195 lines
8.5 KiB
195 lines
8.5 KiB
import copy, random
from ..utils import log
from ..graph.graph_utils import getAccessPoint
from ..rando.ItemLocContainer import getLocListStr
# Holds settings related to item placement restrictions.
# canPlaceAtLocation is the main entry point here
class Restrictions(object):
def __init__(self, settings):
self.log = log.get('Restrictions')
self.settings = settings
# Item split : Major, Chozo, Full, Scavenger
self.split = settings.restrictions['MajorMinor']
self.suitsRestrictions = settings.restrictions['Suits']
self.scavLocs = None
self.scavIsVanilla = False
self.scavEscape = False
self.restrictionDictChecker = None
if self.split == 'Scavenger':
self.scavIsVanilla = settings.restrictions['ScavengerParams']['vanillaItems']
self.scavEscape = settings.restrictions['ScavengerParams']['escape']
# checker function chain used by canPlaceAtLocation
self.checkers = self.getCheckers()
self.static = {}
self.dynamic = {}
# only useful in door color rando
self.mandatoryBeams = []
def disable(self):
self.split = "Full"
self.suitsRestrictions = False
self.checkers = []
def setScavengerLocs(self, scavLocs):
self.scavLocs = scavLocs
self.scavItemTypes = [loc.VanillaItemType for loc in scavLocs]
def isEarlyMorph(self):
return self.settings.restrictions['Morph'] == 'early'
def isLateMorph(self):
return self.settings.restrictions['Morph'] == 'late'
def isLateDoors(self):
return self.settings.restrictions['doors'] == 'late'
def isChozo(self):
return self.split == 'Chozo'
def isScavenger(self):
return self.split == "Scavenger"
def lateMorphInit(self, ap, emptyContainer, services):
assert self.isLateMorph()
morph = emptyContainer.getNextItemInPool('Morph')
assert morph is not None
locs = services.possibleLocations(morph, ap, emptyContainer, bossesKilled=False)
self.lateMorphLimit = len(locs)
self.log.debug('lateMorphInit. {} locs: {}'.format(self.lateMorphLimit, getLocListStr(locs)))
areas = {}
for loc in locs:
areas[loc.GraphArea] = areas.get(loc.GraphArea, 0) + 1
self.log.debug('lateMorphLimit. areas: {}'.format(areas))
if len(areas) > 1:
self.lateMorphForbiddenArea = getAccessPoint(ap).GraphArea
self.log.debug('lateMorphLimit. forbid start area: {}'.format(self.lateMorphForbiddenArea))
self.lateMorphForbiddenArea = None
NoCheckCat = set(['Energy', 'Nothing', 'Boss'])
def setPlacementRestrictions(self, restrictionDict):
self.log.debug("set placement restrictions")
if self.restrictionDictChecker is not None:
self.restrictionDictChecker = None
if restrictionDict is None:
self.restrictionDictChecker = lambda item, loc, cont: item.Category in Restrictions.NoCheckCat\
or (item.Category == 'Ammo' and cont.hasUnrestrictedLocWithItemType(item.Type))\
or loc.Name in restrictionDict[loc.GraphArea][item.Type]
def isLocMajor(self, loc):
return not loc.isBoss() and (self.split == "Full" or loc.isClass(self.split))
def isLocMinor(self, loc):
return not loc.isBoss() and (self.split == "Full" or not loc.isClass(self.split))
def isItemMajor(self, item):
if self.split == "Full":
return True
elif self.split == 'Scavenger':
return not self.isItemMinor(item)
return item.Class == self.split
def isItemMinor(self, item):
if self.split == "Full":
return True
elif self.split == 'Scavenger':
return item.Class != "Major" or item.Category == "Energy"
return item.Class == "Minor"
def isItemLocMatching(self, item, loc):
if self.split == "Full":
return True
if loc.isClass(self.split):
return item.Class == self.split
return item.Class == "Minor"
# return True if we can keep morph as a possibility
def lateMorphCheck(self, container, possibleLocs):
# the closer we get to the limit the higher the chances of allowing morph
proba = random.randint(0, self.lateMorphLimit)
if self.split == 'Full':
nbItems = len(container.currentItems)
nbItems = len([item for item in container.currentItems if self.split == item.Class])
if proba > nbItems:
return None
if self.lateMorphForbiddenArea is not None:
morphLocs = [loc for loc in possibleLocs if loc.GraphArea != self.lateMorphForbiddenArea]
forbidden = len(morphLocs) == 0
possibleLocs = morphLocs if not forbidden else None
return possibleLocs
def isSuit(self, item):
return item.Type == 'Varia' or item.Type == 'Gravity'
def getCheckers(self):
checkers = []
self.log.debug("add bosses restriction")
checkers.append(lambda item, loc, cont: (item.Category != 'Boss' and not loc.isBoss()) or (item.Category == 'Boss' and item.Name == loc.Name))
if self.split != 'Full':
if self.split != 'Scavenger':
self.log.debug("add majorsSplit restriction")
checkers.append(lambda item, loc, cont: self.isItemLocMatching(item, loc))
self.log.debug("add scavenger restriction")
baseScavCheck = lambda item, loc: ((loc.VanillaItemType is None and self.isItemMinor(item))
or (loc.VanillaItemType is not None and self.isItemMajor(item)))
vanillaScavCheck = lambda item, loc: (self.scavLocs is None
or (loc not in self.scavLocs and item.Type not in self.scavItemTypes)
or (item.Type == loc.VanillaItemType and loc in self.scavLocs))
nonVanillaScavCheck = lambda item, loc: (self.scavLocs is None
or loc not in self.scavLocs
or (loc in self.scavLocs and item.Category != 'Nothing'))
if self.scavIsVanilla:
checkers.append(lambda item, loc, cont: baseScavCheck(item, loc) and vanillaScavCheck(item, loc))
checkers.append(lambda item, loc, cont: baseScavCheck(item, loc) and nonVanillaScavCheck(item, loc))
if self.suitsRestrictions:
self.log.debug("add suits restriction")
checkers.append(lambda item, loc, cont: not self.isSuit(item) or loc.GraphArea != 'Crateria')
return checkers
# return bool telling whether we can place a given item at a given location
def canPlaceAtLocation(self, item, location, container):
ret = True
for chk in self.checkers:
ret = ret and chk(item, location, container)
if not ret:
return ret
### Below : faster implementation tailored for random fill
def precomputeRestrictions(self, container):
# precompute the values for canPlaceAtLocation. only for random filler.
# dict (loc name, item type) -> bool
items = container.getDistinctItems()
for item in items:
for location in container.unusedLocations:
self.static[(location.Name, item.Type)] = self.canPlaceAtLocation(item, location, container)
container.unrestrictedItems = set(['Super', 'PowerBomb'])
for item in items:
if item.Type not in ['Super', 'PowerBomb']:
for location in container.unusedLocations:
self.dynamic[(location.Name, item.Type)] = self.canPlaceAtLocation(item, location, container)
container.unrestrictedItems = set()
def canPlaceAtLocationFast(self, itemType, locName, container):
if itemType in ['Super', 'PowerBomb'] and container.hasUnrestrictedLocWithItemType(itemType):
return self.dynamic.get((locName, itemType))
return self.static.get((locName, itemType))