192 lines
9.1 KiB
192 lines
9.1 KiB
# A bunch of tests to verify MultiServer and custom webhost server work as expected.
# This spawns processes and may modify your local AP, so this is not run as part of unit testing.
# Run with `python test/hosting` instead,
import logging
import traceback
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from time import sleep
from typing import Any
from test.hosting.client import Client
from test.hosting.generate import generate_local
from test.hosting.serve import ServeGame, LocalServeGame, WebHostServeGame
from test.hosting.webhost import (create_room, get_app, get_multidata_for_room, set_multidata_for_room, start_room,
stop_autohost, upload_multidata)
from test.hosting.world import copy as copy_world, delete as delete_world
failure = False
fail_fast = True
def assert_true(condition: Any, msg: str = "") -> None:
global failure
if not condition:
failure = True
msg = f": {msg}" if msg else ""
raise AssertionError(f"Assertion failed{msg}")
def assert_equal(first: Any, second: Any, msg: str = "") -> None:
global failure
if first != second:
failure = True
msg = f": {msg}" if msg else ""
raise AssertionError(f"Assertion failed: {first} == {second}{msg}")
if fail_fast:
expect_true = assert_true
expect_equal = assert_equal
def expect_true(condition: Any, msg: str = "") -> None:
global failure
if not condition:
failure = True
tb = "".join(traceback.format_stack()[:-1])
msg = f": {msg}" if msg else ""
logging.error(f"Expectation failed{msg}\n{tb}")
def expect_equal(first: Any, second: Any, msg: str = "") -> None:
global failure
if first != second:
failure = True
tb = "".join(traceback.format_stack()[:-1])
msg = f": {msg}" if msg else ""
logging.error(f"Expectation failed {first} == {second}{msg}\n{tb}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)
spacer = '=' * 80
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
multis = [["Clique"], ["Temp World"], ["Clique", "Temp World"]]
p1_games = []
data_paths = []
rooms = []
copy_world("Clique", "Temp World")
for n, games in enumerate(multis, 1):
print(f"Generating [{n}] {', '.join(games)}")
multidata = generate_local(games, tempdir)
print(f"Generated [{n}] {', '.join(games)} as {multidata}\n")
delete_world("Temp World")
webapp = get_app(tempdir)
webhost_client = webapp.test_client()
for n, multidata in enumerate(data_paths, 1):
seed = upload_multidata(webhost_client, multidata)
room = create_room(webhost_client, seed)
print(f"Uploaded [{n}] {multidata} as {room}\n")
print("Starting autohost")
from WebHostLib.autolauncher import autohost
host: ServeGame
for n, (multidata, room, game, multi_games) in enumerate(zip(data_paths, rooms, p1_games, multis), 1):
involved_games = {"Archipelago"} | set(multi_games)
for collected_items in range(3):
print(f"\nTesting [{n}] {game} in {multidata} on MultiServer with {collected_items} items collected")
with LocalServeGame(multidata) as host:
with Client(host.address, game, "Player1") as client:
local_data_packages = client.games_packages
local_collected_items = len(client.checked_locations)
if collected_items < 2: # Clique only has 2 Locations
# TODO: Ctrl+C test here as well
for game_name in sorted(involved_games):
expect_true(game_name in local_data_packages,
f"{game_name} missing from MultiServer datap ackage")
expect_true("item_name_groups" not in local_data_packages.get(game_name, {}),
f"item_name_groups are not supposed to be in MultiServer data for {game_name}")
expect_true("location_name_groups" not in local_data_packages.get(game_name, {}),
f"location_name_groups are not supposed to be in MultiServer data for {game_name}")
for game_name in local_data_packages:
expect_true(game_name in involved_games,
f"Received unexpected extra data package for {game_name} from MultiServer")
assert_equal(local_collected_items, collected_items,
"MultiServer did not load or save correctly")
print(f"\nTesting [{n}] {game} in {multidata} on customserver with {collected_items} items collected")
prev_host_adr: str
with WebHostServeGame(webhost_client, room) as host:
prev_host_adr = host.address
with Client(host.address, game, "Player1") as client:
web_data_packages = client.games_packages
web_collected_items = len(client.checked_locations)
if collected_items < 2: # Clique only has 2 Locations
if collected_items == 1:
sleep(1) # wait for the server to collect the item
stop_autohost(True) # simulate Ctrl+C
autohost(webapp.config) # this will spin the room right up again
sleep(1) # make log less annoying
# if saving failed, the next iteration will fail below
# verify server shut down
with Client(prev_host_adr, game, "Player1") as client:
assert_true(False, "Server did not shut down")
except ConnectionError:
for game_name in sorted(involved_games):
expect_true(game_name in web_data_packages,
f"{game_name} missing from customserver data package")
expect_true("item_name_groups" not in web_data_packages.get(game_name, {}),
f"item_name_groups are not supposed to be in customserver data for {game_name}")
expect_true("location_name_groups" not in web_data_packages.get(game_name, {}),
f"location_name_groups are not supposed to be in customserver data for {game_name}")
for game_name in web_data_packages:
expect_true(game_name in involved_games,
f"Received unexpected extra data package for {game_name} from customserver")
assert_equal(web_collected_items, collected_items,
"customserver did not load or save correctly during/after "
+ ("Ctrl+C" if collected_items == 2 else "/exit"))
# compare customserver to MultiServer
expect_equal(local_data_packages, web_data_packages,
"customserver datapackage differs from MultiServer")
sleep(5.5) # make sure all tasks actually stopped
# raise an exception in customserver and verify the save doesn't get destroyed
# local variables room is the last room's id here
old_data = get_multidata_for_room(webhost_client, room)
print(f"Destroying multidata for {room}")
set_multidata_for_room(webhost_client, room, bytes([0]))
start_room(webhost_client, room, timeout=7)
except TimeoutError:
assert_true(False, "Room started with destroyed multidata")
print(f"Restoring multidata for {room}")
set_multidata_for_room(webhost_client, room, old_data)
with WebHostServeGame(webhost_client, room) as host:
with Client(host.address, game, "Player1") as client:
assert_equal(len(client.checked_locations), 2,
"Save was destroyed during exception in customserver")
print("Save file is not busted 🥳")
print("Stopping autohost")
if failure:
print("Some tests failed")