
856 lines
47 KiB

from Utils import output_path
import argparse, os.path, json, sys, shutil, random, copy, requests
from .rando.RandoSettings import RandoSettings, GraphSettings
from .rando.RandoExec import RandoExec
from .graph.graph_utils import GraphUtils, getAccessPoint
from .utils.parameters import Controller, easy, medium, hard, harder, hardcore, mania, infinity, text2diff, appDir
from .rom.rom_patches import RomPatches
from .rom.rompatcher import RomPatcher
from .utils.utils import PresetLoader, loadRandoPreset, getDefaultMultiValues, getPresetDir
from .utils.version import displayedVersion
from .utils.doorsmanager import DoorsManager
from .logic.logic import Logic
from .utils import log
from ..Options import StartLocation
# we need to know the logic before doing anything else
def getLogic():
# check if --logic is there
logic = 'vanilla'
for i, param in enumerate(sys.argv):
if param == '--logic' and i+1 < len(sys.argv):
logic = sys.argv[i+1]
return logic
defaultMultiValues = getDefaultMultiValues()
speeds = defaultMultiValues['progressionSpeed']
energyQties = defaultMultiValues['energyQty']
progDiffs = defaultMultiValues['progressionDifficulty']
morphPlacements = defaultMultiValues['morphPlacement']
majorsSplits = defaultMultiValues['majorsSplit']
gravityBehaviours = defaultMultiValues['gravityBehaviour']
def randomMulti(args, param, defaultMultiValues):
value = args[param]
isRandom = False
if value == "random":
isRandom = True
if args[param+"List"] != None:
# use provided list
choices = args[param+"List"].split(',')
value = random.choice(choices)
# use default list
value = random.choice(defaultMultiValues)
return (isRandom, value)
def dumpErrorMsg(outFileName, msg):
print("DIAG: " + msg)
if outFileName is not None:
with open(outFileName, 'w') as jsonFile:
json.dump({"errorMsg": msg}, jsonFile)
def dumpErrorMsgs(outFileName, msgs):
dumpErrorMsg(outFileName, joinErrorMsgs(msgs))
def joinErrorMsgs(msgs):
return '\n'.join(msgs)
def restricted_float(x):
x = float(x)
if x < 0.0 or x > 9.0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%r not in range [1.0, 9.0]"%(x,))
return x
def to_pascal_case_with_space(snake_str):
return snake_str.replace("_", " ").title()
class VariaRandomizer:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Random Metroid Randomizer")
help="only apply patches, do not perform any randomization", action='store_true',
dest='patchOnly', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--param', '-p', help="the input parameters",
default=None, dest='paramsFileName')
help="output directory for ROM and dot files",
dest='directory', nargs='?', default='.')
help="generate dot file with area graph",
action='store_true',dest='dot', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--area', help="area mode",
dest='area', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
help="use simple layout patch for area mode", action='store_true',
dest='areaLayoutBase', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--lightArea', help="keep number of transitions between vanilla areas", action='store_true',
dest='lightArea', default=False)
help="Randomize the escape sequence",
dest='escapeRando', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
help="Do not remove enemies during escape sequence", action='store_true',
dest='noRemoveEscapeEnemies', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--bosses', help="randomize bosses",
dest='bosses', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--minimizer', help="minimizer mode: area and boss mixed together. arg is number of non boss locations",
dest='minimizerN', nargs='?', const=35, default=None,
choices=[str(i) for i in range(30,101)]+["random"])
help="Tourian speedup in minimizer mode",
dest='minimizerTourian', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--startLocation', help="Name of the Access Point to start from",
dest='startLocation', nargs='?', default="Landing Site",
choices=['random'] + GraphUtils.getStartAccessPointNames())
parser.add_argument('--startLocationList', help="list to choose from when random",
dest='startLocationList', nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help="activate debug logging", dest='debug',
parser.add_argument('--maxDifficulty', '-t',
help="the maximum difficulty generated seed will be for given parameters",
dest='maxDifficulty', nargs='?', default=None,
choices=['easy', 'medium', 'hard', 'harder', 'hardcore', 'mania', 'random'])
help="the minimum difficulty generated seed will be for given parameters (speedrun prog speed required)",
dest='minDifficulty', nargs='?', default=None,
choices=['easy', 'medium', 'hard', 'harder', 'hardcore', 'mania'])
parser.add_argument('--seed', '-s', help="randomization seed to use", dest='seed',
nargs='?', default=0, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--rom', '-r',
help="the vanilla ROM",
dest='rom', nargs='?', default=None)
help="to choose the name of the generated json (for the webservice)",
dest='output', nargs='?', default=None)
help="the name of the preset (for the webservice)",
dest='preset', nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--patch', '-c',
help="optional patches to add",
dest='patches', nargs='?', default=[], action='append',
choices=['itemsounds.ips', 'elevators_doors_speed.ips', 'random_music.ips',
'spinjumprestart.ips', 'rando_speed.ips', 'No_Music', 'AimAnyButton.ips',
'max_ammo_display.ips', 'supermetroid_msu1.ips', 'Infinite_Space_Jump',
'refill_before_save.ips', 'remove_elevators_doors_speed.ips',
'remove_itemsounds.ips', 'vanilla_music.ips'])
parser.add_argument('--missileQty', '-m',
help="quantity of missiles",
dest='missileQty', nargs='?', default=3,
parser.add_argument('--superQty', '-q',
help="quantity of super missiles",
dest='superQty', nargs='?', default=2,
parser.add_argument('--powerBombQty', '-w',
help="quantity of power bombs",
dest='powerBombQty', nargs='?', default=1,
parser.add_argument('--minorQty', '-n',
help="quantity of minors",
dest='minorQty', nargs='?', default=100,
choices=[str(i) for i in range(0,101)])
parser.add_argument('--energyQty', '-g',
help="quantity of ETanks/Reserve Tanks",
dest='energyQty', nargs='?', default='vanilla',
choices=energyQties + ['random'])
parser.add_argument('--energyQtyList', help="list to choose from when random",
dest='energyQtyList', nargs='?', default=None)
help="minors quantities values will be strictly followed instead of being probabilities",
dest='strictMinors', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
help="how to split majors/minors: Full, FullWithHUD, Major, Chozo, Scavenger",
dest='majorsSplit', nargs='?', choices=majorsSplits + ['random'], default='Full')
parser.add_argument('--majorsSplitList', help="list to choose from when random",
dest='majorsSplitList', nargs='?', default=None)
help="For Scavenger split, number of major locations in the mandatory route",
dest='scavNumLocs', nargs='?', default=10,
choices=["0"]+[str(i) for i in range(4,17)])
help="For Scavenger split, decide whether mandatory major locs will have non-vanilla items",
dest='scavRandomized', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
help="For Scavenger split, decide whether escape sequence shall be triggered as soon as the hunt is over",
dest='scavEscape', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
help="no suits in early game",
dest='suitsRestriction', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
help="morph placement",
dest='morphPlacement', nargs='?', default='early',
choices=morphPlacements + ['random'])
parser.add_argument('--morphPlacementList', help="list to choose from when random",
dest='morphPlacementList', nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--hideItems', help="Like in dessy's rando hide half of the items",
dest="hideItems", nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--progressionSpeed', '-i',
help="progression speed, from " + str(speeds) + ". 'random' picks a random speed from these. Pick a random speed from a subset using comma-separated values, like 'slow,medium,fast'.",
dest='progressionSpeed', nargs='?', default='medium', choices=speeds+['random'])
parser.add_argument('--progressionSpeedList', help="list to choose from when random",
dest='progressionSpeedList', nargs='?', default=None)
dest='progressionDifficulty', nargs='?', default='normal',
choices=progDiffs + ['random'])
parser.add_argument('--progressionDifficultyList', help="list to choose from when random",
dest='progressionDifficultyList', nargs='?', default=None)
help="randomly remove major items from the pool for maximum enjoyment",
dest='superFun', nargs='?', default=[], action='append',
choices=['Movement', 'Combat', 'Suits', 'MovementRandom', 'CombatRandom', 'SuitsRandom'])
help="randomly change the save the animals room",
dest='animals', action='store_true', default=False)
help="do not include total randomizer layout patches",
dest='noLayout', action='store_true', default=False)
help="varia/gravity suits behaviour",
dest='gravityBehaviour', nargs='?', default='Balanced', choices=gravityBehaviours+['random'])
parser.add_argument('--gravityBehaviourList', help="list to choose from when random",
dest='gravityBehaviourList', nargs='?', default=None)
help="apply nerfed charge patch",
dest='nerfedCharge', action='store_true', default=False)
help="do not include VARIA randomizer tweaks",
dest='noVariaTweaks', action='store_true', default=False)
help="specify controls, comma-separated, in that order: Shoot,Jump,Dash,ItemSelect,ItemCancel,AngleUp,AngleDown. Possible values: A,B,X,Y,L,R,Select,None",
help="Enables moonwalk by default",
dest='moonWalk', action='store_true', default=False)
help="Maximum runtime limit in seconds. If 0 or negative, no runtime limit. Default is 30.",
dest='runtimeLimit_s', nargs='?', default=30, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--race', help="Race mode magic number, between 1 and 65535", dest='raceMagic',
parser.add_argument('--vcr', help="Generate VCR output file", dest='vcr', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--palette', help="Randomize the palettes", dest='palette', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--individual_suit_shift', help="palette param", action='store_true',
dest='individual_suit_shift', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--individual_tileset_shift', help="palette param", action='store_true',
dest='individual_tileset_shift', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--no_match_ship_and_power', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='match_ship_and_power', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--seperate_enemy_palette_groups', help="palette param", action='store_true',
dest='seperate_enemy_palette_groups', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--no_match_room_shift_with_boss', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='match_room_shift_with_boss', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--no_shift_tileset_palette', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='shift_tileset_palette', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--no_shift_boss_palettes', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='shift_boss_palettes', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--no_shift_suit_palettes', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='shift_suit_palettes', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--no_shift_enemy_palettes', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='shift_enemy_palettes', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--no_shift_beam_palettes', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='shift_beam_palettes', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--no_shift_ship_palette', help="palette param", action='store_false',
dest='shift_ship_palette', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--min_degree', help="min hue shift", dest='min_degree', nargs='?', default=-180, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--max_degree', help="max hue shift", dest='max_degree', nargs='?', default=180, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--no_global_shift', help="", action='store_false', dest='global_shift', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--invert', help="invert color range", dest='invert', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--no_blue_door_palette', help="palette param", action='store_true',
dest='no_blue_door_palette', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--ext_stats', help="dump extended stats SQL", nargs='?', default=None, dest='extStatsFilename')
parser.add_argument('--randoPreset', help="rando preset file", dest="randoPreset", nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--fakeRandoPreset', help="for prog speed stats", dest="fakeRandoPreset", nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--plandoRando', help="json string with already placed items/locs", dest="plandoRando",
nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--sprite', help='use a custom sprite for Samus', dest='sprite', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--no_spin_attack', help='when using a custom sprite, use the same animation for screw attack with or without Space Jump', dest='noSpinAttack', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--customItemNames', help='add custom item names for some of them, related to the custom sprite',
dest='customItemNames', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--ship', help='use a custom sprite for Samus ship', dest='ship', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--seedIps', help='ips generated from previous seed', dest='seedIps', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--jm,', help="display data used by jm for its stats", dest='jm', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--doorsColorsRando', help='randomize color of colored doors', dest='doorsColorsRando',
nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--allowGreyDoors', help='add grey color in doors colors pool', dest='allowGreyDoors',
nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--logic', help='logic to use', dest='logic', nargs='?', default="varia", choices=["varia", "rotation"])
parser.add_argument('--hud', help='Enable VARIA hud', dest='hud',
nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
def __init__(self, world, rom, player):
# parse args
self.args = copy.deepcopy(VariaRandomizer.parser.parse_args(["--logic", "varia"])) #dummy custom args to skip parsing _sys.argv while still get default values
self.player = player
args = self.args
args.rom = rom
# args.startLocation = to_pascal_case_with_space(world.startLocation[player].current_key)
if args.output is None and args.rom is None:
print("Need --output or --rom parameter")
elif args.output is not None and args.rom is not None:
print("Can't have both --output and --rom parameters")
if args.plandoRando != None and args.output == None:
print("plandoRando param requires output param")
logger = log.get('Rando')
# service to force an argument value and notify it
argDict = vars(args)
self.forcedArgs = {}
self.optErrMsgs = [ ]
optErrMsgs = self.optErrMsgs
def forceArg(arg, value, msg, altValue=None, webArg=None, webValue=None):
okValues = [value]
if altValue is not None:
if argDict[arg] not in okValues:
argDict[arg] = value
self.forcedArgs[webArg if webArg != None else arg] = webValue if webValue != None else value
# print(msg)
# optErrMsgs.append(msg)
preset = loadRandoPreset(world, self.player, args)
# use the skill preset from the rando preset
if preset is not None and preset != 'custom' and preset != 'varia_custom' and args.paramsFileName is None:
args.paramsFileName = "/".join((appDir, getPresetDir(preset), preset+".json"))
# if diff preset given, load it
if args.paramsFileName is not None:
preset = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.paramsFileName))[0]
if args.preset is not None:
preset = args.preset
if preset == 'custom':
elif preset == 'varia_custom':
if len(world.varia_custom_preset[player].value) == 0:
raise Exception("varia_custom was chosen but varia_custom_preset is missing.")
url = ''
preset_name = next(iter(world.varia_custom_preset[player].value))
payload = '{{"preset": "{}"}}'.format(preset_name)
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8'}
response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
if response.ok:
raise Exception("Got error {} {} {} from trying to fetch varia custom preset named {}".format(response.status_code, response.reason, response.text, preset_name))
preset = 'default'
PresetLoader.factory("/".join((appDir, getPresetDir('casual'), 'casual.json'))).load(self.player)
logger.debug("preset: {}".format(preset))
# if no seed given, choose one
if args.seed == 0:
self.seed = random.randrange(sys.maxsize)
self.seed = args.seed
logger.debug("seed: {}".format(self.seed))
if args.raceMagic is not None:
if args.raceMagic <= 0 or args.raceMagic >= 0x10000:
print("Invalid magic")
# if no max diff, set it very high
if args.maxDifficulty:
if args.maxDifficulty == 'random':
diffs = ['easy', 'medium', 'hard', 'harder', 'hardcore', 'mania']
self.maxDifficulty = text2diff[random.choice(diffs)]
self.maxDifficulty = text2diff[args.maxDifficulty]
self.maxDifficulty = infinity
# same as solver, increase max difficulty
threshold = self.maxDifficulty
epsilon = 0.001
if self.maxDifficulty <= easy:
threshold = medium - epsilon
elif self.maxDifficulty <= medium:
threshold = hard - epsilon
elif self.maxDifficulty <= hard:
threshold = harder - epsilon
elif self.maxDifficulty <= harder:
threshold = hardcore - epsilon
elif self.maxDifficulty <= hardcore:
threshold = mania - epsilon
maxDifficulty = threshold
logger.debug("maxDifficulty: {}".format(self.maxDifficulty))
# handle random parameters with dynamic pool of values
(_, progSpeed) = randomMulti(args.__dict__, "progressionSpeed", speeds)
(_, progDiff) = randomMulti(args.__dict__, "progressionDifficulty", progDiffs)
(majorsSplitRandom, args.majorsSplit) = randomMulti(args.__dict__, "majorsSplit", majorsSplits)
(_, self.gravityBehaviour) = randomMulti(args.__dict__, "gravityBehaviour", gravityBehaviours)
if args.minDifficulty:
minDifficulty = text2diff[args.minDifficulty]
if progSpeed != "speedrun":
optErrMsgs.append("Minimum difficulty setting ignored, as prog speed is not speedrun")
minDifficulty = 0
if args.area == True and args.bosses == True and args.minimizerN is not None:
forceArg('majorsSplit', 'Full', "'Majors Split' forced to Full", altValue='FullWithHUD')
if args.minimizerN == "random":
self.minimizerN = random.randint(30, 60)
logger.debug("minimizerN: {}".format(self.minimizerN))
self.minimizerN = int(args.minimizerN)
self.minimizerN = None
areaRandom = False
if args.area == 'random':
areaRandom = True
args.area = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
logger.debug("area: {}".format(args.area))
doorsColorsRandom = False
if args.doorsColorsRando == 'random':
doorsColorsRandom = True
args.doorsColorsRando = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
logger.debug("doorsColorsRando: {}".format(args.doorsColorsRando))
bossesRandom = False
if args.bosses == 'random':
bossesRandom = True
args.bosses = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
logger.debug("bosses: {}".format(args.bosses))
if args.escapeRando == 'random':
args.escapeRando = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
logger.debug("escapeRando: {}".format(args.escapeRando))
if args.suitsRestriction != False and self.minimizerN is not None:
forceArg('suitsRestriction', False, "'Suits restriction' forced to off", webValue='off')
if args.suitsRestriction == 'random':
if args.morphPlacement == 'late' and args.area == True:
forceArg('suitsRestriction', False, "'Suits restriction' forced to off", webValue='off')
args.suitsRestriction = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
logger.debug("suitsRestriction: {}".format(args.suitsRestriction))
if args.hideItems == 'random':
args.hideItems = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
if args.morphPlacement == 'random':
if args.morphPlacementList != None:
morphPlacements = args.morphPlacementList.split(',')
args.morphPlacement = random.choice(morphPlacements)
# Scavenger Hunt constraints
if args.majorsSplit == 'Scavenger':
forceArg('progressionSpeed', 'speedrun', "'Progression speed' forced to speedrun")
progSpeed = "speedrun"
forceArg('hud', True, "'VARIA HUD' forced to on", webValue='on')
if not GraphUtils.isStandardStart(args.startLocation):
forceArg('startLocation', "Landing Site", "Start Location forced to Landing Site because of Scavenger mode")
if args.morphPlacement == 'late':
forceArg('morphPlacement', 'normal', "'Morph Placement' forced to normal instead of late")
if args.scavEscape == True:
forceArg('escapeRando', True, "'Escape randomization' forced to on", webValue='on')
forceArg('noRemoveEscapeEnemies', True, "Enemies enabled during escape sequence", webArg='removeEscapeEnemies', webValue='off')
# random fill makes certain options unavailable
if (progSpeed == 'speedrun' or progSpeed == 'basic') and args.majorsSplit != 'Scavenger':
forceArg('progressionDifficulty', 'normal', "'Progression difficulty' forced to normal")
progDiff = args.progressionDifficulty
logger.debug("progressionDifficulty: {}".format(progDiff))
if args.strictMinors == 'random':
args.strictMinors = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
# in plando rando we know that the start ap is ok
if not GraphUtils.isStandardStart(args.startLocation) and args.plandoRando is None:
if args.majorsSplit in ['Major', "Chozo"]:
forceArg('hud', True, "'VARIA HUD' forced to on", webValue='on')
forceArg('noVariaTweaks', False, "'VARIA tweaks' forced to on", webValue='on')
forceArg('noLayout', False, "'Anti-softlock layout patches' forced to on", webValue='on')
forceArg('suitsRestriction', False, "'Suits restriction' forced to off", webValue='off')
forceArg('areaLayoutBase', False, "'Additional layout patches for easier navigation' forced to on", webValue='on')
possibleStartAPs, reasons = GraphUtils.getPossibleStartAPs(args.area, self.maxDifficulty, args.morphPlacement, self.player)
if args.startLocation == 'random':
if args.startLocationList != None:
# to be able to give the list in jm we had to replace ' ' with '_', do the opposite operation
startLocationList = args.startLocationList.replace('_', ' ')
startLocationList = startLocationList.split(',')
# intersection between user whishes and reality
possibleStartAPs = sorted(list(set(possibleStartAPs).intersection(set(startLocationList))))
if len(possibleStartAPs) == 0:
optErrMsgs += ["%s : %s" % (apName, cause) for apName, cause in reasons.items() if apName in startLocationList]
optErrMsgs.append('Invalid start locations list with your settings.')
dumpErrorMsgs(args.output, optErrMsgs)
args.startLocation = random.choice(possibleStartAPs)
elif args.startLocation not in possibleStartAPs:
args.startLocation = 'Landing Site'
world.start_location[player] = StartLocation(StartLocation.default)
#optErrMsgs.append('Invalid start location: {}. {}'.format(args.startLocation, reasons[args.startLocation]))
#optErrMsgs.append('Possible start locations with these settings: {}'.format(possibleStartAPs))
#dumpErrorMsgs(args.output, optErrMsgs)
ap = getAccessPoint(args.startLocation)
if 'forcedEarlyMorph' in ap.Start and ap.Start['forcedEarlyMorph'] == True:
forceArg('morphPlacement', 'early', "'Morph Placement' forced to early for custom start location")
if progSpeed == 'speedrun':
if args.morphPlacement == 'late':
forceArg('morphPlacement', 'normal', "'Morph Placement' forced to normal instead of late")
elif (not GraphUtils.isStandardStart(args.startLocation)) and args.morphPlacement != 'normal':
forceArg('morphPlacement', 'normal', "'Morph Placement' forced to normal for custom start location")
if args.majorsSplit == 'Chozo' and args.morphPlacement == "late":
forceArg('morphPlacement', 'normal', "'Morph Placement' forced to normal for Chozo")
#if args.patchOnly == False:
# print("SEED: " + str(self.seed))
# fill restrictions dict
restrictions = { 'Suits' : args.suitsRestriction, 'Morph' : args.morphPlacement, "doors": "normal" if not args.doorsColorsRando else "late" }
restrictions['MajorMinor'] = 'Full' if args.majorsSplit == 'FullWithHUD' else args.majorsSplit
if restrictions["MajorMinor"] == "Scavenger":
scavNumLocs = int(args.scavNumLocs)
if scavNumLocs == 0:
scavNumLocs = random.randint(4,16)
restrictions["ScavengerParams"] = {'numLocs':scavNumLocs, 'vanillaItems':not args.scavRandomized, 'escape': args.scavEscape}
seedCode = 'X'
if majorsSplitRandom == False:
if restrictions['MajorMinor'] == 'Full':
seedCode = 'FX'
elif restrictions['MajorMinor'] == 'Chozo':
seedCode = 'ZX'
elif restrictions['MajorMinor'] == 'Major':
seedCode = 'MX'
elif restrictions['MajorMinor'] == 'Scavenger':
seedCode = 'SX'
if args.bosses == True and bossesRandom == False:
seedCode = 'B'+seedCode
if args.doorsColorsRando == True and doorsColorsRandom == False:
seedCode = 'D'+seedCode
if args.area == True and areaRandom == False:
seedCode = 'A'+seedCode
# output ROM name
#if args.patchOnly == False:
# self.fileName = 'VARIA_Randomizer_' + seedCode + str(self.seed) + '_' + preset
# if args.progressionSpeed != "random":
# self.fileName += "_" + args.progressionSpeed
# self.fileName = 'VARIA' # TODO : find better way to name the file (argument?)
self.fileName = output_path
seedName = self.fileName
if != '.':
self.fileName = + '/' + self.fileName
if args.noLayout == True:
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] = RomPatches.TotalBase.copy()
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] = RomPatches.Total.copy()
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] += GraphUtils.getGraphPatches(args.startLocation)
if self.gravityBehaviour != "Balanced":
if self.gravityBehaviour == "Progressive":
if args.nerfedCharge == True:
if args.noVariaTweaks == False:
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] += RomPatches.VariaTweaks
if self.minimizerN is not None:
if args.minimizerTourian == True:
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] += RomPatches.MinimizerTourian
missileQty = float(args.missileQty)
superQty = float(args.superQty)
powerBombQty = float(args.powerBombQty)
minorQty = int(args.minorQty)
self.energyQty = args.energyQty
if missileQty < 1:
missileQty = random.randint(1, 9)
if superQty < 1:
superQty = random.randint(1, 9)
if powerBombQty < 1:
powerBombQty = random.randint(1, 9)
if minorQty < 1:
minorQty = random.randint(25, 100)
if self.energyQty == 'random':
if args.energyQtyList != None:
# with jm can't have a list with space in it
energyQtyList = args.energyQtyList.replace('_', ' ')
energyQties = energyQtyList.split(',')
self.energyQty = random.choice(energyQties)
if self.energyQty == 'ultra sparse':
# add nerfed rainbow beam patch
qty = {'energy': self.energyQty,
'minors': minorQty,
'ammo': { 'Missile': missileQty,
'Super': superQty,
'PowerBomb': powerBombQty },
'strictMinors' : args.strictMinors }
logger.debug("quantities: {}".format(qty))
if len(args.superFun) > 0:
superFun = []
for fun in args.superFun:
if fun.find('Random') != -1:
if bool(random.getrandbits(1)) == True:
args.superFun = superFun
logger.debug("superFun: {}".format(args.superFun))
ctrlButton = ["A", "B", "X", "Y", "L", "R", "Select"]
ctrl = Controller.ControllerDict[self.player]
self.ctrlDict = { getattr(ctrl, button) : button for button in ctrlButton }
args.moonWalk = ctrl.Moonwalk
PlandoOptions = None
if args.plandoRando is not None:
forceArg('progressionSpeed', 'speedrun', "'Progression Speed' forced to speedrun")
progSpeed = 'speedrun'
forceArg('majorsSplit', 'Full', "'Majors Split' forced to Full")
forceArg('morphPlacement', 'normal', "'Morph Placement' forced to normal")
forceArg('progressionDifficulty', 'normal', "'Progression difficulty' forced to normal")
progDiff = 'normal'
args.plandoRando = json.loads(args.plandoRando)
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] = args.plandoRando["patches"]
PlandoOptions = {"locsItems": args.plandoRando['locsItems'], "forbiddenItems": args.plandoRando['forbiddenItems']}
randoSettings = RandoSettings(self.maxDifficulty, progSpeed, progDiff, qty,
restrictions, args.superFun, args.runtimeLimit_s,
PlandoOptions, minDifficulty)
# print some parameters for jm's stats
if == True:
dotFile = None
if args.area == True:
if == True:
dotFile = + '/' + seedName + '.dot'
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] += RomPatches.AreaBaseSet
if args.areaLayoutBase == False:
RomPatches.ActivePatches[self.player] += RomPatches.AreaComfortSet
if args.doorsColorsRando == True:
graphSettings = GraphSettings(args.startLocation, args.area, args.lightArea, args.bosses,
args.escapeRando, self.minimizerN, dotFile, args.doorsColorsRando, args.allowGreyDoors,
args.plandoRando["transitions"] if args.plandoRando != None else None)
if args.plandoRando is None:
self.escapeAttr = None
if args.patchOnly == False:
self.randoExec = RandoExec(seedName, args.vcr, randoSettings, graphSettings, self.player)
self.container = self.randoExec.randomize()
# if we couldn't find an area layout then the escape graph is not created either
# and getDoorConnections will crash if random escape is activated.
stuck = False
if not stuck or args.vcr == True:
self.doors = GraphUtils.getDoorConnections(self.randoExec.areaGraph,
args.area, args.bosses,
escapeAttr = self.randoExec.areaGraph.EscapeAttributes if args.escapeRando else None
if escapeAttr is not None:
escapeAttr['patches'] = []
if args.noRemoveEscapeEnemies == True:
if args.scavEscape == True:
except Exception as e:
import traceback
dumpErrorMsg(args.output, "Error: {}".format(e))
stuck = False
itemLocs = []
progItemLocs = None
if stuck == True:
dumpErrorMsg(args.output, self.randoExec.errorMsg)
print("Can't generate " + self.fileName + " with the given parameters: {}".format(self.randoExec.errorMsg))
# in vcr mode we still want the seed to be generated to analyze it
if args.vcr == False:
#if args.patchOnly == False:
# randoExec.postProcessItemLocs(itemLocs, args.hideItems)
def PatchRom(self, outputFilename, customPrePatchApply = None, customPostPatchApply = None):
args = self.args
optErrMsgs = self.optErrMsgs
# choose on animal patch
if args.animals == True:
animalsPatches = ['animal_enemies.ips', 'animals.ips', 'draygonimals.ips', 'escapimals.ips',
'gameend.ips', 'grey_door_animals.ips', 'low_timer.ips', 'metalimals.ips',
'phantoonimals.ips', 'ridleyimals.ips']
if args.escapeRando == False:
optErrMsgs.append("Ignored animals surprise because of escape randomization")
# # transform itemLocs in our usual dict(location, item), exclude minors, we'll get them with the solver
# locsItems = {}
# for itemLoc in itemLocs:
# locName = itemLoc.Location.Name
# itemType = itemLoc.Item.Type
# if itemType in ['Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb']:
# continue
# locsItems[locName] = itemType
# if args.debug == True:
# for loc in sorted(locsItems.keys()):
# print('{:>50}: {:>16} '.format(loc, locsItems[loc]))
# if args.plandoRando != None:
# with open(args.output, 'w') as jsonFile:
# json.dump({"itemLocs": [il.json() for il in itemLocs], "errorMsg": randoExec.errorMsg}, jsonFile)
# sys.exit(0)
# # generate extended stats
# if args.extStatsFilename != None:
# with open(args.extStatsFilename, 'a') as extStatsFile:
# skillPreset = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.paramsFileName))[0]
# if args.fakeRandoPreset is not None:
# randoPreset = args.fakeRandoPreset
# else:
# randoPreset = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.randoPreset))[0]
# db.DB.dumpExtStatsItems(skillPreset, randoPreset, locsItems, extStatsFile)
# args.rom is not None: generate local rom named filename.sfc with args.rom as source
# args.output is not None: generate local json named args.output
if args.rom is not None:
# patch local rom
romFileName = args.rom
shutil.copyfile(romFileName, outputFilename)
romPatcher = RomPatcher(outputFilename, args.raceMagic, False, self.player)
romPatcher = RomPatcher(magic=args.raceMagic)
if customPrePatchApply != None:
if args.hud == True or args.majorsSplit == "FullWithHUD":
if args.patchOnly == False:
romPatcher.applyIPSPatches(args.startLocation, args.patches,
args.noLayout, self.gravityBehaviour,
args.area, args.bosses, args.areaLayoutBase,
args.noVariaTweaks, args.nerfedCharge, self.energyQty == 'ultra sparse',
self.escapeAttr, self.minimizerN, args.minimizerTourian,
# from customizer permalink, apply previously generated seed ips first
if args.seedIps != None:
# don't color randomize custom ships
args.shift_ship_palette = False
if customPostPatchApply != None:
# we have to write ips to ROM before doing our direct modifications which will rewrite some parts (like in credits),
# but in web mode we only want to generate a global ips at the end
# if args.rom != None:
# romPatcher.commitIPS()
if args.patchOnly == False:
# romPatcher.writeItemsLocs(itemLocs)
# romPatcher.writeSplitLocs(args.majorsSplit, itemLocs, progItemLocs)
romPatcher.writeSeed(self.seed) # lol if race mode
# romPatcher.writeSpoiler(itemLocs, progItemLocs)
# romPatcher.writeRandoSettings(self.randoExec.randoSettings, itemLocs)
if self.ctrlDict is not None:
if args.moonWalk == True:
if args.patchOnly == False:
# if args.palette == True:
# paletteSettings = {
# "global_shift": None,
# "individual_suit_shift": None,
# "individual_tileset_shift": None,
# "match_ship_and_power": None,
# "seperate_enemy_palette_groups": None,
# "match_room_shift_with_boss": None,
# "shift_tileset_palette": None,
# "shift_boss_palettes": None,
# "shift_suit_palettes": None,
# "shift_enemy_palettes": None,
# "shift_beam_palettes": None,
# "shift_ship_palette": None,
# "min_degree": None,
# "max_degree": None,
# "invert": None,
# "no_blue_door_palette": None
# }
# for param in paletteSettings:
# paletteSettings[param] = getattr(args, param)
# PaletteRando(romPatcher, paletteSettings, args.sprite).randomize()
# web mode, generate only one ips at the end
if args.rom == None:
if args.patchOnly == False:
if len(optErrMsgs) > 0:
# optErrMsgs.append(randoExec.errorMsg)
msg = joinErrorMsgs(optErrMsgs)
# msg = randoExec.errorMsg
msg = ''
msg = ''
if args.rom is None: # web mode
data =
self.fileName = '{}.sfc'.format(self.fileName)
data["fileName"] = self.fileName
# error msg in json to be displayed by the web site
data["errorMsg"] = msg
# replaced parameters to update stats in database
if len(self.forcedArgs) > 0:
data["forcedArgs"] = self.forcedArgs
with open(outputFilename, 'w') as jsonFile:
json.dump(data, jsonFile)
else: # CLI mode
if msg != "":
except Exception as e:
import traceback
msg = "Error patching {}: ({}: {})".format(outputFilename, type(e).__name__, e)
dumpErrorMsg(args.output, msg)
# if stuck == True:
# print("Rom generated for debug purpose: {}".format(self.fileName))
# else:
# print("Rom generated: {}".format(self.fileName))