
102 lines
3.6 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ..content import StardewContent
from ..options import StardewValleyOptions, ExcludeGingerIsland, FestivalLocations, SkillProgression
from ..strings.crop_names import Fruit
from ..strings.currency_names import Currency
from ..strings.quality_names import CropQuality, FishQuality, ForageQuality
class BundleItemSource(ABC):
def can_appear(self, options: StardewValleyOptions) -> bool:
class VanillaItemSource(BundleItemSource):
def can_appear(self, options: StardewValleyOptions) -> bool:
return True
class IslandItemSource(BundleItemSource):
def can_appear(self, options: StardewValleyOptions) -> bool:
return options.exclude_ginger_island == ExcludeGingerIsland.option_false
class FestivalItemSource(BundleItemSource):
def can_appear(self, options: StardewValleyOptions) -> bool:
return options.festival_locations != FestivalLocations.option_disabled
class MasteryItemSource(BundleItemSource):
def can_appear(self, options: StardewValleyOptions) -> bool:
return options.skill_progression == SkillProgression.option_progressive_with_masteries
class ContentItemSource(BundleItemSource):
"""This is meant to be used for items that are managed by the content packs."""
def can_appear(self, options: StardewValleyOptions) -> bool:
raise ValueError("This should not be called, check if the item is in the content instead.")
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class BundleItem:
class Sources:
vanilla = VanillaItemSource()
island = IslandItemSource()
festival = FestivalItemSource()
masteries = MasteryItemSource()
content = ContentItemSource()
item_name: str
amount: int = 1
quality: str = CropQuality.basic
source: BundleItemSource = Sources.vanilla
flavor: str = None
can_have_quality: bool = True
def money_bundle(amount: int) -> BundleItem:
return BundleItem(, amount)
def get_item(self) -> str:
if self.flavor is None:
return self.item_name
return f"{self.item_name} [{self.flavor}]"
def as_amount(self, amount: int) -> BundleItem:
return BundleItem(self.item_name, amount, self.quality, self.source, self.flavor)
def as_quality(self, quality: str) -> BundleItem:
if self.can_have_quality:
return BundleItem(self.item_name, self.amount, quality, self.source, self.flavor)
return BundleItem(self.item_name, self.amount, self.quality, self.source, self.flavor)
def as_quality_crop(self) -> BundleItem:
amount = 5
difficult_crops = [Fruit.sweet_gem_berry, Fruit.ancient_fruit]
if self.item_name in difficult_crops:
amount = 1
return self.as_quality(
def as_quality_fish(self) -> BundleItem:
return self.as_quality(
def as_quality_forage(self) -> BundleItem:
return self.as_quality(
def __repr__(self):
quality = "" if self.quality == CropQuality.basic else self.quality
return f"{self.amount} {quality} {self.get_item()}"
def can_appear(self, content: StardewContent, options: StardewValleyOptions) -> bool:
if isinstance(self.source, ContentItemSource):
return self.get_item() in content.game_items
return self.source.can_appear(options)