(self):
self.ap = self.startAP
self.nSteps = 0
self.errorMsg = ""
self.settings.maxDiff = self.maxDiff
self.startDate = time.process_time()
# sets up container initial state
def initContainer(self):
self.container = copy.copy(self.baseContainer)
# default continuation condition: item pool is not empty
def itemPoolCondition(self):
return not self.container.isPoolEmpty()
# factory for step count condition
def createStepCountCondition(self, n):
return lambda: self.nSteps < n
# calls step while condition is fulfilled and we did not hit runtime limit
# condition: continuation condition
# vcr: debug VCR object
# shall return (stuck, itemLoc dict list, progression itemLoc dict list)
def generateItems(self, condition=None, vcr=None):
self.vcr = vcr
if condition is None:
condition = self.itemPoolCondition
isStuck = False
date = self.startDate
while condition() and not isStuck and date <= self.endDate:
isStuck = not self.step()
if not isStuck:
self.nSteps += 1
date = time.process_time()
if condition() or date > self.endDate:
isStuck = True
if date > self.endDate:
self.errorMsg = "Exceeded time limit of "+str(self.settings.runtimeLimit_s) +" seconds"
self.errorMsg = "STUCK !\n"+self.container.dump()
# check if some locations are above max diff and add relevant message
locs = self.container.getUsedLocs(lambda loc: loc.difficulty.difficulty > self.maxDiff)
aboveMaxDiffStr = '[ ' + ' ; '.join([loc.Name + ': ' + diffValue2txt(loc.difficulty.difficulty) for loc in locs]) + ' ]'
if aboveMaxDiffStr != '[ ]':
self.errorMsg += "\nMaximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: {}".format(aboveMaxDiffStr)
isStuck = False
if self.vcr != None:
return isStuck, self.container.itemLocations, self.getProgressionItemLocations()
# helper method to collect in item/location with logic. updates self.ap and VCR
def collect(self, itemLoc, container=None, pickup=True):
containerArg = container
if container is None:
container = self.container
location = itemLoc.Location
item = itemLoc.Item
pickup &= location.restricted is None or location.restricted == False
self.ap = self.services.collect(self.ap, container, itemLoc, pickup=pickup)
if self.vcr is not None and containerArg is None:
self.vcr.addLocation(location.Name, item.Type)
# called by generateItems at the end to knows which particulier
# item/locations were progression, if the info is available
def getProgressionItemLocations(self):
return []
# performs a fill step. can be multiple item/locations placement,
# not necessarily just one.
# return True if ok, False if stuck
def step(self):
# very simple front fill algorithm with no rollback and no "softlock checks" (== dessy algorithm)
class FrontFiller(Filler):
def __init__(self, startAP, graph, restrictions, emptyContainer, endDate=infinity):
super(FrontFiller, self).__init__(startAP, graph, restrictions, emptyContainer, endDate)
self.choice = ItemThenLocChoice(restrictions)
self.stdStart = GraphUtils.isStandardStart(self.startAP)
def isEarlyGame(self):
n = 2 if self.stdStart else 3
return len(self.container.currentItems) <= n
# one item/loc per step
def step(self, onlyBossCheck=False):
if not self.services.can100percent(self.ap, self.container):
comebackCheck = ComebackCheckType.ComebackWithoutItem if not self.isEarlyGame() else ComebackCheckType.NoCheck
(itemLocDict, isProg) = self.services.getPossiblePlacements(self.ap, self.container, comebackCheck)
(itemLocDict, isProg) = self.services.getPossiblePlacementsNoLogic(self.container)
itemLoc = self.choice.chooseItemLoc(itemLocDict, isProg)
if itemLoc is None:
if onlyBossCheck == False and self.services.onlyBossesLeft(self.ap, self.container):
self.settings.maxDiff = infinity
return self.step(onlyBossCheck=True)
return False
return True