329 lines
10 KiB
329 lines
10 KiB
import re
class Dialog:
command = re.compile(r"^\{[^}]*\}")
invalid = re.compile(r"(?<!^)\{[^}]*\}(?!$)", re.MULTILINE)
character = re.compile(r"(?P<digit>[0-9])|(?P<upper>[A-Z])|(?P<lower>[a-z])")
def Simple(text: str):
maxBytes = 256
wrap = 19
bytes = []
lines = text.split('\n')
lineIndex = 0
for line in lines:
bytes.append(0x74 if 0 else 0x75 if 1 else 0x76)
letters = line[:wrap] if len(line) > wrap else line
for letter in letters:
write = Dialog.LetterToBytes(letter)
if (write[0] == 0xFD):
bytes += write
for b in write:
bytes += [ 0x00, b ]
lineIndex += 1
if (lineIndex < len(lines)):
if (lineIndex % 3 == 0):
bytes.append(0x7E) # pause for input
if (lineIndex >= 3):
bytes.append(0x73) # scroll
return bytes[:maxBytes - 1].append(0x7F)
def Compiled(text: str):
maxBytes = 2046
wrap = 19
if (Dialog.invalid.match(text)):
raise Exception("Dialog commands must be placed on separate lines", text)
padOut = False
pause = True
bytes = [ 0xFB ]
lines = Dialog.Wordwrap(text, wrap)
lineCount = len([l for l in lines if not Dialog.command.match(l)])
lineIndex = 0
for line in lines:
match = Dialog.command.match(line)
if (match is not None):
if (match.string == "{NOTEXT}"):
return [ 0xFB, 0xFE, 0x6E, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x6B, 0x04 ]
if (match.string == "{INTRO}"):
padOut = True
if (match.string == "{NOPAUSE}"):
pause = False
result = Dialog.CommandBytesFor(match.string)
if (result is None):
raise Exception(f"Dialog text contained unknown command {match.string}", text)
bytes += result
if (len(bytes) > maxBytes):
raise Exception("Command overflowed maximum byte length", text)
if (lineIndex > 0):
bytes.append(0xF8 if lineIndex == 1 else #// row 2
0xF9 if lineIndex == 2 else #// row 3
0xF6) #// scroll
#// The first box needs to fill the full width with spaces as the palette is loaded weird.
letters = line + (" " * wrap) if padOut and lineIndex < 3 else line
for letter in letters:
bytes += Dialog.LetterToBytes(letter)
lineIndex += 1
if (pause and lineIndex % 3 == 0 and lineIndex < lineCount):
bytes.append(0xFA) #// pause for input
return bytes[:maxBytes]
def CommandBytesFor(text: str):
bytesMap = {
"{SPEED0}" : [ 0xFC, 0x00 ],
"{SPEED2}" : [ 0xFC, 0x02 ],
"{SPEED6}" : [ 0xFC, 0x06 ],
"{PAUSE1}" : [ 0xFE, 0x78, 0x01 ],
"{PAUSE3}" : [ 0xFE, 0x78, 0x03 ],
"{PAUSE5}" : [ 0xFE, 0x78, 0x05 ],
"{PAUSE7}" : [ 0xFE, 0x78, 0x07 ],
"{PAUSE9}" : [ 0xFE, 0x78, 0x09 ],
"{INPUT}" : [ 0xFA ],
"{CHOICE}" : [ 0xFE, 0x68 ],
"{ITEMSELECT}" : [ 0xFE, 0x69 ],
"{CHOICE2}" : [ 0xFE, 0x71 ],
"{CHOICE3}" : [ 0xFE, 0x72 ],
"{C:GREEN}" : [ 0xFE, 0x77, 0x07 ],
"{C:YELLOW}" : [ 0xFE, 0x77, 0x02 ],
"{HARP}" : [ 0xFE, 0x79, 0x2D ],
"{MENU}" : [ 0xFE, 0x6D, 0x00 ],
"{BOTTOM}" : [ 0xFE, 0x6D, 0x01 ],
"{NOBORDER}" : [ 0xFE, 0x6B, 0x02 ],
"{CHANGEPIC}" : [ 0xFE, 0x67, 0xFE, 0x67 ],
"{CHANGEMUSIC}" : [ 0xFE, 0x67 ],
"{INTRO}" : [ 0xFE, 0x6E, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x77, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x6B, 0x02, 0xFE, 0x67 ],
"{IBOX}" : [ 0xFE, 0x6B, 0x02, 0xFE, 0x77, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xF7 ],
return bytesMap.get(text, None)
def Wordwrap(text: str, width: int):
result = []
for line in text.split('\n'):
line = line.rstrip()
if (len(line) <= width):
words = line.split(' ')
lines = [ "" ]
for word in words:
line = lines.pop()
if (len(line) + len(word) <= width):
line = f"{line}{word} "
if (len(line) > 0):
line = word
while (len(line) > width):
line = line[width:]
line = f"{line} "
result += [l.strip() for l in lines]
return result
def LetterToBytes(c: str):
match = Dialog.character.match(c)
if match is None:
value = Dialog.letters.get(c, None)
return value if value else [ 0xFF ]
elif match.group("digit") != None: return [(ord(c) - ord('0') + 0xA0) ]
elif match.group("upper") != None: return [ (ord(c) - ord('A') + 0xAA) ]
elif match.group("lower") != None: return [ (ord(c) - ord('a') + 0x30) ]
value = Dialog.letters.get(c, None)
return value if value else [ 0xFF ]
#regions letter bytes lookup
letters = {
' ' : [ 0x4F ],
'?' : [ 0xC6 ],
'!' : [ 0xC7 ],
',' : [ 0xC8 ],
'-' : [ 0xC9 ],
'…' : [ 0xCC ],
'.' : [ 0xCD ],
'~' : [ 0xCE ],
'~' : [ 0xCE ],
'\'' : [ 0xD8 ],
'’' : [ 0xD8 ],
'"' : [ 0xD8 ],
':' : [ 0x4A ],
'@' : [ 0x4B ],
'#' : [ 0x4C ],
'¤' : [ 0x4D, 0x4E ], #// Morphing ball
'_' : [ 0xFF ], #// Full width space
'£' : [ 0xFE, 0x6A ], #// link's name compressed
'>' : [ 0xD2, 0xD3 ], #// link face
'%' : [ 0xDD ], #// Hylian Bird
'^' : [ 0xDE ], #// Hylian Ankh
'=' : [ 0xDF ], #// Hylian Wavy lines
'↑' : [ 0xE0 ],
'↓' : [ 0xE1 ],
'→' : [ 0xE2 ],
'←' : [ 0xE3 ],
'≥' : [ 0xE4 ], #// cursor
'¼' : [ 0xE5, 0xE7 ], #// 1/4 heart
'½' : [ 0xE6, 0xE7 ], #// 1/2 heart
'¾' : [ 0xE8, 0xE9 ], #// 3/4 heart
'♥' : [ 0xEA, 0xEB ], #// full heart
'ᚋ' : [ 0xFE, 0x6C, 0x00 ], #// var 0
'ᚌ' : [ 0xFE, 0x6C, 0x01 ], #// var 1
'ᚍ' : [ 0xFE, 0x6C, 0x02 ], #// var 2
'ᚎ' : [ 0xFE, 0x6C, 0x03 ], #// var 3
'あ' : [ 0x00 ],
'い' : [ 0x01 ],
'う' : [ 0x02 ],
'え' : [ 0x03 ],
'お' : [ 0x04 ],
'や' : [ 0x05 ],
'ゆ' : [ 0x06 ],
'よ' : [ 0x07 ],
'か' : [ 0x08 ],
'き' : [ 0x09 ],
'く' : [ 0x0A ],
'け' : [ 0x0B ],
'こ' : [ 0x0C ],
'わ' : [ 0x0D ],
'を' : [ 0x0E ],
'ん' : [ 0x0F ],
'さ' : [ 0x10 ],
'し' : [ 0x11 ],
'す' : [ 0x12 ],
'せ' : [ 0x13 ],
'そ' : [ 0x14 ],
'が' : [ 0x15 ],
'ぎ' : [ 0x16 ],
'ぐ' : [ 0x17 ],
'た' : [ 0x18 ],
'ち' : [ 0x19 ],
'つ' : [ 0x1A ],
'て' : [ 0x1B ],
'と' : [ 0x1C ],
'げ' : [ 0x1D ],
'ご' : [ 0x1E ],
'ざ' : [ 0x1F ],
'な' : [ 0x20 ],
'に' : [ 0x21 ],
'ぬ' : [ 0x22 ],
'ね' : [ 0x23 ],
'の' : [ 0x24 ],
'じ' : [ 0x25 ],
'ず' : [ 0x26 ],
'ぜ' : [ 0x27 ],
'は' : [ 0x28 ],
'ひ' : [ 0x29 ],
'ふ' : [ 0x2A ],
'へ' : [ 0x2B ],
'ほ' : [ 0x2C ],
'ぞ' : [ 0x2D ],
'だ' : [ 0x2E ],
'ぢ' : [ 0x2F ],
'ア' : [ 0x50 ],
'イ' : [ 0x51 ],
'ウ' : [ 0x52 ],
'エ' : [ 0x53 ],
'オ' : [ 0x54 ],
'ヤ' : [ 0x55 ],
'ユ' : [ 0x56 ],
'ヨ' : [ 0x57 ],
'カ' : [ 0x58 ],
'キ' : [ 0x59 ],
'ク' : [ 0x5A ],
'ケ' : [ 0x5B ],
'コ' : [ 0x5C ],
'ワ' : [ 0x5D ],
'ヲ' : [ 0x5E ],
'ン' : [ 0x5F ],
'サ' : [ 0x60 ],
'シ' : [ 0x61 ],
'ス' : [ 0x62 ],
'セ' : [ 0x63 ],
'ソ' : [ 0x64 ],
'ガ' : [ 0x65 ],
'ギ' : [ 0x66 ],
'グ' : [ 0x67 ],
'タ' : [ 0x68 ],
'チ' : [ 0x69 ],
'ツ' : [ 0x6A ],
'テ' : [ 0x6B ],
'ト' : [ 0x6C ],
'ゲ' : [ 0x6D ],
'ゴ' : [ 0x6E ],
'ザ' : [ 0x6F ],
'ナ' : [ 0x70 ],
'ニ' : [ 0x71 ],
'ヌ' : [ 0x72 ],
'ネ' : [ 0x73 ],
'ノ' : [ 0x74 ],
'ジ' : [ 0x75 ],
'ズ' : [ 0x76 ],
'ゼ' : [ 0x77 ],
'ハ' : [ 0x78 ],
'ヒ' : [ 0x79 ],
'フ' : [ 0x7A ],
'ヘ' : [ 0x7B ],
'ホ' : [ 0x7C ],
'ゾ' : [ 0x7D ],
'ダ' : [ 0x7E ],
'マ' : [ 0x80 ],
'ミ' : [ 0x81 ],
'ム' : [ 0x82 ],
'メ' : [ 0x83 ],
'モ' : [ 0x84 ],
'ヅ' : [ 0x85 ],
'デ' : [ 0x86 ],
'ド' : [ 0x87 ],
'ラ' : [ 0x88 ],
'リ' : [ 0x89 ],
'ル' : [ 0x8A ],
'レ' : [ 0x8B ],
'ロ' : [ 0x8C ],
'バ' : [ 0x8D ],
'ビ' : [ 0x8E ],
'ブ' : [ 0x8F ],
'ベ' : [ 0x90 ],
'ボ' : [ 0x91 ],
'パ' : [ 0x92 ],
'ピ' : [ 0x93 ],
'プ' : [ 0x94 ],
'ペ' : [ 0x95 ],
'ポ' : [ 0x96 ],
'ャ' : [ 0x97 ],
'ュ' : [ 0x98 ],
'ョ' : [ 0x99 ],
'ッ' : [ 0x9A ],
'ァ' : [ 0x9B ],
'ィ' : [ 0x9C ],
'ゥ' : [ 0x9D ],
'ェ' : [ 0x9E ],
'ォ' : [ 0x9F ],