36 lines
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36 lines
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from ....Region import SMRegion
from ....Config import Config, SMLogic
from ....Location import Location, LocationType
from ....Item import Progression
class Red(SMRegion):
Name = "Brinstar Red"
Area = "Brinstar"
def __init__(self, world, config: Config):
super().__init__(world, config)
self.Locations = [
Location(self, 38, 0x8F8876, LocationType.Chozo, "X-Ray Scope",
lambda items: items.CanUsePowerBombs() and items.CanOpenRedDoors() and (items.Grapple or items.SpaceJump) if self.Logic == SMLogic.Normal else \
lambda items: items.CanUsePowerBombs() and items.CanOpenRedDoors() and (
items.Grapple or items.SpaceJump or
(items.CanIbj() or items.HiJump and items.SpeedBooster or items.CanSpringBallJump()) and
(items.Varia and items.HasEnergyReserves(3) or items.HasEnergyReserves(5)))),
Location(self, 39, 0x8F88CA, LocationType.Visible, "Power Bomb (red Brinstar sidehopper room)",
lambda items: items.CanUsePowerBombs() and items.Super),
Location(self, 40, 0x8F890E, LocationType.Chozo, "Power Bomb (red Brinstar spike room)",
lambda items: (items.CanUsePowerBombs() or items.Ice) and items.Super if self.Logic == SMLogic.Normal else \
lambda items: items.Super),
Location(self, 41, 0x8F8914, LocationType.Visible, "Missile (red Brinstar spike room)",
lambda items: items.CanUsePowerBombs() and items.Super),
Location(self, 42, 0x8F896E, LocationType.Chozo, "Spazer",
lambda items: items.CanPassBombPassages() and items.Super)
def CanEnter(self, items: Progression):
if self.Logic == SMLogic.Normal:
return (items.CanDestroyBombWalls() or items.SpeedBooster) and items.Super and items.Morph or \
items.CanAccessNorfairUpperPortal() and (items.Ice or items.HiJump or items.SpaceJump)
return (items.CanDestroyBombWalls() or items.SpeedBooster) and items.Super and items.Morph or \
items.CanAccessNorfairUpperPortal() and (items.Ice or items.CanSpringBallJump() or items.HiJump or items.CanFly()) |