773 lines
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773 lines
29 KiB
Application settings / host.yaml interface using type hints.
This is different from player settings.
import os.path
import shutil
import sys
import typing
import warnings
from enum import IntEnum
from threading import Lock
from typing import cast, Any, BinaryIO, ClassVar, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union, TypeVar
import os
__all__ = [
"get_settings", "fmt_doc", "no_gui",
"Group", "Bool", "Path", "UserFilePath", "UserFolderPath", "LocalFilePath", "LocalFolderPath",
"OptionalUserFilePath", "OptionalUserFolderPath", "OptionalLocalFilePath", "OptionalLocalFolderPath",
"GeneralOptions", "ServerOptions", "GeneratorOptions", "SNIOptions", "Settings"
no_gui = False
_world_settings_name_cache: Dict[str, str] = {} # TODO: cache on disk and update when worlds change
_world_settings_name_cache_updated = False
_lock = Lock()
def _update_cache() -> None:
"""Load all worlds and update world_settings_name_cache"""
global _world_settings_name_cache_updated
if _world_settings_name_cache_updated:
from worlds.AutoWorld import AutoWorldRegister
for world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.values():
annotation = world.__annotations__.get("settings", None)
if annotation is None or annotation == "ClassVar[Optional['Group']]":
_world_settings_name_cache[world.settings_key] = f"{world.__module__}.{world.__name__}"
_world_settings_name_cache_updated = True
def fmt_doc(cls: type, level: int) -> str:
comment = cls.__doc__
assert comment, f"{cls} has no __doc__"
indent = level * 2 * " "
return "\n".join(map(lambda s: f"{indent}# {s}", filter(None, map(lambda s: s.strip(), comment.split("\n")))))
class Group:
_type_cache: ClassVar[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]] = None
_dumping: bool = False
_has_attr: bool = False
_changed: bool = False
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
return getattr(self, key)
except NameError:
raise KeyError(key)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
cls_members = dir(self.__class__)
members = filter(lambda k: not k.startswith("_") and (k not in cls_members or k in self.__annotations__),
list(self.__annotations__) +
[name for name in dir(self) if name not in self.__annotations__])
return members.__iter__()
def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
self._has_attr = True
return hasattr(self, key)
self._has_attr = False
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
setattr(self, key, value)
def __getattribute__(self, item: str) -> Any:
attr = super().__getattribute__(item)
if isinstance(attr, Path) and not super().__getattribute__("_dumping"):
if attr.required and not attr.exists() and not super().__getattribute__("_has_attr"):
# if a file is required, and the one from settings does not exist, ask the user to provide it
# unless we are dumping the settings, because that would ask for each entry
with _lock: # lock to avoid opening multiple
new = None if no_gui else attr.browse()
if new is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{attr} does not exist, but "
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{item} is required")
setattr(self, item, new)
self._changed = True
attr = new
# resolve the path immediately when accessing it
return attr.__class__(attr.resolve())
return attr
def changed(self) -> bool:
return self._changed or any(map(lambda v: isinstance(v, Group) and v.changed,
def get_type_hints(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns resolved type hints for the class"""
if cls._type_cache is None:
if not isinstance(next(iter(cls.__annotations__.values())), str):
# non-str: assume already resolved
cls._type_cache = cls.__annotations__
# str: build dicts and resolve with eval
mod = sys.modules[cls.__module__] # assume the module wasn't deleted
mod_dict = {k: getattr(mod, k) for k in dir(mod)}
cls._type_cache = typing.get_type_hints(cls, globalns=mod_dict, localns=cls.__dict__)
return cls._type_cache
def get(self, key: str, default: Any) -> Any:
if key in self:
return self[key]
return default
def items(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]:
return [(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self]
def update(self, dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
assert isinstance(dct, dict), f"{self.__class__.__name__}.update called with " \
f"{dct.__class__.__name__} instead of dict."
for k in self.__annotations__:
if not k.startswith("_") and k not in dct:
self._changed = True # key missing from host.yaml
for k, v in dct.items():
# don't do getattr to stay lazy with world group init/loading
# instead we assign unknown groups as dicts and a later getattr will upcast them
attr = self.__dict__[k] if k in self.__dict__ else \
self.__class__.__dict__[k] if k in self.__class__.__dict__ else None
if isinstance(attr, Group):
# update group
if k not in self.__dict__:
attr = attr.__class__() # make a copy of default
setattr(self, k, attr)
elif isinstance(attr, dict):
# update dict
if k not in self.__dict__:
attr = attr.copy() # make a copy of default
setattr(self, k, attr)
# assign value, try to upcast to type hint
annotation = self.get_type_hints().get(k, None)
candidates = [] if annotation is None else \
typing.get_args(annotation) if typing.get_origin(annotation) is Union else [annotation]
none_type = type(None)
for cls in candidates:
assert isinstance(cls, type), f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{k}: type {cls} not supported in settings"
if v is None and cls is none_type:
# assign None, i.e. from Optional
setattr(self, k, v)
if cls is bool and isinstance(v, bool):
# assign bool - special handling because issubclass(int, bool) is True
setattr(self, k, v)
if cls is not bool and issubclass(cls, type(v)):
# upcast, i.e. int -> IntEnum, str -> Path
setattr(self, k, cls.__call__(v))
# assign scalar and hope for the best
setattr(self, k, v)
if annotation:
warnings.warn(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{k} "
f"assigned from incompatible type {type(v).__name__}")
def as_dict(self, *args: str, downcast: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
name: _to_builtin(cast(object, getattr(self, name))) if downcast else getattr(self, name)
for name in self if not args or name in args
def dump(self, f: TextIO, level: int = 0) -> None:
from Utils import dump, Dumper as BaseDumper
from yaml import ScalarNode, MappingNode
class Dumper(BaseDumper):
def represent_mapping(self, tag: str, mapping: Any, flow_style: Any = None) -> MappingNode:
res: MappingNode = super().represent_mapping(tag, mapping, flow_style)
pairs = cast(List[Tuple[ScalarNode, Any]], res.value)
for k, v in pairs:
k.style = None # remove quotes from keys
return res
def represent_str(self, data: str) -> ScalarNode:
# default double quote all strings
return self.represent_scalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", data, style='"')
Dumper.add_representer(str, Dumper.represent_str)
self._dumping = True
# fetch class to avoid going through getattr
cls = self.__class__
type_hints = cls.get_type_hints()
# validate group
for name in cls.__annotations__.keys():
assert hasattr(cls, name), f"{cls}.{name} is missing a default value"
# dump ordered members
for name in self:
attr = cast(object, getattr(self, name))
attr_cls = type_hints[name] if name in type_hints else attr.__class__
attr_cls_origin = typing.get_origin(attr_cls)
while attr_cls_origin is Union: # resolve to first type for doc string
attr_cls = typing.get_args(attr_cls)[0]
attr_cls_origin = typing.get_origin(attr_cls)
if attr_cls.__doc__ and attr_cls.__module__ != "builtins":
f.write(fmt_doc(attr_cls, level=level) + "\n")
indent = ' ' * level
if isinstance(attr, Group):
attr.dump(f, level=level+1)
elif isinstance(attr, (dict, list, tuple, set)):
# TODO: special handling for dicts and iterables
raise NotImplementedError()
yaml_line = dump({name: _to_builtin(attr)}, Dumper=Dumper)
self._changed = False
self._dumping = False
class Bool:
# can't subclass bool, so we use this and Union or type: ignore
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
# Types for generic settings
T = TypeVar("T", bound="Path")
def _resolve_exe(s: str) -> str:
"""Append exe file extension if the file is an executable"""
if isinstance(s, Path):
from Utils import is_windows
if s.is_exe and is_windows and not s.lower().endswith(".exe"):
return str(s + ".exe")
return str(s)
def _to_builtin(o: object) -> Any:
"""Downcast object to a builtin type for output"""
if o is None:
return None
c = o.__class__
while c.__module__ != "builtins":
c = c.__base__
return c.__call__(o)
class Path(str):
# paths in host.yaml are str
required: bool = True
"""Marks the file as required and opens a file browser when missing"""
is_exe: bool = False
"""Special cross-platform handling for executables"""
description: Optional[str] = None
"""Title to display when browsing for the file"""
copy_to: Optional[str] = None
"""If not None, copy to AP folder instead of linking it"""
def validate(cls, path: str) -> None:
"""Overload and raise to validate input files from browse"""
def browse(self: T, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[T]:
"""Opens a file browser to search for the file"""
raise NotImplementedError(f"Please use a subclass of Path for {self.__class__.__name__}")
def resolve(self) -> str:
return _resolve_exe(self)
def exists(self) -> bool:
return os.path.exists(self.resolve())
class _UserPath(str):
def resolve(self) -> str:
if os.path.isabs(self):
return str(self)
from Utils import user_path
return user_path(_resolve_exe(self))
class _LocalPath(str):
def resolve(self) -> str:
if os.path.isabs(self):
return str(self)
from Utils import local_path
return local_path(_resolve_exe(self))
class FilePath(Path):
# path to a file
md5s: ClassVar[List[Union[str, bytes]]] = []
"""MD5 hashes for default validator."""
def browse(self: T,
filetypes: Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Sequence[str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any)\
-> Optional[T]:
from Utils import open_filename, is_windows
if not filetypes:
if self.is_exe:
name, ext = "Program", ".exe" if is_windows else ""
ext = os.path.splitext(self)[1]
name = ext[1:] if ext else "File"
filetypes = [(name, [ext])]
res = open_filename(f"Select {self.description or self.__class__.__name__}", filetypes, self)
if res:
if self.copy_to:
# instead of linking the file, copy it
dst = self.__class__(self.copy_to).resolve()
shutil.copy(res, dst, follow_symlinks=True)
res = dst
rel = os.path.relpath(res, self.__class__("").resolve())
if not rel.startswith(".."):
res = rel
except ValueError:
return self.__class__(res)
return None
def _validate_stream_hashes(cls, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
"""Helper to efficiently validate stream against hashes"""
if not cls.md5s:
return # no hashes to validate against
pos = f.tell()
from hashlib import md5
file_md5 = md5()
block = bytearray(64*1024)
view = memoryview(block)
while n := f.readinto(view): # type: ignore
file_md5_hex = file_md5.hexdigest()
for valid_md5 in cls.md5s:
if isinstance(valid_md5, str):
if valid_md5.lower() == file_md5_hex:
elif valid_md5 == file_md5.digest():
raise ValueError(f"Hashes do not match for {cls.__name__}")
def validate(cls, path: str) -> None:
"""Try to open and validate file against hashes"""
with open(path, "rb", buffering=0) as f:
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"File hash does not match for {path}")
class FolderPath(Path):
# path to a folder
def browse(self: T, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[T]:
from Utils import open_directory
res = open_directory(f"Select {self.description or self.__class__.__name__}", self)
if res:
rel = os.path.relpath(res, self.__class__("").resolve())
if not rel.startswith(".."):
res = rel
except ValueError:
return self.__class__(res)
return None
class UserFilePath(_UserPath, FilePath):
class UserFolderPath(_UserPath, FolderPath):
class OptionalUserFilePath(UserFilePath):
required = False
class OptionalUserFolderPath(UserFolderPath):
required = False
class LocalFilePath(_LocalPath, FilePath):
class LocalFolderPath(_LocalPath, FolderPath):
class OptionalLocalFilePath(LocalFilePath):
required = False
class OptionalLocalFolderPath(LocalFolderPath):
required = False
class SNESRomPath(UserFilePath):
# Special UserFilePath that ignores an optional header when validating
def validate(cls, path: str) -> None:
"""Try to open and validate file against hashes"""
with open(path, "rb", buffering=0) as f:
f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
size = f.tell()
if size % 1024 == 512:
f.seek(512) # skip header
elif size % 1024 == 0:
f.seek(0) # header-less
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected file size for {path}")
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"File hash does not match for {path}")
# World-independent setting groups
class GeneralOptions(Group):
class OutputPath(OptionalUserFolderPath):
Where to place output files
# created on demand, so marked as optional
output_path: OutputPath = OutputPath("output")
class ServerOptions(Group):
Options for MultiServer
Null means nothing, for the server this means to default the value
These overwrite command line arguments!
class ServerPassword(str):
Allows for clients to log on and manage the server. If this is null, no remote administration is possible.
class DisableItemCheat(Bool):
"""Disallow !getitem"""
class LocationCheckPoints(int):
Client hint system
Points given to a player for each acquired item in their world
class HintCost(int):
Relative point cost to receive a hint via !hint for players
so for example hint_cost: 20 would mean that for every 20% of available checks, you get the ability to hint,
for a total of 5
class ReleaseMode(str):
Release modes
A Release sends out the remaining items *from* a world that releases
"disabled" -> clients can't release,
"enabled" -> clients can always release
"auto" -> automatic release on goal completion
"auto-enabled" -> automatic release on goal completion and manual release is also enabled
"goal" -> release is allowed after goal completion
class CollectMode(str):
Collect modes
A Collect sends the remaining items *to* a world that collects
"disabled" -> clients can't collect,
"enabled" -> clients can always collect
"auto" -> automatic collect on goal completion
"auto-enabled" -> automatic collect on goal completion and manual collect is also enabled
"goal" -> collect is allowed after goal completion
class RemainingMode(str):
Remaining modes
!remaining handling, that tells a client which items remain in their pool
"enabled" -> Client can always ask for remaining items
"disabled" -> Client can never ask for remaining items
"goal" -> Client can ask for remaining items after goal completion
class AutoShutdown(int):
"""Automatically shut down the server after this many seconds without new location checks, 0 to keep running"""
class Compatibility(IntEnum):
Compatibility handling
2 -> Recommended for casual/cooperative play, attempt to be compatible with everything across all versions
1 -> No longer in use, kept reserved in case of future use
0 -> Recommended for tournaments to force a level playing field, only allow an exact version match
OFF = 0
ON = 1
FULL = 2
class LogNetwork(IntEnum):
"""log all server traffic, mostly for dev use"""
OFF = 0
ON = 1
host: Optional[str] = None
port: int = 38281
password: Optional[str] = None
multidata: Optional[str] = None
savefile: Optional[str] = None
disable_save: bool = False
loglevel: str = "info"
server_password: Optional[ServerPassword] = None
disable_item_cheat: Union[DisableItemCheat, bool] = False
location_check_points: LocationCheckPoints = LocationCheckPoints(1)
hint_cost: HintCost = HintCost(10)
release_mode: ReleaseMode = ReleaseMode("goal")
collect_mode: CollectMode = CollectMode("goal")
remaining_mode: RemainingMode = RemainingMode("goal")
auto_shutdown: AutoShutdown = AutoShutdown(0)
compatibility: Compatibility = Compatibility(2)
log_network: LogNetwork = LogNetwork(0)
class GeneratorOptions(Group):
"""Options for Generation"""
class EnemizerPath(LocalFilePath):
"""Location of your Enemizer CLI, available here: https://github.com/Ijwu/Enemizer/releases"""
is_exe = True
class PlayerFilesPath(OptionalUserFolderPath):
"""Folder from which the player yaml files are pulled from"""
# created on demand, so marked as optional
class Players(int):
"""amount of players, 0 to infer from player files"""
class WeightsFilePath(str):
general weights file, within the stated player_files_path location
gets used if players is higher than the amount of per-player files found to fill remaining slots
# this is special because the path is relative to player_files_path
class MetaFilePath(str):
"""Meta file name, within the stated player_files_path location"""
# this is special because the path is relative to player_files_path
class Spoiler(IntEnum):
Create a spoiler file
0 -> None
1 -> Spoiler without playthrough or paths to playthrough required items
2 -> Spoiler with playthrough (viable solution to goals)
3 -> Spoiler with playthrough and traversal paths towards items
NONE = 0
FULL = 3
class GlitchTriforceRoom(IntEnum):
Glitch to Triforce room from Ganon
When disabled, you have to have a weapon that can hurt ganon (master sword or swordless/easy item functionality
+ hammer) and have completed the goal required for killing ganon to be able to access the triforce room.
1 -> Enabled.
0 -> Disabled (except in no-logic)
OFF = 0
ON = 1
class PlandoOptions(str):
List of options that can be plando'd. Can be combined, for example "bosses, items"
Available options: bosses, items, texts, connections
class Race(IntEnum):
"""Create encrypted race roms and flag games as race mode"""
OFF = 0
ON = 1
enemizer_path: EnemizerPath = EnemizerPath("EnemizerCLI/EnemizerCLI.Core") # + ".exe" is implied on Windows
player_files_path: PlayerFilesPath = PlayerFilesPath("Players")
players: Players = Players(0)
weights_file_path: WeightsFilePath = WeightsFilePath("weights.yaml")
meta_file_path: MetaFilePath = MetaFilePath("meta.yaml")
spoiler: Spoiler = Spoiler(3)
glitch_triforce_room: GlitchTriforceRoom = GlitchTriforceRoom(1) # why is this here?
race: Race = Race(0)
plando_options: PlandoOptions = PlandoOptions("bosses")
class SNIOptions(Group):
class SNIPath(LocalFolderPath):
Set this to your SNI folder location if you want the MultiClient to attempt an auto start, \
does nothing if not found
class SnesRomStart(str):
Set this to false to never autostart a rom (such as after patching)
True for operating system default program
Alternatively, a path to a program to open the .sfc file with
sni_path: SNIPath = SNIPath("SNI")
snes_rom_start: Union[SnesRomStart, bool] = True
# Top-level group with lazy loading of worlds
class Settings(Group):
general_options: GeneralOptions = GeneralOptions()
server_options: ServerOptions = ServerOptions()
generator: GeneratorOptions = GeneratorOptions()
sni_options: SNIOptions = SNIOptions()
_filename: Optional[str] = None
def __getattribute__(self, key: str) -> Any:
if key.startswith("_") or key in self.__class__.__dict__:
# not a group or a hard-coded group
elif key not in dir(self) or isinstance(super().__getattribute__(key), dict):
# settings class not loaded yet
if key not in _world_settings_name_cache:
# find world that provides the settings class
# check for missing keys to update _changed
for world_settings_name in _world_settings_name_cache:
if world_settings_name not in dir(self):
self._changed = True
if key not in _world_settings_name_cache:
# not a world group
return super().__getattribute__(key)
# directly import world and grab settings class
world_mod, world_cls_name = _world_settings_name_cache[key].rsplit(".", 1)
world = cast(type, getattr(__import__(world_mod, fromlist=[world_cls_name]), world_cls_name))
assert getattr(world, "settings_key") == key
cls_or_name = world.__annotations__["settings"]
except KeyError:
import warnings
warnings.warn(f"World {world_cls_name} does not define settings. Please consider upgrading the world.")
return super().__getattribute__(key)
if isinstance(cls_or_name, str):
# Try to resolve type. Sadly we can't use get_type_hints, see https://bugs.python.org/issue43463
cls_name = cls_or_name
if "[" in cls_name: # resolve ClassVar[]
cls_name = cls_name.split("[", 1)[1].rsplit("]", 1)[0]
cls = cast(type, getattr(__import__(world_mod, fromlist=[cls_name]), cls_name))
type_args = typing.get_args(cls_or_name) # resolve ClassVar[]
cls = type_args[0] if type_args else cast(type, cls_or_name)
impl: Group = cast(Group, cls())
assert isinstance(impl, Group), f"{world_cls_name}.settings has to inherit from settings.Group. " \
"If that's already the case, please avoid recursive partial imports."
# above assert fails for recursive partial imports
# upcast loaded data to settings class
dct = super().__getattribute__(key)
if isinstance(dct, dict):
self._changed = True # key is a class var -> new section
except AttributeError:
self._changed = True # key is unknown -> new section
setattr(self, key, impl)
return super().__getattribute__(key)
def __init__(self, location: Optional[str]): # change to PathLike[str] once we drop 3.8?
if location:
from Utils import parse_yaml
with open(location, encoding="utf-8-sig") as f:
options = parse_yaml(f.read())
# TODO: detect if upgrade is required
# TODO: once we have a cache for _world_settings_name_cache, detect if any game section is missing
self.update(options or {})
self._filename = location
def autosave() -> None:
if self._filename and self.changed:
import atexit
def save(self, location: Optional[str] = None) -> None: # as above
location = location or self._filename
assert location, "No file specified"
# can't use utf-8-sig because it breaks backward compat: pyyaml on Windows with bytes does not strip the BOM
with open(location, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
self._filename = location
def dump(self, f: TextIO, level: int = 0) -> None:
# load all world setting classes
for key in _world_settings_name_cache:
self.__getattribute__(key) # load all worlds
super().dump(f, level)
def filename(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._filename
# host.yaml loader
def get_settings() -> Settings:
"""Returns settings from the default host.yaml"""
with _lock: # make sure we only have one instance
res = getattr(get_settings, "_cache", None)
if not res:
import os
from Utils import user_path, local_path
filenames = ("options.yaml", "host.yaml")
locations: List[str] = []
if os.path.join(os.getcwd()) != local_path():
locations += filenames # use files from cwd only if it's not the local_path
locations += [user_path(filename) for filename in filenames]
for location in locations:
res = Settings(location)
except FileNotFoundError:
warnings.warn(f"Could not find {filenames[1]} to load options. Creating a new one.")
res = Settings(None)
setattr(get_settings, "_cache", res)
return res