
318 lines
14 KiB

from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld
from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule
from BaseClasses import Region, Item, ItemClassification, Entrance, Tutorial
from typing import List
from math import floor
from .Options import musedash_options
from .Items import MuseDashSongItem, MuseDashFixedItem
from .Locations import MuseDashLocation
from .MuseDashCollection import MuseDashCollections
class MuseDashWebWorld(WebWorld):
theme = "partyTime"
bug_report_page = ""
setup_en = Tutorial(
"Mod Setup and Use Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Muse Dash Archipelago Mod on your computer.",
tutorials = [setup_en]
class MuseDashWorld(World):
"""Muse Dash is a rhythm game where you hit objects to the beat of one of 400+ songs.
Play through a selection of randomly chosen songs, collecting music sheets
until you have enough to play and complete the goal song!"""
# - Album Rando.
# - Added items for characters/elfin/portraits.
# - Support for blacklisting/plando-ing certain songs.
# World Options
game = "Muse Dash"
option_definitions = musedash_options
topology_present = False
data_version = 9
web = MuseDashWebWorld()
# Necessary Data
md_collection = MuseDashCollections()
item_name_to_id = {name: code for name, code in md_collection.item_names_to_id.items()}
location_name_to_id = {name: code for name, code in md_collection.location_names_to_id.items()}
# Working Data
victory_song_name: str = ""
starting_songs: List[str]
included_songs: List[str]
needed_token_count: int
location_count: int
def generate_early(self):
dlc_songs = self.multiworld.allow_just_as_planned_dlc_songs[self.player]
streamer_mode = self.multiworld.streamer_mode_enabled[self.player]
(lower_diff_threshold, higher_diff_threshold) = self.get_difficulty_range()
# The minimum amount of songs to make an ok rando would be Starting Songs + 10 interim songs + Goal song.
# - Interim songs being equal to max starting song count.
# Note: The worst settings still allow 25 songs (Streamer Mode + No DLC).
starter_song_count = self.multiworld.starting_song_count[self.player].value
while True:
# In most cases this should only need to run once
available_song_keys = self.md_collection.get_songs_with_settings(
dlc_songs, streamer_mode, lower_diff_threshold, higher_diff_threshold)
available_song_keys = self.handle_plando(available_song_keys)
count_needed_for_start = max(0, starter_song_count - len(self.starting_songs))
if len(available_song_keys) + len(self.included_songs) >= count_needed_for_start + 11:
final_song_list = available_song_keys
# If the above fails, we want to adjust the difficulty thresholds.
# Easier first, then harder
if lower_diff_threshold <= 1 and higher_diff_threshold >= 11:
raise Exception("Failed to find enough songs, even with maximum difficulty thresholds.")
elif lower_diff_threshold <= 1:
higher_diff_threshold += 1
lower_diff_threshold -= 1
for song in self.starting_songs:
def handle_plando(self, available_song_keys: List[str]) -> List[str]:
song_items = self.md_collection.song_items
start_items = self.multiworld.start_inventory[self.player].value.keys()
include_songs = self.multiworld.include_songs[self.player].value
exclude_songs = self.multiworld.exclude_songs[self.player].value
self.starting_songs = [s for s in start_items if s in song_items]
self.included_songs = [s for s in include_songs if s in song_items and s not in self.starting_songs]
return [s for s in available_song_keys if s not in start_items
and s not in include_songs and s not in exclude_songs]
def create_song_pool(self, available_song_keys: List[str]):
starting_song_count = self.multiworld.starting_song_count[self.player].value
additional_song_count = self.multiworld.additional_song_count[self.player].value
# First, we must double check if the player has included too many guaranteed songs
included_song_count = len(self.included_songs)
if included_song_count > additional_song_count:
# If so, we want to thin the list, thus let's get the goal song and starter songs while we are at it.
self.victory_song_name = self.included_songs.pop()
while len(self.included_songs) > additional_song_count:
next_song = self.included_songs.pop()
if len(self.starting_songs) < starting_song_count:
# If not, choose a random victory song from the available songs
chosen_song = self.random.randrange(0, len(available_song_keys) + included_song_count)
if chosen_song < included_song_count:
self.victory_song_name = self.included_songs[chosen_song]
del self.included_songs[chosen_song]
self.victory_song_name = available_song_keys[chosen_song - included_song_count]
del available_song_keys[chosen_song - included_song_count]
# Next, make sure the starting songs are fufilled
if len(self.starting_songs) < starting_song_count:
for _ in range(len(self.starting_songs), starting_song_count):
if len(available_song_keys) > 0:
# Then attempt to fufill any remaining songs for interim songs
if len(self.included_songs) < additional_song_count:
for _ in range(len(self.included_songs), self.multiworld.additional_song_count[self.player]):
if len(available_song_keys) <= 0:
self.location_count = len(self.starting_songs) + len(self.included_songs)
location_multiplier = 1 + (self.get_additional_item_percentage() / 100.0)
self.location_count = floor(self.location_count * location_multiplier)
minimum_location_count = len(self.included_songs) + self.get_music_sheet_count()
if self.location_count < minimum_location_count:
self.location_count = minimum_location_count
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
if name == self.md_collection.MUSIC_SHEET_NAME:
return MuseDashFixedItem(name, ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing,
self.md_collection.MUSIC_SHEET_CODE, self.player)
trap = self.md_collection.vfx_trap_items.get(name)
if trap:
return MuseDashFixedItem(name, ItemClassification.trap, trap, self.player)
trap = self.md_collection.sfx_trap_items.get(name)
if trap:
return MuseDashFixedItem(name, ItemClassification.trap, trap, self.player)
album = self.md_collection.album_items.get(name)
if album:
return MuseDashSongItem(name, self.player, album)
song = self.md_collection.song_items.get(name)
return MuseDashSongItem(name, self.player, song)
def create_items(self) -> None:
song_keys_in_pool = self.included_songs.copy()
# Note: Item count will be off if plando is involved.
item_count = self.get_music_sheet_count()
# First add all goal song tokens
for _ in range(0, item_count):
# Then add all traps
trap_count = self.get_trap_count()
trap_list = self.get_available_traps()
if len(trap_list) > 0 and trap_count > 0:
for _ in range(0, trap_count):
index = self.random.randrange(0, len(trap_list))
item_count += trap_count
# Next fill all remaining slots with song items
needed_item_count = self.location_count
while item_count < needed_item_count:
# If we have more items needed than keys, just iterate the list and add them all
if len(song_keys_in_pool) <= needed_item_count - item_count:
for key in song_keys_in_pool:
item_count += len(song_keys_in_pool)
# Otherwise add a random assortment of songs
for i in range(0, needed_item_count - item_count):
item_count = needed_item_count
def create_regions(self) -> None:
menu_region = Region("Menu", self.player, self.multiworld)
song_select_region = Region("Song Select", self.player, self.multiworld)
self.multiworld.regions += [menu_region, song_select_region]
# Make a collection of all songs available for this rando.
# 1. All starting songs
# 2. All other songs shuffled
# Doing it in this order ensures that starting songs are first in line to getting 2 locations.
# Final song is excluded as for the purpose of this rando, it doesn't matter.
all_selected_locations = self.starting_songs.copy()
included_song_copy = self.included_songs.copy()
two_item_location_count = self.location_count - len(all_selected_locations)
# Make a region per song/album, then adds 1-2 item locations to them
for i in range(0, len(all_selected_locations)):
name = all_selected_locations[i]
region = Region(name, self.player, self.multiworld)
song_select_region.connect(region, name, lambda state, place=name: state.has(place, self.player))
# Up to 2 Locations are defined per song
region.add_locations({name + "-0": self.md_collection.song_locations[name + "-0"]}, MuseDashLocation)
if i < two_item_location_count:
region.add_locations({name + "-1": self.md_collection.song_locations[name + "-1"]}, MuseDashLocation)
def set_rules(self) -> None:
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: \
state.has(self.md_collection.MUSIC_SHEET_NAME, self.player, self.get_music_sheet_win_count())
def get_available_traps(self) -> List[str]:
dlc_songs = self.multiworld.allow_just_as_planned_dlc_songs[self.player]
trap_list = []
if self.multiworld.available_trap_types[self.player].value & 1 != 0:
trap_list += self.md_collection.vfx_trap_items.keys()
# SFX options are only available under Just as Planned DLC.
if dlc_songs and self.multiworld.available_trap_types[self.player].value & 2 != 0:
trap_list += self.md_collection.sfx_trap_items.keys()
return trap_list
def get_additional_item_percentage(self) -> int:
trap_count = self.multiworld.trap_count_percentage[self.player].value
song_count = self.multiworld.music_sheet_count_percentage[self.player].value
return max(trap_count + song_count, self.multiworld.additional_item_percentage[self.player].value)
def get_trap_count(self) -> int:
multiplier = self.multiworld.trap_count_percentage[self.player].value / 100.0
trap_count = (len(self.starting_songs) * 2) + len(self.included_songs)
return max(0, floor(trap_count * multiplier))
def get_music_sheet_count(self) -> int:
multiplier = self.multiworld.music_sheet_count_percentage[self.player].value / 100.0
song_count = (len(self.starting_songs) * 2) + len(self.included_songs)
return max(1, floor(song_count * multiplier))
def get_music_sheet_win_count(self) -> int:
multiplier = self.multiworld.music_sheet_win_count_percentage[self.player].value / 100.0
sheet_count = self.get_music_sheet_count()
return max(1, floor(sheet_count * multiplier))
def get_difficulty_range(self) -> List[int]:
difficulty_mode = self.multiworld.song_difficulty_mode[self.player]
# Valid difficulties are between 1 and 11. But make it 0 to 12 for safety
difficulty_bounds = [0, 12]
if difficulty_mode == 1:
difficulty_bounds[1] = 3
elif difficulty_mode == 2:
difficulty_bounds[0] = 4
difficulty_bounds[1] = 5
elif difficulty_mode == 3:
difficulty_bounds[0] = 6
difficulty_bounds[1] = 7
elif difficulty_mode == 4:
difficulty_bounds[0] = 8
difficulty_bounds[1] = 9
elif difficulty_mode == 5:
difficulty_bounds[0] = 10
elif difficulty_mode == 6:
minimum_difficulty = self.multiworld.song_difficulty_min[self.player].value
maximum_difficulty = self.multiworld.song_difficulty_max[self.player].value
difficulty_bounds[0] = min(minimum_difficulty, maximum_difficulty)
difficulty_bounds[1] = max(minimum_difficulty, maximum_difficulty)
return difficulty_bounds
def fill_slot_data(self):
return {
"victoryLocation": self.victory_song_name,
"deathLink": self.multiworld.death_link[self.player].value,
"musicSheetWinCount": self.get_music_sheet_win_count(),
"gradeNeeded": self.multiworld.grade_needed[self.player].value