
249 lines
9.9 KiB

import copy
from ..utils import log
from ..logic.smbool import SMBool, smboolFalse
from ..logic.smboolmanager import SMBoolManager
from collections import Counter
class ItemLocation(object):
__slots__ = ( 'Item', 'Location', 'Accessible' )
def __init__(self, Item=None, Location=None, accessible=True):
self.Item = Item
self.Location = Location
self.Accessible = accessible
def json(self):
return {'Item': self.Item.json(), 'Location': self.Location.json()}
def getItemListStr(items):
return str(dict(Counter(["%s/%s" % (item.Type,item.Class) for item in items])))
def getLocListStr(locs):
return str([loc.Name for loc in locs])
def getItemLocStr(itemLoc):
return itemLoc.Item.Type + " at " + itemLoc.Location.Name
def getItemLocationsStr(itemLocations):
return str([getItemLocStr(il) for il in itemLocations])
class ContainerSoftBackup(object):
def __init__(self, container):
self.itemLocations = container.itemLocations[:]
self.itemPool = container.itemPool[:]
self.unusedLocations = container.unusedLocations[:]
self.currentItems = container.currentItems[:]
def restore(self, container, resetSM=True):
# avoid costly deep copies of locations
container.itemLocations = self.itemLocations[:]
container.itemPool = self.itemPool[:]
container.unusedLocations = self.unusedLocations[:]
container.currentItems = self.currentItems[:]
if resetSM:[it.Type for it in container.currentItems])
# Holds items yet to place (itemPool), locations yet to fill (unusedLocations),
# placed items/locations (itemLocations).
# If logic is needed, also holds a SMBoolManager (sm) and collected items so far
# (collectedItems)
class ItemLocContainer(object):
def __init__(self, sm, itemPool, locations): = sm
self.itemLocations = []
self.unusedLocations = locations
self.currentItems = []
self.itemPool = itemPool
self.itemPoolBackup = None
self.unrestrictedItems = set()
self.log = log.get('ItemLocContainer')
def checkConsistency(self):
assert len(self.unusedLocations) == len(self.itemPool), "Item({})/Locs({}) count mismatch".format(len(self.itemPool), len(self.unusedLocations))
def __eq__(self, rhs):
eq = self.currentItems == rhs.currentItems
eq &= getLocListStr(self.unusedLocations) == getLocListStr(rhs.unusedLocations)
eq &= self.itemPool == rhs.itemPool
eq &= getItemLocationsStr(self.itemLocations) == getItemLocationsStr(rhs.itemLocations)
return eq
def __copy__(self):
locs = copy.copy(self.unusedLocations)
# we don't copy restriction state on purpose: it depends on
# outside context we don't want to bring to the copy
ret = ItemLocContainer(SMBoolManager(,,,
self.itemPoolBackup[:] if self.itemPoolBackup != None else self.itemPool[:],
ret.currentItems = self.currentItems[:]
ret.unrestrictedItems = copy.copy(self.unrestrictedItems)
ret.itemLocations = [ ItemLocation(
) for il in self.itemLocations ][item.Type for item in ret.currentItems])
return ret
# create a new container based on slice predicates on items and
# locs. both predicates must result in a consistent container
# (same number of unused locations and not placed items)
def slice(self, itemPoolCond, locPoolCond):
assert self.itemPoolBackup is None, "Cannot slice a constrained container"
locs = self.getLocs(locPoolCond)
items = self.getItems(itemPoolCond)
cont = ItemLocContainer(, items, locs)
cont.currentItems = self.currentItems
cont.itemLocations = self.itemLocations
return copy.copy(cont)
# transfer collected items/locations to another container
def transferCollected(self, dest):
dest.currentItems = self.currentItems[:] = SMBoolManager(,,[item.Type for item in dest.currentItems])
dest.itemLocations = copy.copy(self.itemLocations)
dest.unrestrictedItems = copy.copy(self.unrestrictedItems)
# reset collected items/locations. if reassignItemLocs is True,
# will re-fill itemPool and unusedLocations as they were before
# collection
def resetCollected(self, reassignItemLocs=False):
self.currentItems = []
if reassignItemLocs == False:
self.itemLocations = []
while len(self.itemLocations) > 0:
il = self.itemLocations.pop()
self.unrestrictedItems = set()
def dump(self):
return "ItemPool(%d): %s\nLocPool(%d): %s\nCollected: %s" % (len(self.itemPool), getItemListStr(self.itemPool), len(self.unusedLocations), getLocListStr(self.unusedLocations), getItemListStr(self.currentItems))
# temporarily restrict item pool to items fulfilling predicate
def restrictItemPool(self, predicate):
assert self.itemPoolBackup is None, "Item pool already restricted"
self.itemPoolBackup = self.itemPool
self.itemPool = [item for item in self.itemPoolBackup if predicate(item)]
self.log.debug("restrictItemPool: "+getItemListStr(self.itemPool))
# remove a placed restriction
def unrestrictItemPool(self):
assert self.itemPoolBackup is not None, "No pool restriction to remove"
self.itemPool = self.itemPoolBackup
self.itemPoolBackup = None
self.log.debug("unrestrictItemPool: "+getItemListStr(self.itemPool))
def removeLocation(self, location):
if location in self.unusedLocations:
def removeItem(self, item):
if self.itemPoolBackup is not None:
# collect an item at a location. if pickup is True, also affects logic (sm) and collectedItems
def collect(self, itemLocation, pickup=True):
item = itemLocation.Item
location = itemLocation.Location
if not location.restricted:
if pickup == True:
def isPoolEmpty(self):
return len(self.itemPool) == 0
def getNextItemInPool(self, t):
return next((item for item in self.itemPool if item.Type == t), None)
def getNextItemInPoolMatching(self, predicate):
return next((item for item in self.itemPool if predicate(item) == True), None)
def hasItemTypeInPool(self, t):
return any(item.Type == t for item in self.itemPool)
def hasItemInPool(self, predicate):
return any(predicate(item) == True for item in self.itemPool)
def hasItemCategoryInPool(self, cat):
return any(item.Category == cat for item in self.itemPool)
def getNextItemInPoolFromCategory(self, cat):
return next((item for item in self.itemPool if item.Category == cat), None)
def getAllItemsInPoolFromCategory(self, cat):
return [item for item in self.itemPool if item.Category == cat]
def countItemTypeInPool(self, t):
return sum(1 for item in self.itemPool if item.Type == t)
def countItems(self, predicate):
return sum(1 for item in self.itemPool if predicate(item) == True)
# gets the items pool in the form of a dicitionary whose keys are item types
# and values list of items of this type
def getPoolDict(self):
poolDict = {}
for item in self.itemPool:
if item.Type not in poolDict:
poolDict[item.Type] = []
return poolDict
def getLocs(self, predicate):
return [loc for loc in self.unusedLocations if predicate(loc) == True]
def getItems(self, predicate):
return [item for item in self.itemPool if predicate(item) == True]
def getUsedLocs(self, predicate):
return [il.Location for il in self.itemLocations if predicate(il.Location) == True]
def getItemLoc(self, loc):
for il in self.itemLocations:
if il.Location == loc:
return il
def getCollectedItems(self, predicate):
return [item for item in self.currentItems if predicate(item) == True]
def hasUnrestrictedLocWithItemType(self, itemType):
return itemType in self.unrestrictedItems
def getLocsForSolver(self):
locs = []
for il in self.itemLocations:
loc = il.Location
self.log.debug("getLocsForSolver: {}".format(loc.Name))
# filter out restricted locations
if loc.restricted:
self.log.debug("getLocsForSolver: restricted, remove {}".format(loc.Name))
loc.itemName = il.Item.Type
return locs
def cleanLocsAfterSolver(self):
# restricted locs can have their difficulty set, which can cause them to be reported in the
# post randomization warning message about locs with diff > max diff.
for il in self.itemLocations:
loc = il.Location
if loc.restricted and loc.difficulty == True:
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
def getDistinctItems(self):
itemTypes = {item.Type for item in self.itemPool}
return [self.getNextItemInPool(itemType) for itemType in itemTypes]