430 lines
17 KiB
430 lines
17 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import typing
import asyncio
import urllib.parse
import prompt_toolkit
import websockets
from prompt_toolkit.patch_stdout import patch_stdout
import Utils
from MultiServer import CommandProcessor
from NetUtils import Endpoint, decode, NetworkItem, encode, JSONtoTextParser, color, ClientStatus
from Utils import Version
# logging note:
# logging.* gets send to only the text console, logger.* gets send to the WebUI as well, if it's initialized.
from worlds import network_data_package
from worlds.alttp import Items, Regions
logger = logging.getLogger("Client")
class ClientCommandProcessor(CommandProcessor):
def __init__(self, ctx: CommonContext):
self.ctx = ctx
def output(self, text: str):
def _cmd_exit(self) -> bool:
"""Close connections and client"""
return True
def _cmd_connect(self, address: str = "") -> bool:
"""Connect to a MultiWorld Server"""
self.ctx.server_address = None
asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.connect(address if address else None))
return True
def _cmd_disconnect(self) -> bool:
"""Disconnect from a MultiWorld Server"""
self.ctx.server_address = None
return True
def _cmd_received(self) -> bool:
"""List all received items"""
logger.info('Received items:')
for index, item in enumerate(self.ctx.items_received, 1):
self.ctx.ui_node.notify_item_received(self.ctx.player_names[item.player], self.ctx.item_name_getter(item.item),
self.ctx.location_name_getter(item.location), index,
self.ctx.item_name_getter(item.item) in Items.progression_items)
logging.info('%s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)' % (
color(self.ctx.item_name_getter(item.item), 'red', 'bold'),
color(self.ctx.player_names[item.player], 'yellow'),
self.ctx.location_name_getter(item.location), index, len(self.ctx.items_received)))
return True
def _cmd_missing(self) -> bool:
"""List all missing location checks, from your local game state"""
count = 0
checked_count = 0
for location, location_id in Regions.lookup_name_to_id.items():
if location_id < 0:
if location_id not in self.ctx.locations_checked:
if location_id in self.ctx.missing_locations:
self.output('Missing: ' + location)
count += 1
elif location_id in self.ctx.checked_locations:
self.output('Checked: ' + location)
count += 1
checked_count += 1
if count:
f"Found {count} missing location checks{f'. {checked_count} location checks previously visited.' if checked_count else ''}")
self.output("No missing location checks found.")
return True
def _cmd_ready(self):
self.ctx.ready = not self.ctx.ready
if self.ctx.ready:
state = ClientStatus.CLIENT_READY
self.output("Readied up.")
state = ClientStatus.CLIENT_CONNECTED
asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": state}]))
def default(self, raw: str):
asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "Say", "text": raw}]))
class CommonContext():
starting_reconnect_delay = 5
current_reconnect_delay = starting_reconnect_delay
command_processor = ClientCommandProcessor
def __init__(self, server_address, password, found_items: bool):
# server state
self.server_address = server_address
self.password = password
self.server_task = None
self.server: typing.Optional[Endpoint] = None
self.server_version = Version(0, 0, 0)
# own state
self.finished_game = False
self.ready = False
self.found_items = found_items
self.team = None
self.slot = None
self.auth = None
self.ui_node = None
self.locations_checked: typing.Set[int] = set()
self.locations_scouted: typing.Set[int] = set()
self.items_received = []
self.missing_locations: typing.List[int] = []
self.checked_locations: typing.List[int] = []
self.locations_info = {}
self.input_queue = asyncio.Queue()
self.input_requests = 0
# game state
self.player_names: typing.Dict[int: str] = {}
self.exit_event = asyncio.Event()
self.watcher_event = asyncio.Event()
self.slow_mode = False
self.jsontotextparser = JSONtoTextParser(self)
async def connection_closed(self):
self.auth = None
self.items_received = []
self.locations_info = {}
self.server_version = Version(0, 0, 0)
if self.server and self.server.socket is not None:
await self.server.socket.close()
self.server = None
self.server_task = None
def set_getters(self, data_package: dict, network=False):
if not network: # local data; check if newer data was already downloaded
local_package = Utils.persistent_load().get("datapackage", {}).get("latest", {})
if local_package and local_package["version"] > network_data_package["version"]:
data_package: dict = local_package
elif network: # check if data from server is newer
for key, value in data_package.items():
if type(value) == dict: # convert to int keys
data_package[key] = \
{int(subkey) if subkey.isdigit() else subkey: subvalue for subkey, subvalue in value.items()}
if data_package["version"] > network_data_package["version"]:
Utils.persistent_store("datapackage", "latest", network_data_package)
item_lookup: dict = data_package["lookup_any_item_id_to_name"]
locations_lookup: dict = data_package["lookup_any_location_id_to_name"]
def get_item_name_from_id(code: int):
return item_lookup.get(code, f'Unknown item (ID:{code})')
self.item_name_getter = get_item_name_from_id
def get_location_name_from_address(address: int):
return locations_lookup.get(address, f'Unknown location (ID:{address})')
self.location_name_getter = get_location_name_from_address
def endpoints(self):
if self.server:
return [self.server]
return []
async def disconnect(self):
if self.server and not self.server.socket.closed:
await self.server.socket.close()
if self.server_task is not None:
await self.server_task
async def send_msgs(self, msgs):
if not self.server or not self.server.socket.open or self.server.socket.closed:
await self.server.socket.send(encode(msgs))
def consume_players_package(self, package: typing.List[tuple]):
self.player_names = {slot: name for team, slot, name, orig_name in package if self.team == team}
def event_invalid_slot(self):
raise Exception('Invalid Slot; please verify that you have connected to the correct world.')
async def server_auth(self, password_requested):
if password_requested and not self.password:
logger.info('Enter the password required to join this game:')
self.password = await self.console_input()
return self.password
async def console_input(self):
self.input_requests += 1
return await self.input_queue.get()
async def connect(self, address= None):
await self.disconnect()
self.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(self, address))
async def server_loop(ctx: CommonContext, address=None):
ui_node = getattr(ctx, "ui_node", None)
if ui_node:
cached_address = None
if ctx.server and ctx.server.socket:
logger.error('Already connected')
if address is None: # set through CLI or APBP
address = ctx.server_address
# Wait for the user to provide a multiworld server address
if not address:
logger.info('Please connect to an Archipelago server.')
if ui_node:
address = f"ws://{address}" if "://" not in address else address
port = urllib.parse.urlparse(address).port or 38281
logger.info(f'Connecting to Archipelago server at {address}')
socket = await websockets.connect(address, port=port, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None)
ctx.server = Endpoint(socket)
ctx.server_address = address
if ui_node:
ctx.current_reconnect_delay = ctx.starting_reconnect_delay
async for data in ctx.server.socket:
for msg in decode(data):
await process_server_cmd(ctx, msg)
logger.warning('Disconnected from multiworld server, type /connect to reconnect')
except ConnectionRefusedError:
if cached_address:
logger.error('Unable to connect to multiworld server at cached address. '
'Please use the connect button above.')
logger.error('Connection refused by the multiworld server')
except (OSError, websockets.InvalidURI):
logger.error('Failed to connect to the multiworld server')
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Lost connection to the multiworld server, type /connect to reconnect')
if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException):
await ctx.connection_closed()
if ctx.server_address:
logger.info(f"... reconnecting in {ctx.current_reconnect_delay}s")
if ui_node:
ctx.current_reconnect_delay *= 2
async def server_autoreconnect(ctx: CommonContext):
await asyncio.sleep(ctx.current_reconnect_delay)
if ctx.server_address and ctx.server_task is None:
ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx))
async def process_server_cmd(ctx: CommonContext, args: dict):
cmd = args["cmd"]
logger.exception(f"Could not get command from {args}")
if cmd == 'RoomInfo':
logger.info('Room Information:')
version = args["version"]
ctx.server_version = tuple(version)
version = ".".join(str(item) for item in version)
logger.info(f'Server protocol version: {version}')
logger.info("Server protocol tags: " + ", ".join(args["tags"]))
if args['password']:
logger.info('Password required')
logger.info(f"Forfeit setting: {args['forfeit_mode']}")
logger.info(f"Remaining setting: {args['remaining_mode']}")
logger.info(f"A !hint costs {args['hint_cost']} points and you get {args['location_check_points']}"
f" for each location checked.")
ctx.hint_cost = int(args['hint_cost'])
ctx.check_points = int(args['location_check_points'])
ctx.forfeit_mode = args['forfeit_mode']
ctx.remaining_mode = args['remaining_mode']
if ctx.ui_node:
if len(args['players']) < 1:
logger.info('No player connected')
current_team = -1
for team, slot, name in args['players']:
if team != current_team:
logger.info(f' Team #{team + 1}')
current_team = team
logger.info(' %s (Player %d)' % (name, slot))
if args["datapackage_version"] > network_data_package["version"]:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "GetDataPackage"}])
await ctx.server_auth(args['password'])
elif cmd == 'DataPackage':
logger.info("Got new ID/Name Datapackage")
ctx.set_getters(args['data'], network=True)
elif cmd == 'ConnectionRefused':
errors = args["errors"]
if 'InvalidSlot' in errors:
elif 'SlotAlreadyTaken' in errors:
raise Exception('Player slot already in use for that team')
elif 'IncompatibleVersion' in errors:
raise Exception('Server reported your client version as incompatible')
# last to check, recoverable problem
elif 'InvalidPassword' in errors:
logger.error('Invalid password')
ctx.password = None
await ctx.server_auth(True)
raise Exception("Unknown connection errors: " + str(errors))
raise Exception('Connection refused by the multiworld host, no reason provided')
elif cmd == 'Connected':
ctx.team = args["team"]
ctx.slot = args["slot"]
msgs = []
if ctx.locations_checked:
msgs.append({"cmd": "LocationChecks",
"locations": list(ctx.locations_checked)})
if ctx.locations_scouted:
msgs.append({"cmd": "LocationScouts",
"locations": list(ctx.locations_scouted)})
if msgs:
await ctx.send_msgs(msgs)
if ctx.finished_game:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": CLientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}])
# Get the server side view of missing as of time of connecting.
# This list is used to only send to the server what is reported as ACTUALLY Missing.
# This also serves to allow an easy visual of what locations were already checked previously
# when /missing is used for the client side view of what is missing.
ctx.missing_locations = args["missing_locations"]
ctx.checked_locations = args["checked_locations"]
elif cmd == 'ReceivedItems':
start_index = args["index"]
if start_index == 0:
ctx.items_received = []
elif start_index != len(ctx.items_received):
sync_msg = [{'cmd': 'Sync'}]
if ctx.locations_checked:
sync_msg.append({"cmd": "LocationChecks",
"locations": list(ctx.locations_checked)})
await ctx.send_msgs(sync_msg)
if start_index == len(ctx.items_received):
for item in args['items']:
elif cmd == 'LocationInfo':
for item, location, player in args['locations']:
if location not in ctx.locations_info:
ctx.locations_info[location] = (item, player)
elif cmd == "RoomUpdate":
if "players" in args:
if "hint_points" in args:
ctx.hint_points = args['hint_points']
elif cmd == 'Print':
elif cmd == 'PrintJSON':
if not ctx.found_items and args.get("type", None) == "ItemSend" and args["receiving"] == args["sending"]:
pass # don't want info on other player's local pickups.
elif cmd == 'InvalidArguments':
logger.warning(f"Invalid Arguments: {args['text']}")
logger.debug(f"unknown command {cmd}")
async def console_loop(ctx: CommonContext):
import sys
commandprocessor = ctx.command_processor(ctx)
while not ctx.exit_event.is_set():
input_text = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(
None, sys.stdin.readline
input_text = input_text.strip()
if ctx.input_requests > 0:
ctx.input_requests -= 1
if input_text:
except Exception as e: