
170 lines
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import typing
from Options import Option, DefaultOnToggle, Range, Choice
class TotalLocations(Range):
"""Number of location checks which are added to the Risk of Rain playthrough."""
display_name = "Total Locations"
range_start = 10
range_end = 500
default = 20
class TotalRevivals(Range):
"""Total Percentage of `Dio's Best Friend` item put in the item pool."""
display_name = "Total Percentage Revivals Available"
range_start = 0
range_end = 10
default = 4
class ItemPickupStep(Range):
"""Number of items to pick up before an AP Check is completed.
Setting to 1 means every other pickup.
Setting to 2 means every third pickup. So on..."""
display_name = "Item Pickup Step"
range_start = 0
range_end = 5
default = 2
class AllowLunarItems(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Allows Lunar items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Enable Lunar Item Shuffling"
class StartWithRevive(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Start the game with a `Dio's Best Friend` item."""
display_name = "Start with a Revive"
class GreenScrap(Range):
"""Weight of Green Scraps in the item pool."""
display_name = "Green Scraps"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 16
class RedScrap(Range):
"""Weight of Red Scraps in the item pool."""
display_name = "Red Scraps"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 4
class YellowScrap(Range):
"""Weight of yellow scraps in the item pool."""
display_name = "Yellow Scraps"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 1
class WhiteScrap(Range):
"""Weight of white scraps in the item pool."""
display_name = "White Scraps"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 32
class CommonItem(Range):
"""Weight of common items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Common Items"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 64
class UncommonItem(Range):
"""Weight of uncommon items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Uncommon Items"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 32
class LegendaryItem(Range):
"""Weight of legendary items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Legendary Items"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 8
class BossItem(Range):
"""Weight of boss items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Boss Items"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 4
class LunarItem(Range):
"""Weight of lunar items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Lunar Items"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 16
class Equipment(Range):
"""Weight of equipment items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Equipment"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 32
class ItemPoolPresetToggle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Will use the item weight presets when set to true, otherwise will use the custom set item pool weights."""
display_name = "Item Weight Presets"
class ItemWeights(Choice):
"""Preset choices for determining the weights of the item pool.<br>
New is a test for a potential adjustment to the default weights.<br>
Uncommon puts a large number of uncommon items in the pool.<br>
Legendary puts a large number of legendary items in the pool.<br>
Lunartic makes everything a lunar item.<br>
Chaos generates the pool completely at random with rarer items having a slight cap to prevent this option being too easy.<br>
No Scraps removes all scrap items from the item pool.<br>
Even generates the item pool with every item having an even weight.<br>
Scraps Only will be only scrap items in the item pool."""
display_name = "Item Weights"
option_default = 0
option_new = 1
option_uncommon = 2
option_legendary = 3
option_lunartic = 4
option_chaos = 5
option_no_scraps = 6
option_even = 7
option_scraps_only = 8
#define a dictionary for the weights of the generated item pool.
ror2_weights: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"green_scrap": GreenScrap,
"red_scrap": RedScrap,
"yellow_scrap": YellowScrap,
"white_scrap": WhiteScrap,
"common_item": CommonItem,
"uncommon_item": UncommonItem,
"legendary_item": LegendaryItem,
"boss_item": BossItem,
"lunar_item": LunarItem,
"equipment": Equipment
ror2_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"total_locations": TotalLocations,
"total_revivals": TotalRevivals,
"start_with_revive": StartWithRevive,
"item_pickup_step": ItemPickupStep,
"enable_lunar": AllowLunarItems,
"item_weights": ItemWeights,
"item_pool_presets": ItemPoolPresetToggle,