271 lines
8.8 KiB
271 lines
8.8 KiB
import sys, random
from collections import defaultdict
from ..rando.Items import ItemManager
from ..utils.utils import getRangeDict, chooseFromRange
from ..rando.ItemLocContainer import ItemLocation
# Holder for settings and a few utility functions related to them
# (especially for plando/rando).
# Holds settings not related to graph layout.
class RandoSettings(object):
def __init__(self, maxDiff, progSpeed, progDiff, qty, restrictions,
superFun, runtimeLimit_s, PlandoOptions, minDiff):
self.progSpeed = progSpeed.lower()
self.progDiff = progDiff.lower()
self.maxDiff = maxDiff
self.qty = qty
self.restrictions = restrictions
self.superFun = superFun
self.runtimeLimit_s = runtimeLimit_s
if self.runtimeLimit_s <= 0:
self.runtimeLimit_s = sys.maxsize
self.PlandoOptions = PlandoOptions
self.minDiff = minDiff
def getSuperFun(self):
return self.superFun[:]
def updateSuperFun(self, superFun):
self.superFun = superFun[:]
def isPlandoRando(self):
return self.PlandoOptions is not None
def getItemManager(self, smbm, nLocs):
if not self.isPlandoRando():
return ItemManager(self.restrictions['MajorMinor'], self.qty, smbm, nLocs, self.maxDiff)
return ItemManager('Plando', self.qty, smbm, nLocs, self.maxDiff)
def getExcludeItems(self, locations):
if not self.isPlandoRando():
return None
exclude = {'alreadyPlacedItems': defaultdict(int), 'forbiddenItems': []}
# locsItems is a dict {'loc name': 'item type'}
for locName,itemType in self.PlandoOptions["locsItems"].items():
if not any(loc.Name == locName for loc in locations):
exclude['alreadyPlacedItems'][itemType] += 1
exclude['alreadyPlacedItems']['total'] += 1
exclude['forbiddenItems'] = self.PlandoOptions['forbiddenItems']
return exclude
def collectAlreadyPlacedItemLocations(self, container):
if not self.isPlandoRando():
for locName,itemType in self.PlandoOptions["locsItems"].items():
if not any(loc.Name == locName for loc in container.unusedLocations):
item = container.getNextItemInPool(itemType)
assert item is not None, "Invalid plando item pool"
location = container.getLocs(lambda loc: loc.Name == locName)[0]
itemLoc = ItemLocation(item, location)
container.collect(itemLoc, pickup=False)
# Holds settings and utiliy functions related to graph layout
class GraphSettings(object):
def __init__(self, startAP, areaRando, lightAreaRando, bossRando, escapeRando, minimizerN, dotFile, doorsColorsRando, allowGreyDoors, plandoRandoTransitions):
self.startAP = startAP
self.areaRando = areaRando
self.lightAreaRando = lightAreaRando
self.bossRando = bossRando
self.escapeRando = escapeRando
self.minimizerN = minimizerN
self.dotFile = dotFile
self.doorsColorsRando = doorsColorsRando
self.allowGreyDoors = allowGreyDoors
self.plandoRandoTransitions = plandoRandoTransitions
def isMinimizer(self):
return self.minimizerN is not None
# algo settings depending on prog speed (slowest to fastest+variable,
# other "speeds" are actually different algorithms)
class ProgSpeedParameters(object):
def __init__(self, restrictions, nLocs):
self.restrictions = restrictions
self.nLocs = nLocs
def getVariableSpeed(self):
ranges = getRangeDict({
return chooseFromRange(ranges)
def getMinorHelpProb(self, progSpeed):
if self.restrictions.split != 'Major':
return 0
if progSpeed == 'slowest':
return 0.16
elif progSpeed == 'slow':
return 0.33
elif progSpeed == 'medium':
return 0.5
return 1
def getLateDoorsProb(self, progSpeed):
if progSpeed == 'slowest':
return 1
elif progSpeed == 'slow':
return 0.8
elif progSpeed == 'medium':
return 0.66
elif progSpeed == 'fast':
return 0.5
elif progSpeed == 'fastest':
return 0.33
return 0
def getItemLimit(self, progSpeed):
itemLimit = self.nLocs
if progSpeed == 'slow':
itemLimit = int(self.nLocs*0.209) # 21 for 105
elif progSpeed == 'medium':
itemLimit = int(self.nLocs*0.095) # 9 for 105
elif progSpeed == 'fast':
itemLimit = int(self.nLocs*0.057) # 5 for 105
elif progSpeed == 'fastest':
itemLimit = int(self.nLocs*0.019) # 1 for 105
minLimit = itemLimit - int(itemLimit/5)
maxLimit = itemLimit + int(itemLimit/5)
if minLimit == maxLimit:
itemLimit = minLimit
itemLimit = random.randint(minLimit, maxLimit)
return itemLimit
def getLocLimit(self, progSpeed):
locLimit = -1
if progSpeed == 'slow':
locLimit = 1
elif progSpeed == 'medium':
locLimit = 2
elif progSpeed == 'fast':
locLimit = 3
elif progSpeed == 'fastest':
locLimit = 4
return locLimit
def getProgressionItemTypes(self, progSpeed):
progTypes = ItemManager.getProgTypes()
if self.restrictions.isLateDoors():
progTypes += ['Wave','Spazer','Plasma']
if progSpeed == 'slowest':
return progTypes
if progSpeed == 'slow':
return progTypes
if progSpeed == 'medium':
return progTypes
if not self.restrictions.isLateDoors():
if progSpeed == 'fast':
return progTypes
if progSpeed == 'fastest':
return progTypes # only morph, varia, gravity
raise RuntimeError("Unknown prog speed " + progSpeed)
def getPossibleSoftlockProb(self, progSpeed):
if progSpeed == 'slowest':
return 1
if progSpeed == 'slow':
return 0.66
if progSpeed == 'medium':
return 0.33
if progSpeed == 'fast':
return 0.1
if progSpeed == 'fastest':
return 0
raise RuntimeError("Unknown prog speed " + progSpeed)
def getChooseLocDict(self, progDiff):
if progDiff == 'normal':
return {
'Random' : 1,
'MinDiff' : 0,
'MaxDiff' : 0
elif progDiff == 'easier':
return {
'Random' : 2,
'MinDiff' : 1,
'MaxDiff' : 0
elif progDiff == 'harder':
return {
'Random' : 2,
'MinDiff' : 0,
'MaxDiff' : 1
def getChooseItemDict(self, progSpeed):
if progSpeed == 'slowest':
return {
'MinProgression' : 1,
'Random' : 2,
'MaxProgression' : 0
elif progSpeed == 'slow':
return {
'MinProgression' : 25,
'Random' : 75,
'MaxProgression' : 0
elif progSpeed == 'medium':
return {
'MinProgression' : 0,
'Random' : 1,
'MaxProgression' : 0
elif progSpeed == 'fast':
return {
'MinProgression' : 0,
'Random' : 85,
'MaxProgression' : 15
elif progSpeed == 'fastest':
return {
'MinProgression' : 0,
'Random' : 2,
'MaxProgression' : 1
def getSpreadFactor(self, progSpeed):
if progSpeed == 'slowest':
return 0.9
elif progSpeed == 'slow':
return 0.7
elif progSpeed == 'medium':
return 0.4
elif progSpeed == 'fast':
return 0.1
return 0
def getChozoSecondPhaseRestrictionProb(self, progSpeed):
if progSpeed == 'slowest':
return 0
if progSpeed == 'slow':
return 0.16
if progSpeed == 'medium':
return 0.5
if progSpeed == 'fast':
return 0.9
return 1