135 lines
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135 lines
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import random, copy
from ..utils import log
from ..graph.graph_utils import GraphUtils, vanillaTransitions, vanillaBossesTransitions, escapeSource, escapeTargets
from ..logic.logic import Logic
from ..graph.graph import AccessGraphRando as AccessGraph
# creates graph and handles randomized escape
class GraphBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, graphSettings):
self.graphSettings = graphSettings
self.areaRando = graphSettings.areaRando
self.bossRando = graphSettings.bossRando
self.escapeRando = graphSettings.escapeRando
self.minimizerN = graphSettings.minimizerN
self.log = log.get('GraphBuilder')
# builds everything but escape transitions
def createGraph(self):
transitions = self.graphSettings.plandoRandoTransitions
if transitions is None:
transitions = []
if self.minimizerN is not None:
transitions = GraphUtils.createMinimizerTransitions(self.graphSettings.startAP, self.minimizerN)
if not self.bossRando:
transitions += vanillaBossesTransitions
transitions += GraphUtils.createBossesTransitions()
if not self.areaRando:
transitions += vanillaTransitions
transitions += GraphUtils.createAreaTransitions(self.graphSettings.lightAreaRando)
return AccessGraph(Logic.accessPoints, transitions, self.graphSettings.dotFile)
# fills in escape transitions if escape rando is enabled
# scavEscape = None or (itemLocs, scavItemLocs) couple from filler
def escapeGraph(self, container, graph, maxDiff, scavEscape):
if not self.escapeRando:
return True
emptyContainer = copy.copy(container)
dst = None
if scavEscape is None:
possibleTargets, dst, path = self.getPossibleEscapeTargets(emptyContainer, graph, maxDiff)
# update graph with escape transition
graph.addTransition(escapeSource, dst)
possibleTargets, path = self.getScavengerEscape(emptyContainer, graph, maxDiff, scavEscape)
if path is None:
return False
# get timer value
self.escapeTimer(graph, path, self.areaRando or scavEscape is not None)
self.log.debug("escapeGraph: ({}, {}) timer: {}".format(escapeSource, dst, graph.EscapeAttributes['Timer']))
# animals
GraphUtils.escapeAnimalsTransitions(graph, possibleTargets, dst)
return True
def _getTargets(self, sm, graph, maxDiff):
possibleTargets = [target for target in escapeTargets if graph.accessPath(sm, target, 'Landing Site', maxDiff) is not None]
self.log.debug('_getTargets. targets='+str(possibleTargets))
# failsafe
if len(possibleTargets) == 0:
self.log.debug("Can't randomize escape, fallback to vanilla")
possibleTargets.append('Climb Bottom Left')
return possibleTargets
def getPossibleEscapeTargets(self, emptyContainer, graph, maxDiff):
sm = emptyContainer.sm
# setup smbm with item pool
# Ice not usable because of hyper beam
# remove energy to avoid hell runs
# (will add bosses as well)
sm.addItems([item.Type for item in emptyContainer.itemPool if item.Type != 'Ice' and item.Category != 'Energy'])
possibleTargets = self._getTargets(sm, graph, maxDiff)
# pick one
dst = possibleTargets.pop()
path = graph.accessPath(sm, dst, 'Landing Site', maxDiff)
return (possibleTargets, dst, path)
def getScavengerEscape(self, emptyContainer, graph, maxDiff, scavEscape):
sm = emptyContainer.sm
itemLocs, lastScavItemLoc = scavEscape[0], scavEscape[1][-1]
# collect all item/locations up until last scav
for il in itemLocs:
if il == lastScavItemLoc:
possibleTargets = self._getTargets(sm, graph, maxDiff)
path = graph.accessPath(sm, lastScavItemLoc.Location.accessPoint, 'Landing Site', maxDiff)
return (possibleTargets, path)
# path: as returned by AccessGraph.accessPath
def escapeTimer(self, graph, path, compute):
if compute == True:
if path[0].Name == 'Climb Bottom Left':
graph.EscapeAttributes['Timer'] = None
traversedAreas = list(set([ap.GraphArea for ap in path]))
self.log.debug("escapeTimer path: " + str([ap.Name for ap in path]))
self.log.debug("escapeTimer traversedAreas: " + str(traversedAreas))
# rough estimates of navigation within areas to reach "borders"
# (can obviously be completely off wrt to actual path, but on the generous side)
traversals = {
'Norfair': 120,
'Kraid': 40,
'Crocomire': 40,
# can't be on the path
'Tourian': 0,
t = 90 if self.areaRando else 0
for area in traversedAreas:
t += traversals[area]
t = max(t, 180)
escapeTargetsTimer = {
'Climb Bottom Left': None, # vanilla
'Green Brinstar Main Shaft Top Left': 210, # brinstar
'Basement Left': 210, # wrecked ship
'Business Center Mid Left': 270, # norfair
'Crab Hole Bottom Right': 270 # maridia
t = escapeTargetsTimer[path[0].Name]
self.log.debug("escapeTimer. t="+str(t))
graph.EscapeAttributes['Timer'] = t