
293 lines
11 KiB

import functools
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set
from BaseClasses import Entrance, CollectionState, Item, Location, MultiWorld, Region, Tutorial
from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from . import Items, Locations, Maps, Regions, Rules
from .Options import HereticOptions
logger = logging.getLogger("Heretic")
class HereticLocation(Location):
game: str = "Heretic"
class HereticItem(Item):
game: str = "Heretic"
class HereticWeb(WebWorld):
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Heretic randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld",
theme = "dirt"
class HereticWorld(World):
Heretic is a dark fantasy first-person shooter video game released in December 1994. It was developed by Raven Software.
options_dataclass = HereticOptions
options: HereticOptions
game = "Heretic"
web = HereticWeb()
data_version = 3
required_client_version = (0, 3, 9)
item_name_to_id = {data["name"]: item_id for item_id, data in Items.item_table.items()}
item_name_groups = Items.item_name_groups
location_name_to_id = {data["name"]: loc_id for loc_id, data in Locations.location_table.items()}
location_name_groups = Locations.location_name_groups
starting_level_for_episode: List[str] = [
"The Docks (E1M1)",
"The Crater (E2M1)",
"The Storehouse (E3M1)",
"Catafalque (E4M1)",
"Ochre Cliffs (E5M1)"
boss_level_for_episode: List[str] = [
"Hell's Maw (E1M8)",
"The Portals of Chaos (E2M8)",
"D'Sparil'S Keep (E3M8)",
"Shattered Bridge (E4M8)",
"Field of Judgement (E5M8)"
# Item ratio that scales depending on episode count. These are the ratio for 1 episode.
items_ratio: Dict[str, float] = {
"Timebomb of the Ancients": 16,
"Tome of Power": 16,
"Silver Shield": 10,
"Enchanted Shield": 5,
"Morph Ovum": 3,
"Mystic Urn": 2,
"Chaos Device": 1,
"Ring of Invincibility": 1,
"Shadowsphere": 1
def __init__(self, multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int):
self.included_episodes = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
self.location_count = 0
super().__init__(multiworld, player)
def get_episode_count(self):
return functools.reduce(lambda count, episode: count + episode, self.included_episodes)
def generate_early(self):
# Cache which episodes are included
self.included_episodes[0] = self.options.episode1.value
self.included_episodes[1] = self.options.episode2.value
self.included_episodes[2] = self.options.episode3.value
self.included_episodes[3] = self.options.episode4.value
self.included_episodes[4] = self.options.episode5.value
# If no episodes selected, select Episode 1
if self.get_episode_count() == 0:
self.included_episodes[0] = 1
def create_regions(self):
pro =
check_sanity = self.options.check_sanity.value
# Main regions
menu_region = Region("Menu", self.player, self.multiworld)
hub_region = Region("Hub", self.player, self.multiworld)
self.multiworld.regions += [menu_region, hub_region]
# Create regions and locations
main_regions = []
connections = []
for region_dict in Regions.regions:
if not self.included_episodes[region_dict["episode"] - 1]:
region_name = region_dict["name"]
if region_dict["connects_to_hub"]:
region = Region(region_name, self.player, self.multiworld)
loc["name"]: loc_id
for loc_id, loc in Locations.location_table.items()
if loc["region"] == region_name and (not loc["check_sanity"] or check_sanity)
}, HereticLocation)
for connection_dict in region_dict["connections"]:
# Check if it's a pro-only connection
if connection_dict["pro"] and not pro:
connections.append((region, connection_dict["target"]))
# Connect main regions to Hub
# Do the other connections between regions (They are not all both ways)
for connection in connections:
source = connection[0]
target = self.multiworld.get_region(connection[1], self.player)
entrance = Entrance(self.player, f"{} -> {}", source)
# Sum locations for items creation
self.location_count = len(self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player))
def completion_rule(self, state: CollectionState):
goal_levels = Maps.map_names
if self.options.goal.value:
goal_levels = self.boss_level_for_episode
for map_name in goal_levels:
if map_name + " - Exit" not in self.location_name_to_id:
# Exit location names are in form: The Docks (E1M1) - Exit
loc = Locations.location_table[self.location_name_to_id[map_name + " - Exit"]]
if not self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1]:
# Map complete item names are in form: The Docks (E1M1) - Complete
if not state.has(map_name + " - Complete", self.player, 1):
return False
return True
def set_rules(self):
pro =
allow_death_logic = self.options.allow_death_logic.value
Rules.set_rules(self, self.included_episodes, pro)
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: self.completion_rule(state)
# Forbid progression items to locations that can be missed and can't be picked up. (e.g. One-time timed
# platform) Unless the user allows for it.
if not allow_death_logic:
for death_logic_location in Locations.death_logic_locations:
def create_item(self, name: str) -> HereticItem:
item_id: int = self.item_name_to_id[name]
return HereticItem(name, Items.item_table[item_id]["classification"], item_id, self.player)
def create_items(self):
itempool: List[HereticItem] = []
start_with_map_scrolls: bool = self.options.start_with_map_scrolls.value
# Items
for item_id, item in Items.item_table.items():
if item["doom_type"] == HERETIC_TYPE_LEVEL_COMPLETE:
continue # We'll fill it manually later
if item["doom_type"] == HERETIC_TYPE_MAP_SCROLL and start_with_map_scrolls:
continue # We'll fill it manually, and we will put fillers in place
if item["episode"] != -1 and not self.included_episodes[item["episode"] - 1]:
count = item["count"] if item["name"] not in self.starting_level_for_episode else item["count"] - 1
itempool += [self.create_item(item["name"]) for _ in range(count)]
# Place end level items in locked locations
for map_name in Maps.map_names:
loc_name = map_name + " - Exit"
item_name = map_name + " - Complete"
if loc_name not in self.location_name_to_id:
if item_name not in self.item_name_to_id:
loc = Locations.location_table[self.location_name_to_id[loc_name]]
if not self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1]:
self.multiworld.get_location(loc_name, self.player).place_locked_item(self.create_item(item_name))
self.location_count -= 1
# Give starting levels right away
for i in range(len(self.included_episodes)):
if self.included_episodes[i]:
# Give Computer area maps if option selected
if self.options.start_with_map_scrolls.value:
for item_id, item_dict in Items.item_table.items():
item_episode = item_dict["episode"]
if item_episode > 0:
if item_dict["doom_type"] == HERETIC_TYPE_MAP_SCROLL and self.included_episodes[item_episode - 1]:
# Fill the rest starting with powerups, then fillers
self.create_ratioed_items("Chaos Device", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Morph Ovum", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Mystic Urn", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Ring of Invincibility", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Shadowsphere", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Timebomb of the Ancients", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Tome of Power", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Silver Shield", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Enchanted Shield", itempool)
while len(itempool) < self.location_count:
# add itempool to multiworld
self.multiworld.itempool += itempool
def get_filler_item_name(self):
return self.multiworld.random.choice([
"Quartz Flask",
"Crystal Geode",
"Energy Orb",
"Greater Runes",
"Inferno Orb",
"Pile of Mace Spheres",
"Quiver of Ethereal Arrows"
def create_ratioed_items(self, item_name: str, itempool: List[HereticItem]):
remaining_loc = self.location_count - len(itempool)
if remaining_loc <= 0:
episode_count = self.get_episode_count()
count = min(remaining_loc, max(1, self.items_ratio[item_name] * episode_count))
if count == 0:
logger.warning("Warning, no " + item_name + " will be placed.")
for i in range(count):
def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
slot_data = self.options.as_dict("goal", "difficulty", "random_monsters", "random_pickups", "random_music", "allow_death_logic", "pro", "death_link", "reset_level_on_death", "check_sanity")
# Make sure we send proper episode settings
slot_data["episode1"] = self.included_episodes[0]
slot_data["episode2"] = self.included_episodes[1]
slot_data["episode3"] = self.included_episodes[2]
slot_data["episode4"] = self.included_episodes[3]
slot_data["episode5"] = self.included_episodes[4]
return slot_data